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University of Groningen Reproduction, growth and immune function Ndithia, Henry Kamau


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Reproduction, growth and immune function

Ndithia, Henry Kamau

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Publication date: 2019

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Ndithia, H. K. (2019). Reproduction, growth and immune function: novel insights in equatorial tropical birds. University of Groningen.


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Stellingen behorende bij het proefschrift (Propositions associated with the dissertation) REPRODUCTION, GROWTH AND IMMUNE FUNCTION: NOVEL INSIGHTS IN EQUATORIAL TROPICAL BIRDS Henry K. Ndithia

1. Equatorial birds living in unpredictable (non-seasonal) environments do not use environmental factors (rainfall, temperature or food availability) to time reproduction.

This thesis chapter 2; contra Dittami and Gwinner 1985, Scheuerlein and Gwinner 2002

2. Patterns of growth and ontogeny of immune function vary widely among avian species and populations, variation that reflects adaptation to specific environmental conditions.

This thesis chapter 3; contra Demas and Nelson 2012

3. Faster avian growth rate is sometimes associated with the more arid environments.

This thesis chapter 3, Pérez et al 2016; contra Tieleman 2003a, Tieleman et al. 2004

4. Co-occurrence of elevation of nitric oxide and higher average maximum temperature (Tmax) during breeding indicates that high Tmax provides a conducive for growth, development and reproduction of microorganisms and parasites.

This thesis chapter 4 and 5

5. Because reproduction is not tightly correlated with specific environmental conditions, equatorial tropical systems are ideally suited for disentangling the effects of reproduction from those caused by variation in environmental conditions.

This thesis chapter 4 and 5

6. Equatorial tropical birds are faced with unpredictable environmental conditions and upregulate their immune function during energetically demanding life cycle stages, such as reproduction.

This thesis chapter 4 and 5, Vindervogel et al. 1985, Hughes et al. 1989, Christe et al. 2000a

7. Temporal variation in immune function exhibited by equatorial tropical birds is more influenced by prevailing environmental conditions rather than investments in reproduction or life history events more generally

This thesis chapter 4 and 5

8. ‘It always seems impossible until it is done.’ Nelson Mandela

9. ‘When the roots are deep, there is no reason to fear the wind.’ African proverb – on the foundation this thesis has given

10. ‘In order to find a bird (’s nest), it is necessary to become part of the silence.’ Robert Lynd



Chapter 4 No downregulation of immune function during breeding in two year-round breeding bird species in an equatorial East African

Haptoglobin (mean ± SE, mg/ml), nitric oxide (mean ± SE, mmol/ml), agglutination (mean ± SE, titre), lysis (mean ± SE, titre) and mass (g) in chick-feeding and non-breeding males

This thesis also supports the proposition that equatorial tropical birds, exhibiting a slow pace-of- life strategy, optimize survival (investment in immune function) over

how among-and-within-location dynamics of environmental variation influence variation in pathogen and parasite pressure in these environments and their potential influence

In chapter 5, we investigated the role of reproduction in influencing variation in immune function and body mass in three populations of year-round breeding Red-capped Larks living in

I thank our field assistants Abraham Mwangi Kuria, Paul Maina Kimani, Peter Kinyanjui Gachigi, Ken Wanjohi Njuguna and Naomi Wanjiku for field data collection over the years, and for

If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded

Nest survival in year-round breeding tropical red-capped larks Calandrella cinerea increases with higher nest abundance but decreases with higher invertebrate availability