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Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook September 18


Academic year: 2022

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Questions or comments about this product may be directed to Wassila.Thiaw@noaa.gov or 1-301-683-3424.

Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook September 18 – September 24, 2014

Moderate to heavy rain continued across central/northern Haiti and the Dominican Republic.

During the past seven days, moderate to heavy rain (10-40mm) was observed across central/northern Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Rain gauges in the Dominican Republic recorded between 10-20mm during the past week in eastern Dominican Republic with lighter showers recorded elsewhere. While northern/central/eastern parts of Hispaniola observed average to above-average weekly rains, light rains (<10mm) were observed across the southern peninsula of Haiti which increased long- term rainfall deficits. Over the past thirty-days, rainfall has improved across Hispaniola leading to above-average rainfall in eastern Dominican Republic. However, rains continue to be below-average across southern Haiti. Dating back to August 1st, seasonal rains across the southern peninsula of Haiti are 25-80% of normal, which has led to dryness. The extended dryness is also reflected in negative NDVI anomalies indicating poor ground conditions throughout southern Haiti, bordering areas in the Dominican Republic as well as northern Dominican Republic. The recent increase in rains has provided needed ground moisture but additional precipitation is needed to continue to improve ground conditions. For the next week, lighter amounts of rain (5- 30mm) are forecast for much of Hispaniola with the heaviest rain (20-40mm) expected across central Dominican Republic and localized areas in central Haiti. Elsewhere, light rains are forecast which is likely to increase rainfall deficits.



The heaviest rainfall totals (&gt;30mm) were located along the northern coastline of the Dominican Republic, although heavy rains were also observed across southeastern

Even though NDVI anomalies indicate poor ground conditions, a recent increase in rains during the past thirty-days has led to seasonal rainfall amounts close to average

During the past week, the western two-thirds of the Island received moderate to heavy rains, with torrential rains throughout the northern departments of Haiti and northwestern

Seasonal percent of normal rainfall less than 25% can be observed in the Sud Department of Haiti and along the southern coast of the Dominican Republic with a much broader area

According to satellite rainfall estimates, the highest rainfall accumulations (&gt;100mm) was observed over the Artibonite, Centre and Ouest departments with more

The storm remained weaker and farther south than originally forecast but still brought some beneficial rainfall to south-central portions of the Dominican Republic and the

The southern tip of the Dominican Republic, as well as some northern and eastern coastal areas, received very little rainfall this past week.. Over the previous 90-day

The southern tip of the Dominican Republic, as well as areas around Puerto Plata and Santiago, received very little rainfall this past week.. Over the previous 90-day period,