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Advances in multidimensional unfolding Busing, F.M.T.A.


Academic year: 2021

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Advances in multidimensional unfolding

Busing, F.M.T.A.


Busing, F. M. T. A. (2010, April 21). Advances in multidimensional unfolding. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/15279

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License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded

from: https://hdl.handle.net/1887/15279

Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable).



Fra nk B usi ng

Frank Busing (Amsterdam, 28.xii.1963) received his master's degree in Psychology in 1993 and is currently in the employ of the Section for Psychometrics and Research Methodology, Leiden University, both as researcher and teacher. He teaches statistics to first-year psychology students. His research topics are estimation and resampling procedures in multi- level analysis, multidimensional scaling and unfolding. In his capacity as researcher, he is responsible for the procedures proxscal and prefscal in ibm spss statistics.

Frank Busing

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Multidimensional unfolding is an analy- sis technique that creates configurations for two sets of objects based on the pair- wise preferences between elements of these two sets. The distances between the objects correspond as closely as possible with the given preferences between them, such that high preferences corre- spond to small distances and low prefer- ences to large distances.

For example, in Green and Rao, 42 respondents (21 MBA students and their spouses) rank ordered 15 breakfast items according to their preference. Unfolding now portrays both respondents (white dots) and items (red dots) as points in a configuration (see figure below), such that respondents are closest to their first ranked item and furthest from their last ranked item. Moving away in any direc- tion from a respondent's point thus decreases his/her preference for an item.

It may be said that multidimensional unfolding is a truly amazing technique, which can handle all kinds of distance- like data, uses a simple and transparent minimization method (implementation of PREFSCAL), and produces commonly understandable graphical results. Too bad it was not working from the beginning.



Figure 6.7 Boxplots of the recovery measures ( φ xy , φ y , and τ b , for the left-hand, middle, and right-hand panels, respectively; lower left-hand panel includes both φ high

Examples of such devel- opments were presented in subsequent chapters: Chapter 5 elaborated on a previously published model extension, restricting the coordinates to be

Depending on the individual differences model and the restrictions on the configuration, updates are determined for the row coordinates X, the column coordinates Y, the space weights

Absolutely or completely degenerate solution — A flawless but purposeless zero stress solution without variation in the transformed preferences or the distances that cannot be

Relating preference data to multidimensional scaling solutions via a generalization of Coombs’ unfolding model.. Bell

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded

De voorkeuren voor de 15 broodjes zijn door de personen aangegeven met de rangnummers 1 tot en met 15, met op 1 het meest geprefereerde broodje, ongeacht of de persoon in kwestie