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Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): An update (2014-2018)


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University of Groningen

Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic

stimulation (rTMS)

Lefaucheur, Jean-Pascal; Aleman, Andre; Baeken, Chris; Benninger, David H.; Brunelin,

Jerome; Di Lazzaro, Vincenzo; Filipovic, Sasa R.; Grefkes, Christian; Hasan, Alkomiet;

Hummel, Friedhelm C.

Published in:

Clinical Neurophysiology



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Lefaucheur, J-P., Aleman, A., Baeken, C., Benninger, D. H., Brunelin, J., Di Lazzaro, V., Filipovic, S. R.,

Grefkes, C., Hasan, A., Hummel, F. C., Jaaskelainen, S. K., Langguth, B., Leocani, L., Londero, A.,

Nardone, R., Nguyen, J-P., Nyffeler, T., Oliveira-Maia, A. J., Oliviero, A., ... Ziemann, U. (2020).

Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): An update

(2014-2018). Clinical Neurophysiology, 131(2), 474-528. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.clinph.2019.11.002


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Evidence-based guidelines on the therapeutic use of repetitive

transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): An update (2014–2018)

Jean-Pascal Lefaucheur


, André Aleman


, Chris Baeken


, David H. Benninger


, Jérôme Brunelin



Vincenzo Di Lazzaro


, Saša R. Filipovic´


, Christian Grefkes


, Alkomiet Hasan


, Friedhelm C. Hummel



Satu K. Jääskeläinen


, Berthold Langguth


, Letizia Leocani


, Alain Londero


, Raffaele Nardone



Jean-Paul Nguyen


, Thomas Nyffeler


, Albino J. Oliveira-Maia


, Antonio Oliviero



Frank Padberg


, Ulrich Palm


, Walter Paulus


, Emmanuel Poulet


, Angelo Quartarone



Fady Rachid


, Irena Rektorová


, Simone Rossi


, Hanna Sahlsten


, Martin Schecklmann



David Szekely


, Ulf Ziemann



ENT Team, EA4391, Faculty of Medicine, Paris Est Créteil University, Créteil, France

bClinical Neurophysiology Unit, Department of Physiology, Henri Mondor Hospital, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Créteil, France cDepartment of Biomedical Sciences of Cells and Systems, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands d

Department of Psychiatry and Medical Psychology, Ghent Experimental Psychiatry (GHEP) Lab, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium e

Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital (UZBrussel), Brussels, Belgium f

Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands g

Neurology Service, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland h

PsyR2 Team, U1028, INSERM and UMR5292, CNRS, Center for Neuroscience Research of Lyon (CRNL), Centre Hospitalier Le Vinatier, Lyon-1 University, Bron, France iUnit of Neurology, Neurophysiology, Neurobiology, Department of Medicine, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Rome, Italy

jDepartment of Human Neuroscience, Institute for Medical Research, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia k

Department of Neurology, Cologne University Hospital, Cologne, Germany l

Institute of Neurosciences and Medicine (INM3), Jülich Research Centre, Jülich, Germany m

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University Hospital, LMU Munich, Munich, Germany n

Defitech Chair in Clinical Neuroengineering, Center for Neuroprosthetics (CNP) and Brain Mind Institute (BMI), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Geneva, Switzerland o

Defitech Chair in Clinical Neuroengineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) Valais and Clinique Romande de Réadaptation, Sion, Switzerland pClinical Neuroscience, University of Geneva Medical School, Geneva, Switzerland

qDepartment of Clinical Neurophysiology, Turku University Hospital and University of Turku, Turku, Finland r

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany s

Department of Neurorehabilitation and Experimental Neurophysiology Unit, Institute of Experimental Neurology (INSPE), IRCCS San Raffaele, University Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy


Department of Otorhinolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne Paris Cité, Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris, France u

Department of Neurology, Franz Tappeiner Hospital, Merano, Italy

vDepartment of Neurology, Christian Doppler Medical Center, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria w

Karl Landsteiner Institut für Neurorehabilitation und Raumfahrtneurologie, Salzburg, Austria x

Multidisciplinary Pain Center, Clinique Bretéché, ELSAN, Nantes, France y

Multidisciplinary Pain, Palliative and Supportive Care Center, UIC22-CAT2-EA3826, University Hospital, CHU Nord-Laënnec, Nantes, France z

Gerontechnology and Rehabilitation Group, ARTORG Center for Biomedical Engineering Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland aa

Perception and Eye Movement Laboratory, Department of Neurology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland ab

Neurocenter, Luzerner Kantonsspital, Lucerne, Switzerland

acChampalimaud Research & Clinical Centre, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Lisbon, Portugal ad

Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, Lisbon, Portugal ae

NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal af

FENNSI Group, Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, SESCAM, Toledo, Spain ag

Medical Park Chiemseeblick, Bernau, Germany ah

Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany

aiDepartment of Emergency Psychiatry, Edouard Herriot Hospital, Groupement Hospitalier Centre, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Lyon, France ajDepartment of Biomedical, Dental Sciences and Morphological and Functional Images, University of Messina, Messina, Italy ak

Private Practice, Geneva, Switzerland al

Applied Neuroscience Research Group, Central European Institute of Technology, CEITEC MU, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic am

First Department of Neurology, St. Anne’s University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic an

Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neuroscience, Si-BIN Lab Human Physiology Section, Neurology and Clinical Neurophysiology Unit, University of Siena, Siena, Italy ao

ENT Clinic, Mehiläinen and University of Turku, Turku, Finland


1388-2457/Ó 2019 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).

Contents lists available atScienceDirect

Clinical Neurophysiology


apDepartment of Psychiatry, Princess Grace Hospital, Monaco aq

Department of Neurology and Stroke, and Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany

See Editorial, pages 461–462

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:

Accepted 2 November 2019 Available online 1 January 2020 Keywords:

Cortex Indication Neurology Neuromodulation

Noninvasive brain stimulation Psychiatry


h i g h l i g h t s

 rTMS can produce significant clinical improvement in various neurological and psychiatric disorders.

 Updated guidelines on the therapeutic use of rTMS are presented, including 2014–2018 publications.

 Higher evidence of efficacy is present in the areas of depression, pain, and postacute motor stroke.

a b s t r a c t

A group of European experts reappraised the guidelines on the therapeutic efficacy of repetitive transcra-nial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) previously published in 2014 [Lefaucheur et al., Clin Neurophysiol 2014;125:2150–206]. These updated recommendations take into account all rTMS publications, includ-ing data prior to 2014, as well as currently reviewed literature until the end of 2018. Level A evidence (definite efficacy) was reached for: high-frequency (HF) rTMS of the primary motor cortex (M1) contralat-eral to the painful side for neuropathic pain; HF-rTMS of the left dorsolatcontralat-eral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) using a figure-of-8 or a H1-coil for depression; low-frequency (LF) rTMS of contralesional M1 for hand motor recovery in the post-acute stage of stroke. Level B evidence (probable efficacy) was reached for: HF-rTMS of the left M1 or DLPFC for improving quality of life or pain, respectively, in fibromyalgia; HF-rTMS of bilateral M1 regions or the left DLPFC for improving motor impairment or depression, respec-tively, in Parkinson’s disease; HF-rTMS of ipsilesional M1 for promoting motor recovery at the post-acute stage of stroke; intermittent theta burst stimulation targeted to the leg motor cortex for lower limb spas-ticity in multiple sclerosis; HF-rTMS of the right DLPFC in posttraumatic stress disorder; LF-rTMS of the right inferior frontal gyrus in chronic post-stroke non-fluent aphasia; LF-rTMS of the right DLPFC in depression; and bihemispheric stimulation of the DLPFC combining right-sided LF-rTMS (or continuous theta burst stimulation) and left-sided HF-rTMS (or intermittent theta burst stimulation) in depression. Level A/B evidence is not reached concerning efficacy of rTMS in any other condition. The current recom-mendations are based on the differences reached in therapeutic efficacy of real vs. sham rTMS protocols, replicated in a sufficient number of independent studies. This does not mean that the benefit produced by rTMS inevitably reaches a level of clinical relevance.

