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The early phase of spark ignition


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F a c u l t y o f g r a d u a t e s t u d i e s

The Early Phase o f Spark Ignition


U ( j i A N by

M 1 n _______________

Philip Lawrence Pitt

A D issertation Subm itted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirem ents for the Degree of


in the Departm ent of Physics and Astronomy

We accept this thesis a s conforming to the required standard

Dr.J*. M^Clements, Supervisor (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

P C J3rr.lL "A/1. Dewev7dflajlqrtmental Member (Department of Physics and > Astronomy)

Dr. J.T. Weaver, Departm ental Member (Department of Physics and ' Astronomy)

Dr. T. Dingle. Outsicfaff jflemher (Department of Chemistry)

Dr. D. R. Topham. Outsfcle Member (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

Dr./A. K. Oppenheim, External Examiner (University of California. Berkeley)

© PHILIP LAWRENCE PITT. 1993 University of Victoria

All rights reserved. Dissertation may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopying or other means, without the perm ission of th e



In this dissertation, some practical Ignition techniques are presented that show how some problems of lean-burn combustion can be overcome. Then, to shed light on the effects of the ignition techniques described, the focus shifts to the more specific problem of the early phase of spark ignition. Thermal models of Ignition are reviewed These models trea t the energy provided by the electrical discharge as a point source, delivered infinitely fast an d creating a spherically symmetric ignition kernel. The thesis challenges the basis of these therm al models by reviewing the work of m any investigators who have clearly shown th at the temporal

characteristics of the discharge have a profound effect upon Ignition. Photographic evidence of the early phase of ignition, a s well as other evidence from the literature, is also presented. The evidence clearly dem onstrates th a t the morphology of spark kernels in the early phase of development is toroidal, not spherical a s suggested by therm al models. A new perspective, for ignition, a fluid dynamic point of view, is described. The common ignition devices are then classified according to fluid dynamics. A model describing the behaviour of spark kernels is presented, which extends a previously established mixing model for plasm a jets, to the realm of conventional axial discharges. Comparison of the model behaviour to some limited data is made. The model Is modified by including the effect of heat addition from com bustion, and ignition criteria are discussed.

Dr*R. M. Clements, Supervisor (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

L D r^V M , Dewey, Departm ental Member (Department of Physics and Astronomy)

Dr. J.T. Weaver, Departmental Member (Department of Physics and Astronpftiy)

Djc, T. Dingle, Outside Member ^Departm ent of Chemistry

Dr. D. R. Topham, Outside Member (Department of Mechanical Engineering)

Dpt A. K. Oppenheim, External Examiner (University of California,

f Berkeley)


Tabic o f C on ten ts

A bstract II Table of C ontents 111 List of Tables lv List of Figur es v Acknowledgements vl Dedication vli C hapter 1 Introduction 1

C hapter 2 Practical Ignition Techniques for Lean-Burn or 15 Alternative Fueled Engines

C hapter 3 The Thermal Approach to Spark Ignition 29 C hapter 4 Spark Kernel Dynamics and Morphology 41 C hapter 5 A Unified Approach to Spark Kerr :1 53

Development: Mixing Models

C hapter 6 A Unified Approach to Spark Kernel 74 Development: Combustible Mixtures

C hapter 7 Sum m ary 84

Literature cited 89

Appendix I Relavent papers published by the au th o r 92

Appendix II Non-combusting model solutions 93


L ist o f Tables


Table 5.! Ignition sources and their model behaviour 53 Table 5.2 Classifaction of Ignition sources 60

Table 5.3 Scaling quantities 65


L ist o* Figures


Figure 1.1 Ideal and real engine cycles 5 Figure 1.2 Distribution of engine energy 6

