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Cover Page The handle


Academic year: 2021

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Cover Page

The handle


holds various files of this Leiden University


Author: Strunks, G.D.



Curriculum Vitae

Gary Strunks was born on the 18th of March, 1986, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. He grew




In 2013, he started his PhD study with Prof Tony Durston and Prof Herman Spaink at the Institute of Biology, Leiden University.. His PhD project, entitled “A time-space

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He started his PhD at Leiden University in 2013, where he worked as a researcher to the project ‘Eurasian Empires’, funded by NOW (Dutch National Research

After he received his MSc degree in August 2011, he started his PhD research in the group of Molecular and Developmental Genetics of the Institute Biology Leiden under the

In 2010, he received the bachelor degree and started his master study in School of Mathematics at the Southwest Jiaotong University.. In 2014, he received his master degree with

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It always bothered me as a sociologist, that Girard, in developing a social theory, never argued like a sociologist I think that I know what the reason is. Taking sociological

In February 2014, Dong started his PhD project, funded by European Research Council, at the Mathematical Institute, Leiden University.. He conducted the research concentrated