Ó 2019 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


1. Introduction . . . 476

2. Pain . . . 477

2.1. Motor cortex stimulation in neuropathic pain . . . 477

2.2. Other cortical targets in neuropathic pain. . . 479

2.3. Fibromyalgia and other dysfunctional chronic pain syndromes. . . 480

2.4. Other pain conditions . . . 480

3. Movement disorders . . . 481

3.1. Parkinson’s disease: Motor symptoms . . . 481

3.2. Parkinson’s disease: levodopa-induced dyskinesia . . . 482

3.3. Parkinson’s disease: Depression . . . 483

3.4. Dystonia . . . 483

3.5. Essential tremor . . . 483

3.6. Miscellaneous: Tics and Tourette’s syndrome; restless legs syndrome . . . 484

4. Stroke . . . 484

4.1. Contralesional LF-rTMS or cTBS at postacute (subacute) stage of limb motor stroke. . . 484

4.2. Ipsilesional HF-rTMS or iTBS at postacute (subacute) stage of limb motor stroke . . . 486

4.3. Contralesional LF-rTMS at the chronic stage of limb motor stroke . . . 487

4.4. Ipsilesional HF-rTMS or iTBS at the chronic stage of limb motor stroke . . . 487

4.5. Ipsilesional cTBS at the chronic stage of limb motor stroke. . . 488

4.6. Cerebellar target . . . 488

4.7. Swallowing and dysphagia . . . 488

4.8. Aphasia . . . 489

4.9. Neglect . . . 491

⇑Corresponding author at: Service Physiologie, Explorations Fonctionnelles, Hôpital Henri Mondor, 51 avenue de Lattre de Tassigny, 94010 Créteil cedex, France.


5. Multiple sclerosis . . . 492

6. Epilepsy. . . 493

7. Disorders of consciousness . . . 493

8. Mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease . . . 494

8.1. HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC . . . 494

8.2. HF-rTMS of the precuneus . . . 495

8.3. Multisite HF-rTMS . . . 495

9. Tinnitus. . . 496

9.1. LF-rTMS of the auditory cortex. . . 496

9.2. HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC . . . 499

10. Depression . . . 500

10.1. General results . . . 501

10.2. Novel rTMS protocols to treat depression: Deep HF-rTMS over the left DLPFC . . . 503

10.3. Novel rTMS protocols to treat depression: iTBS over the left DLPFC or cTBS over the right DLPFC . . . 504

10.4. Novel rTMS protocols to treat depression: Accelerated protocols . . . 506

10.5. Novel rTMS protocols to treat depression: Miscellaneous . . . 506

10.6. Summary . . . 506

11. Schizophrenia . . . 507

11.1. Auditory-verbal hallucinations . . . 507

11.2. Negative symptoms. . . 508

12. Substance abuse, addiction and craving . . . 509

12.1. Alcohol craving . . . 509

12.2. Nicotine craving . . . 509

12.3. Methamphetamine or drug craving . . . 510

12.4. Eating disorders. . . 510

12.5. Gambling disorders . . . 510

13. Miscellaneous psychiatric conditions . . . 511

13.1. Anxiety disorders . . . 511

13.1.1. Generalized anxiety disorder . . . 511

13.1.2. Other anxiety disorders . . . 511

13.2. Post-traumatic stress disorder . . . 511

13.3. Obsessive compulsive disorder. . . 512

13.3.1. LF-rTMS of orbitofrontal/prefrontal regions . . . 512

13.3.2. HF-rTMS of prefrontal regions . . . 513

13.3.3. LF-rTMS of pre-SMA . . . 513

13.4. Autism spectrum disorders. . . 514

13.5. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. . . 514

13.6. Mental retardation . . . 514

13.7. Functional neurological disorders . . . 514

14. Summary of recommendations . . . 515

Acknowledgments . . . 517

Declaration of Competing Interest . . . 517

Appendix A. Supplementary material . . . 517

References. . . 517

1. Introduction

In November 2014, a consensus paper was issued in Clinical Neurophysiology (Lefaucheur et al., 2014), reporting guidelines established by a group of European experts on the therapeutic use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), based on evidence published until March 2014. In the light of the many articles published in this domain during the last four years, it appeared necessary to update these recommendations.

The same methodology was used as for the initial article, with bibliographic research and critical reading by at least two experts for each clinical indication. First, studies were classified into four classes. A Class I study was defined as a randomized, sham-controlled clinical trial including 25 or more patients receiving real stimulation therapy, with clearly reported primary outcome, exclusion/inclusion criteria, randomization/blinding procedure, and statistical analyses, and taking into account study bias, due to the heterogeneity of baseline characteristics among treatment groups, possible carry-over effects (for crossover studies), or dropouts for example. A Class II study was a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of between 10 and 25 patients receiving real stimulation therapy with the same high levels of

methodolog-ical quality as a Class I study or a study with a larger sample but not filling all the aforementioned criteria of high methodological quality. Class III studies were all other controlled trials with lower methodological quality, but only studies with at least 10 patients receiving real stimulation therapy were taken into account in mak-ing these recommendations. Class IV studies were uncontrolled studies or case series.

A level of evidence of rTMS efficacy or inefficacy was deter-mined for each indication, taking care that the results were obtained with the same method of stimulation applied in patients with the same clinical profile. A Level A (‘‘definitely effective or ineffective”) required at least two Class I studies or one Class I study and at least two Class II studies. Level B (‘‘probably effective or ineffective”) required at least two Class II studies or the combi-nation of one Class I or II study and at least two Class III studies. Level C (‘‘possibly effective or ineffective”) required at least two Class III studies or any combination of two studies of different Classes I, II or III. The evaluation was based on the overall result of the difference between all studies showing beneficial results and those showing non-significant or detrimental results. No rec-ommendation was made if there were less than two studies of dif-ferent Classes I, II or III replicating concordant beneficial results in


series of 10 or more patients receiving real stimulation therapy. For this grading, when a given research group published several stud-ies with the same methodology for the same clinical indication, only one study from this group was considered (the one of the best class). Trials performed in healthy subjects or using single-session protocols were not considered in this work to focus on the poten-tial therapeutic impact of repeated rTMS sessions in the short or long term.

This article presents tables summarizing the data reported for each indication in which at least two comparable studies (with the same methodology) of Class I to III were published by indepen-dent groups from March 2014 to the end of December 2018. This period of literature search is subsequent to that our previous work. For information, table data corresponding to papers published before March 2014 and reviewed in our previous article (Lefau-cheur et al., 2014) are available as e-onlysupplementary material

to the present article (e-Table 1). The recommendations proposed in this article refer not only to the 2014–2018 period but also take into account all previous data analyzed in the 2014 article. Thus, for all the sections, the current guidelines are based on the whole literature database since the beginning of rTMS publications. 2. Pain

A PubMed search (keywords: (rTMS OR theta burst stimulation) AND pain) identified 165 papers in the 2014–2018 period, includ-ing 17 original sham-controlled studies with at least 10 patients receiving real stimulation for several daily sessions.

2.1. Motor cortex stimulation in neuropathic pain

In our previous work (Lefaucheur et al., 2014), a Level A of def-inite analgesic effect was stated for the use of HF rTMS of the pri-mary motor cortex (M1) applied contralaterally to the pain side in patients with neuropathic pain. During the 2014–2018 period, four sham-controlled Class II studies with limited sample size were published, all confirming the beneficial effect of this procedure (Table 1).

