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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/38182 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Ortiz, Barbara

Title: Making the invisible visible : the position of indigenous women in Mexico. A general overview of the challenges ahead

Issue Date: 2016-02-23




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oriented translation scholars like Toury (1995) and Chesterman (1997) show considerably more flexibility and grant the status of translation simply to every text that is

Other than the influence of the physical appearance of the hosts, mentioned above, the content and the language of these shows also enforce gender stereotypes. The items discussed

Women and Health Care in Mexico: The Need for Education, Prevention, and an Intercultural Approach

This research will analyze the position of Mexican women, and more particularly indigenous women, regarding four specific topics: health care, political participation, media,

However, during this meeting, one of the older female anthropologists, a woman that was considered a leading figure in Mexican anthropology, stated that these comments about women

To better understand the present position of women in Mexican society, and in particular of indigenous women, it is important to look at certain historical

However, this proposal was discarded by the Commission for Indigenous Affairs and by the chamber of deputies, among others, because there was insufficient evidence that

A second element of citizens’ political rights is the right to be elected and to carry out a political mandate. Mexican women seem to be able to vote in almost