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Explicit computations with modular Galois representations Bosman, J.G.


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Explicit computations with modular Galois representations

Bosman, J.G.


Bosman, J. G. (2008, December 15). Explicit computations with modular Galois representations. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/13364

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Serre, Modular forms of weight one and Galois representations, Algebraic number fields: L-functions and Galois properties (A.. Serre, Sur la lacunarit´e des puissances de η,

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden Downloaded.

In this thesis, we shall be working with classical modular forms of integral weight, which are known to be deeply linked with two-dimensional representations of the absolute

In this section we will give the definitions for the level and the weight of the representation, which are called its Serre invariants; they depend on local properties of ρ. After

The computation of Hecke operators on these modular symbols spaces would enable us to compute q-expansions of cusp forms: q-coefficients of newforms can be computed once we can

The polynomial P obtained in this way has coefficients of about 200 digits so we want to find a polynomial of smaller height defining the same number field K.. In [11, Section 6]

We will show how to verify the correctness of the polynomials in Sec- tion 4.3 after setting up some preliminaries about Galois representations in Section 4.2.. In Section 4.4 we

van Γ/Γ ∩ h±1i op H inverteerbare orde hebben in een ring R, dan is het mo- duul van modulaire symbolen over R isomorf met de groepencohomologie en de cohomologie van de