In one study, a total of 40 patients with postherpetic neuralgia were randomly assigned to receive 10 sessions of real (n = 20) or

sham (n = 20) rTMS of M1 over two weeks (Ma et al., 2015). The pattern of stimulation was relatively unusual, consisting of 300 trains of 5 seconds with an intertrain interval of 3 seconds for a total of 1500 pulses delivered at 80% of the resting motor threshold (RMT) in a session of 40 minutes. The real rTMS group had greater pain reduction than the sham group with an average pain reduc-tion of 45–50% persisting at 3 months after the last rTMS session. Half of the patients who received real rTMS were considered responders (>50% pain intensity score reduction). Analgesic effects were associated with an improvement in quality of life scores.

Another sham-controlled parallel-arm study assessed the effi-cacy of 10 daily sessions of 20 Hz-rTMS of M1 performed over two weeks in 30 patients (15 real, 15 sham) suffering from neuro-pathic pain in the context of malignancy (Khedr et al., 2015). The pattern of stimulation was more usual, consisting of 10 trains of 10 seconds with an intertrain interval of 30 seconds for a total of 2000 pulses delivered in a session of 6–7 minutes. The figure-of-8 coil was placed over the M1 representation of the hand on the hemisphere contralateral to the painful side, with coil orientation parallel to the interhemispheric midsagittal line, as recommended

(André-Obadia et al., 2008; Lefaucheur, 2016). The group of

patients treated with real rTMS had greater improvement in pain intensity scores than the sham group, with an average pain reduc-tion of 35–40% two weeks after the last session, but the beneficial effect disapppeared by one month. More than 80% of the patients were considered responders (>30% pain intensity score reduction). A short-lasting difference between real and sham stimulation was also observed in terms of depression and neuropathic symptom score improvement. The short duration of the rTMS sessions in this study (6–7 minutes) could explain the rather modest analgesic effects, regardless of the number of pulses per session, as suggested in another study (Hodaj et al., 2015).

In a third study, the targeting was based on cortical maps pro-vided by motor evoked potential (MEP) recording to TMS per-formed with a navigation system integrating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain (Nurmikko et al., 2016). The trial enrolled 27 patients with unilateral neuropathic pain of various causes and locations who completed the study with the compar-isons of three target sites: (i) the motor hotspot (i.e. the cortical site of the ‘‘affected hemisphere” where MEPs of maximal

ampli-Table 1

HF-rTMS of M1 contralateral to pain region in neuropathic pain. Articles Number of


Target, coil type Control condition Stimulation frequency and intensity Number of pulses/ session and number of sessions

Significant clinical effects of real versus sham condition

Class of the study

Khedr et al. (2015) 30 patients with malignant neuropathic pain (real: 15; sham: 15) Hand M1 contralateral to pain, F8c (anteroposterior orientation) Tilted coil 20 Hz, 80% RMT 2000 pulses, 10 sessions

Reduction of pain score at the end of rTMS protocol (49% on VRS and 37% on VAS), up to 2 weeks after the last session (46% on VRS and 36% on VAS); 87–80% responders (>30% pain relief)


Ma et al. (2015) 40 patients with postherpetic neuralgia (real: 20; sham: 20) Homotopic M1 contralateral to pain region, F8c (anteroposterior orientation) Tilted coil 10 Hz, 80% RMT 1500 pulses, 10 sessions

Reduction of pain score (17% on VAS), up to 3 months after the last session; 50% responders (>50% pain relief)


Attal et al., 2016 32 patients with neuropathic lumbar radicular pain (real: 21; sham: 11) Hand M1 contralateral to pain, F8c (anteroposterior orientation) Sham coil 10 Hz, 80% RMT 3000 pulses, 3 sessions

Reduction of pain score at the end of rTMS protocol (#60% on VAS), up to 5 days after the last session (#25% on VAS); 43% responders (>30% pain relief)

II Nurmikko et al. (2016) 27 patients with neuropathic pain of various origins (crossover) Homotopic M1 contralateral to pain region or an adjacent motor region, F8c (perpendicular to central sulcus) Occipital stimulation 10 Hz, 90% RMT 2000 pulses, 5 sessions

Reduction of pain score compared to control condition one week after the last session (9–11% on VAS); 30% responders (>30% pain relief)


tude were obtained in the pain region); (ii) a cortical site where MEPs were found in TMS maps of the ‘‘affected” hemisphere but not at an equivalent location in the contralateral ‘‘unaffected” hemisphere; (iii) the occipital fissure serving as ‘‘active” control condition. The pattern of 10 Hz-rTMS consisted of 20 trains of 10 seconds with an intertrain interval of 50 seconds for a total of 2000 pulses delivered in a session of 20 minutes. Five daily ses-sions were performed in a crossover design. Real rTMS produced greater pain reduction, regardless of the type of motor cortical tar-get compared to the control procedure, which was a real stimula-tion delivered over the occipital fissure. The analgesic effect was very small (less than 15% on average) but maintained at least two weeks, and 30% of the patients were considered responders (>30% pain intensity score reduction).

Finally, a fourth sham-controlled Class II study with parallel arm design compared the efficacy of 3 daily sessions of 10 Hz rTMS of M1 to anodal transcranial direct-current stimulation (tDCS) of the same site in a series of 32 patients with lower limb neuropathic pain due to lumbosacral radiculopathy (21 real, 11 sham) (Attal et al., 2016). In this study, the motor cortical area corresponding to the hand on the painful site was stimulated, although patients had lower limb pain. The pattern of stimulation consisted of 30 trains of 10 seconds with an intertrain interval of 20 seconds for a total of 3000 pulses delivered in a session of 15 minutes. Real rTMS was superior to real tDCS and sham condition by decreasing the intensity of pain by 60% at the end of the stimulation protocol, with a significant pain relief lasting up to 5 days. Unfortunately, the protocol of stimulation was quite short (3-session protocol) and longer lasting effects were not assessed. Also, the mean per-centage of pain relief was smaller than in previous studies, but all patients had lower limb neuropathic pain, which is a condition that may be less favorable than face or upper limb neuropathic pain for the efficacy of motor cortex rTMS (Lefaucheur et al., 2004). Nevertheless, this study showed that the rate of responders was greater after real rTMS (>30% pain intensity score reduction in 43% of patients and > 50% pain intensity score reduction in 30% of patients) than after real tDCS or sham procedure.

In summary, in the light of these recent studies, our recommen-dation on the level of evidence regarding the analgesic efficacy of HF-rTMS of M1 contralateral to neuropathic pain side did not change (Level A). Some lessons could possibly be drawn from these four studies, suggesting that the analgesic effect is favored by longer session duration and serial treatment (i.e. greater number of sessions).

However, it is still unclear whether targeting the somatotopic area of the motor cortex corresponding to the painful region or only the hand area in all cases is of critical importance to produce analgesic effects. While there is a consensus to stimulate the motor cortex contralateral to the side of pain (or the left cortex in case of bilateral or diffuse pain), the exact location of the optimal target to be stimulated within M1 is not yet defined. Overall, two strategies are possible: either to stimulate the motor cortical representation of the painful region or to stimulate the hand motor area whatever pain location. Then, in each case, two additional possibilities are offered: either to target the motor hotspot (defined as the cortical site where MEPs of maximal amplitude are obtained in a muscle of a given body region) or to target the motor cortical representation of the same body region using a navigation system integrating individual morphological or functional MRI data.

