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Academic year: 2021

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Nu is verschillende malen de vraag gesteld 2) naar de wenselijkheid van het wettelijk regelen van verschillende organisatorische aspecten van de vroeg- hulp (b.v. recht van toegang

List of Logistae, Ei-Logistae and Deputy-Logistae known by name (Revision of B. Lallemand, L'admmistratian civile 265) 316 Valerius Ammonianus-Gerontius P.Oxy.. TWO PAPYRI FROM

(T); T thinks it possible to read frymenta, but we agree with B/Th that the a is not on the papyrus, frument has, like hord in the same line and mil in 1.8, been abbrevi- ated by

Keywords: Promotions, Promotion Image, Share-of-wallet, Deal-proneness, Retailers, National brands, Private label brands, Promotion Intensity, Promotion Depth, Type of brand,

Epigraphe-receipts have been recently discussed by U.Kaplony-Hecke1 and B.Kramer in ZPE 61,1985,43- 57; they are mostly concerned with such texts from Krokodilopolis ( = Pathyris)

The coloring package makes it possible to define colors automatically by their names.. É It’s useful in drawing a

While attempting to solve the problem we wish to refer to the (so far unique) sequence of years found in P.Laur. 367/8), where one finds reference to years 44 = 13 = 5, the first

Strategies deal with at least five dilemmas in assessing local governing capacity: uniformity versus local context, effectiveness versus legitimacy, self-evaluation versus