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Technologies of similarities and differences : on the interdependence of nature and technology in the Human Genome Diversity Project - Contents


Academic year: 2021

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Technologies of similarities and differences : on the interdependence of nature

and technology in the Human Genome Diversity Project

M'charek, A.A.

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Citation for published version (APA):

M'charek, A. A. (2000). Technologies of similarities and differences : on the interdependence

of nature and technology in the Human Genome Diversity Project.

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Contents s

Wordss of Thank v

C H A P T E RR 1

Byy Way of Introduction 1

Thee Researcher in the Field: 1 Thee Stakes and the Argument: 1

Thee Diversity Project: 4 Makingg a Genetic Map of the World: 7

Makingg a Book: 11 Notess to Chapter 1 18

C H A P T E RR 2

Technologiess of Population:

Makingg Differences and Similarities between Turkish and Dutch

Maless 29

Introducingg the Argument 29

Inn Court 30 DNAA Evidence and its Laboratories 30

Offf to the Forensic Laboratory 31

Thee Lab 33 Thee T-Case, DNA Profile Typing 35

Backk in Court 37 Expertt and Counter Expert 39

Matchingg Likelihood Numbers and DNA Fingerprints:

Immutablee Mobile? 40 Similaritiess Presupposed 42 Proposingg Differences 44 Backk to the Lab 45 Backk in Court 45 Toolss of Similarities, Tools of Differences:

Geneticc markers in DNA fingerprinting 46

Arguingg for Similarities 48 Arguingg for Differences 49 Matchingg Likelihood Numbers and DNA Fingerprints:

Immutablee Mobiles 50 Backk to the Lab: Making Similarities 52


Similaritiess Established 53 Reportingg on Immutable Mobiles 54

Too conclude 56 Notess to Chapter 2 58


Tenn Chimps in a Laboratory:

Orr How a Human Genetic Marker May Become a Good Genetic

Markerr for Typing Chimps. 69

Introducingg the Argument 69 Markers:: A Round-table Discussion 70

Markers:: A Definition 71 Nott the DNA but a Marker 71 Monitoringg and Markers 72 Markers:: Laboratory Practice 72 Thee Second Day in the Lab 73 Monitoringg Markers 75 Tenn Chimps in the Laboratory 76

Y-chromosomall Markers 77 Typingg Ten Chimps: How Far Can Y-Markers Go? 79

Monitoringg Y-chromosomal Markers in Chimps 80 Typingg Ten Chimps:

Aree Y-chromosomal Markers Good Genetic Markers? 80

Monitoringg Variation in Chimps 82 Bringingg in Other Markers 84 Monitoring:: Good Genetic Markers 86

AA Roundtable Discussion 87

Too Conclude 90 Notess to Chapter 3 91


Naturalisationn of a Reference Sequence:

Andersonn or the Mitochondrial Eve of Modern Genetics 103

Introducingg the Argument 103 Neanderthal:: The Sequence 104

Thee First Sequence: 105 Nott in the Nucleus: Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 106

Thee molecule in the P Lab 107 AA Population-group meeting: Who is Anderson? 108

Anderson:: The Reference 108 Anderson:: Differences and Similarities 110


Anderson:: The British Sequence 113 Anderson:: The Sequencing 114 Race:: Homing In Nature 116 Anderson:: The Tissue 117 Sex:: Practicalities of Homing In 118

Locatingg Helen Lane 120 Thee Ir/relevance of Race: or Technologies of Naturalisation 121

Whosee Mitochondrial DNA? 122 Thee Practice of Theory: 123 Anderson:: Whose Mitochondrial DNA? 125

Andersonn Made Natural: 126

Too Conclude 127 Appendix:: 128 Notess to Chapter 4 130

C H A P T E RR 5

Thee Traffic in Males

andd Other Stories on the Enactment of the Sexes in Studies of

Geneticc Lineage 143

Introducingg the Argument 143 Howw 153 male samples lost their sex 143

Onn the Relevance and Irrelevance of the Sexes 144 Thee Traffic in Males and other Gifts in Genetics 146 Makingg Lineages in Genetics: An Economy of Exchange 148

Archaeologyy of the Human Genome or How to do Genetic Lineage 150 Genealogy,, Genetic Lineages and Technologies of the Sexes 151

Thee Ir/relevance of Sex in Laboratory Practice 154 Technologiess of DNA/Technologies of Sex 156 Thee Relevance of the Sexes: Sexing the Gift 160

Changingg Practices, Making Sexes 160 Genealogy:: Technologies of Lineage/Technology of DNA 162

Doingg Genealogy: Making Sexes 163

Too Conclude 165 Notess to Chapter 5 167



Technologiess of Similarities and Difference,

Orr How to Do Politics With DNA 181

Naturalisation:: Tracing the Politics of Nature and Technology 181

Standardisation:: Tracing the Normativity of Practices 186 Diversity:: The Nice Thing About DNA Is That Everybody Has It 192

Talkingg Forwards to Politics: 197

Notess to Chapter 6 199


Techniekenn van gelijkheid en verschil:

Overr het samengaan van natuur en technologie in het Human

Genomee Diversity Project 220




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