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University of Groningen Living kidney donor evaluation and safety assessment van Londen, Marco


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Living kidney donor evaluation and safety assessment

van Londen, Marco

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van Londen, M. (2019). Living kidney donor evaluation and safety assessment. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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Living kidney donor evaluation

and safety assessment


© 2018, Marco van Londen ISBN: 978-94-632-3455-9

Illustratie: Anita van den Broek-Roijackers Layout by: Gildeprint


Living kidney donor evaluation

and safety assessment


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

op gezag van de

rector magnificus prof. dr. E. Sterken en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op woensdag 16 januari 2019 om 14.30 uur


Marco van Londen

geboren op 17 Juli 1991 te Lienden


Promotores Prof. dr. G.J. Navis Prof. dr. S.P. Berger Copromotor Dr. M.H. de Borst Beoordelingscommissie Prof. dr. F.J. Bemelman Prof. dr. M.E.J. Reinders Prof. dr. R.J. Porte



Chapter 1 Introduction and Aims of Thesis. 9

Part one GFR in living kidney donation 21

Chapter 2 Estimated GFR Before Living Kidney Donation and Post-donation 23 Measured GFR.

In Preparation

Chapter 3 Estimated Glomerular Filtration rate for Longitudinal Follow-up of Living 41 Kidney Donors.

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 2018;33(6)

Chapter 4 Overweight Young Female Kidney Donors have low Renal Functional 65 Reserve Post-donation.

American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 2018;315(3)

Chapter 5 Renal Functional Reserve Capacity before and after Living Kidney 81 Donation.

American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology - Accepted

Part two Living donation beyond the GFR 95

Chapter 6 Tubular Maximum Phosphate Reabsorption Capacity in Living Kidney 97 Donors is Independently Associated with One Year Recipient GFR.

American Journal of Physiology Renal Physiology 2017:0287

Chapter 7 Post-transplant Hypophosphatemia and the Risk of Death-censored 117 Graft Failure and Mortality after Kidney Transplantation.

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2017;12(8)

Chapter 8 Chronic Pain after Living Donor Nephrectomy 137


Chapter 9 TransplantLines: a Prospective Cohort Study Among All Solid Organ 155 Transplant Recipients.

BMJ Open - Accepted

Chapter 10 Summary, discussion and future perspectives 181 Nederlandse samenvatting / Dutch summary 193 Dankwoord / Acknowledgements 199

About the author 204




We measured mGFR as the urinary clearance of 125 I-iothalamate and Renal Functional Reserve (RFR) as the increase of mGFR in response to low-dose dopamine, 4 months before, and

In the current study we investigated whether the predonation tubular maximum reabsorption capacity of phosphate (TmP-GFR), which may be considered as a functional tubular marker

We investigated whether the development of post-transplant hypophosphatemia and the lowest serum phosphate concentration in the first year after transplantation are associated

These additional data consisted of a detailed pain history, taken by a trained researcher, and involved questions about the type of pain, intensity of pain using the Numeric

TransplantLines is designed as a single center prospective cohort study and biobank including all different types of solid organ transplant recipients, as well as living organ

This thesis contributed to ongoing efforts to improve the safety of living donors and donor risk assessment, by investigating several aspects of living kidney donor screening and

Wij vinden dat de geschatte nierfunctie (eGFR) gebruikt kan worden in de screening en follow-up van donoren, maar dat een deel van de donoren wel gemeten nierfunctie (mGFR)

Dank voor de gezelligheid, voor al jullie inzet voor de donoren, jullie geduld met al mijn studenten en jullie hulp bij TransplantLines.. Ik wil de nierstichting, de