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Privacy Statement Utrecht University (UU) for the Utrecht Research Agenda (UWA)


Academic year: 2022

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Privacy Statement Utrecht University (UU) for the Utrecht Research Agenda (UWA)

Utrecht University is committed to handle with care the personal data of everyone who works, studies or participates in research with us and we adhere to the law (General Data Protection Regulation – AVG).

This Privacy Statement for the Utrecht Research Agenda project describes what personal data is stored, why and for how long. This always happens with your consent. It also describes what you can do if you want to change this.

1. Processing your personal data

The personal data you provide will be used to carry out the Utrecht Research Agenda project. In this project we collect questions form the citizens of Utrecht about subjects and issues they find

important. With these questions we will create the Utrecht Research Agenda. UU will try to find answers to the questions on this agenda.

Your personal data will be recorded when you submit a question for this project.

2. What personal data is collected?

With your consent we collect the following data in this project:

• First name

• Surname

• Age

• Email address

(Please fill in the data you want to share with us).

Of each question that is submitted we also keep track of :

• The date of submission

• How the question was submitted (e.g. via the website, in a meeting)

Separately we will ask your permission to contact your for publicity about this project.

3. Giving and withdrawing consent

Your data will only be used if you give your consent. If you have given your consent, you can withdraw it at any time.

4. Sharing your data

Your personal data will only be shared by Utrecht University with other organizations if it is necessary for the implementation of the Utrecht Research Agenda. These organizations are: the Utrecht

University Medical Centre and the Sharing Arts Society. Your personal data will not be sold to or in any other way shared with other organizations or persons outside the Utrecht Research Agenda project. The UU also only shares personal data when it is done carefully.


5. How long is data kept?

The personal data will be kept no longer than is necessary for the preparation of the Utrecht Research Agenda. This will be done by July 1st 2022 at the latest.

6. How can you view, modify or delete your data?

You can apply to [email protected] to

• View your data

• Modify your data

• Have your data deleted

7. Filing a complaint

You can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority if you have the impression that we are not using your data in the right way.

8. Technical security

The UU ensures that your personal data are protected against unauthorised acces or use. Any abuse or attempted use will be reported.

9. Cookies and click behaviour on the website

The UU Lustrum website keeps track of general visiting data. We use this data to improve the website.

10. Questions

Do you have any further questions or comments in response to this information? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

You can use the contact form on the website or send a message to [email protected] Privacy statement - version

This privacy statement was last amended on March 24th 2021.

The UU reserves the right to make changes to this privacy statement if necessary.

Want to know more? Go to the privacy statement of Utrecht University



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