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Environmental Impact Assessment for Oil & Gas and Geothermal Exploitation: powerpoint


Academic year: 2021

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Environmental Impact Assessment for Oil & Gas

and Geothermal Exploitation

Robert Hack

phone:+31624505442; email: [email protected]

The State of Energy Development & Management in Eastern and Southern Africa; Tanzania Energy Platform Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Environmental impact of a gas field in the Netherlands as possible example for (future) gas fields in Tanzania


▪ It is not one and the same material

▪ Different layers with different material constituents (sand, clay, or salt

minerals) and layers with mixtures of various minerals Therefore:

Properties such as packing of grains, porosity, and permeability vary vertically and laterally

Variation in reservoir constituents and



Many faults in gas reservoir

Reservoir model

with faults


Load of overlying ground is carried by grain skeleton, and fluids and gases in the pores


When pressure of fluid and/or gas is reduced, more load has to be taken by the grain skeleton:

▪ The grain skeleton becomes compacted

Compaction may be:

▪ Elastic (i.e. grains stay at the same place relative to each other)

▪ Plastic (i.e. grains displace and/or break and fill up the pores)

(‘plastic’ is sometimes described by ‘the reservoir rock is damaged’)


Simple but quite accurate Geetsma model (Geertsma, 1973):

The compaction coefficient (cm) is dependent on the material of the layer

Compaction (3)

Mathematical formulation by the Geertsma model

𝑐𝑚 = 1

𝑧 𝑥


𝑑𝑝 𝑜𝑟 𝜀𝑧 = 𝑐𝑚 𝑥 𝑑𝑝

𝑐𝑚 = compaction coefficient 1/𝑃𝑎

𝑑𝑧 = change in height of the layer 𝑚 𝑑𝑝 = change in pressure 𝑃𝑎


The total reduction in height of a reservoir is the addition of the reduction in height of the individual layers

And results in subsidence at surface


▪ Many faults in gas reservoir ▪ Thickness of reservoir rock not

everywhere the same

▪ Different compaction between different parts of the reservoir: result: shear stress

along fault

▪ Fault only moves when shear strength of

fault is exceeded ▪ > Earthquake


▪ Mainly agricultural area

▪ Quite old – already inhabited in pre-historic times

▪ Historical times from 6th century CE


▪ Subsidence due to gas exploitation gives little or no damage (the

subsidence is bowl-shaped over a very large area; hence differential

subsidence very small)

▪ Earthquakes may give direct damage by shaking object


Many houses are very old or of poor quality, and are very vulnerable to earthquake damage


▪ animal skins (to improve integrity of ground below foundation) (never found but rumored to exist)

▪ “huien” (to spread stress below foundation and to bring foundation

load to a lower level below terrain level) (*)

▪ any rubbish (stones, waste and whatever else was available) ▪ wooden piles

* “huien” can be small diameter wooden piles, bundled in groups (with the name in old-Dutch of “huien”) or are a type of vessels such as for


For example, integrity

– loss of structure




– loss of structure

In old structures of stones and timber often limited tensile strength

between stones and between stones and timber elements, i.e. little of no cement or cement of poor quality, no tensile elements such as steel bolts and nuts, etc.:

▪ Stability of such structure depends on the structural integrity; i.e. it is a tight fitting arrangement of stones and timber elements

▪ Vibrations by an earthquake cause loosening and thus reduction of integrity


▪ Peat and clay partially react on stress with delay (among others due to expelling of water after time)

▪ Vibrations may cause small cracks in soil (clay)

▪ Cracks allow water to be expelled slightly easier and faster ▪ Settlement after time

Thus if structure on different grounds, the ground may react with different delays (also named “different creep”); hence differential settlement and resulting damage in structure only after time


In the end many 1000’s damaged houses

(from: https://www.rtvnoord.nl/aardbevingen)

(from: https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2015/09/11/spong-wil-nam-voor-de-strafrechter-brengen-voor-vernielen-huizen-a1413252)


What did local people notice: ▪ Booms and rumbling sounds ▪ Some small and limited damage

In first instance (for years) no link was made to the gas exploitation


Well known experts gave as opinion that it could not be due to the gas exploitation, because that was known to be only plastic deformation! Alternative explanations were proposed:

▪ Shallow ground explosions by shrinking or expanding ground under influence of water or temperature changes

▪ Breaking of the sound (sonic) barrier by highly secret spy planes from the Americans (assumed the “Aurora” ultra-fast spy plane)

▪ People heard the television of the neighbors (possible movie


However, booms and rumbling sounds and damage kept ongoing and became more and more………

