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Concrete behaviour under compressive loading: experimental research


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Concrete behaviour under compressive loading

Citation for published version (APA):

Geel, van, H. J. G. M. (1995). Concrete behaviour under compressive loading: experimental research. (TU Eindhoven. Fac. Bouwkunde, Vakgr. Konstruktie; Vol. TUE-BKO-9502). Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

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Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Structural Design And Engineering


Experimental research Part II: Bibliography 1900-1994

Report BK095.02 January 1995 ir. H.J.G.M. van Geel



This list of 625 papers, books and other publications was compiled during the first year of my Ph.D. study at Eindhoven University of Technology. I am not pretending to have read all publications listed in this bibliography, but I thought it very useful to gather all references, dealing with concrete in compression, I came across -for later use by myself or by others- instead of immediately discarding those publications I did not need at the time. A publication year index (page 3) and a (vezy global) subject index (page 4) might help you find your way through this pile of paper. I recommend any user, when using the subject index, to start with the latest publications on the subject (the highest reference numbers). Searching backwards in time turns out to be the easiest way to complete your search.

In part I of this report ('Concrete behaviour under compressive loading - Experimental research. Part I: Survey of Literature') by the author, results from research into the behaviour of concrete under both uniaxial and multiaxial compression throughout the years is summarized.

ir. Erik van Geel January 1995


Publication year index

1900-1926 ... . page 6 1974 ... page 35 1927-1934 ... . page 7 1975 ... page 37 1937-1950 ... page 8 1976 ... page 38 1951-1954 ... page 9 1977 ... page 39 1955-1956 ... page 10 1978 ... page 40 1957-1958 ... page 11 1979 ... . page 41 1959 ... page 12 1980 ... page 42 1960 ... page 13 1981 ... . page 44 1961 ... page 14 1982 ... ... page 47 1962 ... ... page 15 1983 ... page 48 1963 ... page 16 1984 ... page 50 1964 ... page 17 1985 ... page 54 1965 ... page 18 1986 ... page 55 1966 ... ... page 20 1987 ... page 57 1967 ... page 21 1988 ... page 59 1968 ... page 23 1989 ... page 60 1969 ... page 26 1990 ... page 63 1970 ... page 28 1991. ... page 64 1971 ... ... page 29 1992 ... page 66 1972 ... page 31 1993 ... page 66 1973 ... page 33 1994 ... ... page 67


Keyword index

Uniaxial tests. 9,11,13,14,17,45,51,54,60,69,81,89,107,112,137,144,158,162,163,175,176,177,179,183, 193,200,206,238,241,244,257 ,262,265,290,306,307 ,333,339 ,352,359 ,390,429 ,438,466, 471,47 5,480,483,484,489,491,504,507 ,508,512,514,516,521,525,544,545,556,563,567, 568,57 5,576,578,583,584,592,597 ,598,600,602,606,610,611,618,619 ,620,621,624,625.

Multiaxial tests. Biaxial tests. Triaxial tests.

1,3,10,18,26,29,32,42,48,53,75,76,77,80,82,106, 122,123, 126,127,129,130,136,137, 163, 164, 166, 177, 183,184,185, 188, 191, 195, 199,201,202,204,205,207 ,215,221,222,223,226, 234,235 ,236,240,242,243,255,259 ,260,261,262,263,264 ,273 ,27 5 ,276,296,300,304,305, 317,327,328,331,332,335,336,341,344,351,355,361,363,366,376,384,393,394,407,410, 411,412,416,422,423,434,435,437,441,442,447 ,449,450,453,458,459,466,467,468,474, 486,488,490,492,495 ,507 ,508,518,535,556,564,567 ,568,570,586,592,606,612,623.

Fatigue tests. Long-term loading, Sustained loading.

7, 155,227 ,229,283,306,323,538,576,604. Tensile tests. 9,89,144,307,471,589. Flexural tests. 9,43,51,60,74. Cyclic tests. 115,227 ,285,308,314,324,326,354,411,412,423,449 ,466,467 ,502,507 ,508,535,556.

Boundary conditions. Loading platens.

1,6,31,55,92,126,175,176,189,258,259,265,266,280,303,330,344,346,348,356,375,376, 416,429 ,460,466,478,526,567 ,568,606,620,621.

Failure theories. Models. Fracture mechanics. Constitutive modelling.

8,21,22,110,124,159,168,169,181, 187 ,203,212,237 ,239,246,247 ,249,252,271,278,279, 285,291,297 ,298,309 ,320,337 ,338,367 ,37 5,378,379,392,393,395,396,406,413,421,422, 426,431,434,441,443,454,456,459,462,464,466,474,481,485,490,491,493,501,502,503, 508,514,530,542,548,551,552,555,556,558,577 ,579,580,582,599,601,603,606,615,616, 617,623.

Measuring techniques. Test equipment

19,27,47 ,91,93,102,111, 149,151,180,254,280,284,346,366,433,465,466,478,486,489,492 ,512,517 ,550,569,571,583,606,620.


Loading rate.


Cement-aggregate interface, -bond and -interaction.




Concrete composition. Aggregate size. Concrete properties.

16,24,43,46,52,59,60,67,68,71,78,84,94,96,108,125,144,165,208,222,240,255,260,273, 275,324,353,409,498,500,528,610,614,619,620,621.

Shear loading. Shear crack behaviour.


High strength concrete.

116,131,213,345,349,370,377,390,391,402,404,419,519,535,541,545,572,575,576,583, 594,597 ,611.

Crack detection techniques. Microcracking. Micromechanics.

25,35,59,70,71,87,100,101,103,104,120,128,133,134,135,142,145,153,170,171,172,178, 179, 183, 190, 192, 193, 197 ,206,209,214,230,248,253,286,288,293,295,301,314,325,326, 357 ,368,369,370,373,381,391,397,400,402,407,414,415,420,424,425,428,430,432,436, 439,440,447,457,473,479,497 ,505,506,515,521,523,524,525,531,532,533,536,537 ,546, 549 ,553,554,559 ,560,566,573,576,585 ,587 ,593,598,600 ,606,607.

Stress path variations.

164,260,305,341,344,361,372,441,442,466,467 ,507 ,508,556,564,612.

Size effect

23,30,39,40,44,58,61,72,83,92,119,147 ,154,160,173,228,318,338,344,362,376,446,466, 508,54 7 ,555,556,563,578,584,606,610,614,620,621,622.



1. Fopple, A.

Die Abhangigkeit der Bruchgefahr von der Art des Spannungszustandes, mitteilungen aus dem Mech. Techn. Lab. der Koniglichen Technische Hochschule, MUnchen, Heft 27 und 28, 1900.


2. Considere, A.

Resistance a la compression du beton


et du beton frette, Le genie civil, 1902.


3. Karman, Th. von

Festigkeitsversuche unter allseitigem Druck, 7.eitschrift des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure, nr.42, 1911.


4. Berndt, O. / Preuss, E.

Versuche zum Vergleich der Wlirfelfestigkeit des Betons zu der im Bauwerk erzielten Festigkeit, Deutscher Ausschuss ftir Eisenbeton, Heft 36, 1915.

5. Boker, R.

Die Mechanik der bleibenden Formanderungen in kristallinisch aufgebauten Korpem, Mitteilungen Uber Forschungsarbeiten, VDI-Heft 1751176, 1915.


6. Gonnerman, H.F.

Effect of end condition of cylinder on compressive strength of concrete, Proc. ASTM, V24, part II, 1924, pp. 1036.

7. Mehmel, A.

Untersuchungen Uber den Einfluss haufig wiederholter Druckbeanspruchungen auf Druckelastizitlit und Druckfestigkeit von Beton, Springer-Verlag, 1926.



8. Brandtzaeg, A.

Failure of a material composed of non-isotropic elements, 1927.


9. Gonnerman, H.F./ Shuman, E.C.

Compression, flexure and tension tests of plain concrete, Proc. Am. Soc. for Testing Mat., V2, nr.28, pp. 527-552, 1928.


10. Richart, F.E. / Brandtzaeg, A./ Brown, L.

A study of the failure of concrete under combined compressive stresses, Bulletin nr.185, University of illinois Engineering Experiment Station, Urbana, april 1929, 102 pp ..

11. Richart, F.E. I Brandtzaeg, A. I Brown, L.

A study of failure in plain and spirally reinforced concrete in compression, Bulletin nr.190, University of Illinois Engineering Experiment Station, Urbana, april 1929.


12. Morsch, E.

Uber den Wert der Reduzierten Spannung beim Beton, Ing. Archiv, 1. Band, 1930.


13. Rengers, N.J.

Proefnemingen op kolommen van beton en gewapend beton, De ingenieur, nrs. 27-31-40-48 (1933) and 1-9-27 (1934).

