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"Ask and you shall be given": Pentecostalism and the economic crisis in Cameroon


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"Ask and you shall be given": Pentecostalism and the economic crisis

in Cameroon

Akoko, R.M.


Akoko, R. M. (2007, June 26). "Ask and you shall be given": Pentecostalism and the

economic crisis in Cameroon. African studies collection. African Studies Centre. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12290

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Reverend Edward Lekunze of the Protestant chaplaincy, Yaounde.

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Reverend Joshua Moyo of PCC Seminary Kumba.

Reverend Father Moses Tazoh (editor, Cameroon Panorama Buea).



Following visits by the Equatorial Guinean minister of foreign affairs, Pastor Miche Ondo Bile, and President Obiang to Cameroon on 23 March and 11 April

church called Agbelengor (later called The Lord’s Pentecostal Church). In a bid to avoid the loss of more members, the EPC began to Africanise its liturgy. However, towards the end

It investigates the proliferation of Pentecostalism and the continuous defection of members of the mainline churches to the new Pentecostal groups that are propagating this gospel

I equally wish to acknowledge the cooperation of members of the Research School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies (CNWS) of Leiden University, especially Ilona Beumer for

church called Agbelengor (later called The Lord’s Pentecostal Church). In a bid to avoid the loss of more members, the EPC began to Africanise its liturgy. However, towards the end

These Churches include: Full Gospel Mission, The Apostolic Church, The Church of Christ, The Church of God, The true Church of God, The Church of God of Prophesy, The Deeper

The church, as a body, at this time had become self-sustaining and highly needed money to run its activities and was therefore compelled to go into business ventures and also

While the RCC education department has been highly affected by the crisis because of its long reliance on government subsidies, the FGM seems not to be experiencing this with