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Author: Duijvenbode, A. van

Title: Facing society: A study of identity through head shaping practices among the indigenous peoples of the Caribbean in the ceramic age and colonial period

Issue Date: 2017-05-16



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The remarks by eighteenth-century travellers on the altered head shapes of both the Island and Black Carib of the Lesser Antilles constitute the last evidence of cranial

2 Despite the unresolved debate regarding the influence of intentional cranial modification on the timing and pattern of cranial suture closure, this remains one of the

In addition to a substantial collection of human remains currently curated in the osteological collection of the Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, Krieger

All individuals in the Dominican Republic for whom burial information was available were found in a flexed position and not enough data was present to analyse burial orientation

Head shaping practices at El Chorro de Maíta match the expected pattern of high prevalence rates and uniform cranial shapes seen in other Late Ceramic Age Greater

Ever since the first settlers set foot ashore some eight thousand years ago, the Caribbean has been a cultural kaleidoscope characterised by an ongoing tension between similarity

Deze verschillende gemeenschappen van de Grote Antillen waren verbonden in een interactie- en uitwisselingsnetwerk en de gedeelde gebruiken vergemakkelijkten interactie

Patterns of modification, consisting of prevalence, head shapes, and relations between head shaping practices and other social indicators from the archaeological record, were