14. Thoman, W.H. /Reader, W.

Ultimate strength and modulus of elasticity of high strength portland cement concrete, Journal of the ACI, V30, nr.3, 1934, pp. 231-238.



15. Wastlund, G.

Nya ron angaende betonges grundlaggende halfasthetsegenschaper, Betong (Stockholm), V3, 1937.


16. Gyengo, T.

Effect of type of test specimen and gradation of aggregate on compressive strength of concrete, Journal of the ACI, nr.34, 1938, pp. 269.


17. Ramaley, L. /McHenry, D.

Stress-strain curves for concrete strained beyond ultimate load, Laboratory rep. SP-12, US Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, 1947.


18. Balmer, G.G.

Shearing strength of concrete under high triaxial stresses - computation of Mohr's envelope as a curve, Special publication nr.23, Structural Research Laboratorium Report, Bur. of Reclam., US Dept. of the Interior, 1949.

19. Binns, R. I Mygind, H.

The use of electrical resistance strain gauges and the effect of aggregate size on gauge length in connexion with the testing of concrete, Magazine of concrete research, Vl, nr.1,

1949, pp. 35-39.

20. Ros, M. /Eichinger, A.

Die Bruchgefahr fester Karper, Bericht nr. 172 der EMPA Zurich, 1949.


21. Freudenthal, A.M.



22. Freudenthal, A.M.

The inelastic behavior and failure of concrete, 1st US national Congress of Applied Mechanics, Chicago, 1951.

23. Gaede, K.

Haben grossere Betonkorper eine geringere Festigkeit als kleinere?, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, V46, nr.3, 1951, pp. 51-53.

24. Price, W.H.

Factors influencing concrete strength, Journal of the ACI, nr.47, 1951, pp. 417.


25. Jones, R.

A method of studying the formation of cracks in a material subjected to stresses, British Journal of Applied Physics, London, V3, nr.7,july 1952, pp. 229-232.


26. Smith, G.M.

Failure of concrete under combined tensile and compressive stresses, Journal of the ACI, V50, nr.2, oct. 1953, pp. 137-140.


27. Jones, R. /Wright, P.J.F.

Some problems involved in destructive and non-destructive testing of concrete, Proc. of a symp. on Mix Design and Quality Control of Concrete, London, 1954, pp. 441.

28. L'Hermite, R.

Present day ideas in concrete technology. Part 3: The failure of concrete, RILEM Bulletin nr.18,june 1954, pp. 27-38.

29. R~,A.D.

Experiments on creep of concrete under two-dimensional stressing, Magazine of concrete research, nr.16,june 1954, pp. 3-11.


30. Riisch, H.

Specimen size and apparent compressive strength, Journal of the ACI, V50, nr. 5, 1954, pp. 803-804.

31. Tarrant, A.G.

Frictional difficulty in concrete testing, The engineer, V198, 1954, pp. 801. 32. US Bureau of reclamation

Triaxial strength tests of neat cement and mortar cylinders, Cone. Lab. Report C-779, Denver, Colorado, 1954.


33. Blakey, F.A.

Some considerations of the cracking or fracture of concrete, Civil engineering and Public Works Review, V50, nr.586, april 1955.

34. Hognestad, E. /Hanson, N.W. /McHenry, D.

Concrete stress distribution in ultimate strength design, Journal of the ACI, V52, nr.4, dee. 1955,pp.455-479.

35. Jones, R. / Gatfield, E.N.

Testing concrete by an ultrasonic pulse technique, DSIR Road Research Techn. paper nr. 34, 1955.

36. L'Hermite, R.

Idees actuelle sur la technologie du beton, Paris, Eyrolles, 1955. 37. Reinius, E.

En teori om Betonges Deformation och Brott, Betong, V40, nr.l, 1955, 15 pp .. 38. Riisch, H.

Versuche zur Festigkeit der Biegedruckzone, Deutscher Ausschuss fur Stahlbeton, Heft 120.


39. Neville, A.

The influence of size of concrete test cubes on mean strength and standard deviation, Magazine of concrete research, nr.8, 1956, pp. 101-110.


40. Neville, A.M.

The use of 4-inch concrete compression test cubes, Civil engineering, V51, nr. 605, pp. 1251, 1956.

41. Riisch, H.

Betrachtungen zur Prilfung der Betonfestigkeit, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, V51, nr.6, 1956, pp. 135-138.


42. Bresler, B. / Pister, K.S.

Failure of plain concrete under combined stresses, Trans. ASCE, nr.122, 1957. 43. Jones, R. /Kaplan, M.F.

The effect of coarse aggregate on the mode of failure of concrete in compression and flexure, Magazine of concrete research, V9, nr.26, 1957, pp. 89-94.

44. Murdock, J. I Kesler, C.

Effect of length to diameter ratio of specimen on the apparent strength of concrete, ASTM Bulletin 221, 1957, pp. 68-73.

45. Neville, A.M.

The failure of concrete compression test specimens, Civil engineering, V52, nr.613, 1957, pp. 773.

46. Neville, A.M.

Concrete compression test cubes, Civil engineering, V52, nr.615, 1957, pp.1045. 47. Wright, P.J.F.

Compression testing machines for concrete, The engineer, V201, 1957, pp. 639.


48. Bresler, B. / Pister, K.S.

Strength of concrete under combined stresses, Journal of the ACI, V55, nr.3, sept. 1958, pp. 321-345.

49. Evans, R.H.

Effect of rate of loading on some mechanical properties of concrete, Mech. Prop. of Non-met. brittle materials, London, Buttersworth, 1958.


50. Glomb,


Die Ausnutzbarkeit zweiachsiger Festigkeit des Betons im Flachentragwerken, 3. Spannbetonkongress, Berlin, 1958, Heft 10.

51. Jones, R.

The failure of concrete test specimens in compression and flexure, Mech. Properties of Non-metallic Brittle Materials, ed. W.H. Walton, Butterworths Sc. Publ., 1958.

52. Jones, R. /Kaplan, M.

The effect of stone on the mode of failure of concrete, Magazine of concrete research, nr.11, 1958.

53. McHenry, D. /Kami, J.

Strength of concrete under combined tensile and compressive stresses, Journal of the ACI, april 1958.

54. Rasch, C.

Stress-strain diagrams of concrete obtained by constant rates of strain, RILEM-kolloquium "Einfluss der 7.eit auf de Festigkeit und Verformung des Betons", Milnchen, 1958.

55. Werner, G.

The effect of type of capping material on the compressive strength of concrete cylinders, Proc. ASTM, V58, 1958, pp. 1166.


56. Alexander, K.M.

Strength of the cement-aggregate bond, Journal of the ACI, V56, nr.17, 1959, pp. 377-390.

57. Berg, 0.

Research on the concrete strength theory, Journal of applied mechanics, 1959, pp. 60-69.

58. Bonzel, J.

Zur Gestaltsabhangigkeit der Betondruckfestigkeit, Beton- und betonstahlbau V54, nr.9, pp. 223-228, nr. 10, pp. 247-248, 1959.

59. Kaplan, M.F.

Ultrasonic pulse velocity, dynamic modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio and the strength of concrete made with thirteen different coarse aggregates, RILEM Bulletin nr.1 , 1959, pp. 58-73.


60. Kaplan, M.F.

Flexural and compressive strength of concrete


affected by the properties of the coarse aggregates, Journal of the ACI, V55, nr.11, 1959, pp. 1193-1208.

61. Kesler, C.

Effect of length to diameter ratio on compressive strength, Proceedings ASTM, V59, 1959,pp. 1216-1229.

62. Neville, A.M.

The influence of direction of loading on the strength of concrete test cubes, ASTM Bulletin nr. 239, 1959, pp. 63.

63. Neville, A.M.

Some aspects of the strength of concrete, Civil engineering, V54, part 1, pp. 1153, part 2, pp. 1308, part 3, pp. 1435, 1959.

64. Pilny, F.

Die Kraftwirkungslinie beim Drukversuch, Bautechnik, V36, nr.l, 1959, pp. 7-11. 65. Rusch, H.

Physikalische Fragen der Betonpriifung, Zement-Kalk-Gips, V12, nr.1, 1959, pp. 1-9. 66. Rilsch, H.

Der Einfluss der Deformationseigenschaften des Betons auf den Spannungsverlauf, Schweizerische Bauzeitung, V77, nr.9, 1959, pp. 119-126.

67. Walker, S. /Bloem, D.L. /Gaynor, R.D.

Relationships of concrete strength to maximum size of aggregate, Proc. Highw. Res. Bd., nr.38, pp. 367, 1959.


68. Alexander, K.M. /Wardlaw, J.

Dependence of cement aggregate bond strength on size of aggregate, Nature, V187, nr.4733, july 16, 1960, pp. 230-231.

69. Avram, C. et aJ.

Determination of concrete mechanical strengths on cylindrical specimens, Buletin Stiintific si technical Inst Politechnic Timisoara, fasc. 1-2, nr.5, 1960.

