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Academic year: 2021

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VU Research Portal

Healthy eating at work

Velema, E.


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citation for published version (APA)

Velema, E. (2019). Healthy eating at work: Stimulating healthy food choices in the worksite cafeteria through

nudging and social marketing.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1

4 General introduction Chapter 2

16 ‘I’ve worked so hard, I deserve a snack in the worksite cafeteria’: a focus group study

Chapter 3

32 Stakeholders’ view on implementing an intervention with nudging strategies to stimulate healthy choices in Dutch worksite cafeterias

Chapter 4

54 Using nudging and social marketing techniques to create healthy worksite cafeterias in the Netherlands: intervention development and study design Chapter 5

72 Nudging and social marketing techniques encourage employees to make healthier food choices: an RCT in 30 worksite cafeterias in the Netherlands Chapter 6

94 Vitality of Dutch employees: a cross-sectional study Chapter 7

112 General discussion 136 Summary

140 Samenvatting 144 Dankwoord 148 About the author

150 Publications and presentations

ISBN 9789082997804



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In contrast to the effects found for supply reduction, little (lasting) evidence for behaviour change has been found for demand reduction, i.e., for the effects of alcohol

‘Het gaat om mensen die zich vergissen, mensen die niet kunnen bewijzen dat de uitvoeringsorganisatie een fout heeft gemaakt, mensen die iets verkeerd begrepen hebben, mensen

The research question of the described study protocol will be: What is the effect of a healthier worksite cafeteria based on nudging and social marketing techniques on the

This thesis showed that a healthy worksite cafeteria with nudging and social marketing strategies is feasible, and partly effective in stimulating healthier food choices of Dutch

As Robert Noggle (2018) puts it, “the assumption that manipulation undermines autonomy is so common in discussions of manipulation and consent that it would be difficult

Concluderend vormt de lijn nudge een goedkoop en efficiënt alternatief voor traditionele interventiemethoden voor planologen in het bestrijden van overlast

Gekeken zal worden hoe de planoloog lokale partijen zoals de supermarkt een stadsbeheer kan betrekken om zo nudging tegen zwerfafval effectiever te implementeren.. Het probleem