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(1)During the period from October the African portion of the ITCZ was located near 12.8 degrees north latitude, when averaged from 15W-35E


Academic year: 2022

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During the period from October 21 – 31, 2006, the African portion of the ITCZ was located near 12.8 degrees north latitude, when averaged from 15W-35E. This position was around 0.5 degrees north of the climatological mean, and nearly two degrees south from its position during the second dekad of October (See Figure 1). In the west (from 10W-10E), the ITCZ was located near 13.5N, compared with the mean location of around 12.9N, and a position last year of 12.0N (Figure 2). In the east (20E-35E), the ITCZ was located near 12.8N, compared with a climatological mean of 11.4N, and a position last year of near 10.7N. The latest movement of the convergence zone typifies the southward retreat during the final stages of October. One can expect the ITCZ to continue a rapid progression to the south in the weeks to come. Note that this is the final analysis of the year; monitoring will resume during the first dekad of April 2007.

Please send any comments / requests to Tim.Love@noaa.gov.

Figure 1

Figure 3 Figure 2



The current versus mean situation can be seen in Figure 1, and it may be noted that the current ITCZ shows a slight southward bias compared to the climatological average, however

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During the period from July 1 - 10, 2007, the African portion of the ITCZ was located near 17.5 degrees north latitude when averaged over the ten day period and from 15W-35E..

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In the western areas (10W-10E), the ITCZ moved only slightly north during the current dekad, and is currently located near 16.1N compared with a normal location

From May 21-31, 2005, the African portion of the Intertropical Discontinuity was located near 14.8 degrees north latitude, compared to the climatological mean of 14.1 north and

During the period from October 1 - 10, 2008, the African portion of the Intertropical Front (ITF) was located at around 15.6 degrees north latitude, compared to the mean of