70. Jones, R.


71. Kaplan, M.F.

The relation between ultrasonic pulse velocity and the compressive strength of concretes having the same workability but different mix proportions, Magazine of concrete research, Vl2, nr.34, pp. 3-8, 1960.

72. Kuczynski, W.

La resistance du beton etudie sur des eprouvettes de differentes formes et de diverses dimensions, RILEM bulletin 8, 1960, pp. 77-92.

73. Riisch, H.

Researches towards a general flexural theory for structural concrete, Journal of the ACI, 1960, pp. 1-28.

74. Smith, R.C.

The determination of the compressive stress-strain properties of concrete in flexure, Magazine of concrete research, Vl2, nr.36, 1960.

75. Tsuboi, Y. / Suenaga, Y.

Experimental study on failure of plain concrete under combined stresses, Transactions of the Architectural Institute of Japan, part 3, nr.64, feb. 1960, pp. 25-36.


76. Akroyd, T.N.W.

Concrete under triaxial stresses, Magazine of concrete research, V13, nr.39, nov. 1961, pp. 111-119.

77. Bellamy, C.J.

Strength of concrete under combined stresses, Journal of the ACI, oct. 1961, pp. 367-380. 78. Gilkey, H.J.

Water cement ratio versus strength - another look, Journal of the ACI, V57, nr.10, april 1961,pp. 1287-1312.

79. Kaplan, M.F.

Crack propagation and the fracture of concrete, Journal of the ACI, VS, nr.58, 1961, pp. 591-610.

80. WeigJer, H. /Becker, G.

Uber das Bruch- und Verformungsverhalten von Beton bei mehrachsiger Beanspruchung, Der Bauingenieur, Heft 10, 1961.



81. Brock, G.

Concrete: complete stress-strain curves, Engineering (London), V193, nr.5011, 1962, pp. 606.

82. Campbell-Allen, D.

Strength of concrete under combined stresses, Constructional Review, Sydney, Australia, V35, nr.4, april 1962, pp. 29-37.

83. Gaede, K.

Ober den Einfluss der Grosse der Proben auf die Wiirfeldruckfestigkeit von Beton, Deutscher Ausschuss fl.if Stahlbeton, Heft 144, 1962.

84. Hansen, H. / Thaulow, S. et al

Compressive strength of concrete - cube or cylinder?, RILEM bulletin 17, 1962, pp. 23-30.

85. Hansen, T.C.

On the rheology of hardened concrete, Proc. Swedish Cement and Concrete Institute, V37, 1962.

86. Hirsch, T


Modulus of elasticity of concrete affected by elastic moduli of cement paste matrix and aggregate, Journal of the ACI, V59, nr.3, 1962, pp. 427-452.

87. Hsu, T.T.C.

Microcracks between coarse aggregate and paste-mortar in concrete, PhD. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY,june 1962.

88. Mehmel, A. I Kern, E.

Elastische und plastische Stauchungen von Beton infolge Druckschwell und Standbelastung, Deutscher Ausschuss fiir Stahlbeton, Heft 153, 1962.

89. Nilsson, S.

Tensile and compressive strength of concrete detennined on the same cube, RILEM Bulletin 17, 1962.

90. Rasch, C.

Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien des Betons und Spannungsverteilung in der Biegedruckzone bei konstanter Dehngeschwindigkeit, Deutscher Ausschuss filr Stahlbeton, Heft 154, 1962.


91. Rohrbach, C.

Spannungs- und Dehnungsmessungen an Beton, Archiv fi.ir Technisches Messen, V318, 1962, pp. 159-160.

92. ThauJow, S.

Apparent compressive strength of concrete


affected by height of test specimen and friction between loading surfaces, RILEM bulletin 17, 1962, pp. 31-33.

93. Turner, P.W. /Barnard, P.R.

Stiff constant strain rate testing machine, Engineer (London), V214, nr.5557, 1962, pp. 146-14.


94. Bloem, D.L. I Gaynor, R.D.

Effect of aggregate properties on strength of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V60, nr.10, 1963, pp. 1435-1453.

95. Brace, W.F. / Bombolakis, E.G.

A note on brittle crack growth in compression, Journal of geophys. research, V68, nr.12, 1963.

96. Cordon, W.A. /Gillespie, H.A.

Variables in concrete aggregate and Portland cement paste which influence the strength of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V60, nr.8, 1963, pp. 1029-1049.

97. Glilcklich,


Fracture of plain concrete, Journal of the Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, V89, 1963, pp. 127-138.

98. Hsu, T.T.C.

Mathematical analysis of shrinkage stresses in a model of hardened concrete, Journal of the ACI, V60, nr.3, 1963, pp. 371-390.

99. Hsu, T.T.C. /Slate, F.O.

Tensile bond strength between aggregate and cement paste or mortar, Journal of the ACI, V60, nr.4, 1963, pp. 465-486.

100. Hsu, T.T.C. /Slate, F.O. /Sturman, G.M. /Winter, G.

Microcracking of plain concrete and the shape of the stress-strain curve, Journal of the ACI, V60, nr.2, 1963, pp. 209-224.


101. Kap1an, M.F.

Strains and stresses of concrete at initiation of cracking and near failure, Journal of the ACI, July 1963.

102. Newman, K. /Lachance, L. /Loveday, R.

Strain measurements on saturated concrete specimens, Magazine of concrete research, V15, nr.45, 1963, pp. 143-150.

103. SJate, F.O. / Olsefski, S.

X-ray for study of internal structure and microcracking of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V60, nr.5, 1963, pp. 575-588.

104. Sturman, G.M.

Microcracking and the structural behavior of plain concrete, PhD. Thesis, Cornell University, 1963.

105. Taylor, M.A.

The shearing strength of the bond between coarse aggregates and cement paste and mortars, M.S. Thesis, Cornell University, 1963.

106. Weig1er, H. /Becker, G.

Uber das Bruch- und Verformungsverhalten von Beton bei zweiachsiger Beanspruchung, Deutscher Ausschuss fiir Stahlbeton, Heft 157, 1963.


107. Barnard, P.R.

Researches into the complete stress-strain curve for concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V16, nr.49, 1964, pp. 203-210.

108. Bennett, E.W./ Khi1ji, Z.M.

The effect on some properties of the coarse aggregate in hardened concrete, Journal of the British Granite and Whinstone Federation, 1963, pp. 17-28, 1964, pp. 17-24.

109. Desayi, P. I Krishnan, S.

Equation for stress-strain curve of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V61, nr.3, 1964, pp. 345-350.

110. Hashin, Z.

Theory of mechanical behaviour of heterogeneous media, Applied Mech. Review, V17, nr.1, 1964, pp. 1-9.


111. Millier, K.

Der Einfluss der Messlange auf die Ergebnisse bei Dehnmessungen an Beton, Beton, V14, nr.5, 1964, pp. 205-208.

112. Newman, K. I Lachance, L.

The testing of brittle materials under uniform uniaxial compressive stress, Proc. of the Am.

Soc. for Testing and Materials, 1964, pp. 1044-1067.

113. Roy, H.E.H. I Sozen, M.A.

Ductility of concrete, ACI Special Publ. SP12 "Flexural mechanics of reinforced concrete", 1964, pp. 213-235.

114. Saenz, L.P.

Discussion on 'Equation for stress-strain curve of concrete' by Desayi/Krishnan, Journal of the ACI, V61, nr.9, 1964, pp. 1229 and 1236.

115. Sinha, B.P. /Gerstle, K.H. /Tolin, C.G.

Stress-strain relations for concrete under cyclic loading, Journal of the ACI, V62, nr.2, 1964, pp. 195-210.

116. Smith, E.F. /Tynes, W.O. /Saucier, K.L.

High compressive strength concrete, development of concrete mixtures, Techn. Doc. rep., US Army Eng. Waterways Exp. Station, 1964 (44 pp.).

117. Taylor, M.A./ Broms, B.B.

Shear bond strength between coarse aggregates and cement paste or mortar, Journal of the ACI, 1964, pp. 939-957.

118. Tolin, C.G. /Gerstle, K.H.

Discussion of "Equation for the stress-strain curve of concrete" by P. Desayi I S. Krishnan, ACI Journal, V.61, nr.9, 1964, pp. 1236-1238.


119. Aurich, H.

Beitrag zum Verhfiltnis der Zylinderdruckfestigkeit ztir Wtirfelfestigkeit von Beton, Techn.-wissensch. Mitteilungen nr.2, 1965, Dyckerhoff Zementwerke AG, Wiesbaden.

120. Broms, B.B.

Technique for investigation of internal cracks in reinforced concrete members, Journal of the ACI, V62, nr.1, 1965, pp. 35-44.


