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AISPAUGH. J.W. 1994. The relationship between school size. student teacher ratio and school efficiency. EducQJ;on. 114(4):593-601.


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AISPAUGH. J.W. 1994. The relationship between school size. student teacher ratio and school efficiency. EducQJ;on. 114(4):593-601.

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AISPAUGH, J.W. 1994. The relationship between school size, student teacher ratio and school efficiency. Education, 114(4):593-601.

ALLlNGTON, R.L. 1990. Effective literacy instruction for at-risk children. (In Knapp, M.S. & Shields, P.M., eds. Better schooling for the children of poverty.

A/JernaJives to cOllvtlltiOlUlI wisdom, 2: 102-309. Washington, DC : US. Department of Education, Office of I'tanning, Budget and Evaluation.)

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ANDERSON, S.A .• WILSON, R.1. & FIELDING, 1988. Commuter and resident students' personal and family adjustment. Joumal oJ col/ege student personnel, 28:280-295.

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Modifying cognitive attributions. Journal oJ educaJionai psyc1lology. 70:154-166.

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lIumaJl/eamiltgalld memory. 104:126-133.

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Analyses of covariance with students' moral competence measured with the SROM-sf as a covariate, and mean atmosphere score as dependent variable, showed that the effect of school,

In the first stage, an interpretation and use argument (IUA) is developed by specifying the proposed interpretation and use of the assessment results. In the second stage, the IUA

Figure 4 seems to suggest that there are several possible connections that can be made between variables observed by the software (Typing Speed, Cursor Speed and Average Time On)

In particular, the fieldwork carried out in this context showed the extent to which the social prestige of English as a dominant, global European language, on

Addressing complex, open-ended research areas such as climate, transport and energy will require a transformation in the science and innovation system, argue Stefan Kuhlmann and Arie

This means that the Wu-Xia Shadow rate and the effective Federal Funds Rate Squared predict an increase of cash-financed mergers when the rates are lower.. However,

44 In its Declaration on Strengthening Capabilities of 11 December 2008, the Council mentioned the following ambitions: “two major stabilisation and reconstruction operations, with

Gedurende jaar 2 het die botlervetinhoud vanaf die twee klawerweidings (Klawer1 b en Klawer2a) en Raaigras2 gedurende die lente, somer en herfs nie-betekenisvol (P&gt;0.05) verskil