Two studies partially addressed these questions by evaluating the analgesic effects of a single rTMS session performed under neu-ronavigation guidance. The first study (André-Obadia et al., 2018a) compared the value of HF-rTMS delivered to the hand or face motor hotspot in 32 patients suffering of upper limb (n = 20) or facial (n = 12) pain. This study showed that real rTMS was more efficacious on pain when delivered over the hand motor area than

the face area whether pain was located at the hand or the face. Thus, the hand motor hotspot, which is easy to determine, could be the target of choice for neuropathic pain treatment, regardless of the location of pain. In this case, the use of a navigation system could simply consist of registering the target location to facilitate the repositioning of the coil at the same place with the same orien-tation according to the different sessions of an rTMS therapy pro-cedure (Lefaucheur, 2010). However, a second study (Ayache

et al., 2016) showed that anatomical targeting using MRI-guided

navigation may provide a better target than the motor hotspot. This study included 66 patients with neuropathic pain of various causes and locations and compared the value of a navigated proce-dure targeting the anatomical representation of the painful zone to a non-navigated procedure targeting the hand motor hotspot. Indeed, for a given muscle territory (e.g., hand muscles), the anatomical cortical representation (e.g., ‘‘hand knob”) may differ from the functional localization (e.g., ‘‘hand motor hotspot”) (Ahdab et al., 2016). Navigation improved HF-rTMS efficacy com-pared to hand motor hotspot targeting, at least in patients with focal upper or lower limb pain.

Although the level of evidence is high in favor of the analgesic efficacy of HF-rTMS of M1, this does not necessarily mean that the procedure is clinically relevant and deserves to be applied in routine practice. Mainly, one of the major limitations of published sham-controlled studies is the fact that they are based on small number of sessions (5–10) and short duration of follow-up (less than 3 weeks). To address this issue, it is interesting to look at the results provided by open-label naturalistic studies that usually report results obtained over a prolonged period of time in real life setting. For example, in an open-label study of 18 patients with central poststroke pain (Kobayashi et al., 2015), a session of HF-rTMS delivered over the motor cortex of the affected hemisphere was repeated once a week for 12 weeks (3 months). The rTMS sessions produced an average pain relief of 61%. Regarding individual results, pain relief was higher than 40% in 11 of the 18 patients (61%). A sustainable pain relief was observed in 6 patients who continued the intervention for one year. Notably, the clinical ben-efit was better in patients without severe dysesthesia.

Another group published two papers on their experience of using HF-rTMS delivered to M1 (motor hand spot) over the long term to treat patients with central neuropathic pain of various ori-gins and locations (Pommier et al., 2016; Quesada et al., 2018). In each rTMS session (26-min duration with 1600 stimulations), a figure-of-8 coil was positioned over the defined cortical target by a robotized arm under navigation guidance. The first phase of the protocol consisted of a series of four sessions performed within two months. Then, in ‘responders’ (defined as a percentage of pain relief > 10%), the sessions were continued and repeated with inter-vals adapted to the duration of the analgesic effect for each individ-ual. In their first paper (Pommier et al., 2016), these authors report a cumulative effect of repeated sessions in 31 ‘responders’ (among the 40 patients initially enrolled), leading to a mean pain relief of 41% for a duration of more than two weeks. In their second paper (Quesada et al., 2018), results are presented for 71 patients and confirmed the cumulative effect of rTMS sessions in the long term. After the first four sessions, the percentage of pain relief was 28% and the duration of pain relief was 11 days. After 12 months of treatment (15 sessions on average), the percentage of pain relief increased to 48% and the duration of pain relief to 20 days. No adverse events occurred, including no seizure. There was also a decrease in medication consumption, although not significant.

A kind of cumulative impact of the repetition of rTMS sessions on pain relief was also observed in a naturalistic study based on a 6-month navigated rTMS protocol (including follow-up), per-formed in patients with various types of facial pain or headache disorders, including cluster headache (Hodaj et al., 2015). Facial


pain could be a favorable condition for the response to navigated 10 Hz-rTMS of M1, as also shown by Lawson McLean et al. (2018). In this open-label study, 48 patients with various chronic neuropathic pain conditions (31 patients with facial pain) received 9 HF-rTMS sessions. The overall rate of responders was 58%, but significantly better in patients with facial pain (71%) than limb pain (less than 44%). A shorter pain history (less than five years) was the other predictor of good outcome. At 6-week follow-up after 9 rTMS sessions, 42% of patients still reported a significant level of pain relief.

The analgesic effects of rTMS in patients with chronic neuro-pathic pain were obtained using HF-rTMS, whatever the frequency (5, 10, or 20 Hz) (Jin et al., 2015), but not using LF-rTMS (Lefaucheur et al., 2001; André-Obadia et al., 2006; Saitoh et al., 2007). Regarding patterned rTMS paradigms, such as theta burst stimulation (intermittent (iTBS) or continuous (cTBS) protocols), published data only concerned experimental or acute provoked pain (Antal and Paulus, 2010; Torta et al., 2013; Moisset et al.,

2015; Annak et al., 2019) or TBS used as a priming protocol for

HF-rTMS (Lefaucheur et al., 2012a; Gaertner et al., 2018), except one study showing a mild relief of orofacial pain after iTBS of M1 (Kohútová et al., 2017).

Finally, a few words should be added regarding the mechanisms of analgesic action of rTMS delivered to M1. Some recent results highlighted a significant release of endogenous opioids within a bihemispheric brain network involved in the perception and mod-ulation of pain, which was produced by a single session of 10 Hz-rTMS of M1 in a positron emission tomography (PET) study based on 10 healthy subjects (Lamusuo et al., 2017). This was consistent with previous observations made in chronic pain patients treated by invasive epidural motor cortex stimulation (Maarrawi et al., 2007, 2013). However, the mechanisms of action of M1 stimulation in pain are surely more complex and multiple, involving various pain modulatory systems concerned in emotion, attention, and/or sensory discrimination processing, related to various neural path-ways connecting different brain regions, thalamic nuclei, and/or the spine, and also with various neurotransmitter systems beyond endogenous opioids, such as glutamate, GABA, and/or dopamine for example (Lefaucheur, 2016, Moisset and Lefaucheur, 2019; Moisset et al., 2016; Nguyen et al., 2011). All of these factors can contribute to the development of long-term synaptic plasticity that provides significant pain relief beyond the time of stimulation. 2.2. Other cortical targets in neuropathic pain

A few studies addressed motor cortex rTMS therapy of neuro-pathic pain with a significantly different targeting approach from the usual procedure, in which a figure-of-8 coil is focally posi-tioned over an anatomically- or functionally-defined motor cortical target. These studies investigated the analgesic effect of repeated daily sessions of HF-rTMS using either various types of figure-of-8 coils applied over the vertex in patients with lower limb pain due to spinal cord injury (Yılmaz et al., 2014; Hodaj et al., 2018) or a H-coil (Onesti et al., 2013; Shimizu et al., 2017). In these two latter studies, a H10 coil provided a large, bilateral stimulation of the motor cortex strip, diffusing deep in the medial longitudinal fissure. The study ofOnesti et al. (2013)included 23 patients, all suffering from lower limb pain due to diabetic polyneuropathy. This was a crossover study based on a 5-day 20 Hz-rTMS protocol (1500 pulses per session). Real rTMS produced greater pain reduc-tion than sham stimulareduc-tion, lasting for three weeks. However, these results were not reproduced to date. A second study (Shimizu et al., 2017) enrolled 18 patients with neuropathic pain affecting the lower limb, but of various peripheral or central ori-gins. This study had a cross-over design, with a short wash-out period of 17 days between series of 5 Hz-rTMS sessions delivered

for 5 days (500 pulses per session) using an active or sham H-coil, or an active figure-of-8 coil, which had no proper sham-controlled condition. A reduction in pain intensity was observed immediately and 1 hour after rTMS using active H-coil but not figure-of-8 coil, compared to sham H-coil condition. This result had no clinical relevance, since no significant analgesic effect was observed in the 16-day period follow-up period after rTMS ses-sions, whatever the condition.

