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Advanced Imaging in Glioma Treatment


Academic year: 2021

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Advanced Imaging in Glioma Treatment Verburg, N.


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Verburg, N. (2020). Advanced Imaging in Glioma Treatment: Moving the Frontier.

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Download date: 11. Oct. 2021


Financial support for prin/ng of this thesis was kindly provided by:

S/ch/ng Bevordering Neurochirurgische Ontwikkeling Amsterdam, S/ch/ng

STOPhersentumoren, Lamepro B.V., Circle Medical B.V., KWF Kanker Bestrijding, Krijnen Medical Innova/ons B.V., Hersentumorfonds and ChipsoM.


539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020

Processed on: 2-1-2020 PDF page: 1PDF page: 1PDF page: 1PDF page: 1

Advanced Imaging in Glioma Treatment

Moving the Frontier

Niels Verburg


ISBN: 978-94-028-1902-1


539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020

Processed on: 2-1-2020 PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3PDF page: 3


Advanced Imaging in Glioma Treatment

Moving the Frontier


ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus

prof.dr. V. Subramaniam, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie

van de Faculteit der Geneeskunde op donderdag 23 januari 2020 om 13.45 uur

in het auditorium van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105


Niels Verburg

geboren te Utrecht


539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020

Processed on: 2-1-2020 PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4PDF page: 4

promotoren: prof.dr. W.P. Vandertop prof.dr. P. Wesseling

copromotor: prof.dr. P.C. Versélewel de Witt Hamer


539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020

Processed on: 2-1-2020 PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5PDF page: 5

Voor Hannah, Feline en Pepijn


539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg 539689-L-bw-Verburg Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020 Processed on: 2-1-2020

Processed on: 2-1-2020 PDF page: 6PDF page: 6PDF page: 6PDF page: 6


CHAPTER 1 Introduction 9

CHAPTER 2 Diagnostic accuracy of neuroimaging to delineate diffuse gliomas within 31 the brain: a meta-analysis

Am J Neuroradiol 2017 Oct;38(10):1884-1891

CHAPTER 3 State-of-the-art imaging for glioma surgery 57


CHAPTER 4 In vivo accuracy of a frameless stereotactic drilling technique for diagnostic 73 biopsies and stereoelectroencephalography depth electrodes

World Neurosurg 2016 Mar;87:392-8

CHAPTER 5 Accurate delineation of glioma infiltration by advanced PET/MR 87 neuro-imaging (FRONTIER study): a diagnostic study protocol

Neurosurgery 2016 Oct;79(4):535-40

CHAPTER 6 Quantification of O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine kinetics in glioma 99 EJNMMI Res 2018 Jul 31;8(1):72

CHAPTER 7 Quantitative parametric maps of O-(2-[18F]fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine kinetics 119 in diffuse glioma

J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 2019 May 24

CHAPTER 8 Direct comparison of [11C]choline and [18F]FET PET to detect glioma 133 infiltration: a diagnostic accuracy study in eight patients

EJNMMI Res 2019 Jun 28;9(1):57

CHAPTER 9 Improved detection of diffuse glioma infiltration with imaging 157 combinations: a diagnostic accuracy study

Neuro Oncol 2019 Sep 24


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Processed on: 2-1-2020 PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7

CHAPTER 10 The DNA methylation landscape of core and peripheral regions in diffuse 191 glioma shows little spatial heterogeneity after considering tumor purity

In preparation

CHAPTER 11 Discussion 219


I. References 232

II. Summary 257

III. Nederlandse samenvatting (Summary in Dutch) 261

IV. List of publications 266

V. Contributing authors 269

VI. Review Committee 274

VII. PhD Portofolio 275

VIII. List of dissertations Brain Tumor Center Amsterdam 276

IX. Dankwoord 278

X. Curriculum Vitae 285



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