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Significant outcomes (p<.000) Appendix


Academic year: 2021

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Significant outcomes (p<.000)

1. scale and river (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

région 38 46,9% 43 53,1%

département 115 90,6% 12 9,4%

ville 113 85,6% 19 14,4%

2. scale single historic building (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

région 81 100,0% 0 0,0%

département 124 97,4% 3 2,4%

ville 117 88,6% 15 11,4%

3. scale and natural site (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

région 39 48,1% 42 51,9%

département 116 91,3% 11 8,7%

ville 123 93,2% 9 6,8%

4. scale and hot air balloon (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

région 70 86,4% 11 13,6%

département 124 97,6% 3 2,4%

ville 326 100,0% 0 0,0%



5. actor and river (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

88 66,2% 45 33,8%

tourisme 126 82,4% 27 17,6%

chambagri 24 96,4% 1 4,0%

cci 28 96,6% 1 3,4%

6. actor and single historic building (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

132 99,2% 1 0,8%

tourisme 136 88,9% 17 11,1%

chambagri 25 100,0% 0 0,0%

cci 29 100,0% 0 0,0%

7. actor and other building (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

130 97,7% 3 2,3%

tourisme 153 100,0% 0 0,0%

chambagri 24 96,0% 1 4,0%

cci 23 79,3% 6 20,7%

8. actor and natural site (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

90 67,7% 43 32,3%

tourisme 135 82,2% 18 11,8%

chambagri 24 96,0% 1 4,0%



cci 29 100,0% 0 0,0%

9. actor and wine or associations with wine (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

133 100,0% 0 0,0%

tourisme 148 96,7% 5 3,3%

chambagri 21 84,0% 4 16,0%

cci 29 100,0% 0 0,0%

10. actor and arable farming (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

133 100,0% 0 0,0%

tourisme 153 100,0% 0 0,0%

chambagri 20 80,0% 5 20,0%

cci 29 100,0% 0 0,0%

11. actor and stock farming (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

133 100,0% 0 0,0%

tourisme 152 99,3% 1 0,7%

chambagri 20 80,0% 5 20,0%

cci 29 100,0% 0 0,0%

12. actor and horticulture (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

132 99,2% 1 0,8%

tourisme 152 99,3% 1 0,7%

chambagri 22 88,0% 3 12%

cci 29 98,5% 0 1,5%



13. actor and other associations with farming (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

133 100,0% 0 0,0%

tourisme 153 100,0% 0 0,0%

chambagri 21 84,0% 4 16,0%

cci 29 100,0% 0 0,0%

14. actor and other (A two-tailed p-value of < 0,000)

absent present

Conseil géneral

112 84,2% 21 15,8%

tourisme 128 83,7% 25 16,3%

chambagri 24 96,0% 1 4,0%

cci 14 48,3% 15 51,7%


5 Crosstabs (elements and Scale Level) River & Scale level


38 43 81

46,9% 53,1% 100,0%

14,3% 58,1% 23,8%

11,2% 12,6% 23,8%

115 12 127

90,6% 9,4% 100,0%

43,2% 16,2% 37,4%

33,8% 3,5% 37,4%

113 19 132

85,6% 14,4% 100,0%

42,5% 25,7% 38,8%

33,2% 5,6% 38,8%

266 74 340

78,2% 21,8% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

78,2% 21,8% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin riv er

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin riv er

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin riv er

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin riv er

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present riv er


Chi-Square Tests

62,193a 2 ,000

56,048 2 ,000

35,131 1 ,000

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


0 cells (,0%) hav e expect ed count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 17,63.



6 Castle & Scale level


62 19 81

76,5% 23,5% 100,0%

21,4% 38,0% 23,8%

18,2% 5,6% 23,8%

114 13 127

89,8% 10,2% 100,0%

39,3% 26,0% 37,4%

33,5% 3,8% 37,4%

114 18 132

86,4% 13,6% 100,0%

39,3% 36,0% 38,8%

33,5% 5,3% 38,8%

290 50 340

85,3% 14,7% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

85,3% 14,7% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin cast le

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin cast le

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin cast le

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin cast le

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present castle


Chi-Square Tests

7,088a 2 ,029

6,668 2 ,036

2,797 1 ,094

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


0 cells (,0%) hav e expect ed count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11,91.