In the small sham-controlled study ofYilmaz et al. (2014) per-formed in 16 patients with chronic pain secondary to spinal cord injury (SCI), 10 sessions rTMS delivered over the vertex at suprathreshold intensity did not show superior analgesic efficacy when applied in real condition (9 patients) versus sham condition (7 patients). This result was consistent with two previous negative rTMS studies on SCI pain (Defrin et al., 2007; Kang et al., 2009a), but also based on very small series of patients: 6 patients who received real stimulation (plus 5 patients in a sham rTMS group) inDefrin et al. (2007)and 11 patients in the sham-controlled cross-over study ofKang et al. (2009a). In addition, there were significant differences in the stimulation protocol between these studies, such as targeting the vertex at 110–115% of RMT (Defrin et al., 2007,

Yilmaz et al., 2014) or unilateral hand M1 representation at 80%

of RMT (Kang et al., 2009a). Thus, these studies may suggest that rTMS is not effective in SCI pain in contrast to other neuropathic pain conditions, but this conclusion deserves confirmation in larger replication studies.

One group also applied navigated HF-rTMS over the parieto-opercular cortex overlying the right secondary somatosensory area (S2) in patients with chronic neuropathic pain located in the orofa-cial region (Lindholm et al., 2015, 2016). The stimulation of this target produced significantly better analgesia than the stimulation of the primary sensorimotor cortex or sham rTMS. However, these studies were based on the short term effects of single rTMS ses-sions (up to 1 month after a single rTMS session given 1 month apart for the three stimulation conditions). The value of the right S2 target in patients with pain is consistent with a previous study in healthy subjects that showed some changes in the thresholds for the detection of thermal pain produced by such a protocol (Valmunen et al., 2009). Nevertheless, the long-term results pro-vided by repeated HF-rTMS sessions over S2 are awaited.

Because of the implication of the insula, especially its posterior part, in the experience of pain (Mazzola et al., 2009; Isnard et al., 2011), insular cortex stimulation with a double-cone coil was pro-posed as a method for producing pain modulation (Ciampi de Andrade et al., 2012). In two experimental studies, a double-cone coil was used to deliver a cTBS train over the insular cortex (Lenoir et al., 2018) or a brief TMS train over the anterior part of the middle cingulate cortex (D’Agata et al., 2015), both protocols resulting in a reduction of the perception of acute cutaneous pain elicited by laser or electrical stimulation. However, insular cortex stimulation with a double-cone coil recently failed to be effective in chronic central neuropathic pain, as well as cingulate cortex stimulation using a H6-coil (Galhardoni et al., 2019).

One study assessed the value of 10 daily sessions of HF-rTMS delivered to the premotor cortex/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (PMC/DLPFC) in patients with central poststroke pain (de Oliveira

et al., 2014). This study was negative and was terminated after

the evaluation of 21 patients because of a significant lack of effi-cacy in the real rTMS arm. In another study, HF-rTMS of the left PMC/DLPFC was applied in 12 patients with chronic neuropathic pain related to cervical or thoracic spinal cord injury (10 sessions of 1250 pulses/session over 2 weeks) (Nardone et al., 2017). Daily pain scores significantly decreased during rTMS sessions in the 6 patients who received real rTMS, but not in the 6 patients who received sham rTMS. However, pain relief did not last beyond the period of stimulation. Finally, it should be noted that no studies


in the context of neuropathic pain treatment used an appropriate DLPFC targeting method, which requires the application of a rele-vant neuronavigation approach (Mylius et al., 2013; Pommier et al., 2017).

From all these results, no convincing alternative to focal stimu-lation using a figure-of-8 coil over M1 contralateral to pain side is currently relevant in rTMS therapy of neuropathic pain.

2.3. Fibromyalgia and other dysfunctional chronic pain syndromes In our previous work, no recommendation was made for the use of rTMS to treat fibromyalgia, because two different targets had been evaluated (left M1 and left DLPFC) and most studies came from the same group of researchers for a given target, without results reproduced by independent teams in this indication.

Regarding the left M1 target, one additional study was pub-lished during the 2014–2018 period. This Class II study with a parallel-arm design (Boyer et al., 2014) enrolled 38 patients with fibromyalgia (19 real, 19 sham) who received HF-rTMS delivered to the left M1 in 14 sessions over 10 weeks. At week 11, the improvement in quality of life, especially in the mental, emotional, and social dimensions, was greater in the real arm than in the sham arm. Conversely, no significant difference was observed between real and sham rTMS concerning changes in pain intensity scores. The fact that rTMS of M1 may be beneficial for pain patients on their daily functioning and quality of life without any pain relief was also reported in neuropathic pain (Hodaj et al., 2018). Various Class II studies of another group (Passard et al., 2007; Mhalla et al., 2011) previously reported a significant improvement of quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia treated by HF-rTMS of M1, com-paring real versus sham conditions. Thus, considering these con-cordant Class II studies, a recommendation can be made for a probable efficacy of HF-rTMS of the left M1 (Level B) in improving quality of life of patients with fibromyalgia (without any conclu-sion for the proper analgesic effect).

The beneficial impact of HF-rTMS of M1 was also reported by one group in a chronic myofascial pain syndrome close to fibromyalgia. In a first study, these authors randomized 24 women with this clinical condition to receive 10 sessions of 10 Hz-rTMS of the left M1 (12 real and 12 sham) (Dall’Agnol et al., 2014). Pain decreased more after real stimulation than sham, with daily pain score reduction by 30% and analgesic use reduction by 45%. In addition, the analgesic effect was associated with an increase in corticospinal excitability, descending inhibitory controls (condi-tioned pain modulation assessment), and brain-derived neu-rotrophic factor levels. In a second study performed in 46 patients (23 real and 23 sham), the same group confirmed the ben-eficial effect of 10 Hz-rTMS of the left M1 and did not find any additional effect of performing transcutaneous repetitive magnetic stimulation of muscles (Medeiros et al., 2016).

Regarding the value of HF-rTMS delivered to the left DLPFC in fibromyalgia, a recent Class II study showed evidence of an impact on fatigue (Fitzgibbon et al., 2018). This parallel-arm study enrolled 26 patients with fibromyalgia (14 real, 12 sham) and a greater improvement in physical and general fatigue scores was observed after a total of 20 rTMS sessions over four weeks at one month follow-up in the real versus sham condition. Regarding the analgesic effects, the difference between real and sham rTMS was observed in terms of responders (>30% pain relief). A previous Class II study also showed an analgesic efficacy of HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC (29% difference in pain relief between real and sham conditions on average), but did not report the resulting changes in fatigue or sleep quality (Short et al., 2011). Thus, considering two concordant Class II studies, a Level B recommendation can be made for a probable analgesic efficacy of HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC in patients with fibromyalgia. In addition, in both studies,

rTMS was well tolerated, with few minor side effects (e.g., discom-fort, neck pain, or dizziness during stimulation), not significantly different between real and sham conditions.

Thus, from our literature data analysis, it appears that in fibromyalgia, HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC is more efficacious on pain, while HF-rTMS of the left M1 is more efficacious on the quality of life. An opposite conclusion was expected, as illustrated by the meta-analysis ofHou et al. (2016), in which the pooled mean effect size of rTMS studies in fibromyalgia revealed significant favourable effects with subtle evidence for a better analgesic efficacy of M1 stimulation and a better antidepressant efficacy of DLPFC stimulation.

