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University of Groningen Corporate Governance and Managerial Misconduct Wijayati, Nureni


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University of Groningen

Corporate Governance and Managerial Misconduct

Wijayati, Nureni



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Wijayati, N. (2020). Corporate Governance and Managerial Misconduct: Evidence from Indonesia. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.131947533


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Whereas managerial ownership is negatively related to Tobin’s Q and positively related to the accounting measures, institutional ownership shows a positive sign

All these findings suggest that by cross-listing on an exchange with higher disclosure demands than in the firm’s domestic market, the results are that there is a

The negative interaction term indicates a substitutionary relation between firm-level governance and country-level legal system; better corporate governance has a

1b) Does the amount of executive compensation increase when firm market performance declines?.. Following these specific research questions, the subsequent hypotheses are

Study 3 investigates the interaction between the board of commissioners and board of directors (internal mechanism) and the change of the institutional framework (external

In studie 4 wordt het verband onderzocht tussen de wijze waarop de raad van commissarissen functioneert (interne mechanismen), de mate van transparantie van

Studi 3 meneliti interaksi antara dewan komisaris/ direksi (mekanisme internal) dan perubahan rerangka institusional (mekanisme eksternal) (lihat garis putus-putus

Indonesia’s corporate governance institutional framework is less demanding and less enforced, which leads to greater opportunities for corruption (chapter 2). The auditing quality