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University of Groningen Effects of lower extremity power training on gait biomechanics in old adults Beijersbergen, Chantal


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Effects of lower extremity power training on gait biomechanics in old adults Beijersbergen, Chantal

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Publication date: 2017

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Citation for published version (APA):

Beijersbergen, C. (2017). Effects of lower extremity power training on gait biomechanics in old adults: The Potsdam Gait Study (POGS). Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen Processed on: 23-5-2017 Processed on: 23-5-2017 Processed on: 23-5-2017

Processed on: 23-5-2017 PDF page: 1PDF page: 1PDF page: 1PDF page: 1

Effects of lower extremity power training

on gait biomechanics in old adults

The Potsdam Gait Study (POGS)


510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen Processed on: 23-5-2017 Processed on: 23-5-2017 Processed on: 23-5-2017

Processed on: 23-5-2017 PDF page: 2PDF page: 2PDF page: 2PDF page: 2 Training of the author in biomechanical gait analysis was facilitated by the Kinesiology

Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, USA.The Potsdam Gait Study described in this thesis has been conducted at the Division of Training and Movement Science, Potsdam University, Potsdam, Germany. Data management and analysis were performed at the Center for Human Movement Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands.

Printing of this thesis was financially supported by: University Medical Center Groningen

University of Groningen Research Institute SHARE

Paranimfen: Tryntsje Fokkema Martijn Gäbler

Design and layout: Mieke van de Wetering Printed by: Ipskamp Printing, Enschede

ISBN: 978-90-367-9895-2 (printed version) ISBN: 978-90-367-9894-5 (electronic version)

This thesis was printed on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) certified paper.

Copyright © CMI Beijersbergen 2017

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from the author.


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Processed on: 23-5-2017 PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3

Effects of lower extremity power training

on gait biomechanics in old adults

The Potsdam Gait Study (POGS)


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. E. Sterken en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 5 juli 2017 om 11.00 uur


Chantal Monica Ingeborg Beijersbergen

geboren op 27 mei 1990 te 's-Gravenhage


510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen 510233-L-bw-beijersbergen Processed on: 23-5-2017 Processed on: 23-5-2017 Processed on: 23-5-2017

Processed on: 23-5-2017 PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4

Promotores Prof. dr. T. Hortobágyi Prof. dr. P. DeVita Prof. dr. U. Granacher Beoordelingscommissie Prof. dr. M. Pijnappels Prof. dr. H.H.C.M. Savelberg Prof. dr. W. Zijlstra


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Processed on: 23-5-2017 PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5


I sincerely thank my thesis committee prof. dr. Tibor Hortobágyi, prof. dr. Paul DeVita, and prof. dr. Urs Granacher. Y'all provided me the great opportunity to perfrom research in your laboratories, which I very much enjoyed. In addition, y'all never stopped sharing your expertise and enthusiasm for research, biomechanics, exercise training, and aging. I learned an awesome lot and had a lot of fun.

I also thank participants who volunteerded, students who gave their time, colleagues, friends, and my family. Y'all at one stage, professionally or personally, contributed to the realization of this thesis.


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Processed on: 23-5-2017 PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7


Chapter 1 General introduction

Chapter 2 The biomechanical mechanism of how strength

and power training improves walking speed in old adults remains unknown

Chapter 3 Effects of power training on mobility and gait

biomechanics in old adults with moderate mobility disability: protocol and design of the Potsdam Gait Study (POGS)

Chapter 4 Kinematic mechanisms of how power training

improves healthy old adults’ gait velocity

Chapter 5 Hip mechanics underlie lower extremity power

training-induced increase in old adults’ fast gait velocity: The Potsdam Gait Study (POGS)

Chapter 6 Power training-induced increases in muscle

activation during gait in old adults

Chapter 7 General discussion


A. Supplementary data chapter 2 B. Supplementary data chapter 4 C. Supplementary data chapter 5 D. Summary (ENG)

E. Samenvatting (NL) F. Curriculum Vitae

G. Research Institute SHARE

9 19 41 55 73 87 103 113


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Download date: 24-06-2021.. This thesis examined the effects of age on gait adaptability following experimentally induced fatigue. Figure 1 illustrates the experimental design

effects on muscle activation, voluntary force, and motor function, producing minimal changes in stride outcomes and gait dynamics after rSTS, as seen in Chapter 3. In

Repetitive sit-to-stand provided limited scope to probe the age- effects on stride outcomes in gait and posture. Even with limited effect, repetitive sit-to-stand task

By using the knowledge gained from chapter 2, chapter 3 provides a detailed description of the design and methodology of the Potsdam Gait Study (POGS), which aims to determine

Because the largest declines occur in plantarflexor compared with knee and hip joint powers during gait (Fig. 2.1), we identified studies that measured the changes in

The Potsdam Gait Study (POGS) will examine the effects of 10 weeks of power training and detraining on leg muscle power and, for the first time, on complete gait

A 10-wk lower extremity power training program improved plantarflexor, knee extensor, and knee flexor power and fast gait velocity but had no effects on healthy old adults’ habitual

Faster walking generally requires greater H1, K2, and A2 work [7,21] and positive work generated at the hip and ankle generally contributes to the forward propulsion of the