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University of Groningen Conflicted clocks: social jetlag, entrainment and the role of chronotype Zerbini, Giulia


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University of Groningen

Conflicted clocks: social jetlag, entrainment and the role of chronotype Zerbini, Giulia

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Zerbini, G. (2017). Conflicted clocks: social jetlag, entrainment and the role of chronotype: From physiology to academic performance; from students to working adults. University of Groningen.


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Taken together, several studies that have assessed chronotype, while controlling for different factors, have found that evening (late) types obtain lower achievements at

The average light intensities (relative light levels) in bins of 1 hour were calculated during the two weeks of baseline (grey), the first (red) and second (light

We found an annual rhythm in school attendance with a winter peak in late arrivals, dismissals from class, sick leaves, and sick leave duration.. Day length and weather conditions

On a workday (red) and on a work-free day (green), participants took 7 hourly saliva samples to assess DLMO. Paired sample t-tests were run to compare the sleep variables

Dim-light melatonin onset (DLMO) is represented by the black triangles. The yellow area shows the optimal biological sleep window that is determined by the

With our studies, we have increased our understanding of how chronotype impacts school performance and attendance by showing that the chronotype-effect on grades

Het doel van hoofdstuk 7 en 8 was om het entraineren in natuurlijke omstandigheden beter te begrijpen door vast te stellen wat het effect van seizoen (fotoperiode) en week structuur

I nostri studi hanno apportato un contributo fondamentale nella letteratura sulla relazione fra cronotipo e prestazione scolastica, mostrando che l’effetto del cronotipo