Figure 1.3 Otto cycle efficiency 7

Figure 1.4 Cylinder pressure with normal combustion and knock 8 Figure 2.1 Simple closed combustion system 15 Figure 2.2 Pressure trace from simple combustion system 16 Figure 2.3 Pres&ure-tlme histories as the mixture becomes Increasingly leaner 17 Figure 2.4 Effect of changing fuel from propane to methane 18 Figure 2.5 Schematic of puff Jet system 2 1 Figure 2.6 Pressure-time histories for puff jet, piasma Jet and spark Ignition 22 Figure 2.7 Log p V * vs crank angle for A al.O 26 Figure 2.8 Average pressure waveforms as a function of normalized alrfuel ratio 27 Figure 3.1 Mallard-LeChatelier description of a laminar flame temperature profile 32 Figure 4.1 Discharge current and voltage characteristics 44 Figure 4.2 Temperature profile of a spark kernel, after Maly and Vogel (1978) 46 Figure 4.3 Schlieren Images of a spark discharge, along the discharge axis 51 Figure 4.4 Schlieren images of spark discharge, normal to the discharge axis 52 Figure 4.5 Shadowgraph Images of spark kernels 52 Figure 5.1 Basic thermal model features and experimental observations 56

Figure 5.2 Basic igniter types 57

Figure 5.3 Toroidal coordinate system 63 Figure 5.4a. Non-combusting model; equation 5.14 67 Figure 5.4b. Non-combusting model; equation 5.15 67 Figure 5.4c. Non-combusting model; equation 5.16 68 Figure 5.5a. Example 1 data (*) and the non-combusting model; equation 5.14 70 Figure 5.5b. Example 1 data '*) and the non-combusting model; equation 5.16 70 Figure 5.6. Example 2 data (*) and the non-combusting model; equation 5.14 71


A cknow ledgm ents

1 would like to convey my appreciation to the many people who helped me during my time w ith th e Plasm a Physics Laboratory at UVlc. First and foremost. I would like to thank my supervisor. Dr. Monty

Clements, whose p ersisten t "encouragement", even when he thought I no longer existed. Is th e reason this dissertation was completed. Dr. David Topham provided m any stimulating discussions and ideas, many of which have become entwined in this thesis, through the period of our collaboration. Through a generous loan of time on a Spin Physics cam era a t the University of Alberta. Dr. Peter Smy

provided me. along w ith som e fatherly advice, the opportunity to obtain some key experim ental evidence which appears In this work. I also had the pleasure of working with many people In the lab who contributed to my w ork in several valuable ways. People like David Ridley. Russ Warren. Dr. Bob Smith. Gary Schefier. Dave Sm ith. Peter Ward a n d Dr. Paul Fischer are great colleagues and friends. Finally. I would like to th a n k my editor, Georgina Montgomeiy. who showed no mercy In knifing her way through my obfuscation, even though she married me.


D ed ica tio n

Jor m y frf her. Philip Donald Pitt, on the occasion of his seventy-ilfth birthday, J u n e 14, 199S.


A Uttle Inaccuracy sometimes saves tons o f explanation—H.H. Munro (Sakl)




E nvironm ental Im pact on Com bustion E ngine

D esign

Combustion h a s been used by hum ans a s a source of e. ergy for a long time. It was Prom etheus who, it is claimed, stole fire from th e gods and gave It to E arth 's more common Inhabitants. Unfortunately, for his efforts Prom etheus wound u p chained to a rock where he was lashed by the se a and burned by a relentless sun. Perhaps Prometheus' ultim ate fate foretold o f dire consequences should hum ans m isuse fire. We have. Are we and future generations to wind up chained to a decaying economic and social system an d lashed by shifting climatic change, only to be burned In a global greenhouse? Thank you, Prometheus.

There is growing awar eness of the environmental effects of energy use by society. Consequently, there Is an Increasing demand to design system s th a t u se energy more efficiently and, a t the same time, render the by­ products of energy u se more environmentally benign. To help society realize these new system design goals, details of the basic physical processes involved in energy use need to be understood. It is one such detail th a t is exam ined in th is thesis.


