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Author: Beentjes, K.K.

Title: From molecules to monitoring: integrating genetic tools into freshwater quality





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As shown in a few studies, these cryptic species or (sub)populations related to genetic variations can have very different responses to environmental stressors, which has

The strong correlation between the scores with and without abundance would allow for DNA-based species lists to be used for WFD assessments, opening the way for the introduction

Studies die traditionele op morfologie gebaseerde beoordelingen vergelijken met DNA en eDNA metabarcoding benadrukken ook verschillen die worden veroorzaakt door

In 2015, he started his PhD on the subject of the integration of molecular techniques in water quality assessments at the Naturalis Biodiversity Center and the University of

A small percentage (4-7%) of pancreatic cancers have TGF-β receptor II mutations and TGF-β signalling can be tumour suppressive in normal epithelial cells and tumour promoting in

In SMAD4 deficient cells, BMP pathway inhibition with Noggin leads to a slight increase in β-catenin at cell-cell junctions, while BMP pathway activation leads to increased

As it became evident that an anatomic ALL reconstruction would be unable to provide a constraint in extension and early knee flexion, as well as to maintain normal knee

The anisometry of the medial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle was mapped using 144 theoretical socket positions connected to an anteromedial, central, and