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Cation distribution in calcium-strontium-hydroxyapatites


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Cation distribution in calcium-strontium-hydroxyapatites

Citation for published version (APA):

Heijligers, H. J. M., Verbeeck, R. M. H., & Driessens, F. C. M. (1979). Cation distribution in

calcium-strontium-hydroxyapatites. Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, 41(5), 763-764.




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Published: 01/01/1979

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Table 1. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of 3H4 term in the crystal field of C2~, symmetry calculated with values listed in Fig. 2. I,~) represents


E i g e n v a l u e (era -I ) Eigen v e c t o r 4784 0 . 0 1 7 1 ( 1 4 > + 4 > ) - 0 . 4 0 9 1 ( ] 2 > + 1 2 > ) + 0 . 8 1 5 3 i 0 > 4780 - 0 . 1 4 5 4 ( 1 3 > - ! 3 > ) + 0 . 6 9 2 0 ( ] i > - I i > ) 1578 - 0 . 1 2 6 7 ( ) 4 > - 1 4 > ) + 0 . 6 9 5 7 ( ! 2 ~ - 1 2 . ) 1560 - 0 . 4 4 6 6 ( 1 3 > + I ~ ' ) + 0 . 5 4 8 2 ( ! i > + I 1 -1135 - 0 . 1 8 0 4 ( 1 4 > + 1 4 > ) + 0 . 5 5 5 1 ( ! 2 > + 1 2 ) + 0 . 5 6 4 6 0 > -1307 0 . 6 9 2 0 ( 1 3 > - 1 3 > ) + 0 . 1 4 5 4 ( i i ~ - i i - ) -2162 0 . 5 4 8 2 ( ] 3 > + 1 3 > ) + 0 . 4 4 6 6 ( I i > + i y ~ ) -4040 0 . 6 9 5 7 ( 1 4 > - ! 4 > ) + 0 . 1 2 6 7 ( [ 2 > - i 2 > ) -4056 0 . 6 8 3 5 ( [ 4 > + ! 4 > ) + 0 . 1 5 6 7 ( ] 2 > + 1 2 ! ~ 0 . 1 2 8 7 i 0 > 763

The calculation of the magnetic susceptibility from the energy splitting behavior thus obtained has been done with use of the Van Vleck formula to the first excited state, including an ad- ditional open variable Q introduced by Amberger et al.[10]. As shown in Fig. 1, a good agreement with the experimental result up to 170*K is obtained, when R4 and Q are taken to be 2.35/~ and 0.829, respectively, (204 = 67.2°). The eigenvalues and the eigenvectors are listed in Table 1. The value of Q is intermediate between that of uranocene (Q=0.94)[11] and that of (r~t CsH04U(IV) (Q = 0.707)[10]. The distance R4 and the angle 04 seems to be reasonable values considering that the U-N distance of U(NCS)s.4(CzHshN is 2.38A[121 and the angle of oT"F-u - O THF is 67.2°[5]. The small deviation from the experimental value above about 170°K may be explained by taking into account higher excited states.

Department of Nuclear Engineering Faculty of Engineering Osaka University Suita Japan HIROSHI SAKURAI CHIE MIYAKE SYOSUKE IMOTO


1. M. D. Hobday and T. D. Smith, Coord. Chem. Rev. 9, 311 (1972).

2. J. Selvin and J. D. Ortego, J. lnorg. Nucl. Chem. 29. 1449 (1%7).

3. F. Calderazzo, M. Pasquali and N. Corsi, Z Chem. Soc. (Chem. Comm.) 784 (1973).

4. F. Calderazzo and M. Pasquali, J. Chem. Soc. (Dalton Trans.) 1102 (1973).

5. F. Calderazzo, C. Floriani, M. Pasquali, M. Cesari and G. Perego, Gazz. Chim. ltal. 106, 127 (1976).

6. R. J. Elliot and K. W. Stevens, Proc. R. Soc. (London) A65. 209 (1952).

7. C. J. Lenander, Phys. Rev. 130, 1033 (1963). 8. S. T. Lippard, Prog. lnorg. Chem. 8, 109 (1%7).

9. J. H. van Vleck, The Theory of Electric and Magnetic Sus- ceptibilities. Oxford University Press, New York (1932). 10. H. D. Amberger, R. D. Fischer and B. Kanellakopulos. Z

Natur/orsh. 31b, 12 (1976).

I1.K. W. Warren, lnorg. Chem. 14, 3095 (1975).

12. R. Countryman and W. S. McDonald, J. lnorg. Nucl. Chem. 33, 2213 (19711.

J inorg, nucl Chem. Vol 41, pp. 763-764 Pergamon Press Ltd. 1979 Printed in Great Britain

Cation distribution in calcium-strontium-hydroxyapatites

(First received 16 June 1978; in revised form 14 September 1978) Contradictory data about the effect of Sr 2. ions in drinking water

on dental caries[l,2] necessitate a reinvestigation of Ca 2+ and Sr 2+ containing phosphates. Especially those with the apatite structure might be of interest as calcium hydroxyapatite (Ca- OHA) has been reported to form a continuous series of solid solutions with strontiumhydroxyapatites (SrOHA)[3, 4], whereas

strontium analogues of octocalciumphosphate

Cas(PO4)4(HPO4)2-5H20 and brushite CaHPO4.2H20 do not exist[5, 61. Moreover, SrOHA can incorporate large amounts of carbonate like the biological apatites[6] which are derived from CaOHA as the prototype [7].