In 1988. various estim ates placed the global dem and for energy near 318 exajoules (one exajoule = 1018 joules). Of th is am ount, 88% was satisfied by th e com bustion of coal, oil or gas. Essentially a n oxidation reaction, com bustion Is of practical Interest only because of Its exothermlclty (Oppenhelm 1985). The Infernal com bustion ( I d engine Is a familiar application of com bustion. Use 1 primarily for transportation, the IC engine consum es one out of three barrels of oil and contributes 15% of the carbon dioxide emissions in North America In a typical year. 1C engines In North America produce more than 1016 piston combustion events, each of which lasts approximately 10 msec and releases about 1 k J of energy. Even modest Improvements in our understanding of the single piston com bustion event may lead to Improvements of efficiency th a t are m easurable when multiplied so m any times. Understanding the energy use details of the IC engine is th u s very im portant In the context of energy system s and their environmental impact.

This th esis will examine the initiation process of com bustion, more commonly know n a s Ignition, in spark-ignited IC engines. At the time the work reported In this thesis was begun (late 1983), a senior executive of th e G eneral Motors Research Laboratory (Agnew 1984) s ta te d ," If there Is a need today for scientific contributions to practical spark Ignition, It is In the a re a of the flame Initiation period...." Engine designers

recognized th a t a complete understanding of the spark-lgnition process was necessary if significant improvements In the efficiency and


Ignition, at first glance, appears to be an "old" subject, well addressed in the literature an d not worthy of further Investigation by a late-twentleth century apprentice scientist hoping to gain acceptance In the established scientific com munity. Surprisingly, however, the subject is still

vigorously pursued, spurred recently by engine research. It m ust be remembered, nevertheless, th a t Ignition of combustible m ixtures Is a fundam ental problem In com bustion science and Its relevance goes beyond Ignition in engines to include safety Issues ‘nvolvirg the storage of flammable or explosive substances.


Im provem ents in Engine Performance: A venues

for th e E ngine D esigner

Present-day IC engine Ignition system s have evolved over many years through a trial-and-error form of engineering. Because normal operating conditions for IC engines rem ained constant for nearly half a century, the spark-Ignition system s that had been developed seemed to perform

adequately. However, once operating conditions necessaiy for high energy efficiency and lower em issions were explored. Ignition problems arose. Examples of these new IC operating conditions Include: states of very lean operation; high levels of exhaust gas recirculating; stratified charge m ixtures; highly tu rb u len t mixtures; and use of fuels other than gasoline.

The motivation for some of these new operating conditions comes from environm ental pressure to produce more efficient engines th a t meet more dem anding em ission standards. For example, lean m ixtures produce


m u ch lower CO and NO emissions th a n do the normal stoichiometric m ix tu res prevalent for so nany years Also, the ratio of specific heats In creases for lean mixtures, causing ar. increase In the thermodynamic efficiency of th e combustion process. WPh increasing leanness, however, th e flam e propagation speed begins to degrade to the point where some of th e fuel-air m ixture fails to be consum ed before the exhaust valve opens. This c a u se s loss of output power and increased hydrocarbon emissions. Highly tu rb u le n t combustion cham bers have been developed to augment th e flame speed and to help offset the problems of lean-bum combustion. C leaner burning alternative fuels, such a s m ethane (natural ga'i), also Introduce sim ilar combustion problems when used with existing engine technology.

For one to und erstan d better the problem faced by the IC engine designer, it Is u seful to review the thermodynamic cycle of the 1C ~ ^’ne. Figure

1. i show s th e classic ideal "Otto" cycle. Superim posed is a real engine cycle, w hich shows the departure from the ideal case. A real engine cycle su ffers from several loss mechanisms: pum ping losses, timing losses, heat tra n sfe r losses and friction losses.





Figure 1.1 Ideal and real engine cycles.

