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Eindexamen Engels vwo 2010 - I


Academic year: 2021

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Eindexamen Engels vwo 2010 - I


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Vraag Antwoord Scores

Tekst 2 Language dilemma for native English speakers

2 maximumscore 3 1 geen van beiden 2 geen van beiden 3 Nicoló Milanese 4 Stuart Wrigley 5 Stuart Wrigley 6 geen van beiden

Indien zes goed 3

Indien vijf goed 2

Indien vier goed 1

Indien drie of minder goed 0



Aan een letterlijke vertaling dient geen scorepunt toegekend

Work hard, memorize and test well.” He took his children out of the Singapore state school and put them into a private, Western-style one?. 7 Despite all the

2 According to one, our children are displaying greater intelligence than children of previous generations, explaining why around one in five grades given is an A.. Twenty years

Fashion, fast food, sports cars, diet centres and religious cults would become redundant in a world without self-doubt

true, then there will be a higher proportion of left-handers in societies with higher levels of violence, since the advantages of being left-handed will be enhanced in

t five in the morning someone banging on the door and shouting, her husband, John, leaping out of bed, grabbing his rifle, and Roscoe at the same time roused from the backhouse,

It will never happen, of course; people will always require – indeed, desire – material goods, even if they give them a lower priority, so advertising will 29. But is it

(the fervid, largely fiction-induced) images of doom (that distort virtually every debate on the subject in British public life). 15 maximumscore