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A proposal for symbols and terminology in the C.I.R.P. Ma Group


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A proposal for symbols and terminology in the C.I.R.P. Ma


Citation for published version (APA):

Kals, H. J. J. (1971). A proposal for symbols and terminology in the C.I.R.P. Ma Group. (TH Eindhoven. Afd. Werktuigbouwkunde, Laboratorium voor mechanische technologie en werkplaatstechniek : WT rapporten; Vol. WT0279). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1971

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C.I.R.P. Ma Group".

Eindhoven University Press


This proposal has been made on request of the chairman of the C.l.R.P. Group Ma.

Its aim is only to make a first step to a uniform application of symbols and terminology within the group.

Remarks and additions should be made on the Group-meeting in Cracow, sept. 1971, or send to the address mentioned below.

Juni 1971. H.J.J. Kals Eindhoven University of Technology, H. G. 3.02, P.O. Box 513, EINDHOVEN. the Netherlands.


Symbol A


B Significance Area Matrix Bandwith [B] Matrix ~] Matrix D Diameter Transverse force


Decomposition matrix E s ~ F



c.F G I. ~ I p Im {oo} J. ~

Young's modulus of elasticity

Cutting force

Nominal cutting force Coulomb friction force Feed force

Main cutting force

Shear force in the shear plane Force vector

Dynamic component of the cutting force

Projection of the dynamic component of the cutting force on the main direction of motion which is characterized by a

Shear modulus

Second axial moment of area (subscript indicates axis) Second polar moment of area Imaginary part of {o.}

Mass moment of inertia (subscript indicates axis)

Recommanded unit 2 m Hz m N N N N N N N N N 4 m 4 m 2 kg m Dimension -] T L -2 1M! -1 -2 L MT -2 1M! -2 1M! LMT-2 -2 1M! LMT-2 -2 1M! -2 1M! LMT-2 -1 -2 L MT



P Polar mass moment of inertia


kg m


Stiffness matrix

[L] Lower triangular matrix


J. Lumped mass (suffix denotes

mode number) kg [M] Mass matrix N P R R S. 1.


T T c Normal force Power

Ratio of two natural frequencies for coupled systems



Nm/s (Watt)

Radius of workpiece m, rom

In-phase component miN, ~m/N

Upper triangular matrix Real part of {'1

Maximal negative in-phase

component miN, ~m/N

Maximal in-phase component of the structural transfer

function for a single

degree-of-freedom system miN, ~m/N

Maximal negative in-phase component of the structural transfer function for a single

degree-of-freedom system miN, ~m/N

Modal flexibility, i.e.

compliance at natural frequency (The suffix i denotes the mode

number) ~m/N, miN

Flexibility matrix

Period time

Transfer function of the cutting process (AF/Ah) Limit value for T on the

threshold of stabtlity s N/m, N/~m N/m, N/Ilm


M T -2 MT



Direction-cosine matrix

V Potential energy Nm L~-2

VB Width of the flank W'ear land

of the tool nun L

X Half of the peak-peak value of

displacement m, 11m L

x* Delayed X-value m, ].1m L

y Half of the peak-peak value

of displacement m, 11m L

y* Delayed Y-value m, ].1m L


a b g c c* c c c. ~ e f f o fd f. ~

Depth of cut m, rom

Admittance mlNs

Width of cut m, rom

Critical width of cut taking

into account the phase equation m, rom Limit value of width of cut m, rom

Damping coefficient Nslm

Optimal damping coefficient applying auxiliary systems for

damping Nslm

Damping coefficient related to

the instantaneous cut Nslm

Damping coefficient of the cutting process, related to the main

direction of motion Nslm

Damping coefficient related to the delayed path

Equivalent damping coefficient for structures

Specific process damping

coefficient related to the main direction of motion

(instantaneous cut)

Resultant specific process damping vector (instantaneous cut)

Overall damping coefficient of the machining system

Diameter of workpiece Deflection vector Eccentricity Width of gap Nslm Ns/m 2 Ns/m Nslm m, rom m, rom m, rom Frequency Hz