Figure 1.2 indicates the approximate distribution of the chemical energy available to an engine under dynamic (equivalent "road") conditions. The dynamic efficiency (work output) of 16% Improves to ab o u t 30% for

steady-state operation of the same engine. An engine providing motive power to a road vehicle also ha** to overcome aerodynam ic drag,

transm ission coupling losses, and dynamic friction. F urther reduction of drag does not appear to be feasible, as most designs are nearing basic limits and vehicle weight reduction is limited by safety considerations. Therefore, design attention is now focusing on improvem ents in the real efficiency of engines. What can an engine designer do to improve engine efficiency?


coding 30% work output 16% pump...,, 11% friction 8% exhaust 35%

Figure 1.2 Distribution of engine energy (input chemical energy = 100%).

A major design parameter of an engine is the compression ratio, C



The theoretical thermal efficiency of an air otto cycle is

where y is th e ratio of specfic heats.

Equation 1.1 is plotted in Figure 1.3, where apparently high compression ratios are definitely more efficient. S tudies of real engines (Durbin 1980) Indicate th a t fuel consumption Improves by as much as 20% for a change in com pression ratio from 7.5 to 9.6. Thus, increasing the compression ratio Is the principal tool available to the engine designer for Improving th e efficiency of engines. For example, diesel engines, which generally operate with compression ratios of 15-22:1, are superior fuel consumers com pared to spark-ignited gasoline fueled engines, which typically operate a t com pression ratios of < 10:1.








1 0.3


Compression ratio

Figure 1.3 Otto cycle efficiency. Numerical values refer to the value . - y . where y is the ratio of specific heats.


T he Fuel-Engine R elationship

The com pression ratio of an engine Is limited by the ability of the fuel used to resist detonation or ’'knock." Knock refers to the situation where the fuel-alr m ixture experiences a sudden energy release. This is caused by the bulk fuel-alr mixture being heated when the piston com presses the fuel-alr mixture, and by the Initial release of energy shortly after Ignition, to a point where the end-gas mixture detonates. In Figure 1.4. the com bustion cham ber pressure shows normal com bustion and knock. The osclliatoiy nature of the pressure signal results from the shock wave


produced by the detonation reflecting from the cham ber surfaces. This Is the source of the audible "ping" associated with knock.





Figure 1.4 Cylinder pressure with normal combustion and knock.

Knock is a detrim ental condition because the sudden energy release

cau ses a high over-pressure Inside the combustion cham ber, which places a severe m echanical load on the chamber, piston, a n d associated

bearings. For a given fuel, the onset of knock occurs above a certain com pression ratio. The Research Octane Number (RON) Is a m easure of the knock resistance of a fuel. For higher RON, th e fuel Is more knock resistan t an d the com pression ratio limit can increase.

Reduction of th e knock susceptibility of a fuel at th e high end-gas tem peratures Is accomplished at the refinery in further cracking stages. However, th is additional treatm ent has costs In efficiency of fuel

production, because more cracking stages result In fewer litres of gasoline from the original barrel of crude oil.


Knock) ig can also be Impeded by the use of additives in the fuel. For many years, lead has been used to prevent knock. Lead, however, is environm entally—an d now legislatively—unacceptable. O ther additives, such a s w ater a n i more air. are also well-known ways to reduce the knock susceptibility of fue1-air mixtures.

The relationship between the fuel characteristics—ignition delay, com bustion tim e, an d knock susceptibility—and the engine design

param eters is crucial to the efficiency of an engine. The limitation on com pression ratio due to knock is a major factor influencing th e overall fuel efficiency of th e world's entire automotive fleet.

The fuel-engine relationship demands that changes in th e characteristics of fuel type be reflected in the engine design param eters and vice versa This relationship h as major implications, though It is often overlooked when viewed from an industry-wide perspective. The engine designers and m anufacturers are looked upon as an Industry sep arate from th a t of the fuel m akers (oil companies). Instead, all the players should be seen as com plem entary com ponents of a single transportation Industry. J u s t how im p o rtan t the fuel-engine relationship is to o u r transportation system is illustrated in the next section.


