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An assessment of present day and future sea level rise at the Dutch coast:
Research of the Dutcht Wadden Academy on request of Programme towards a rich Wadden Sea concerning regional effect of sealevel rise. present-day-and-future-sea-level-rise-at-0the-dutch-coast
Climate change effects on Wadden Sea birds along the East Atlantic flyway:
The Programme Towards a Rich Wadden Sea (PRW) asked the Waddenacademie to carry out a literature review and, on that basis, assess what climate change will mean for birds using the East Atlantic Flyway and for their habitats.
Jeroen Reneerkens, an expert on the impact of climate change on migratory birds, was asked to prepare this report. The Waddenacademie was responsible for quality control and process supervision of this report. wadden-sea-birds-along-the-east-atlantic-flyway
Extreme heat events, temperature increase and sea level rise could be the key stressors of climate change, which will affect the Wadden Sea World Heritage site. This is the main outcome of an innovative rapid assessment, the Climate Vulnerability Index (CVI), which was applied by
international experts in February 2020. The findings of the workshop have now been published in a comprehensive report by the Common Wadden Sea Secretariat (CWSS) in cooperation with the trilateral Expert Group Climate Change Adaptation (EG-Climate), Task Group World Heritage (TG- WH) and the designers of the tool, Jon Day and Dr Scott Heron of James Cook University, Australia.
With the help of the CVI the workshop looked at stressors and their possible implications. For more profound evidence on the severity of their impacts, in-depth research is needed.
Download report:
News item: heritage-climate-change-published