Undamped natural frequency Hz

Damped natural frequency Hz

Undamped natural frequenqy in a mUltiple degree-of-freedom system, where i


1,2,3,... Hz

-4-L L L -1 MT -1 MT -1 -1 L MT -1 -1 Ii. MT L L L -1 T -1 T -1 T -1 T


fk Chatter frequency


T -1 f Frequency related to the limit


value of the transfer function -1

of the cutting process



fR+ Frequency for the maximal in-phase component of a

single-degree-of-freedom-system -1

transfer function



f R_ Frequency for the maximal negative part of a

single-degree-of-freedom-system -1

transfer function



Acceleration of gravity 2 LT-2

g m/s

h Undeformed chip thickness m, rom L

h Nominal undeformed chip


thickness m, rom L

llh Chip thickness variation m, }.1m L

i Imaginary unity

k Structural stiffness N/m MT -2

Dynamic cutting coefficient N/m -2

kd MT


k Equivalent stiffness N/m MT


N/m2 L- 1MT-2

k. Specific process stiffness


""'" Resultant specific process k.

N/m2 -1 -2


stiffness vector L MT


Delayed chip thickness modulation


coefficient N/m


Instantaneous chip thickness

-2 modulation coefficient N/m MT 1 Lenth m L m Mass kg M m Equivalent mass kg M e Rotational rls -1 n frequency T

q Amplification factor (resonance

factor, quality factor)


r e: 9 6,9 t u u., u .. J 1J v w x x* y z

Tool tip radius

Feed per revolution Arc length Compliance nnn m, lIlIll m


llm/N -6".. L

Nominal feed per revolution m, lIlIll L

Maxwell number of

cross-compliance. The suffix j denotes the station point where a unit force is applied., The suffix i

denotes the station point where

the deflection is obtained mIN or rad/Nm M-1T2 or M-1L-2T2

Feed variation m, llm L Time s T Thickness Displacement Directional factor m, lIlIll Cutting speed m/s Displacement m, llm Feed speed m/s

Variation of the feed speed m/s

Displacement m, llm

Displacement m, llm

Delayed displacement m, llm

Displacement, recommanded for the instantaneous d~flection of the tool, normal to the cut

surface m, llm

Delayed chip thickness modulation m, llm


Number of teeth of the cutting tool m, llm L L L L L L L L



c Number of instantaneous active teeth of the cutting tool


y e: ~mt l;red ~s n


Angle between the main direction of motion and the direction of the chip thickness modulation Clearance angle of the cutting tool

Angular acceleration

Angle between the resultant specific process stiffness vector and the main direction of motion

Angle between the resultant

specific process stiffness vector and the direction of the chip thickness modulation o rad, o 2 radls o rad, o rad,

Angle between the resultant specific process damping vector

and the main direction of motion rad, 0

Rake angle of the cutting tool Shear strain

Angle between the resultant specific process damping vector and the direction of the chip thickness modulation

Slenderness ratio of the cut logarithmic strain

Variation, increment

Elastic strain

Damping ratio

Damping ratio of the structure in working conditions

Reduced damping ratio

Damping ratio of the system during cutting Dynamic viscosity Temperature Phase angle o rad o rad, 2 Nslm o rad, -8-1 -2 T -1 -1 L MT


A v p Q g w w o w c

Cutting edge inclination Wavelength


Logarithmic decrement

Coefficient of friction Overlap coefficient

Dimensionless angular frequency Kinematic viscosity Mass density Normal stress Shear stress Time constant Time delay

Phase angle between force and tool displacement Shear angle o m 2 s 2 m /s s s o rad, o rad,

Phase angle between force and


delayed chip thickness modulation rad,

Angular frequency of workpiece

or tool rad/s

Angular frequency of workpiece or tool, related to the limit value of the transfer function

of the cutting process rad/s

Angular frequency rad/s

Undamped natural angular

frequency rad/s

Angular frequency of system

pulse response during cutting rad/s Angular frequency of system pulse

response without cutting, but

with moving carriage rad/s

-3 ML -1 T -1 T -1 T -1 T -1 T -1 T


-10-Wd Damped natural angular -1

frequency rad/s T

w. Undamped natural angular


frequency in a multiple

degree-of-freedom system, -1

where i


1,2,3, ••• rad/s T


Angular chatter frequency rad/s T •



W Angular frequency related to


the limit value of the transfer -1

function of the cutting process rad/s T

wR Angular frequency corresponding -1

+ with fR+ rad/s T

wR_ Angular frequency corresponding -I



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