In this study pure CaOHA and SrOHA were prepared by titrating a boiling slurry of either calcium- or strontiumhydroxyde with phosphoric acid[8]. Solid solutions of the formula

Cate-~Sr~(PO4)6(OH)2 ¢ 1)

at x = 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 were prepared by solid state reaction of the respective ternary apatites at 1200"C in a stream of CO2-free water vapour of I attn. After two days the temperature of heating was decreased to 900°C for one consecutive day. Then the samples were slowly cooled, crushed and powdered. The


764 Notes pure end-members CaOHA and SrOHA were also subjected to this heat treatment prior to X-ray diffraction.

Both the Philips Guinier XDC-700 and the Nonius Guinier-de Wolff camera were used, either with CrKo, or CuK~,. The cell parameters were determined by measuring the position of at least 28 reflections for each sample. The accuracy of the cell parameters a and c of the hexagonal cell which were calculated by using a least squares procedure is estimated to be better than •

+0.003 and -+0.002 respectively. The results with both cameras were the same and are represented in Fig. 1. They confirm the linear variation with composition found earlier [3, 4].

7.2 7.1 7.0 6.9 a








Fig. 1. Lattice parameters of CaOHA and SrOHA and of their solid solutions found in this study.

In the apatite structure two sublattices occur for the cations. Position I is fourfold (Wyckoff notation f) and position II is six-fold (denoted by h). The structure formula of solid solutions of CaOHA and SrOHA can thus be written as

Ca..~ Sr ~(Ca6-._o jx Sn,_~)(PO4)6(OH)2. (2)

As the cation distributions were not known, we derived them from a comparison of the experimental values of the intensity ratios 2101002, 3001002, 2221002, 002/202, 3211202, 321/410 and 2131312 with their theoretical values depending on a. In the calculation of the theoretical values Lorentz-polarisation and multiplicity factor were taken into account, absorption correction and temperature factor were neglected. Both peak heights and peak areas were taken as a measure for the intensities of reflections.

In this way two sets of seven a values were obtained for each composition x. The average per set was independent of the fact whether peak heights or peak areas were taken. A distribution coefficient K was defined as

[ 6 - (1-a)xl[ax]

K = [ 4 - ax][(1-a)x] (3)

and its value and standard deviation were calculated from the two sets of a values at a given x. A constant value for K was found throughout the range I ~<x ~<9 within the limits of experimental error. Its overall weighted mean was 0.841-+0.065. This means (a) that apparently an equilibrium is reached ac- cording to

Ca(I) + Sr(II) ~ Ca(II) + Sr(I) (4)

at the temperature of preparation and (b) that the solid solutions are close to ideal in the thermodynamical sense[9]. The latter conclusion enables the quantitative estimation of the effect of Sr 2~ ion incorporation on the solubility product of CaOHA from knowledge about the solubility products of both CaOHA and SrOHA[7].

N.B. The individual values of a and K derived from the intensity ratios are available on request.

Acknowledgement--The authors are indebted to Mr. F. C.

Kruger for carrying out the X-ray diffraction experiments. Laboratory for Physical Chemistry

Technical University Eindhoven Netherlands

H . J. M. H E U L I G E R S

Laboratory for Analytical Chemistry State University

Ghent Belgium


Institute of Dental Materials Science Catholic University,

Nijmegen Netherlands



i. F. L. Losee and B. L. Adkins, Nature 219, 630 (1968). 2. M. Joseph, I. Gedalia and A. Fuks, J. Dent. Res. 56, 924 (1977). 3. R. L. Collin, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 81, 5275 (1959),

4. E. Hayek and H. Petter, Monatsh. f. Chem. 91, 356 (1960). 5. H. Newesely, Gordon Res. Conf. Phosphates, Tilton, N. H.,

12-16 August (1968).

6. E. Sehnell, W. Kiesewetter, Y. H. Kim and E. Hayek,

Monatsh. f. Chem. 102, 1327 (1971).

7. F. C. M. Dfiessens, Ber. Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 82, 312 (1978).

8. Y. Avnimelech, E. C. Mureno and W. E. Brown, J. Res. Nat. Bur. Stand. 77A, 149 (1973).

9. F. C. M. Driessens, Ber. Bunsenges. Physik. Chem. 72, 1123 (1968).

J. inorg, nucl. Chem. VoL 41, pp. 764-767

© Pergamon Press Ltd., 1979. Printed in Gre~t Britain


Synthesis and characterization of complexes of palladium(UD


p l a t i n u m ( U D w i t h a t e t r a a z a


(First received 13 March; in revised form 20 July 1978; received "[or publication 20 September 1978)

Transition metal complexes with synthetic tetraaza macrocyclic of these studies have involved first row transition metals with ligands have been extensively investigated in recent years. Most emphasis on examining the role of the macrocyclic ligand on the



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8 Eupoecilia ambiguella, Grape berry moth Lepidoptera, Tortricidae Grapholita molesta, Oriental fruit moth Lepidoptera, Tortricidae Helicoverpa spp., budworm moths

Materialen en methoden 19 2.1 Alternatieven voor actualisatie van de grondwaterdynamiek 19 2.2 Uitwerking alternatieve karteringsmethoden 21 2.3 Gegevens 22 2.4

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the static switches. This usually employs a high-frequency trans- former with magnetic core to obtain the necessa,ry isolat,ion between information electronics and power

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