Finally, three studies should be mentioned, addressing the treatment of various pain syndromes that may share with fibromyalgia at least some common mechanisms of central sensiti-zation. First, in 20 patients (12 real, 8 sham) with burning mouth syndrome, 10 Hz-rTMS of the left DLPFC was found to induce anal-gesic effects (Umezaki et al., 2016). At 2 months after the begin-ning of treatment, the pain intensity decreased by 67%, and 75% of the patients reported > 50% pain decrease, without any change in mood or the affective aspect of pain. Second, 21 patients with irritable bowel syndrome were enrolled in a crossover study and received 5 daily sessions of rTMS of the left M1 (Melchior et al., 2014). Real and sham stimulations did not differ in the resulting changes in ongoing pain, pain threshold to rectal distension by a barostat balloon, and rectal compliance. However, pain tolerance assessed by the maximum tolerated volume of rectal distension was improved by real, but not by sham rTMS and this effect was greater in the subgroup of patients with the most marked rectal hypersensitivity. Finally, one class II crossover study addressed the value of 10 daily sessions of real or sham stimulation over the whole motor cortex using an H10-coil in 13 patients (7 real and 6 sham) with bladder pain syndrome (Cervigni et al., 2018). Compared to sham, real stimulation improved pain and urinary symptoms and quality of life of the patients. The efficacy of LF-rTMS delivered over the DLPFC of both hemispheres using a figure-of-8 coil was also found to relieve most symptoms of blad-der pain syndrome in one illustrative clinical case (Nizard et al., 2018). However, all these results cannot lead to any recommenda-tion to date.

2.4. Other pain conditions

In the complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) of type I, a Level C recommendation in favor of a possible analgesic effect of HF-rTMS of M1 was stated in our previous guidelines (Lefaucheur et al., 2014). An additional study was recently published on a par-ticular type of CRPS, i.e. shoulder pain occurring in post-stroke hemiplegic patients (Choi and Chang, 2018). In this study, the motor cortex of the stroke-affected hemisphere was stimulated over 10 sessions in 24 patients at chronic stroke stage. A significant pain relief (of 25–30%) was observed in the real but not the sham group up to 4 weeks beyond the time of stimulation. In contrast, rTMS did not change motor function and motricity index in the affected upper limb. These new results did not change our previous recommendation, which remains at Level C.

Phantom limb pain is a particular neuropathic pain condition. One rTMS study was reported in this domain targeting M1 con-tralateral to the amputated limb (Malavera et al., 2016). In this large sham-controlled study of 54 patients (27 real and 27 sham), HF-rTMS was delivered 20 minutes per session, during 10 days. Real rTMS induced a greater reduction in pain intensity than sham stimulation, up to two weeks after the last session with a mean between-group difference of 30%. This effect was lost at one month follow-up. The percentage of responders (>30% pain intensity reduction) was 70% in the real group and 41% in the sham group.


One study assessed the value of a 5-day HF-rTMS protocol, delivered at 20 Hz over the right M1 (2,000 pulses per session) in 53 patients with low back pain (41 real and 12 sham), plus 26 patients who received physical therapy as a control group (Ambriz-Tututi et al., 2016). The analgesic effect was found signif-icantly better in the real rTMS group than both sham stimulation and physical therapy groups. The beneficial effect of real rTMS lasted up to 9 months using maintenance sessions, first every two weeks, then every two months.

The main two rTMS targets in the pain domain, i.e. M1 and DLPFC, were also investigated in migraine and headache disorders. Since a first open-label study performed in 51 migraineurs (Misra et al., 2012), one group repeatedly report sham-controlled data in favor of the beneficial effect in migraine of series of 3 HF-rTMS sessions delivered to the left M1 with a protocol similar to that is classically used in neuropathic pain (Misra et al., 2013; Kalita et al., 2016). In addition, the clinical improvement was asso-ciated with an increase in beta-endorphin plasma level (Misra

et al., 2017). However, to our knowledge, no other group has

reported the efficacy of repeated rTMS sessions delivered to the left M1 in migraine. Regarding the DLPFC target, no new data have been published since the two conflicting studies already discussed in our previous work (Brighina et al., 2004; Conforto et al., 2014). One group assessed the value of 4 sessions of 10 Hz-rTMS deliv-ered to the left M1 (Leung et al., 2016) or the left DLPFC (Leung et al., 2018) in chronic headache secondary to mild traumatic brain injury. In a first series of 24 patients, these authors showed a greater reduction in persistent headache intensity one week after real vs. sham M1 stimulation with a higher rate of responders (>50% pain intensity reduction) and a trend towards a lasting effi-cacy for four weeks (Leung et al., 2016). In a second series of 29 patients (Leung et al., 2018), a greater reduction in persistent head-ache intensity was found one and four weeks after real vs. sham DLPFC stimulation (23–25% versus 1–2% of pain relief) together with a higher rate of responders (>50% pain decrease) and a tran-sient benefit on depression scores.

In another series of 12 patients (Choi et al., 2018), the intensity of chronic diffuse pain secondary to mild traumatic brain injury was significantly reduced during and up to 4 weeks after 10 ses-sions of 10 Hz-rTMS applied to M1 of the affected hemisphere (1000 pulses/session) in the 6 patients who received real rTMS compared to the 6 patients who received sham rTMS.

Obviously, data are too sparse in chronic pain syndromes other than neuropathic pain or fibromyalgia to make any recommenda-tion on the value of HF-rTMS delivered to the left M1 or the left DLPFC.

Finally, in postoperative acute pain, only one sham-controlled study has been published in the 2014–2018 period. In this large-sample study (Borckardt et al., 2014), 108 patients who underwent gastric bypass surgery were randomly assigned to receive 2

ses-sions of real or sham 5 Hz-rTMS delivered over the left DLPFC, one session immediately following surgery and the other 4 h later. Both affective and sensory dimensions of pain were reduced in the patients who received 2 real rTMS sessions, but patient-controlled opioid intake was not significantly modified.

3. Movement disorders

3.1. Parkinson’s disease: Motor symptoms

A PubMed search (keywords: (rTMS OR theta burst stimulation) AND Parkinson’s disease) identified 93 papers, including only 5 original sham-controlled studies with at least 10 patients receiving real stimulation for several daily sessions.

As stated in our previous work (Lefaucheur et al., 2014) and in recent meta-analyses (Chou et al., 2015; Zanjani et al., 2015; Yang

et al., 2018), published data suggest an efficacy of HF-rTMS on

parkinsonian motor symptoms, especially if delivered bilaterally over motor cortical regions. Additional data were provided by three recent sham-controlled studies (Table 2). First, in a random-ized crossover Class II study (Kim et al., 2015), 17 parkinsonian patients were included and the leg area of M1 was targeted with a double-cone coil (lateralized to the dominant hemisphere). Com-pared to a figure-of-8 coil, a double-cone coil induces a much less focal and more deeply penetrating electric field (Deng et al., 2014). After 5 daily sessions of 10 Hz-rTMS, the number of steps required to complete the standing start 180° turn test and the freezing of gait questionnaire (primary outcome measure) significantly improved in the real as compared to the sham condition, with a benefit lasting for at least one week after the last rTMS session. In addition, the global motor performance assessed by the unified Parkinson’s disease rating scale (UPDRS) part III score (secondary outcome measure) improved by 26%. The same group later pub-lished a pilot study including 8 patients with various atypical parkinsonism (vascular parkinsonism, progressive supranuclear palsy, or multiple system atrophy) and using exactly the same study design (Chang et al., 2016). In this study, HF-rTMS was deliv-ered over the leg representation of M1 for 5 consecutive days and also improved freezing-of-gait.

Thus, using a large double-cone coil, but not a focal figure-of-8 coil (Rektorova et al., 2007), repeated sessions of HF-rTMS applied to M1 leg area may help to improve freezing-of-gait of various origins. Further research is needed to reach a sufficient level of evidence to make specific recommendation.