7 Church, Cathedral & Scale level


78 3 81

96,3% 3,7% 100,0%

24,0% 20,0% 23,8%

22,9% ,9% 23,8%

126 1 127

99,2% ,8% 100,0%

38,8% 6,7% 37,4%

37,1% ,3% 37,4%

121 11 132

91,7% 8,3% 100,0%

37,2% 73,3% 38,8%

35,6% 3,2% 38,8%

325 15 340

95,6% 4,4% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

95,6% 4,4% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present churchcath


Chi-Square Tests

8,866a 2 ,012

9,887 2 ,007

3,807 1 ,051

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


1 cells (16,7%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 3,57.



8 Historic site & Scale level


70 11 81

86,4% 13,6% 100,0%

22,9% 32,4% 23,8%

20,6% 3,2% 23,8%

123 4 127

96,9% 3,1% 100,0%

40,2% 11,8% 37,4%

36,2% 1,2% 37,4%

113 19 132

85,6% 14,4% 100,0%

36,9% 55,9% 38,8%

33,2% 5,6% 38,8%

306 34 340

90,0% 10,0% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

90,0% 10,0% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin hissite

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hissite

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hissite

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hissite

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present hissit e


Chi-Square Tests

10,607a 2 ,005

12,381 2 ,002

,454 1 ,501

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


0 cells (,0%) hav e expect ed count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 8,10.



9 Historic Building & Scale level


81 0 81

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

25,2% ,0% 23,8%

23,8% ,0% 23,8%

124 3 127

97,6% 2,4% 100,0%

38,5% 16,7% 37,4%

36,5% ,9% 37,4%

117 15 132

88,6% 11,4% 100,0%

36,3% 83,3% 38,8%

34,4% 4,4% 38,8%

322 18 340

94,7% 5,3% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

94,7% 5,3% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present hisbuilding


Chi-Square Tests

16,404a 2 ,000

18,947 2 ,000

14,651 1 ,000

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


1 cells (16,7%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 4,29.



10 Other buildings & Scale level


81 0 81

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

24,5% ,0% 23,8%

23,8% ,0% 23,8%

119 8 127

93,7% 6,3% 100,0%

36,1% 80,0% 37,4%

35,0% 2,4% 37,4%

130 2 132

98,5% 1,5% 100,0%

39,4% 20,0% 38,8%

38,2% ,6% 38,8%

330 10 340

97,1% 2,9% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

97,1% 2,9% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin otherbuild

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin otherbuild

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin otherbuild

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin otherbuild

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present otherbuild


Chi-Square Tests

8,412a 2 ,015

9,781 2 ,008

,043 1 ,837

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


3 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 2,38.



11 Natural Site & Scale level


39 42 81

48,1% 51,9% 100,0%

14,0% 67,7% 23,8%

11,5% 12,4% 23,8%

116 11 127

91,3% 8,7% 100,0%

41,7% 17,7% 37,4%

34,1% 3,2% 37,4%

123 9 132

93,2% 6,8% 100,0%

44,2% 14,5% 38,8%

36,2% 2,6% 38,8%

278 62 340

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin natsite

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin natsite

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin natsite

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin natsite

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present natsite


Chi-Square Tests

80,740a 2 ,000

70,233 2 ,000

58,268 1 ,000

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


0 cells (,0%) hav e expect ed count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14,77.



12 Navigation & Scale level


71 10 81

87,7% 12,3% 100,0%

22,0% 55,6% 23,8%

20,9% 2,9% 23,8%

126 1 127

99,2% ,8% 100,0%

39,1% 5,6% 37,4%

37,1% ,3% 37,4%

125 7 132

94,7% 5,3% 100,0%

38,8% 38,9% 38,8%

36,8% 2,1% 38,8%

322 18 340

94,7% 5,3% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

94,7% 5,3% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin nav igat ion

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin nav igat ion

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin nav igat ion

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin nav igat ion

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present nav igation


Chi-Square Tests

13,178a 2 ,001

13,851 2 ,001

3,146 1 ,076

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


1 cells (16,7%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 4,29.



13 Hot air balloon & Scale level


70 11 81

86,4% 13,6% 100,0%

21,5% 78,6% 23,8%

20,6% 3,2% 23,8%

124 3 127

97,6% 2,4% 100,0%

38,0% 21,4% 37,4%

36,5% ,9% 37,4%

132 0 132

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

40,5% ,0% 38,8%

38,8% ,0% 38,8%

326 14 340

95,9% 4,1% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

95,9% 4,1% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present hotairballo


Chi-Square Tests

25,030a 2 ,000

23,973 2 ,000

21,105 1 ,000

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


1 cells (16,7%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 3,34.