The Need for a H olistic S ystem s Approach

In the previous sections, we have seen that increasing th e compression ratio Is th e prim e method for Improving engine efficiency and th a t high


com pression engines require special high-octane fuels or special m ethods to prevent the occurrence of knock. Up to 1970. the average compression ratio for the gasol'ne-fueled fleet worldwide was approximately 9.5:1. / b o u t th a t time, legislation was Introduced In California aimed a t reducing air pollution caused by automobile emissions. The legislation established stringent emission sta n d ard s th a t would require engines to reduce significantly the em issions of u n b u rn t hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen (NOx).

The engine m anufacturers realized th a t their engines could not meet these new standards, but the engine designers knew how It could be done: redesign engines to operate under veiy lean conditions. This task,

however, would require a m ajor effort a n d a very large capital Investment to cover, among other things, development costs and the cost of re ­ tooling plants. The deadline to achieve these new emission sta n d ard s w as im m inent and, in practical terms, th e engine m anufacturers could not redesign and m anufacture proven engines to meet this deadline.

An alternative approach, and one th a t did not require much time or money, was the use of the catalytic converter. These, by now familiar, objects appeared to keep the p re-1970 engine design Intact by cleaning up th e ex h au st products. This "quick fix" approach Initially seemed

attractive to the engine m anufacturers, except there was as serious problem. It didn't work. The reason w as th a t a constituent of the fuel rendered the converter Inoperative as soon a s it was used. The guilty co n stitu en t was load, which poisoned th e active element of the converter,


platinum . The engine m anufacturers literally told th e fuel m akers to "get the lead out" an d unleaded fuels emerged Into the m arket place along with catalytic converters. Lead, as noted In th e previous section, was prim arily a n anti-knock agent and Its removal forced the fuel m akers to produce m ore stable (less knock-susceptible) fuels by m eans of further refining (cracking) processes. However, these additional refining steps not only m ake th e final product more expensive, they also result in further w aste so th a t ultim ately there are fewer litres of unleaded gasoline produced from th e original barrel of crude oil.

The unleaded fuels produced in the early 1970's caused the engine m a n u fa ctu rers to reduce the average Industry com pression ratio

dram atically to 7.5:1 to reduce the tendency of the new fuels to knock. In o th er w ords, to m eet the California emission sta n d ard s, the catalytic converter solution required more costly unleaded fuels a s well a s a reduction In th e engine compression ratio. The com pression ratio reduction from a n industry average of 9.5:1 to 7.5:1 represents a theoretical th erm al efficiency reduction of 20%.

The com bination of less efficient engines and the need for m ore highly refined fuels required an estimated Increase of 15% In crude oil

consum ption. Unfortunately, the original aim of th e California legislation, although well Intended, resulted in Increased oil consum ption. Knowing what we do today about hydrocarbon fuel

com bustion a n d CO2 emission, we might conclude th a t the Introduction of catalytic converters and their associated unleaded fuels w as a blunder.


Clearly It w as not th e fault of the original California legislation, but rath er of m anagem ent's decision to employ the catalytic converter a s the m eans to achieve th e new .mission standards.

The decision to use th e converters appears to have Ignored the fuel-engine relationship, an d d em o n strates how major changes taken Independently by engine m anufacturers, forced by legislation, can have serious

consequences for energy use. Instead, the fuel producers and engine m anufacturers m ust be viewed as Interdependent parts of a

transportation system . It Is refreshing to note th a t movement towards th is new approach Is taking place. In the August 31, 1991, Issue of the Economist, a special report on Energy and the Environment observed that "America's m ain car m anufacturers and oil companies have been talking for th e past year ab o u t the way oil and engines react. Such co-operation Is a novelty." This "holistic systems" approach Is rooted In the fuel- engine relationship d isc u ssed In the previous section.

History Is perhaps ready to repeat Itself, though. Again California legislation Is requiring 2-10% of the new fleet sold In th a t state In the year 1999 to be m ade u p of zero emission (I.e., electric) vehicles. A laudable goal, but will nuclear power plants m ushroom to meet the Increased electrical dem and?



O utline o f th is Thesis

The th r u s t o f this thesis, as mentioned in Section 1.2, Is to study the Ignition process, because of the environmentally motivated movement tow ar ' j th e u se of leaner burning engines an d alternative fuels such as

com pressed n atu ra l gas. These changes have led. and will inevitably continue to lead to Ignition problems.