121. Budianski, B.

On the elastic moduli of some heterogeneous materials, Journal of Mech. and Physics of Solids, V13, 1965, pp. 223-227.

122. Chinn,


I Zimmermann, R.M.

Behavior of plain concrete under various high triaxial compressive loading conditions, University of Colorado, 1965.

123. Fumaga1Ii, E. et al.

Strength of concrete under biaxial compression, Journal of the ACI, V62, 1965, pp. 239-249.

124. Hansen, T.C.

Theories of multi-phase materials applied to concrete, cement mortar and cement paste, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on "the Structure of Concrete" London, 1965, pp. 16-23.

125. Hansen, T.C.

Influence of aggregate and voids on modulus of elasticity of concrete, cement mortar and cement paste, Journal of the ACI, V62, nr.2, 1965, pp. 193.

126. Hilsdorf, H.

Die Bestimmung der zweiachsigen Festigkeit des Betons, Deutscher Ausschuss ftir Stahlbeton, Heft 173, 1965.

127. Krahl, N.W. et al.

The behavior of plain mortar and concrete under triaxial stresses, Proc. ASTM, V65, 1965, pp. 697-709.

128. Navaratnarajah, V.

A photoelastic method of detecting microcracks in concrete, Journal of Scientific Instruments, V42, nr.4, 1965.

129. Newman, K.

Criteria for the behavior of plain concrete under complex states of stress, Int. Conf. on the Structure of Concrete, London, 1965, paper F-1, 38 pp ..

130. Reimann, H.

Kritische Spannungszusllinde des Betons bei mehrachsiger ruhender Kurzzeitbelastung, Deutscher Ausschuss ftir Stahlbeton, Heft 175, 1965.

131. Saucier, K.L. /Tynes, W.O. /Smith, E.F.

High strength concrete - report 3, summary report, US Army Eng. Waterways Exp. Station, 1965 (87 pp.).


132. Shah, S.P.

Inelastic behavior and fracture of concrete, PhD. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 1965.

133. Shah, S.P. /Slate, F.O.

Internal microcracking, mortar-aggregate bond and the stress-strain curve of concrete, Proc. of the International Conference on the structure of concrete , London, ed. A.E. Brooks I K. Newman, 1965, pp. 925-930.

134. Sturman, G.M. /Shah, S.P. /Winter, G.

Effects of flexural strain gradients in microcracking and stress-strain behavior of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V62, nr.7,july 1965, pp. 805-822.

135. Sturman, G.M. /Shah, S.P. /Winter, G.

Microcracking and inelastic behavior of concrete, Proc. of an International Symposium on Flexural Mechanics of Reinforced Concrete, Miami Florida, ACI-special publ. nr.12, 1965, pp. 473-499.

136. Sundara Raja Iyengar, K.T. et al.

Strength of concrete under biaxial compression, Journal of the ACI, febr. 1965. 137. Vile, G.W.D.

Behavior of concrete under simple and combined stresses, Imperial College of Science and Technology, London, sept. 1965, 559 pp.

138. Walsh, J.B.

The effect of cracks in rocks on Poisson's ratio, Journal of geophys. research, V70, nr.20, 1965,pp.5249-5257.

139. Walz, K. / Bonzel, J. /Baum, G.

Versuche mit Leichtbeton hoher Festigkeit, Beton, V15, nr.2, pp. 59-65, nr.3, pp. 107-114, 1965.

140. Winter, G. / Riisch, H.

Colloque on nature of inelasticity of concrete and its structural effects, Report nr. 322, Dep. of Struct Eng., Cornell University, 1965.


141. Ben-Zvi, E. / Miiller, G. /Rosenthal, I.

Effect of the active triaxial stress on the strength of concrete elements, Journal of the ACI, V63, oct. 1966, pp. 112-128.


142. Facaoaru, I.

Some aspects of concrete cracking and failure under compression stresses, as determined by ultrasonic measurements, Rev. Constr. Mat. Constr. 7, 1966.

143. Henzel,

J. /



/Freitag, W.

Einflilsse auf die Ergebnisse bei Druckfestigkeitsprtifungen, Mitteilungen aus dem Institut

flir Massivbau, Heft 12, 1966, TH Darmstadt.

144. Hughes, B.P. /Chapman, G.P.

The deformation of concrete and microconcrete in compression and tension with particular reference to aggregate size, Magazine of concrete research, Vl8, nr.54, 1966, pp. 19-24.

145. Isenberg,


A study of cracks in concrete by X-radiography, RILEM bulletin nr.30, 1966, pp. 107-114.

146. Lott,


/Kesler, C.E.

Crack propagation in plain concrete, Symp. on Structure of Portland Cement Paste and Concrete, Highway research board, Spec. resp. 90, Washington, 1966.

147. Neville, A.

A general relation for strengths of concrete specimens of different shapes and sizes, Journal of the ACI, V63, nr.10, 1966, pp. 1095-1109.

148. Newman, K.

Concrete control tests as measures of the properties of concrete, Symp. on concrete quality, session 6, Cement and Concrete Ass., London, 1966, pp. 120-138.

149. Newman, K. / Sigvaldason, O.T.

Testing machine and specimen characteristics and their effect on the mode of deformation, failure and strength of materials, Proc. Inst. Mech. Engrs., V180, part A, 1966, pp. 399-410.

150. Shah, S.P. /Winter, G.

Inelastic behavior and fracture of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V63, nr.9, sept. 1966, pp. 925-930.

151. Sigvaldason, 0.

The influence of testing machine characteristics upon the cube and cylinder strength of concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V18, nr.57, 1966, pp. 197-206.


152. Stockl, S.

Das unterschiedliche Verformungsverhalten der Rand- und Kemzonen von Beton, Deutscher Ausschuss filr Stahlbeton, Heft 185.

153. Whitehurst, E.A.

Evaluation of concrete properties from sonic tests, Monograph, nr.2, ACI, Detroit, Michigan, 1966.


154. Albrecht, W.

Einfluss des Verhaltnisses von Probendicke zu Grosstkomdurchmesser und Einfluss der Probengrosse auf die Betondruckfestigkeit, Beton, V17, nr.5, 1967, pp. 173-178.

155. Bennett, E.W./ Muir, S.E.

Some fatigue tests of high strength concrete in axial compression, Magazine of concrete research, Vl9, nr.59, 1967, pp. 113-117.

156. Beres, L.

Investigation on structural loosening of compressed concrete, Materiaux et constructions, nr.36, 1967, pp. 185-190.

157. Bieniawski, Z.1.

Mechanism of brittle fracture of rock, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., V 4, 1967, pp. 395-430.

158. Desayi, P. I Viswanatha, C.S.

True ultimate strength of plain concrete, RILEM Bulletin 36, 1967, pp. 163-173. 159. Dougill, J.W.

A mathematical model for the failure of cement paste and mortars, Magazine of concrete research, V.19, nr. 60, pp. 135-142, 1967.

160. Gliicklich, J. /Cohen, L.

Sire as a factor in the brittle-ductile transition and the strength of some materials, International Journal of Fracture Mechanics, V3, 1967, pp. 278-289.

161. Goode, C.D. /Helmy, M.A.

The strength of concrete under combined shear and direct stress, Magazine of concrete research, V19, nr.59,june 1967, pp. 105-112.


162. Hughes, B. I Bahramian, B.

Cube tests and the uniaxial compressive strength of concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V19, nr.60, 1967, pp. 165-172.

163. Meyer, H.G.

Beitrag zur Frage des Querkriechens von Beton unter ein- und zweiachsiger Druckbeanspruchung, Mitteilungen aus dem Institut filr Materialprufung und Forschung des Bauwesens der TH Hannover, Heft 5, 1967, 247 pp ..

164. Niwa, Y. /Kobayashi, S. /Koyanagi, W.

Failure criterion of lightweight aggregate concrete subjected to triaxial compression, Memoires of the faculty of engineering, Kyoto University, nr.29, 1967-2, pp. 119-131. 165. Popovics, S.

Relations between various strengths of concrete, Highway Research Board, Washington DC, V210, 1967, pp. 67-94.

166. Robinson, G.S.

Behavior of concrete in biaxial compression, Journal of the Struct. Div., ASCE, V93, nr. STl, feb. 1967, paper 5090, pp. 71-86.


167. Alexander, K.M. /Wardlaw, J. /Gilbert, DJ.

Aggregate-cement bond, cement paste strength and the strength of concrete, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on the Structure of Concrete, London, 1965, pp. 59-81.

168. Berg, 0.

Die Hauptentwicklungsrichtungen der Theorie der Festigkeit und Verformung des Betons, Wissensch. Zeitschrift der Univ. Dresden, V17, nr.6, 1968, pp. 1489-1496.

169. Drucker, D.C.

Thoughts on the present and future interrelation of theoretical and experimental mechanics, Experimental mechanics, 1968, pp. 97-106.

