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Author: Hussain, S.T.

Title: The French-Anglophone divide in lithic research: A plea for pluralism in

Palaeolithic Archaeology


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Doelstelling is de ontwikkeling van nieuwe best practices voor gewasbescherming gebaseerd op nieuwe niet-kerende grondbewerking.. In 2009 startte een meerjarig experiment in

In the roughly 180,000 years that separated the Unit IV sites from'Site J the river Meuse must have eroded flints from other Cretaceous deposits than the

Lingjing is an open-air archaic hominin site in northern China where, apart from two incomplete human skulls, thousands of lithic artefacts as well as abundant,

Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) has been used to ordinate both log-transformed seed abundance and seed presence data from the seed bank of the reference sites with (1) the

Maar al snel herkreeg het begrip vaderland zijn wat vlakke, eenduidige gedaante, zij het dat het meer dan ooit gedwongen was mee te deinen op de golven van het politiek

222 clearly derive from a flint blade, no such tools were found at the site. Few antler tools were made into finished tools, with the exception of a few broken antler axes. All

RMO Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (Leiden) SEM scanning electron microscope SOM Seine-Oise-Marne culture TRB Funnel Beaker culture VL Vlaardingen-group list of symbols DH = dry hide

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