In th e theais I will address the Ignition problem in a two-fold way. First. In C h a p ter 2 . 1 will look at how some of the characteristics of lean

com bustion m anifest themselves. Some practical Ignition techniques wl’l be p resen ted to show th at some of the lean -b u m com bustion problems can be overcome. Then, to shed light on th e effects of the ignition techniques described In Chapter 2 , 1 will shift th e focus of the thesis to the m ore specific problem of the early phase of sp ark Ignition. To this end. C h a p ter 3 reviews a thermal model of Ignition from a simple Ignition source. This model has features found in m any Ignition theories

described in the literature, some of the more Im portant ones of which are briefly reviewed. Most thermal theories of ignition treat the energy

provided by th e electrical discharge as a point source, delivered infinitely fast a n d creating a spherically symmetric ignition kernel. Chapter 4 challenges th is position by reviewing the work of m any investigators who have clearly show n th at the temporal characteristics of the discharge have a profound effect upon ignition. Photographic evidence of the early p hase of ignition, as well as other evidence from h e literature, Is also presented, clearly dem onstrating th at the morphology of spark kernels in


the early phase of development differs from that held in the dom inant view of the past 50 years.

C h ap ter 5 presents a new perspective for ignition, a fluid dynamic point of view. I will show how th e common ignition devices of Chapter 2 can be classified according to fluid dynamics. 1 will then present a model, which extends a previously established mixing mode! for plasm a Jets, to the realm of conventional axial discharges, and compare the model behaviour to som e o f the limited d a ta available.

In C h ap ter 6. the effect of heat addition horn combustion on the

evolution of sp ark kernels will be included in the model of C hapter 5, and Ignition criteria discussed. C hapter 7 presents the conclusions of this th esis.



Practical Ignition Techniques for Lean

Bum or Alternative Fueled Engines


C om bustion in a Box

We begin our stu d y of spark Ignition by examining a very simple closed com bustion system , Illustrated In Figure 2.1. The system consists of an enclosed vessel th a t can be pressurized u p to four atm ospheres with any desired m ixture ratio o f fuel and air. Ignition devices to be studied are a ttac h ed to the vessel an d various param eters—such as stored electrical energy, discharge current, and voltage—are measured. The Ignition device Is '-fired" a n d a piezoelectric pressure transducer records the Interior pressure of the vessel during the combustion event.

Fuel ♦ Air


A sample pressure trace .rom a combustion event, shown In Figure 2.2. uses a conventional sp ark Ignition source, standard automotive Industry

electronics, and propane a s th e fuel. Propane h a s a flame speed sim ilar to th a t of gasoline and Is chosen for th at purpose. The figure also helps to define two com bustion param eters of Interest: Ignition delay time and com bustion duration.

I Pressure 90% 10% Ignition -► delay Time Combustion duration

Figure 2.2 Pressure trace fiom simple combustion system. The percentages refer to the peak pressure.

An experiment Is now performed where the only param eter varied Is the normalized air:fuel ratio. The normalized alr:fuel ratio, A, Is obtained by taking the ratio of th e air a n d fuel volumes (or the m asses) present In the m ixture and dividing by th e chemically correct alrifuel ratio. For example,


th e chemically correct or stoichiometric ratio for an alr-m ethane mixture is 9.55:1. Stoichiom etric mixtures would th u s have a normalized air:fuel ratio o f A - 1.0. Lean m ixtures would have A > 1.0 a n d rich mixtures would have A < 1.0. in the experiment, the normalized air: fuel ratio Is changed from stoichiom etric (A - 1.0) to Increasingly leaner conditions by

Increm ents of 0.1. Results of such an experiment are shown in Figure 2.3. Most notable In the results is the Increase in both the Ignition delay time a n d com bustion duration as the air:fuel ratio becomes leaner.