14 Accessibility, Transport & Scale level


80 1 81

98,8% 1,2% 100,0%

24,2% 11,1% 23,8%

23,5% ,3% 23,8%

120 7 127

94,5% 5,5% 100,0%

36,3% 77,8% 37,4%

35,3% 2,1% 37,4%

131 1 132

99,2% ,8% 100,0%

39,6% 11,1% 38,8%

38,5% ,3% 38,8%

331 9 340

97,4% 2,6% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

97,4% 2,6% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin acct ransp

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin acct ransp

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin acct ransp

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin acct ransp

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present acctransp


Chi-Square Tests

6,500a 2 ,039

6,413 2 ,040

,343 1 ,558

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


3 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 2,14.



15 Other & Scale level


75 6 81

92,6% 7,4% 100,0%

27,0% 9,7% 23,8%

22,1% 1,8% 23,8%

95 32 127

74,8% 25,2% 100,0%

34,2% 51,6% 37,4%

27,9% 9,4% 37,4%

108 24 132

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%

38,8% 38,7% 38,8%

31,8% 7,1% 38,8%

278 62 340

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%


% wit hin scale

% wit hin other

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin other

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin other

% of Total Count

% wit hin scale

% wit hin other

% of Total région


v ille scale


absent present other


Chi-Square Tests

10,498a 2 ,005

11,632 2 ,003

2,465 1 ,116

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


0 cells (,0%) hav e expect ed count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 14,77.



16 Crosstabs (Elements & type of Actor)

River & type of Actor


88 45 133

66,2% 33,8% 100,0%

33,1% 60,8% 39,1%

25,9% 13,2% 39,1%

126 27 153

82,4% 17,6% 100,0%

47,4% 36,5% 45,0%

37,1% 7,9% 45,0%

24 1 25

96,0% 4,0% 100,0%

9,0% 1,4% 7,4%

7,1% ,3% 7,4%

28 1 29

96,6% 3,4% 100,0%

10,5% 1,4% 8,5%

8,2% ,3% 8,5%

266 74 340

78,2% 21,8% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

78,2% 21,8% 100,0%


% wit hin act or

% wit hin riv er

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin riv er

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin riv er

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin riv er

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin riv er

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present riv er


Chi-Square Tests

23,250a 3 ,000

26,347 3 ,000

21,264 1 ,000

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


0 cells (,0%) hav e expect ed count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5,44.



17 Castle & type of Actor


115 18 133

86,5% 13,5% 100,0%

39,7% 36,0% 39,1%

33,8% 5,3% 39,1%

123 30 153

80,4% 19,6% 100,0%

42,4% 60,0% 45,0%

36,2% 8,8% 45,0%

24 1 25

96,0% 4,0% 100,0%

8,3% 2,0% 7,4%

7,1% ,3% 7,4%

28 1 29

96,6% 3,4% 100,0%

9,7% 2,0% 8,5%

8,2% ,3% 8,5%

290 50 340

85,3% 14,7% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

85,3% 14,7% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin castle

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin castle

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin castle

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin castle

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin castle

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present castle


Chi-Square Tests

8,291a 3 ,040

9,963 3 ,019

1,743 1 ,187

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


2 cells (25,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 3,68.



18 Church, Cathedral & type of Actor


130 3 133

97,7% 2,3% 100,0%

40,0% 20,0% 39,1%

38,2% ,9% 39,1%

141 12 153

92,2% 7,8% 100,0%

43,4% 80,0% 45,0%

41,5% 3,5% 45,0%

25 0 25

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

7,7% ,0% 7,4%

7,4% ,0% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,9% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

325 15 340

95,6% 4,4% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

95,6% 4,4% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin churchcath

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present churchcath


Chi-Square Tests

8,230a 3 ,041

10,147 3 ,017

,056 1 ,813

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


2 cells (25,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 1,10.



19 Historic building & type of Actor


132 1 133

99,2% ,8% 100,0%

41,0% 5,6% 39,1%

38,8% ,3% 39,1%

136 17 153

88,9% 11,1% 100,0%

42,2% 94,4% 45,0%

40,0% 5,0% 45,0%

25 0 25

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

7,8% ,0% 7,4%

7,4% ,0% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

9,0% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

322 18 340

94,7% 5,3% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

94,7% 5,3% 100,0%


% wit hin act or

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin hisbuilding

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present hisbuilding


Chi-Square Tests

18,817a 3 ,000

22,303 3 ,000

,202 1 ,653

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


2 cells (25,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 1,32.



