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An Improved Algorithm for Discrete L1 Linear Approximation


Academic year: 2021

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Citation for this paper:

Barrodale, I. & Roberts, F.D.K. (1972). An Improved Algorithm for Discrete L1 Linear Approximation. MRC Technical Summary Report #1172.

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Faculty of Engineering

Faculty Publications


An Improved Algorithm for Discrete L1 Linear Approximation Ian Barrodale and F.D.K. Roberts

MRC Technical Summary Report #1172 January 1972

A revised version of this internal report was later published in Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journal on Numerical Analysis:

October 1973, 10(5), 839–848.


and its Fortran Subroutine was later published in Communications of the ACM, as Algorithm 478:

June 1974, 17(6), 319-320.




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