Finally, Chang et al. (2017) assessed the additional value of combining anodal tDCS over the left DLPFC (right supraorbital cathode) with HF-rTMS of M1 (16 patients receiving dual active rTMS and tDCS versus 16 patients receiving real rTMS and sham tDCS). The dual stimulation yielded a significantly better

Table 2

HF-rTMS of bilateral M1 regions in Parkinson’s disease (motor symptoms). Articles Number

of patients

Target, coil type Control condition Stimulation frequency and intensity Number of pulses/session and number of sessions

Significant clinical effects of real versus sham condition

Class of the study Kim et al. (2015) 17 (crossover) Bilateral M1, lateralized to the dominant hemisphere (leg representation), DCc

Tilted coil 10 Hz, 90% RMT

1000 pulses, 5 sessions

Improvement of UPDRS-III motor score (26%) and freezing of gait, one week after rTMS protocol


Brys et al. (2016) 29 (real: 14; sham: 15) Bilateral M1 (hand representation), F8c Realistic sham coil 10 Hz, NR 2000 pulses, 10 sessions

Improvement of UPDRS-III motor score (15%), one month after rTMS protocol


Makkos et al. (2016) 44 (real: 23; sham: 21) Bilateral M1 (hand representation), F8c Tilted coil 5 Hz, 90% RMT 2 300 pulses, 10 sessions

Improvement of UPDRS-III motor score (23%), one month after rTMS protocol


outcome in executive functions, but not regarding improvement of freezing, motor and ambulatory functions compared to rTMS of M1 alone.

Two other studies showed that rTMS of bilateral M1 regions, targeted over the motor hotspots of hand representation, was an effective treatment of parkinsonian motor symptoms (Brys

et al., 2016; Makkos et al., 2016). In the sham-controlled,

parallel-group study of Makkos et al. (2016), the primary end-point was the change in mood, while motor performance was a secondary endpoint. The patients improved on both aspects after 10 sessions of real rTMS over two weeks (23 patients in the real rTMS arm). The study ofBrys et al. (2016)enrolled a large sam-ple of 50 patients with Parkinson’s disease also with comorbid major depression (according to DSM-IV criteria), but only 14 patients were analyzed in the real M1 rTMS group (Class II study). In this multicenter, double-blind, sham-controlled, parallel-group study, a ‘‘realistic” sham procedure was applied (Rossi et al., 2007), combining the use of a sham coil and electric stimulation of the scalp at the level of the coil with electrodes connected to a constant current stimulator. For each M1 target (defined as the hand motor hotspot), the rTMS protocol consisted of 50 trains of 4 seconds with an intertrain interval of 11 seconds for a total of 1000 pulses delivered in a session of 12.5 minutes. Parkinsonian patients in the ‘‘on-drug” state received 10 daily sessions over two weeks, the left and right M1 being sequentially stimulated during each session. At one month after the last rTMS session, the motor symptoms, especially bradykinesia and rigid-ity, as assessed by the UPDRS-III score, significantly improved after real versus sham stimulation (reduction by 15% (4.9 points) compared to baseline). This effect was considered as a minimal clinical change and was not observed when the left DLPFC was stimulated in addition to the both M1 regions. Before 2014, pre-vious Class II studies of HF-rTMS delivered to bilateral M1 regions (upper and/or lower limb representation) had shown a significant improvement on UPDRS-III score of 19% (

González-García et al., 2011; Maruo et al., 2013) or ranging between 15

and 49% depending on stimulation frequency (5–20 Hz) (Khedr

et al., 2003,2006). Conversely, other studies performed in PD

patients did not show any beneficial motor effect of a series of 8 sessions over two weeks using iTBS of M1 and DLPFC regions

(Benninger et al., 2011) or 50-Hz rTMS of both motor cortices

(Benninger et al., 2012). Overall, the balance is now leaning

towards a probable efficacy of HF-rTMS delivered to a large motor cortical region in patients with Parkinson’s disease and the level of evidence increased to Level B. However, as reviewed

byBenninger and Hallett (2015), these effects are rather modest

and probably not relevant for routine clinical application. One study reassessed the value of LF-rTMS of M1 (Flamez et al., 2016). In this study, 1 Hz-rTMS was sequentially applied over the left and right M1 in the same session during a levodopa challenge test in 9 late-stage PD patients, but failed to change motor or exec-utive functions. In a sham-controlled crossover part of the study including 6 patients, a 5-day ‘‘accelerated” rTMS protocol with two sessions performed each day, also did not produce significant clinical change.

In a large cohort of 132 PD patients (Li et al., 2015), one study compared the therapeutic value of LF- vs. HF-rTMS delivered to M1 to that of the administration of istradefylline, an analog of caffeine, which is a selective antagonist of the adenosine A2A recep-tor, able to reduce the duration of wearing-off periods. After 12 weeks of treatment, motor improvement assessed by the UPDRS-III score was similar in all patient groups, receiving either istradefylline with sham rTMS or placebo drug with LF- or HF-rTMS. Regarding premotor cortex stimulation, most rTMS studies per-formed in Parkinson’s disease targeted the medial part of this

region, i.e. the supplementary motor area (SMA) using a figure-of-8 coil over the interhemispheric midline to stimulate both hemispheres simultaneously. A large, multicenter trial showed that a prolonged protocol of weekly sessions of LF- (but not HF-) rTMS of SMA could significantly improve global motor perfor-mance assessed on UPDRS-III score (6.8 point reduction) (Shirota et al., 2013). Conversely, a recent Class III study on 17 patients (9 real, 8 sham) (Sayin et al., 2014) did not find any beneficial effect of LF rTMS of bilateral SMA applied for 10 days on global motor performance. Thus, the value of the SMA target, especially stimu-lated at LF, to impact on motor symptoms remained to be further investigated in PD patients.

One crossover study (Yokoe et al., 2018) compared four condi-tions of bihemispheric HF-rTMS (10 Hz, 100% of RMT, 3 daily ses-sions of 1000 pulses in total per session for the both hemispheres using a figure-of-8 coil) in a series of 19 PD patients. These conditions were a real stimulation over the M1 hand area, the SMA (defined as 3 cm anterior to the motor hotspot), or the DLPFC (defined as 5.5 cm anterior to the motor hotspot), or a sham stimulation (using a ‘‘realistic” procedure with superficial electrical stimulation). The 3-day treatments for each condition were spaced at least 4 days apart. The main finding of this study was that the UPDRS-III score improved after bilateral HF-rTMS of the M1 and SMA, but not of the DLPFC compared with the sham condition. The changes tended to be better with the stimulation of M1, espe-cially regarding akinesia and lower limb functions. In contrast, no significant changes were observed in either the depression or apa-thy scores.

In this regard, in the aforementioned multicenter sham-controlled study (Brys et al., 2016), one group of 12 parkinsonian patients received a treatment consisting of 10 daily sessions of 10 Hz-rTMS over the left DLPFC (defined as located only 5 cm in front of the hand motor hotspot). No motor improvement was observed in this group, as well as in the group treated by both M1 and DLPFC stimulation, as previously discussed.

In summary, only the M1 target, at least if stimulated bilaterally using HF-rTMS, can be recommended for the treatment of motor parkinsonian symptoms for the moment. Beyond stimulating lar-ger cortical areas, the development of accelerated (intensified) pro-tocols with a greater number of sessions (including even more sessions per day) could be a way to optimize the efficacy of rTMS that should be tested in future studies (Rektorová and

Anderková, 2017). Alternatively, noninvasive TMS of M1 could be

combined with invasive deep brain stimulation to promote asso-ciative plasticity in the brain circuits of motor control, as demon-strated in PD patients byUdupa et al. (2016).

