University of Groningen
Genetic engineering of Penicillium chrysogenum for the reactivation of biosynthetic pathways
with potential pharmaceutical value
Guzmán Chávez, Fernando
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Publication date: 2018
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Guzmán Chávez, F. (2018). Genetic engineering of Penicillium chrysogenum for the reactivation of biosynthetic pathways with potential pharmaceutical value. University of Groningen.
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after four years I can answer you some questions as ...”Why do you work so hard?” or — “Don’t you get tired?” Now I can answer you that for me doing a PhD was not really a job. My PhD was sharing nice time with amazing people in an incredible place, always enjoying looking for “something new” that nobody else knew before. although, it is true that sometimes I was tired, but it was always a pleasure like when you eat stroopwafels.
During this journey, I met many people that I would like to express my sincere gratitude. I would like to start by thanking my PhD supervi-sor. Prof. Arnold, thank you for the opportunity to do my PhD in your group even when you did not know almost anything about me be-forehand. I am grateful for your patience when I started in the lab, for your amazing speed when you reviewed my thesis and manuscripts. From you I learned many aspects of how to be a good scientist since your remarks and feedback about my research were always correct. Thank you for giving me freedom in my project, this made me develop
some research skills that I did not have before. Prof. Roel, thank you for those nice work discussions every two weeks during the
Penicil-lium meetings, for showing me how to express clearly my ideas, and for
your enthusiasm in my research. Prof. Juke and Dirk-Jan, thank you for your constructive criticisms about my job during the work discussions. To my paranymphs, Danae and Carsten thank you for all your effort. Danae, thank you for being my best friend in the Netherlands, thank you for listening to my worries about my project, for sharing with me a positive fanaticism to hP and also thank you for these coffee evenings. I remember when I meet you for the first time, you claimed my office place (best spot), because you said it was going to be yours. at this time, I thought many not nice things about you (but only in the begin-ning ). Thanks for understanding the Mexican version of Fernando. Carsten, you were my favourite male. I would like to thank you for be-ing a friend and not only a lab mate. Thanks for sharbe-ing ideas and the enthusiasm for science. I will never forget how you integrated me (not officially ) to the QuantFung project, this really helped me to finish soon this thesis. Thank you for your companionship on weekends. Annarita, you are my favourite Italian. Thank you to be such a se-rene, calm person even when you saw my desk as a complete mess.
also for these delicious Italian biscuits that you brought me when you came back from Italy. Thank you for the nice atmosphere in our office. Marten, thanks for introducing me to lola and also for those talks dur-ing the lunchtime. you are the best scientist - musician and the nicest Dutch that I know. Please do not play in clandestine places for safety reasons. Sasha thanks for share with me the love for sorbicillin and for those useful tips and hints to improve my thesis.
Wieke, Natasja and Pauline, thank you for being my students and for being patience with me, since being a supervisor is not always easy but often a pleasure Natasja, thank you for translating the summary of this thesis into Dutch. Riccardo, thanks for giving the fun to our of-fice and to be nice with me, even when I ate everyday an albert heijn salad (some of them are good, seriously), but please open your mind to museums (just kidding ). André thank you for making me laugh with your uncommon comments; you are a really nice guy. Yvonne, thank you for all your comments and feedback to my fist paper, and also for pushing me to interact with more people. Susan and Stefan thank you for helping me to do my first steps in the lab. Lito, thank you for shar-ing with me the office at the beginnshar-ing of my PhD, for your interestshar-ing talks, and for the help that you gave in my first month in Groningen.
Janny and Greetje, thank you for helping me when I needed to or-der lab stuff, for having always an organized lab. I am totally sure that without you the lab would be a complete chaos. Jeroen, thank you to share with me the lab bench, and for all the talks that we had in the meantime when we waited for a free centrifuge, and for fixing the FastPrep. Sorry for all the samples that I sent to sequence. Javier thanks for all the nice talks that we had in the afternoons.
Bea and Anmara thank you for helping me to send my academic re-port to Mexico every six months, and thank you to supre-port me during this last period to deal with all the paperwork to get my PhD degree. hyun yong thank you for being always a kind person with me and for all your motivation talks. you are an amazing researcher. Zsófia and László thank you for sharing with me the wonderful MoClo toolbox and for all the feedback to my project.
Sabrina, Amalina, Alex, Min, Ahsen, Anne-Bart, Reto, Niels, Annabela, Erick and Irfan, thank you for being nice colleagues all the time, and for the help that I always received from you. Thanks for being a part of my PhD-student life.
Lola, thank you for giving me nice results, you are a lovely workaholic
but please take care with your addiction to acetonitrile and things that can clog your capillaries.
Larisa, thank you for those nice coffee evenings, and for all the mo-ments that we share in Groningen, it was really a pleasure. Jonathan, thank you for all the coffee breaks that we had, I will miss talking with you. Alberto, thank you for being a good friend and for all your help dur-ing the beginndur-ing of my PhD. Leo, it was very good to talk with you all the mornings at the gym. It is agreeable to see how you enjoy your project. Thanks to all of you for support and help to this brown guy during this journey of four years.
a mis padres (reyna y José), hermanos (luis y Miriam) y a mi tío ( andrés). Muchas gracias por todo su apoyo y cariño, pues gracias a ello pude concluir un objetivo más en mi vida. Gracias por estar con-migo en todo momento, si bien no físicamente pero sí en sus pensam-ientos y oraciones. Gracias por todo su amor y comprensión, sobre todo en el difícil comienzo [Spanish].
José (aliens and arabidopsis expert), thank you for all your support and help to create this thesis. Thank you for always listening to my project and giving me feedback even when it was not your research field. Thank you for the accommodation of the twelve times that I vis-ited you in Paris. I will visit you soon, but now to Ghent. Fer, it was a very nice experience to share my studio with you for three months and get to know each other better. Thank you to have those breaks to travel and know a bit more Europe.
Rosa, thank you for always waiting for me every year, and for mak-ing my visits to Mexico unforgettable, and let me feel as I never left.
Dra. Sobeida thanks for showing me how to build a thesis, I think that a Bachelor thesis and a Master thesis with you were a great train-ing. Thank you for the opportunity to acquire “hands in the lab prac-tice” and for continuing our collaborations.
I also want to express my gratitude to my “Alma Mater” [latin], the Faculty of Chemistry (FQ) in the National University of Mexico (UNaM) for providing me the best education that a Mexican can receive in the whole country (I am really lucky). Thanks for giving me the knowledge that I needed to complete successfully my PhD, and to awake in me a genuine interest in science. I promise that one day I will return to you.