170. Forrester, J.A.

Discussion: Propagation of cracks and their detection under short-and long-term loading, Proc. Int. Conf. on The Structure of Concrete, ed. A.E. Brooks I K. Newman, 1968. 171. Galan, A.

Die Bildung und Verbreidung Mikrorissen im Beton bei mittiger Druck- und Zugbeanspruchung, Wissensch. Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, V17, nr.6, 1968, pp. 1526-1528.


172. Gliicklich,


The effect of microcracking on time dependent deformations and the longterm strength of concrete, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on the Structure of Concrete, London, 1968, pp. 176-189.

173. Gliicklich, J. I Cohen, L.

Strain-energy and size effects in a brittle material, Material research & Standards, V8, 1968, pp. 17-22.

174. Hansen, T.C.

Cracking and fracture of concrete and cement paste, ACI Spec. publ. SP-20 "Causes, mechanisms and control of cracking", 1968, pp. 43-66.

175. Hawkins, N.M.

The bearing strength of concrete loaded through rigid plates, Magazine of concrete research, V20, nr.62, 1968, pp. 31-40.

176. Hawkins, N.M.

The bearing strength of concrete loaded through flexible plates, Magazine of concrete research, V20, nr.63, 1968, pp. 95-102.

177. Hruban, I./ Vitek, B.

Der Festigkeit des Betons bei ein- und zweiachsiger Beanspruchung, Sonderdruck der wissenschaftl. :leitschrift der TU Dresden, nr.17, Heft 6, 1968, pp. 1523-1525.

178. Isenberg, J.

Properties of concrete change when microcracking occurs, ACI Special publ. SP20 "Causes, mechanism and control of cracking in concrete", 1968, pp. 29-41.

179. Jones, R.

Cracking and failure of concrete test specimens under uniaxial quasi-static loading, Pro. Int. Conf. on the Structure of Concrete, London, 1965, pp. 125-130.

180. Jordaan, I./ Illston, J.

A creep rig for testing concrete under multiaxial compressive stress, Magazine of concrete research, V20, nr.65, 1968, pp. 235-239.

181. Kaplan, M.

The application of fracture mechanics for concrete, Proc. of the Int. Conf. on the Structure of Concrete, London, 1965, pp. 169-17 5.

182. King, J.W.H.

Discussion on properties of concrete under complex states of stress, Proc. Int. Conf. on The structure of Concrete, London, 1965, pp. 293.


183. Krishnaswamy, K.T.

Strength and microcracking of plain concrete under triaxial compression, Journal of the ACI, V65, nr.10, oct. 1968, pp. 856-862.

184. Kupfer, H.

Das Verhalten Betons unter zweiachsiger Beanspruchung, Internationales Kolloquium Beton, Dresden, 1968.

185. Malcov, K.A. I Pak, A.

Betonfestigkeit bei mehrachsiger Beanspruchung, Internationales Kolloquium Dresden 1968, Sonderdruck der wissenschaftl. Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, pp. 1519-1520.

186. Mangel, S.

Beitrag zur Prilfung von Betonwilrfeln, Betonstein-Zeitung, V34, nr.4, 1968, pp. 197-200. 187. McGreath, D.R.

The fracture mechanics of concrete, PhD. Thesis, Imperial College, London. 188. Opitz, H.

Festigkeit und Verformungseigenschaften des Betons bei zweiachsiger Beanspruchung, Festigkeitsprobleme des Betons, Internationales Kolloquium Dresden 1968, Sonderdruck der wissenschaftl. Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, pp. 1523-1525.

189. Pagano,




Influence of end constraint in the testing of anisotropic bodies, Journal of composite materials, V2, nr.1, 1968, pp. 18-31.

190. Robinson, G.S.

Methods of detecting the formation and propagation of microcracks in concrete, Proc. of the International Conference on the Structure of Concrete, London, 1965, Cement and Concrete Association, London, 1968, pp. 131-145.

191. Schroder, S. /Opitz, M.

Festigkeit und Verformungseigenschaften des Betons bei zweiachsiger

Druckbeanspruchung, Bauplanunglbautechnik, Heft 22, 1968, pp. 190-193. 192. Shah, S.P. /Slate, F.O.

Internal microcracking, mortar-aggregate bond and the stress-strain curve of concrete, International conference on the structure of concrete, London, 1968, pp. 82-92.

193. Shah, S.P. /Chandra, S.

Critical stress, volume change, and microcracking of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V65, nr.9, sept 1968, pp. 770-781.


194. Slate, F.O. /Meyers, B.L.

Defonnations of plain concrete, Fifth Int. Symposium on the Chemistry of Cement, Tokyo, Japan, 1968,pp. 142-151.

195. Vile, G.W.D.

Behavior of concrete under short-tenn static biaxial stress, The Structure of Concrete, ed. A.E. Brooks I K. Newman, CCA London, 1968, pp. 275-288.

196. Wawersik, W.R.

Detailed analysis of rock failure in laboratory compression tests, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1968, 165 pp.


197. Bhargava, J.

Nuclear and radiographic methods for the study of concrete, Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Civil Engineering and Building Construction Series 60, The Royal Swedish Acad. of Eng. Sciences, Stockholm, 1969, 103 pp ..

198. Bieniawski, Z.I. / Denkhaus, H.G. /Vogler, U.W.

Failure of fractured rock, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., V6, 1969, pp. 323-341.

199. Crumiere, B. I Coron, M.

Etat de contrainte biaxial en compression, Travaux, nr.408, march 1969.

200. Desayi, P.

Fracture of concrete in compression, Materials and structures, VlO 1969, pp. 139-144.

201. Gardner, J.J.

Triaxial behaviour of concrete, Journal of the ACI, feb. 1969, pp. 136-146.

202. Golapakrishnan, K.S. I Neville, A.M. I Ghali, A.

Creep Poisson's ratio of concrete under multiaxial compression, University of Calgary, ACI-Journ., dee. 1969, pp. 1008-1016.

203. Hatano, T.

Theory of failure of concrete and similar brittle solid on the basis of strain, Int. Journal of fracture mech., nr.5, 1969, pp. 73-79.

204. Johmon, R.P. /Lowe, P.G.

Behavior of concrete under biaxial and triaxial stress, International Conference on Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design, Civil Engineering Materials, Southampton University, april 1969, pp. 89/1-89/13.


205. Karsan, I.D. /Jirsa, J .0.

Behavior of concrete under compressive loadings, Journal of the Structural Division, V95, nr.12, 1969, pp. 2543-2563.

206. Krishnaswamy, K.T.

Microcracking of plain concrete under uniaxial compressive loading, Indian Concrete Journal, Bombay, V43, nr.4, april 1969, pp. 143-145.

207. Kupfer, H. / Hilsdorf, H.K./ Rusch, H.

Behavior of concrete under biaxial stress, Journal of the ACI, V66, nr.8, aug. 1969, pp. 656-666.

208. McGreath, D.R./ Newman, J.B./ Newman, K.

The influence of aggregate particles on the local strain distribution and fracture mechanics of cement paste during drying shrinkage and loading to failure, Union of Testing and Research Laboratories for Materials and Structures, 1969.

209. Meyers, B.L. /Slate, F.O. /Winter, G.

Relationship between time dependent deformation and microcracking of plain concrete, Journal of the ACI, V66, nr.1,jan. 1969, pp. 60-68.

210. Moavenzadeh, F. / Kuguel, R.

Fracture of concrete, Journal of Mat., JMLSA, nr.4, 1969, pp. 497-519. 211. Nepper-Christensen, P. /Nielsen, T.P.H.

Modal determination of the effect of bond between coarse aggregate and mortar on the compressive strength of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V66, nr.1, 1969, pp. 69-72.

212. Newman, K. /Newman, J.B.

Failure theories and design criteria for plain concrete, Paper 77, Civil engineering materials Conference on Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design, Southampton, 1969.

213. Parrot, LJ.

The properties of high-strength concrete, Techn. Rep. 42.417, Cement and Concrete Association, 1969 (12 pp.).

214. Theocaris, P.S. / Koufopoulos, T.

Photoelastic analysis of shrinkage microcracking in concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V21, nr.66, 1969.



215. Buyukozturk, 0.

Stress-strain response and fracture of a model of concrete in biaxial loading, PhD. Thesis, Cornell University, 1970.

216. Crouch, S.L.

Experimental detennination of volumetric strains in failed rock, Int.J.Rock.Mech. & Min.Sc., nr.7, 1970, pp. 589-603.

217. Darwin, D. /Slate, F.O.

Effect of paste-aggregate bond strength on behavior of concrete, Journal of Materials, V5, nr.1, 1970, pp. 86-98.

218. Hawkins, N.M.

The bearing strength of concrete for strip loadings, Magazine of concrete research, V22, nr.71, 1970, pp. 87-98.