20 Other buildings & type of Actor


130 3 133

97,7% 2,3% 100,0%

39,4% 30,0% 39,1%

38,2% ,9% 39,1%

153 0 153

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

46,4% ,0% 45,0%

45,0% ,0% 45,0%

24 1 25

96,0% 4,0% 100,0%

7,3% 10,0% 7,4%

7,1% ,3% 7,4%

23 6 29

79,3% 20,7% 100,0%

7,0% 60,0% 8,5%

6,8% 1,8% 8,5%

330 10 340

97,1% 2,9% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

97,1% 2,9% 100,0%


% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot herbuild

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot herbuild

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot herbuild

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot herbuild

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot herbuild

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present otherbuild


Chi-Square Tests

36,955a 3 ,000

23,581 3 ,000

17,235 1 ,000

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,74.



21 Natural site & type of Actor


90 43 133

67,7% 32,3% 100,0%

32,4% 69,4% 39,1%

26,5% 12,6% 39,1%

135 18 153

88,2% 11,8% 100,0%

48,6% 29,0% 45,0%

39,7% 5,3% 45,0%

24 1 25

96,0% 4,0% 100,0%

8,6% 1,6% 7,4%

7,1% ,3% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

10,4% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

278 62 340

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%


% wit hin act or

% wit hin nat site

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin nat site

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin nat site

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin nat site

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin nat site

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present natsite


Chi-Square Tests

31,885a 3 ,000

36,323 3 ,000

27,116 1 ,000

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


1 cells (12,5%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 4,56.



22 Gastronomy & type of Actor


133 0 133

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

39,9% ,0% 39,1%

39,1% ,0% 39,1%

146 7 153

95,4% 4,6% 100,0%

43,8% 100,0% 45,0%

42,9% 2,1% 45,0%

25 0 25

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

7,5% ,0% 7,4%

7,4% ,0% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,7% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

333 7 340

97,9% 2,1% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

97,9% 2,1% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin gastronom

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin gastronom

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin gastronom

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin gastronom

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin gastronom

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present gastronom


Chi-Square Tests

8,735a 3 ,033

11,359 3 ,010

,197 1 ,658

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,51.



23 Wine associated & type of Actor


133 0 133

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

40,2% ,0% 39,1%

39,1% ,0% 39,1%

148 5 153

96,7% 3,3% 100,0%

44,7% 55,6% 45,0%

43,5% 1,5% 45,0%

21 4 25

84,0% 16,0% 100,0%

6,3% 44,4% 7,4%

6,2% 1,2% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,8% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

331 9 340

97,4% 2,6% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

97,4% 2,6% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin wineasso

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin wineasso

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin wineasso

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin wineasso

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin wineasso

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present wineasso


Chi-Square Tests

21,931a 3 ,000

17,102 3 ,001

4,112 1 ,043

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,66.



24 Hot air balloon & type of Actor


121 12 133

91,0% 9,0% 100,0%

37,1% 85,7% 39,1%

35,6% 3,5% 39,1%

151 2 153

98,7% 1,3% 100,0%

46,3% 14,3% 45,0%

44,4% ,6% 45,0%

25 0 25

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

7,7% ,0% 7,4%

7,4% ,0% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,9% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

326 14 340

95,9% 4,1% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

95,9% 4,1% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin hotairballo

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present hotairballo


Chi-Square Tests

13,484a 3 ,004

14,796 3 ,002

9,360 1 ,002

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


2 cells (25,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 1,03.



25 Arable farming & type of Actor


133 0 133

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

39,7% ,0% 39,1%

39,1% ,0% 39,1%

153 0 153

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

45,7% ,0% 45,0%

45,0% ,0% 45,0%

20 5 25

80,0% 20,0% 100,0%

6,0% 100,0% 7,4%

5,9% 1,5% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,7% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

335 5 340

98,5% 1,5% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

98,5% 1,5% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin arablef arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin arablef arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin arablef arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin arablef arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin arablef arm

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present arablef arm


Chi-Square Tests

63,940a 3 ,000

27,101 3 ,000

8,489 1 ,004

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,37.



26 Stock farming & type of Actor


133 0 133

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

39,8% ,0% 39,1%

39,1% ,0% 39,1%

152 1 153

99,3% ,7% 100,0%

45,5% 16,7% 45,0%

44,7% ,3% 45,0%

20 5 25

80,0% 20,0% 100,0%

6,0% 83,3% 7,4%

5,9% 1,5% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,7% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

334 6 340

98,2% 1,8% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

98,2% 1,8% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin stockf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin stockf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin stockf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin stockf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin stockf arm

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present stockf arm


Chi-Square Tests

51,954a 3 ,000

23,265 3 ,000

7,464 1 ,006

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,44.