3.2. Parkinson’s disease: levodopa-induced dyskinesia

As reported inLefaucheur et al. (2014), the first report of rTMS effects on levodopa-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) was published by

Koch et al. (2005). In this pilot study of 8 PD patients, LIDs were reduced following a single session of 1 Hz-rTMS delivered bilater-ally over the SMAs. The same group replicated this result in 10 PD patients (Brusa et al., 2006), without finding any enhancement of the effect or prolonged benefit after 5 sessions. More recently,

Sayin et al. (2014)observed a reduction of LIDs for only 24 hours after 10 days of 1 Hz-rTMS sessions bilaterally applied over the SMAs.

Regarding the M1 target, following a pilot open study of 6 PD patients (Wagle-Shukla et al., 2007),Filipovic´ et al. (2009)reported a significant reduction of LIDs after repeated daily sessions of 1 Hz-rTMS of M1 contralateral to the most affected side in a cross-over study of 10 PD patients. Overall the benefit was of short duration. More recently, no change in LIDs was observed after a session of


1 Hz-rTMS sequentially applied over the left and right M1 during a levodopa challenge test in 9 PD patients (Flamez et al., 2016). Thus, neither the SMA nor the M1 region appears to be relevant targets for the application of LF-rTMS to impact on LIDs in daily life of PD patients.

Alternative targets are the left DLPFC, using HF-rTMS (Rektorova et al., 2008), the right inferior frontal cortex, using cTBS (Cerasa et al., 2015), and especially the lateral cerebellum, also using cTBS (Koch et al., 2009; Kishore et al., 2014). However, these preliminary results, sometimes obtained with a single session, remain to be further investigated in this clinical context.

3.3. Parkinson’s disease: Depression

One aforementioned study (Brys et al., 2016) reported the absence of beneficial effects of HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC on mood in a group of 12 PD patients. In this study, a non-significant average reduction of 1.4 point on the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) score was observed after real rTMS of the DLPFC, whereas this reduction was significant in all the other groups, by 6.6, 6.1, and 4.4 points on average in the real M1, sham, and real M1 + DLPFC groups, respectively. However, at the same time, another randomized sham-controlled study showed that real HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC performed in 10 PD patients with major depressive disorder (versus sham stimulation performed in 8 patients) was able to improve depression scores on the Montgomery-Asberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS) and the HDRS with a beneficial effect persisting for 6 weeks after 10 sessions of real stimulation (Shin et al., 2016). In contrast, no motor change was observed on the UPDRS-III score.

These two studies with opposite results canceled each other, and we propose not to change the level of evidence regarding the antidepressant efficacy of HF-rTMS of the left DLPFC in PD patients, which was B (probable efficacy) in our previous work (Lefaucheur et al., 2014), based on several ‘‘positive” Class II studies (Fregni et al., 2004; Pal et al., 2010).

The study of Brys et al. (2016) further showed that real M1 stimulation performed better than DLPFC stimulation to induce antidepressant effects in parkinsonian patients (HDRS score reduc-tion by 40%), although not significantly better than sham stimula-tion. Makkos et al. (2016) also reported an improvement of depression scores, by 59% on the MADRS and 50% on the Beck depression inventory (BDI) after HF-rTMS of bilateral M1. How-ever, it is too early to draw conclusions about the value of this ‘‘motor” procedure for treating depression in PD patients. 3.4. Dystonia

A PubMed search (keywords: (rTMS OR theta burst stimulation) AND dystonia) identified 30 papers, but no original sham-controlled studies with at least 10 patients receiving real stimula-tion for several daily sessions.

In our previous work (Lefaucheur et al., 2014), no sufficient evi-dence has been found to establish a recommendation for the use of any rTMS protocol in dystonia. In most studies, the dorsolateral part of the premotor cortex (dPMC) contralateral to the most affected side was the investigated rTMS target. Clinical improve-ment of writing abilities and reduction of dystonic symptoms was reported in patients with focal hand dystonia (writer’s cramp) following LF-rTMS of the dPMC in 3 sham-controlled studies (Murase et al., 2005; Borich et al., 2009; Kimberley et al., 2013). However, these studies were based on a single rTMS session (Murase et al., 2005) or included less than 10 patients in the group receiving real stimulation (Murase et al., 2005; Borich et al., 2009). The study byKimberley et al. (2013)consisted of a series of 5 daily sessions performed in 12 patients who received real rTMS, but the

sham group only included 5 patients. Overall, improvement was small and of short duration.

Instead of using LF-rTMS, one group assessed the value of cTBS as an ‘‘excitability-decreasing” protocol applied to the dPMC in a sham-controlled study of 18 patients with focal hand dystonia (9 real, 9 sham) (Huang et al., 2012). One daily session of cTBS was delivered to the dPMC over 5 consecutive days. At the end of the protocol, the real, but not sham stimulation was able to restore the abnormal PMd-M1 interactions assessed by MEP recordings. However, the clinical benefit on writing abilities was only marginal.

Thus, the dPMC target has not proved its interest in dystonia. At present, more recent studies aimed at investigating the value of cerebellar rTMS in this clinical condition. A sham-controlled Class III study with parallel-arm design (Koch et al., 2014) enrolled 18 patients (9 real, 9 sham) who underwent 10 sessions (over two weeks) of cTBS delivered to both cerebellar hemi-spheres. As LF-rTMS, cTBS protocol is considered as ‘‘inhibitory”, although the cortical plasticity changes induced by this type of rTMS protocol (like the others) have shown a great interindivid-ual variability (Hamada et al., 2013; Hordacre et al., 2017). A small, but significant improvement in cervical dystonia in the Toronto Western spasmodic torticollis rating scale (TWSTRS), but not in the Burke-Fahn-Marsden dystonia rating scale (BFMDRS) was observed in the real cTBS group (Koch et al., 2014). This effect was very short-lasting (a couple of days) and was no more observed two weeks after the last session. Some neurophysiological changes induced by the cTBS protocol were also reported in this study. Further evidence of the value of cere-bellar stimulation in dystonia is still needed.

3.5. Essential tremor

A PubMed search (keywords: (rTMS OR theta burst stimulation) AND essential tremor) identified 9 papers, but no original sham-controlled studies with at least 10 patients receiving real stimula-tion for several daily sessions.

In this clinical context, the current state of evidence of rTMS efficacy has been recently reviewed and mostly concerned LF-rTMS of the cerebellum (Kang and Cauraugh, 2017; Shih and Pascual-Leone, 2017). As for dystonia, the value of cTBS was also investigated. A crossover study of real versus sham cTBS delivered to the right cerebellar hemisphere, but only as a single session, did not show any change in tremor variables, on either clinical or kine-matic analysis (Bologna et al., 2015b). The same group applied the same cTBS protocol in patients with Parkinson’s disease and also found no effect on parkinsonian resting tremor (Bologna et al., 2015a).

Two other studies investigated the effect of a single session of cTBS for alleviating essential tremor, but considering left M1 or premotor cortical targets (Hellriegel et al., 2012; Chuang et al., 2014). In the study ofHellriegel et al. (2012), the clinical severity of tremor did not change, despite a reduction in the total power of the tremor signal measured by accelerometry. In the study of

Chuang et al. (2014), only a slight reduction of tremor amplitude was observed just after real but not sham stimulation of M1 or premotor cortex. Finally, a pilot study with parallel-arm design, investigated the value of 15 daily sessions (over 3 weeks) of LF-rTMS of the pre-SMA, another premotor target, in a series of 10 patients with essential tremor (5 real, 5 sham) (Badran et al., 2016). A significant reduction of tremor scores was observed after both real and sham rTMS (by 26% and 19%, respectively), but the clinical benefit was maintained at 4- and 8-week follow up only in the real rTMS arm. Overall, however, data from the literature remain inconclusive for the use of rTMS in the treatment of essen-tial tremor.



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