219. Hughes, B.P. /Ash,


Anisotropy and failure criteria for concrete, Materials and structures, V3, nr.18, 1970, pp. 371-374.

220. Iyengar, K.T. /Desayi, P. /Reddy, K.N.

Stress-strain characteristics of concrete confined in steel binders, Magazine of concrete research, V22, nr.72, 1970, pp. 173-184.

221. Launay, P. / Gachon, H. /Poitevin, P.

Defonnation et resistance ultime du beton sous ~treinte triaxiale, Annales de l'institut technique du batiment et des travaux publics, may 1970, nr.269, pp. 23-48.

222. Mills, L.L. I Zimmermann, R.M.

Compressive strength of plain concrete under multiaxial loading conditions, Journal of the ACI, oct. 1970, pp. 802-807.

223. Nelissen, LJ.M.

Twee-assig onderzoek van grindbeton, PhD. Thesis, TU Delft, 1970. 224. Popovics, S.

A review of stress-strain relationships for concrete, Journal of the ACI, V67, nr.3, 1970, pp. 243-248.

225. Robert, S.

Zur Unterscheidung elementarer Arten der Betonfestigkeit, Wissensch. Zeitschrift der Hochschule filr Architektur und Bauwesen, Weimar, V17, nr.1, 1970, pp. 1-3.


226. Rosenthal, I. I Gliicklich,


Strength of plain concrete under biaxial stress, Journal of the ACI, V67, nr.11, nov. 1970, pp. 903-913.

227. Shah, S.P. /Chandra, S.

Fracture of concrete subjected to cyclic and sustained loading, Journal of the ACI, oct. 1970, pp. 816-825.

228. Symons, L

The effect of size and shape of specimen upon the unconfined compressive strength of cement-stabilized materials, Magazine of concrete research, V22, nr.70, 1970, pp. 45-50.


229. Bennett, E.W./ Raju, N.K.

Cumulative fatigue damage of plain concrete in compression, Proc. Conf. "Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design", Southampton, 1971.

230. Beres, L.

Relationship of deformational processes and structure change in concrete, Struct., Solid Mech. and Eng. Design, part 2 (ed. TE'ENI), Wiley Interscience, 1971.

231. Bonzel,


Ein Beitrag zur Verformung des Betons, Beton, V21, nr.2, pp. 57-60, nr.3, pp. 105-109, 1971.

232. Brace, W.F.

Micromechanics in rock systems, Proc. Conf. "Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design", Southampton, 1971.

233. Brady, B.T.

An exact solution to the radially end-constrained circular cylinder under triaxial loading, Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Mining Sciences, V8, 1971, pp. 165-178.

234. Brady, B.T.

The effect of confining pressure on the elastic stress distribution in a radially end-constrained circular cylinder, Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Mining Sciences, V8, 1971, pp. 153-164.

235. Bremer, F.

Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhalten des Betons bei mehrachsiger Beanspruchung, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, V66, nr.1, 1971, pp. 17-22.


236. Buyukozturk, O. /Nilson, A.H./ Slate, F.O.

Stress-strain response and fracture of a concrete model in biaxial loading, Journal of the ACI, V68, nr.8,, aug. 1971, pp. 590-599.

237. Dougill, J.W.

Further consideration of a mathematical model for progressive fracture of a heterogeneous material, Magazine of concrete research, V.23, nr. 74, pp. 5-10, 1971.

238. Facaoaru, I./ Tannenbaum, M. / Stanculescu, G.

Studies on the deformation and cracking of concrete under uniaxial stress fields, Conference "Structure, solid mech. and eng. design", Southampton, 1971, pp. 653-666.

239. Grimer, FJ. /Hewitt, R.E.

The form of the stress-strain curve of concrete interpreted with a diphase concept of material behaviour, Proc. of the Conf. on "Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design", Southampton, 1969, pp. 681-691.

240. Hobbs, D.W.

Strength of concrete under combined stress, Cement and concrete research, Vl, 1971, pp. 41-56.

241. Hudson, J.A. /Brown, E.T./ Fairhurst, C.

Shape of the complete stress-strain curve for rock, Stability of Rock Slopes, Proc. of the 13th Symp. on Rock Mechanics, Univ. of Illinois, 1971, ed. E.J. Cording, pp. 773-795.

242. Launay, P. / Gachon, H.

Strain and ultimate strength of concrete under triaxial stress, Proc. 1st Int. Conf. on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, Berlin, 1971, pp. 23-34.

243. Liu, T.C.

Stress-strain response and fracture of concrete in biaxial compression, PhD. Thesis, Cornell University, 1971.

244. Nakagawa, K. I Kobayashi, S. /Niwa, Y.

Study of progressive failure of concrete specimen in uniaxial compression, Proc. Int. Conf. on the mechanical behavior of materials, Kyoto, 1971, pp. 32-42.

245. Sargin, M.

Stress-strain relationship for concrete and the analysis of structural concrete sections, Study nr.4, Solid Mech. Div., Univ. of Waterloo, Ontario, 1971.

246. Sasse, H.R.

A model for failure under compression of two-phase systems of materials similar to concrete, Int Conf. on "Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design", Southampton, 1971.


247. Sasse, H.R.

Zurn Problem des Bruchverhaltens betonahnlicher Zweistoffsysteme, Forschungsberichte des Landes Nordrheinwestfalen nr.2192, Westdeutscher Verlag, Opladen 1971.

248. Shah, S.

Micromechanics of concrete and fibre reinforced concrete, Conf. "Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design", Southampton, 1969, pp. 367-376.

249. Shah. S.P. / McGarry, F


Griffith failure criterion and concrete, Journal of the Eng. Mech. Div., nr. EM6, 1971, pp. 1663-1676.

250. Soshiroda, T.

Anisotropy of concrete, Int. Conf. on Mech. Behaviour of Materials, Kyoto, 1971.

251. Swamy, R.N.

Aggregate-matrix interaction in concrete systems, Int. Conf. on "Structure, Solid Mech. and Eng. Design", Southampton, 1971.

252. Willis,



Fracture mechanics of interfacial cracks, Journal of mech. and physics of solids, V 19, nr.6, 1971.

253. Yokomichi, H. /Fujii, T.

Instantaneous detection and mechanical behaviour of microcracking in concrete, Int. Conf. on Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Kyoto, japan, 1971.


254. Atkinson, R. I Ko, H.

A multiaxial device for testing rock materials, RILEM-symposium "The deformation and the rupture of solids subjected to multiaxial stresses", Cannes, 1972, V3, pp. 33-45.

255. Bertacchi, P. I Belotti, R.

Experimental research on deformation and failure of concrete under triaxial loads, RILEM-symposium on "the Deformation and Rupture of Solids subjected to Multiaxial Stresses", Cannes, 1972, part I, "Concrete", pp. 37-52.

256. Buyukozturk, O. / Nilson, A.H. / Slate, F.O.

Deformation and fracture of a particulate composite, Journal of Eng. Mech. Div., V98, 1972, pp. 581-593.


257. Dhir, R. /Sangha, C.

A study of the relationship between time, strength, defonnation and fracture of plain concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V24, nr.81, 1972, pp. 197-208.

258. Fujii, M.

Bearing capacity of concrete block loaded through flexible plate, RU.EM-symposium "the defonnation and the rupture of solids subjected to multiaxial stresses", Cannes, 1972, V3, pp. 63-78.

259. Glomb,

J. /

Patas, P.

Experimental analysis of the detennination of a test specimen as a method of verifying the compressing conditions while testing concrete in multi-way stress conditions, RII...EM-symposium " the defonnation and the rupture of solids subjected to multiaxial stresses", Cannes, 1972, V3, pp. 79-91.

260. Kobayashi, S. /Koyanagi, W.

Fracture criteria of cement paste, mortar and concrete subjected to multiaxial compressive stress, RU.EM-symposium on "the Defonnation and Rupture of Solids subjected to multiaxial Stresses", Cannes, 1972, part I, "Concrete", pp. 131-148.

261. Liu, T.C. /Nilson, A.H./ Slate, F.O.

Biaxial stress-strain relations for concrete, Journal of the Struct. Div., nr. ST-5, 1972, pp. 1025-1934.

262. Liu, T.C.Y. /Nilson, A.H./ Slate, F.O.

Stress-strain response and fracture of concrete in uniaxial and biaxial compression, Journal of the ACI, V69, 1972, pp. 291-295.

263. Nelissen, L.J.M.

Biaxial testing of normal concrete, Heron, V18, nr.l, 1972.

264. Newman, J.B./ Newman, K.

The cracking and failure of concrete under combined stresses and its implications for structural design, RII...EM-Symp. on "the Deformation and Rupture of Solids subjected to Multiaxial Stresses", Cannes, 1972, pp. 149-168.

265. Sangha, C. I Dhir, R.

Strength and complete stress-strain relationship for concrete tested in uniaxial compression under different test conditions, Materiaux et constructions, V5, nr.30, 1972, pp. 361-370.

