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Rethinking Ostia : a spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome's imperial port-town


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imperial port-town

Stöger, J.J.


Stöger, J. J. (2011, December 7). Rethinking Ostia : a spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome's imperial port-town. Archaeological Studies Leiden University. Leiden University Press, Leiden. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/18192

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Author: Stöger, Johanna

Title: Rethinking Ostia : a spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome's imperial port- town

Issue Date: 2011-12-07


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with colour-coded site plan attached) is both difficult to maintain and to refute; his suggestion seems to rest on the fact that the building did not have an entrance at ground floor

In total however, the Caseggiato’s configuration attributes only moderate levels of interaction potential to exterior space, while its portico 35 and its interior courtyard

From the analysis of the street configuration of the excavated area, the main access roads, the eastern and western decumanus, as well as the Via della Foce, leading from the

To the north of the courtyard is a hall (3) stretching along the whole length of the inner building, providing ample space for potential meetings of the collegium. The hall

In the first chapter our appraisal of previous research into Ostia made clear that although recent studies made important contributions to the understanding of urban

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Rethinking Ostia : a spatial enquiry into the urban society of Rome's imperial port-town..

De case-study van Ostia’s Insula IV heeft aangetoond dat Space Syntax erg belangrijk is voor het aantonen van ruimtelijke aspecten, aspecten die op een andere wijze niet aan