27 Horticulture & type of Actor


132 1 133

99,2% ,8% 100,0%

39,4% 20,0% 39,1%

38,8% ,3% 39,1%

152 1 153

99,3% ,7% 100,0%

45,4% 20,0% 45,0%

44,7% ,3% 45,0%

22 3 25

88,0% 12,0% 100,0%

6,6% 60,0% 7,4%

6,5% ,9% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,7% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

335 5 340

98,5% 1,5% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

98,5% 1,5% 100,0%


% wit hin act or

% wit hin horticulture

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin horticulture

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin horticulture

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin horticulture

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin horticulture

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present horticulture


Chi-Square Tests

20,741a 3 ,000

9,947 3 ,019

1,931 1 ,165

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,37.



28 Other farm related & type of Actor


133 0 133

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

39,6% ,0% 39,1%

39,1% ,0% 39,1%

153 0 153

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

45,5% ,0% 45,0%

45,0% ,0% 45,0%

21 4 25

84,0% 16,0% 100,0%

6,3% 100,0% 7,4%

6,2% 1,2% 7,4%

29 0 29

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

8,6% ,0% 8,5%

8,5% ,0% 8,5%

336 4 340

98,8% 1,2% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

98,8% 1,2% 100,0%


% wit hin actor

% wit hin ot herf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin ot herf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin ot herf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin ot herf arm

% of Total Count

% wit hin actor

% wit hin ot herf arm

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present otherf arm


Chi-Square Tests

51,000a 3 ,000

21,510 3 ,000

6,771 1 ,009

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,29.



29 Industrial activities & type of Actor


132 1 133

99,2% ,8% 100,0%

39,2% 33,3% 39,1%

38,8% ,3% 39,1%

153 0 153

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

45,4% ,0% 45,0%

45,0% ,0% 45,0%

25 0 25

100,0% ,0% 100,0%

7,4% ,0% 7,4%

7,4% ,0% 7,4%

27 2 29

93,1% 6,9% 100,0%

8,0% 66,7% 8,5%

7,9% ,6% 8,5%

337 3 340

99,1% ,9% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

99,1% ,9% 100,0%


% wit hin act or

% wit hin industrial

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin industrial

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin industrial

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin industrial

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin industrial

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present industrial


Chi-Square Tests

13,604a 3 ,003

8,027 3 ,045

5,063 1 ,024

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


4 cells (50,0%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is ,22.



30 Other & type of actor


112 21 133

84,2% 15,8% 100,0%

40,3% 33,9% 39,1%

32,9% 6,2% 39,1%

128 25 153

83,7% 16,3% 100,0%

46,0% 40,3% 45,0%

37,6% 7,4% 45,0%

24 1 25

96,0% 4,0% 100,0%

8,6% 1,6% 7,4%

7,1% ,3% 7,4%

14 15 29

48,3% 51,7% 100,0%

5,0% 24,2% 8,5%

4,1% 4,4% 8,5%

278 62 340

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%

100,0% 100,0% 100,0%

81,8% 18,2% 100,0%


% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot her

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot her

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot her

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot her

% of Total Count

% wit hin act or

% wit hin ot her

% of Total conseil général



cci actor


absent present other


Chi-Square Tests

26,113a 3 ,000

22,126 3 ,000

9,166 1 ,002

340 Pearson Chi-Square

Likelihood Ratio Linear-by -Linear Association N of Valid Cases

Value df

Asy mp. Sig.


1 cells (12,5%) hav e expected count less t han 5. The minimum expected count is 4,56.





The ultramodern aluminium sand casting foundry recently installed by the Eurotech Group is unique in the world because of its high level of automation combined with the low-pressure

The minimum expected count is

Checklist for evaluating licensees for possible use of the Paques SMM (Submerged Membrane Module). This to get a feeling of the market. 1) LEGISLATION (re-use, TSS, high

 Kota Padang Panjang memiliki luas wilayah yang terbatas, dan hanya sekitar 21 % lahan yang efektif untuk dibangun ( kemiringan 0 – 15 %), akibatnya penduduk yang hanya memiliki


Frahm and Memmel [24] promoted the global minimum variance portfolio using a shrinkage estimator for the variance matrix due to expected value accounting for most of the

He brought with him what was quickly castigated as a reformist 'dream team' composed of Martin Oduor-Otieno, a former banker at Barclays Bank Kenya who was appointed permanent