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Delayed graft function in renal transplantation Boom, H.


Academic year: 2021

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Delayed graft function in renal transplantation

Boom, H.


Boom, H. (2005, January 19). Delayed graft function in renal transplantation. Retrieved

from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/579


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t er v erkrijg ing v a n

de g ra a d v a n Doc t or a a n de Univ ers it eit Leiden, op g ez a g v a n de Rec t or M a g nifi c u s Dr. D.D. Breimer,

h oog lera a r in de fa c u lt eit der W is ku nde en Na t u u rw et ens c h a p p en en die der Genees ku nde,

v olg ens b es lu it v a n h et Colleg e v oor Promot ies t e v erdedig en op w oens da g 1 9 ja nu a ri 2 0 0 5

klokke 1 6 .1 5 u u r

door H en d rik B oom



Promotores: Prof. Dr. M.R. Daha Prof. Dr. L.C. Paul † Co- promotor: Dr. J .W. de Fijter Referent: Prof. Dr. U. Frei

Charité - Universitä tsmedizin Berlin, Deutschland Overige leden: Prof. Dr. L.A. van Es

Prof. Dr. J .A. Bruijn Prof. Dr. F.H. Claas Prof. Dr. H.J . v. Bockel Prof. Dr. R.J . Ploeg Universiteit Groningen Prof. Dr. E.K.J . Pauwels

ISBN 90- 8 559- 020- 5

Printed by Optima Grafi sche Communicatie, Rotterdam



Chapter 1 Introduction and outline of the thesis

Chapter 2 D elay ed g raft function infl uences renal function, b ut not surv iv al Kidney International, 2000; 58: 859 - 866

Chapter 3 D elay ed g raft function is characteriz ed b y reduced functional mass measured b y 99mtechnetium mercap toacety ltrig ly cine

re-nog rap hy

Transplantation 2002; 7 4 :203-208

Chapter 4 C alcium lev els as a risk factor for delay ed g raft function Transplantation 2004 ; 7 7 :868-87 3

Chapter 5 T he ex p ression of casp ase- 3 and mang anese S O D in distal tu-b ules p redicts p ost- transp lant acute tutu-b ular necrosis or D G F Submitted




License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of

The fi rst stage is the ischemic phase in which ischemic and reperfusion injury takes place and in which renal epithelial and endothelial cells are subjected to lethal

In this retrospective study we found that DGF, defi ned as the absence of a decline in serum creatinine of 10% or more in three consecutive days for more than 1 week after

Risk factors for delayed graft function in cadaveric kidney transplantation - A prospective study of renal function and graft survival after preservation with Uni- versity of

As macros- copic nephrocalcinosis is not present in this study, microscopic and chemical nephrocalci- nosis might explain the effect of high serum calcium levels on initial

This could explain the absence of necrosis but the presence of apoptosis in distal tubules: Proximal tubular cells have been reported to be more vulnerable to necrosis (36)

This functional renal mass is determined by factors like donor age and donor gender and this explains why these tradi- tional risk factors are related with graft outcome..

In this thesis we analyze the risks and consequences of delayed graft function, using a func- tional defi nition in which acute rejection and calcineurin inhibitor toxicity was