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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/22836 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Woldhuis, Erik

Title: Foam rheology near the jamming transition

Issue Date: 2013-12-11



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When rescaled appropriately, the data for strain rate _, shear stress , and packing fraction  were found to collapse to two curves, reminiscent of second-order-like

That grain motion and compaction occur in pre- viously unshaken samples vibrated at low frequencies and for ⌫⬍1 is maybe not surprising, although we are unaware of systematic studies

In this Letter we uncover that this proximity of floppy modes causes an increasingly nonaffine response when approaching point J, and that this response is intimately related to

Moreover, for com- pressed systems away from the jamming point, the pressure p, the excess contact number ⌬z=z共p兲−z iso 0 , and the excess density ⌬ ␾ = ␾ − ␾ J 0

In order to develop an understanding of the critical behavior of jammed granular media close to point J, we investigate the relation between the global properties such as elastic

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