266. Saucier, K.L.

Effect of method of preparation of ends of concrete cylinders for testing, US Anny Eng. Waterways Exp. Station, misc. paper C-7-12, 1972, pp. 19.


267. Saucier, K.L.

Detennination of practical ultimate strength of concrete, Misc. paper C-72-16, US Army Eng. Waterways Exp. Station, 1972, 29 pp.

268. Spooner, D.

The stress-strain relation for hardened cement pastes in compression, Magazine of concrete research, V24, nr.79, 1972, pp. 85-92.

269. Swamy, R.N.

Fracture phenomena of hardened paste, mortar and concrete, Proceedings of the International Conference on Mechanical Behaviour of Materials, Kyoto, Japan, The Society of Materials Science, Japan, V. IV, pp. 132-142, 1972.

270. Wischers, G. / Lusche, M.

Einfluss der inneren Spannungsverteilung auf das Tragverhalten von druckbeanspruchtem Normal- und Leichtbeton, Beton, V22, nr.8, pp. 343-347, nr.9, pp. 397-403, 1972.


271. Diaz Santiago, S. I Hilsdorf, H.K.

Fracture mechanisms of concrete under compressive loads, Cement and concrete research, V.3, pp. 363-388, 1973.

272. Green, S.J. /Swanson, S.R.

Static constitutive relations for concrete, Techn. Rep. nr. AFWC-72-2, Terra Tek Inc., Salt Lake City, 1973.

273. Hobbs, D.W.

Strength and deformation properties of plain concrete subjected to combined stress, Technical reports no.42.451 (1970, part 1) and 42.497 (1973, part 3) and RILEM-Symp. on "the Deformation and Rupture of Solids subjected to Multiaxial Stress", Cannes, 1972, pp. 97-111.

274. Hobbs, D.W.

Strength and deformation of concrete under short-term loading, Dissertation University of Surrey, 1973.

275. Kupfer, H.

Das Verhalten des Betons unter mehrachsiger Kurzzeitbelastung unter besonderer Berilcksichtigung der zweiachsiger Beanspruchung, Deutscher Ausschuss flir Stahlbeton, Heft 229, 1973.


276. Kupfer, H.B.

Das nicht-lineaire Verhalten des Betons bei zweiachsiger Beanspruchung, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, Vl 1, 1973, pp. 269-274.

277. Newman, J.B./ Newman, K.

Criteria of concrete strength, reports 1,2 and 3, CIRIA contract, Imperial College, 1973.

278. Popovics, S.

A numerical approach to the complete stress-strain curve of concrete, Cement and concrete research, V.3, 1973, pp. 583-599.

279. Santiago, S.D. I HiJsdorf, H.K.

Fracture mechanics of concrete under compressive loads, Cement and concrete research, V3, 1973, pp. 363-388.

280. Schickert, G.

On the influence of different load applications techniques on the lateral strain and fracture of concrete specimens, Cement and concrete research V3, nr.4, 1973, pp. 487-494.

281. Schickert, G.

Verformungsverhalten von Betonproben fiir Spannbeton-Reaktordruckbehalter: Abzielen der Lasteintragung auf gleichmassige Spannungsverteilung oder auf gleichmassige Dehnungsverteilung?, Preprints 2nd Int Conf. on Structural mechanics in Reactor technology, Germany, 1973, V6A, Ch. 1/5 (11 pp.).

282. Schickert, G. /Weber, D.

Ermittlung der Druckfestigkeit dlinner Betonproben, Wissensch. Berichte aus der Arbeit der Bundesanstalt filr Materialprilfung, 1973.

283. Sparks, P. /Menzies,


The effect of rate of loading upon the static and fatigue strength of plain concrete in compression, Magazine of concrete research, V25, nr.83, 1973, pp. 73-80.

284. Spooner, D.

A dilatometer for measuring the volume changes of concrete under load, Magazine of concrete research, V25, nt.84, 1973, pp. 173-176.

285. Spooner, D.C. /Pomeroy, C.D.

Energy dissipating processes in the compression of cement paste and concrete, Cement and concrete research, V.3, 1973, pp. 481-486.

286. Stroeven, P.


287. Stroeven, P.

Aggregation of structural components of concrete and its significance for materials research, CEB Int. Course on Structural Concrete, lecture L-13, 1973.

288. Stroeven, P.

Fissuration in concrete specimens subjected to uniaxial compression: an engineering and a structural approach, CEB Int. Course on Structural Concrete, lecture L-14, 1973.

289. Stroeven, P.

Structural aspects of concrete properties, CEB Int. Course on Structural Concrete, lecture L-15, 1973.

290. Swamy, R.N. / Kameswara Rao, C.V.S.

Fracture mechanism in concrete systems under uniaxial loading, Cement and concrete research, V.3, 1973, pp. 413-427.

291. Uppal, J. I Kemp, K.

An instability theory for failure of concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V25, 1973, pp. 21-30.

292. Zaitsev, J.W. /Wittmann, F.H.

Fracture of porous viscoelastic materials under multiaxial state of stress, Cement and Concrete Research, V3, 1973, pp. 389-395.


293. Dhir, R.K. /Sangha, C.M.

Development and propagation of microcracks in plain concrete, Materiaux et constructions, nr.7, 1974, pp. 17-23.

294. Gaynor, R.D.

One look at concrete compressive strength, NRMCA Publ. nr. 147, 1974, pp.11.

295. Haas, H.M. I Stroeven, P.

Crack detection techniques in concrete materials research, 10th Annual Conf. of the British Soc. for Strain Measurement, Univ. of Warwick, 1974 (presented paper).

296. Hannant, D.J.

Nomograms for the failure of plain concrete subjected to short-term multiaxial stresses, The structural engineer, V.52, nr. 5, 1974, pp. 151-165.


297. Ko, H.Y. /Store, S.

Three-dimensional mechanical characterization of anisotropic composites, Journal of composite materials, V8, 1974, pp.178-190.

298. Naus, D.J. /Batson, G.B. /Lott, J.L.

Fracture mechanics of concrete, Fracture mechanics of ceramics, eds. R.C. Bradt I D.P.H.

Hasselmann I F.F. Lange, London, 1974, pp. 469-482.

299. O'Connell, RJ. / Budianski, B.

Seismic velocities in dry and saturated cracked solids, Journal of geophys. research, V79, nr.35, 1974, pp. 5412-5426.

300. Palaniswamy, R. /Shah, S.P.

Fracture and stress-strain relationship of concrete under triaxial compression, Journal of the Structural division, VlOO, nr. ST5, 1974, pp. 901-916.

301. Schickert, G.

Acoustic emission technique applied to tests with concrete cubes, Proc. 2nd Int. RILEM Symp. on "New developments in non-destructive testing of nonmetallic materials", Rumania, 1974, V2, pp. 5-11.

302. Schickert, G.

Zur Frage der Verlassichkeit der Ergebnisse von Betonprtifungen, Amts- und

Mitteilungsblatt BAM, V 4, nr.3, 197 4, pp. 106-111. 303. Schickert, G. /Winkler, H.

Vergleichende Untersuchungen mit Systemen zur zwangungsfreien Krafteinleitung in Betonproben, Kolloquium Arbeitskreis Spannbeton-Reaktordruckbehalter, Deutscher Ausschuss fiir Stahlbeton, 1974.

304. Schickert, G. /Winkler, H.

Untersuchungsergebnisse zum mehraxialen Bruch- und Verfonnungsverhalten von Betonwtirfeln, Berichtstattung Uber das Projekt "Forschung und Entwicklung fiir

Spannbeton-Reaktordruckbehalter", Deutscher Ausschuss ftir Stahlbeton, Vortragsband nr.3, 1974 (24 pp.).

305. Taylor, M. /Patel, B.

The influence of path dependency and moisture conditions on the biaxial compression envelope for nonnal weight concrete, Journal of the ACI, V71, nr.12, 197 4, pp. 627-633. 306. Wittmann, F. / Zaitsev, J.

Verfonnung und Bruchvorgang poroser Baustoffe bei kurzzeitiger Belastung und Dauerlast, Deutscher Ausschuss ftir Stahlbeton, Heft 232, 1974.


307. Zein, M.

Studie uber das Bruchverhalten des Betons unter Zug- und Druckbeanspruchungen, Dissertation TH Ztirich, 197 4.


308. Bresler, B. / Bertero, V.V.

Influence of high strain rate and cyclic loading on behaviour of confined and unconfined concrete, Proc. 2nd Canadian Conf. on Earthquake Eng., Hamilton, Ontario, Canada (McMaster Univ.), 1975, pp. 15/1-15/38.

309. Chen, A.C.T. /Chen, W.F.

Constitutive relations for concrete, Journal of the Eng. Mech. Div., VlOl, nr. EM4, 1975, pp. 465-481.