A scientist at the Technical University Delft, did some numerical

calculations and concluded that earthquakes could be the reason…… However, even within the university he was not taken seriously by many staff members


The long denial of the gas exploitation as reason eroded the public trust in the government, gas company, and experts (also those of independent universities and research institutes)

But more and more prove for gas exploitation as reason

Resulting finally after years of discussion, that the government had to admit that gas exploitation was the reason


Now the earthquakes are generally accepted as reason

and the government feels forced to reduce gas exploitation considerably or to stop altogether with gas production

This costs:

▪ the government billions of euros per year in lost revenues ▪ but also the gas company

▪ repair works are going to cost billions

▪ and the confidence in experts is damaged (for a long time to come)


This hypothetical gas field is not hypothetical at all



▪ center of the very large Groningen gas field ▪ discovered in 1959

Slochteren - Groningen


▪ A situation develops that has never been encountered before ▪ It goes gradual and gradual changes are often difficult to identify But what if decent environmental assessment had been done on forehand


▪ Exploration & Exploitation of natural energy resources always give environmental impact

▪ Risks may not always be fully anticipated ▪ Standards shift

▪ Environmental Impact often ‘closing issue’ on budget often resulting in

not enough budget to allow thorough evaluation

Legislation and regulation should be in place to enforce the

environmental impact assessment and appropriate measures to be enforced by regulating office


In first instance most companies and government will resist but

▪ later many company and government experts admit that the

assessment was useful (and helped convincing their management) that some more attention was required

▪ They had advice from independent experts

▪ The legal status forces the management and politics in accepting measures reducing hazards and risks

A legal feature or body to control

environmental impact assessment



▪ Each project should be assessed on environmental impact

▪ Environmental impact assessment should be scrutinized by external and independent experts

Nowadays, in the Netherlands this is done by the

“Commission on Environmental Impact Assessment” (MER)

The scrutinizing by the MER is regulated in law, and thus can be enforced


If in 1956 a Commission for Environmental Impact Assessment had existed, maybe none of the damage would ever have occurred:

▪ Possibly different production plan avoiding large compaction differences

▪ Avoiding compaction differences by injection gas (CO2 or nitrogen)


De Jager, J., Visser, C., 2018. Geology of the Groningen field – an overview. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 96 (5). DOI: 10.1017/njg.2017.22. ISSN: 0016-7746. pp. s3-s15. https://www.cambridge.org/core/article/geology-of-the-groningen-field-an-overview/9947C006B646623624ADF30D3C6C8CC5

De Mulder, E.F.J., Geluk, M.C., Ritsema, I., Westerhoff, W.E., Wong, T.E., 2003. De ondergrond van Nederland. Geologie van Nederland 7. Nederlands Instituut voor Toegepaste Geowetenschappen TNO, Utrecht. ISBN: 90-5986-007-1. p. 379. (in Dutch)

DINOloket, 2019. DINOloket; Data and Information on the Dutch Subsurface. TNO, Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

https://www.dinoloket.nl/en[Accessed: 14 Janaury 2019]

Geertsma, J., 1973. Land Subsidence Above Compacting Oil and Gas Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Technology. 25 (06). DOI: 10.2118/3 730-PA. ISSN: 0149-2136. pp. 734-744. https://doi.org/10.2118/3730-PA

IsGeschiedenis, 1959. Gas exploration at Slochteren (photo). Anefo; IsGeschiedenis, Zeist, Netherlands. https://isgeschiedenis.nl/nieuws/gaswinning-in-nederland

[Accessed: 14 January 2019] (in Dutch)

Kortekaas, M., Jaarsma, B., 2018. Improved definition of faults in the Groningen field using seismic attributes. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 96 (5). DOI: 10.1017/njg.2017.24. ISSN: 0016-7746. pp. s71-s85. https://www.cambridge.org/core/article/improved-definition-of-faults-in-the-groningen-field-using-seismic-attributes/554FE576A50E25A8219D261D6BF270A1

NAM Workshop, 2016. Report on Mmax Expert Workshop; Groningen Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment. Nam (Ed.), Schiphol Airport, The Netherlands. p. 481.

http://feitenencijfers.namplatform.nl/download/rapport/cef44262-323a-4a34-afa8-24a5afa521d5?open=true[Accessed: 8 January 2019]

Nationaal archief, 1963. Minister De Pous starts the production of the Slochteren natural gas field in 1963 (photo). Nationaal Archief; Anefo, The Hague.

http://www.gahetna.nl/actueel/nieuws/2014/omvang-gasbel-groningen-werd-geleidelijk-duidelijk[Accessed: 14 January 2019]



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