Figure 2.3 Preasure-tJme histories as the mixture becomes Increasingly leaner. Numbers refer to normalized air:fuel ratio A .

A second experim ent Is now performed with this simple combustion system. first by using a stoichiometric mixture of propane and air, and second by su b stitu tin g the propane-air mixture with a stoichiometric methane-alr m ixture. The purpose of this experiment Is to Illustrate the efrect on the com bustion system of changing fuels. M ethane's flame speed is

significantly slower th a n propane's. The resu lts (Figure 2.4) show th a t



sw itching between propane (and, by Inference, gasoline) and m ethane h a s a n effect sim ilar to th a t of going to leaner propane-air (or gasoline-air) m ixtures.

Figure 2.4 Effect of changing fuel from propane to methane.

From th ese sim ple experiments. It Is evident that lean-bum conditions or alternative fuels like m ethane present dramatically altered operating

conditions. For com bustion system s such as IC engines that requh e rapid com bustion processes, o u tp u t power may be severely degraded under these new operating conditions.

2 .2

Ign ition T echniques for Lean-Bum C onditions




A conventional Ignition system for IC mgtne applications consists of a sm all ( 1 - 2 mm) gap separating two electrodes which, when triggered, discharge a few millijouies of stored electrical energy over a period of a few


milliseconds. This type of discharge, a s shown In the previous section, resu lts In slow combustion speeds when mixtures are lean. In this section, we look a t som e techniques th a t reduce Ignition delay and com bustion duratio n In lean mixtures. First, we examine results of experiments empioylng th ese ignition techniques in quiescent com bustion bombs. We then follow th e transition of the observed effects in bombs as these

techniques are used in more realistic IC engine com bustion cham ber environm ents.

2 .2 .1

Plasm a J e t Ignition

Ignition by plasm a Jet h as received m uch attention during the past decade, since th e resu lts of the first experiments using this technique were reported by Topham e t cK (1975) and Wienberg e t al.( 1978). The basic design of a plasm a je t system consists of coaxial electrodes, one of which Is recessed into a blind cavity. Stored electrical energy is discharged through this gap in 20 - 50 /isec. Reviews of the published work on plasm a je t ignition can be found in Dale an d Oppenhelm (1981) and Clements (1984).

Orrln e t a t (1981) have argued th a t plasm a je t ignition derives its Impressive effects from th e production of hydrogen radicals that augm ent the

com bustion process. Their work was extended by the following series of experim ents. A plasm a jet Igniter was modified to accept different gases bled into the cavity. The details of the experiment are contained In Ridley et a t (1984) (see Appendix I) The results are discussed here.


Lean m ethane-air m ixtures in a quiescent bomb were ignited by the

modified bleed plasm a Jet. Pulsed shadowgraph photographs were used to estim ate the flame kernel's mean area as a function of time. These results are shown in Figure 3 of Ridley et a I. (1984) (see Appendix 1) where the radius of th e growing kernel is plc rted vs time for three types of Ignition devices: a conventional igniter, a plasma Jet. and the modified bleed plasm a Jet. It can be se e n th a t adding different gases to the cavity of the plasm a Jet

h as a m easurable effect on th e growth rate of the kernel.

M easurem ents of the rate of pressure rise (dP/dt) in the bomb after Ignition with the bleed p lasm a Jet are shown in Figure 4 of Ridley e t al. <' 984) (see Appendix I), w here the maximum d P /d t observed for a given bleed gas is plotted vs the h e a t of com bustion of the bleed gas. The m easurem ents are for a very lean am bient m ixture (A - 2.0). The rate of pressure i1se appears to be strongly correlated to the heat of combustion for the bleed gas and not to the num ber of H atom s per mole of the associated bleed gas.

The plasm a jet ignition technique seems to be promising for lean-burn conditions. However, th e large energy requirement (1 J per firing) and, more particularly, th e serious erosion of the electrodes due to th e high current levels in the discharge suggest that practical implem entation of this technique may be difficult.