310. Dornauer, H. /Lewandowski, R.

Nachweis der Betondruckfestigkeit an Wtirfeln mit 15 cm Kantenlange, Beton, V25, nr.6, 1975, pp. 205-208.

311. KJink, S.

Axial strain variations in concrete under uniform uniaxial compressive stress, Cement and concrete research, V5, nr.5, 1975, pp. 405-418.

312. Schleeh, W.

Theorie und Praxis bei der Druckfestigkeitsprufung, Beton, V25, nr.4, 1975, pp. 132-138. 313. Schleeh, W.

Die Spannungszustande in den Versuchskorpem zur Ermittlung der Betondruckf estigkeit, Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, V70, nr.8, 1975, pp. 194-201.

314. Spooner, D.C. / Dougill, J.W.

A quantitative assessment of damage sustained in concrete during compressive loading, Magazine of concrete research, V27, nr.92, 1975, pp. 151-160.

315. Stroeven, P.

A quantitative approach to the relationship between volume change and structural loosening, Conf. on Influence of Volume Change on the Design and Technology of Modem Building Structures, Karlovy Vary, 1975.

316. Wischers, G. /Dahms,


Fetsigkeitsentwicklung des Be tons, Zement-Taschenbuch 197 4/197 5, Verein Deutscher Zementwerke, pp. 285-312.



317. Aschl, H. / Linse, D. / Stockl, S.

Versuche zum Verhalten von Beton under mehrachsiger Beanspruchung, Report TU Milnchen, 1976.

318. Bazant, Z.P.

Instability, ductility and size effect in strain-softening concrete, Journal of the Eng. Mech. Div., Vl02, nr. EM2, 1976, pp. 331-344.

319. Budianski, B. /O'Connell, R.J.

Elastic moduli of a cracked solid, Int Journal of Solids & Structures, Vl2, 1976, pp. 81-97.

320. Carino, N.J. /Slate, F.O.

Limiting tensile strain criterion for failure of concrete, Journal of the ACI, V73, nr.3, march 1976, pp. 160-165.

321. Dougill, J.W.

On stable progressively fracturing solids, Journal of Applied Math. and Physics, V27, nr.4, 1976, pp. 423-437.

322. Kao, C.C. /Slate, F.O.

Tensile-shear bond strength and failure between aggregate and mortar, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, V4, nr.2, 1976, pp. 148-150.

323. Kooistra, T.R. / Vrenck.en, J.H.

Fatigue loading of concrete, the cracking behaviour of plain concrete subjected to repeated loading in compression, Graduation report, TU Delft, 1976.

324. Linse, D. / Stegbauer, A.

Festigkeit und Verformungsverhalten von Beton unter hohen zweiachsigen konstanten Dauerbelastungen und Dauerschwellbelastungen, Deutscher Ausschuss filr Stahlbeton, Heft 254, 1976.

325. McCabe, W.M. /Koerner, R.M. /Lord, A.E.

Acoustic emission behavior of concrete laboratory specimens, Journal of the ACI, V73, nr.7, pp. 367, 1976.

326. Spooner, D.C. /Pomeroy, C.D. / Dougill, J.W.

Damage and energy dissipation in cement pastes in compression, Magazine of concrete research, V28, nr.94, 1976, pp. 21-29.


327. Starovisky, P.

Response of concrete to multiaxial compression, Thesis Univ. of Colorado, 1976.

328. Steinsdorfer, F.

Bruchfestigkeiten und Bruchverf ormung von Beton bei mehraxialer Belastung bei Raumtemperatur, Deutscher Ausschuss ftir Stahlbeton, Heft 263.

329. Walsh, P.F.

Crack initiation in plain concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V28, 1976, pp. 37-41.

330. Wiebenga, J.G.

Influence of grinding or capping of concrete specimens on compressive strength results, TNO report BI-76-71/01.571.104, Delft.


331. Andanaes, E. I Gerstle, K. I Ko, H.Y.

Response of mortar and concrete to biaxial compression, Journal of the Eng. Mech. Div., ASCE, V103, nr. EM4, aug. 1977, pp. 515-526.

332. Cedolin, L. I Crutzen, Y.R.J. I Dei-Poli, S.

Triaxial stress-strain relationship for concrete, Journal of Eng. Mech. Div. , V103, nr. EM3, 1977, pp. 423-439.

333. Gugelmann, B.

Dehnungsmessungen an druckbeanspruchten Mortel- und Betonzylindern, Material und Technik, V5, nr.4, 1977, pp. 182-189.

334. Hermann, V.

Spannungs-Dehnungs-Linien von Leichtbeton, Dissertation TH Aachen, 1977.

335. Hobbs, D.W. I Pomeroy, C.D. I Newman, J.B.

Design stresses for concrete structures subjected to multi.axial stresses, The Structural Engineer, V55, nr.4, april 1977, pp. 151-164.

336. Kotsovos, M.D. I Newman, J.B.

Behavior of concrete under multiaxial stress, Journal of the ACI, sept. 1977, pp. 443-446.

337. MelviIJe, P.H.

Fracture mechanics of brittle materials in compression, Int. Journal of Fracture, nr.13, 1977, pp. 532-534.


338. Mihashi, H. I Izumi, M.

A stochastic theory for concrete fracture, Cement and concrete research, V7, 1977, pp. 411-422.

339. Perry, C. / Gillot, J.E.

The influence of mortar-aggregate bond strength on the behaviour of concrete in uniaxial compression, Cement and Concrete Research, nr.7, 1977, pp. 553-564.

340. Reinhardt, H.W.

Anspruche des Konstrukteurs an den Beton, hinsichtlich Festigkeit und Verformung, Beton, nr.5, 1977, pp. 195-199.

341. Schickert, G. /Winkler, H.

Versuchsergebnisse zur Festigkeit und Verformung von Beton bei mehraxialer Druckbeanspruchung, Deutscher Ausschuss ftir Stahlbeton, Heft 277, 1977.

342. Yousef, M.A.

Strength and deformation analysis of concrete under multiaxial stresses, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Colorado, Berkeley, 1977.


343. Cleary, M.P.

Elastic and dynamic response regimes of fluid impregnated solids with diverse microstructures, Int. Journal of Solids Struct., V14, 1978, pp. 795-819.

344. Gerstle, K. et al.

Strength of concrete under multiaxial stress states, Concrete and concrete structures, Proc. of the Douglas McHenry International Symposium, SP 55-5, ACI, 1978, pp. 103-131.

345. Kaar, P.H./ Hanson, N.W. /Capell, H.T.

Stress-strain characteristics of high-strength concrete, ACI Spec. Publ. SP-55, D. McHenry Symp. on Concrete and Concrete Structures, Detroit, 1978, pp. 161-185.

346. Linse, D.

LOsung versuchstechnischer Fragen bei der Ermittlung des Festigkeits- und Verformungsverhaltens von Beton unter dreiachsiger Belastung, Deutscher Ausschuss flir Stahlbeton, Heft 292.

347. Lowe, P.G.

Deformation and fracture of plain concrete, Magazine of concrete research, V30, nr.105, 1978, pp. 200-204.


348. Paterson, M.S.

Experimental rock defonnation - the brittle field, Springer-verlag, 1978. 349. Perenchio, W.F. / Klieger, P.

Some physical properties of high-strength concrete, Res. & Dev. Bulletin RD056.01 T, Portland cement Association, 1978 (7 pp.).

350. Sture, S. I Ko, H. Y.

Strain softening of brittle geologic materials, Joum. Num. Anal. Meth. in Geo. Mech., V2, 1978, pp. 237-253.

351. Tasuji, M.E. /Slate, F.O. /Nilson, A.H.

Stress-strain response and fracture of concrete in biaxial loading, Journal of the ACI, V75, 1978, pp. 306-312.

352. Wang, P.T. /Shah, S.P. / Naaman, A.E.

Stress-strain curves of nonnal and lightweight concrete in compression, Journal of the ACI, V75, nr.11, pp. 603-611.

353. Wischers, G.

Aufnahme und Auswirkungen von Druckbeanspruchungen auf Beton, Betontechnische Berichte, nr.19, 1978, pp. 31-56.


354. Cervenka, V.

Behavior of concrete under low-cycle repeated loadings, AICAP-CEB Symposium, V2, Rome, 1979.

355. DiLeonardo, G.

Fracture toughness characterization of materials under multiaxial loading, Int. Journal of Fracture, V15, 1979, pp. 537-552.

356. Erdei, C.K.

A new load-transmitting medium to measure strength of brittle materials, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, JTEVA, V7, nr.6, 1979, pp. 317-325.

357. Grudemo, A.

Microcracks, fracture mechanism and strength of the cement paste matrix, Cement and concrete research, V9, 1979, pp. 19-34.



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