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Phylogeny and biogeography of Spathelioideae (Rutaceae) Appelhans, M.S.


Academic year: 2021

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Phylogeny and biogeography of Spathelioideae (Rutaceae)

Appelhans, M.S.


Appelhans, M. S. (2011, November 15). Phylogeny and biogeography of Spathelioideae (Rutaceae). Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/18076

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Behorende bij het proefschrift

“Phylogeny and biogeography of Spathelioideae (Rutaceae)”

van Marc S. Appelhans

1. The Spathelia / Ptaeroxylon clade is the sister clade to Rutaceae s.s., and the presence of secretory cavities and a tracheidal tegmen as well as

phytochemical similarities justify a placement of the clade as subfamily Spathelioideae in an enlarged Rutaceae s.l. (this thesis).

2. The former families Ptaeroxylaceae and Cneoraceae are monophyletic groups within the Rutaceae subfamily Spathelioideae (this thesis).

3. The ancestor of Spathelioideae probably had haplostemonous flowers, secretory cavities, oil idioblasts in its leaves, and chromones. Oil idioblasts and chromones are potential synapomorphies for the clade (this thesis).

4. The occurrence of Cneorum in Cuba is not natural, and the genus has most likely been introduced by man (this thesis).

5. Cneorum is not a relict from the Early Tertiary (in disagreement to Borhidi, 1991; Riera et al., 2002).

6. Rutaceae and Spathelioideae probably originated in the Late Cretaceous and the geographical origin of Spathelioideae might be Northern and/or Western Africa (this thesis).

7. Spathelia trees die after producing fruit and they are monocarpic by morphology (Simmonds, 1980).

8. The subfamily classification of Rutaceae according to different fruit types is highly artificial (Chase et al., 1999; Groppo et al., 2008).

9. The high number of monotypic genera (43 out of a total of 154) seems to point to the imperfect understanding of the systematics of the family Rutaceae (Kubitzki et al., 2011).

10. Differences in phytochemical compounds are most valuable for the delimitation of Meliaceae, Rutaceae and Simaroubaceae.

11. In addition to changing the source of our energy, we need to learn how to consume less energy.

12. The current world population cannot be sustained on meat-based diets;

especially if we want to preserve our last tropical forests.



The early onset of epigenetic changes and the growing view that stem cells are the target cells for cancer, together with the idea that epigenetic changes probably distinguish

In chapter 3 it is shown, that the South American and the Caribbean species form distinct clades and that the Caribbean species of Spathelia are sister to the South American

Naast deze karakteristieke kenmerken van de Rutaceae komen in de bladeren van alle geslachten van de Spathelia / Ptaeroxylon groep met uitzonder- ing van Dictyoloma oliecellen voor

It was also shown that a maximum in the profile is not necessarily due to excitation at the site of this maximum, but can be the result of the joint field potential of two cell

These symptoms are (probably) mainly due to a sudden increase of dopa- mine concentrations in the frontal cortex and thalamus associated with the presence of D1 and D2 upregulation

In fact, the electrostatic forces associated with a nonzero contact potential V o played a dominant role and could not be com- pensated for the thinner films (<20 nm), while above

The source has a low VLBI-to- VLA flux ratio upper limit of 0.16, suggesting that a significant fraction of the radio emission is extended and probably associ- ated with

7 Note that in this inflaton potential, there is a critical ϕ value beyond which no inflation can occur even without a Kähler destabilization. One may generate purely