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Federalism and ethnic conflict in Ethiopia. A comparative study of the Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz regions


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Federalism and ethnic conflict in Ethiopia. A comparative study of the Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz regions Adegehe, A.K.. Citation Adegehe, A. K. (2009, June 11). Federalism and ethnic conflict in Ethiopia. A comparative study of the Somali and Benishangul-Gumuz regions. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/13839 Version:. Not Applicable (or Unknown). License:. Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden. Downloaded from:. https://hdl.handle.net/1887/13839. Note: To cite this publication please use the final published version (if applicable)..

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First, some regional officials argue that the formation of the ethnic federation intended to provide self-rule to ethnic groups in their own geographic

In the case of the Afar-Issa conflict, the federal government accused regional and local officials of lacking the good will to resolve the problem amicably

B-G officials furthermore complain that local and regional Oromo officials, in addition to their implicit encouragement of spontaneous Oromo settlement within

Since the inaugural of the federal government in 1995, EPRDF’s major policy regarding politics in the peripheral regions has been the establishment of subordinate

As noted by Simeon and Conway (2001: 362), federalism to develop as a credible instrument of conflict management, should complement ‘societal and

Turton (ed.), Ethnic Federalism in Ethiopia: The Ethiopian Experience in Comparative Perspective, Oxford; Athens; Addis Ababa: James Currey; Ohio

The heterogeneity of the Benishangul-Gumuz region neither contributed to the development of regional as opposed to ethnic interests nor led to political socialization

Peripheral blood cells were stained with HLA-A2.1 tetramers containing the tyrosinase368–376 peptide followed by staining with a panel of lineage antibodies, as described in