2 .2 ,2

P u ff J e t Ignition

Once th e plasm a Jet's plum e was understood theoretically (Topham et. al. 1983), a m echanical analogue of the plasma Jet was developed (Pitt et al.


1984). This technique, known as "puff Jet ignition," attem pts to produce the positive Ignition qualities of the plasm a Jet, b u t w ithout the high power requirem ent o r the concomitant electrode erosion.

A puff Jet ignition experiment, In a com bustion bomb configuration, is shown In Figure 2.5. In the puff Jet technique, a very small am ount of gaseous fuel (e.g.. methane) Is puffed Into the com bustion cham ber through a fast-acting valve. The puff rapidly mixes with the lean, am bient m ixture a s the p u ff advances into the cham ber. Conventional electrodes are placed dow nstream from the valve orifice (distance 0.5-1.0 cm) and the

conventional discharge circuit is triggered to fire a t a time At after th e valve opens. A more detailed description of this technique is available in

Appendix 1. c a p a c it iv e o is c h a r g e ^ -IG N IT IO N SYSTEM TRIG IN CONVENTIONAL AUTO I GMT ION CO*. C H , RESERVOff TRIG IN



vcm SOLENO® MJECTION VAU/E ~V i i i » L. rrtn c o m b u s t io n y-C N A M B E R 'fcVSPARK !



Figure 2.5 Schematic of puff J e t system.

Figure 3 of Pitt e t al. (1984) (see Appendix I) shows a schlieren image of the tu rb u le n t elem ent produced by the puff Jet com pared with th a t produced by


a plasm a Jet In air. The sim ilarity of the two tu rb u len t elem ents Is striking. R esults of an experim ent w hen lean (A - 1.3) m ixtures of m ethane-air are Ignited by three Ignition sources are shown In Figure 2.6. In this figure, the pressure-tlm e histories of the plasm a Jet and puff Jet are very similar.

Therefore, both ignition delay a n d combustion time of lean m ixtures can be reduced using an ignition device th at resembles a plasm a Jet but does not require 1 J of stored energy, or suffer a limited life d u e to electrode erosion.

c o n v e n t io n a l s pa r k - 9 0% I a p la s m a j e t -II 290 200 190 100 90 tlflia)

Figure 2.6 The relationship of bomb pressure p and time t for the puff Jet. plasma Jet and conventional spark at a starting bomb pressure o f5000 kPa and a normalized air:fuel ratio of 1.3.


2 .2 .3

Fast-D ischarge Ignition

A series of experim ents Into the physics of the spark discharge and Its Ignition properties was carried o u t by investigators a t the University of S tuttgart. Significant progress w as made towards understanding the energy exchange between a discharge a n d the local mixture.

Maley e t al. (1978) showed striking results of Ignition produced by

conventional electrode configurations employing fast-dlscharge (<100 ns) circuits with stored electrical energies of approximately 30 m J. The au th o rs observed rapid growth rates of Ignition kernels In lean mixtures.

The reduced Ignition delay and com bustion times In lean m ixtures are sim ilar to those times produced by the previous Ignition devices.

2 .2 .4

C onclusions from Com bustion Bomb E xperim ents

The resu lts reviewed above dem onstrate th a t Ignition delay and com bustion tim es of very lean m ixtures can be significantly reduced with practical techniques using apparently different approaches. These results, however, are for quiescent, homogeneous m ixtures. What happens In conditions of higher p ressu res and varying degrees of am bient turbulence Is most relevant to Ignition device application.

In the next section, actu al engine experiments using the Ignition devices discussed here are reviewed. We investigate how the results obtained from


com bustion bom b experim ents translate to com bustion cham ber conditions more typical of engines.

2 .3

Ig n itio n Experim ents in E n gin es

The prim ary difference between engine combustion cham bers and the simple q u iescen t com bustion bomb is the level of am bient m ixture motion.

R esidual turbulence from the intake of a fresh alr*fuel mixture Into the com bustion cham ber Is subsequently dominated by turbulence produced by th e rap id upw ard motion of th e piston. Modern com bustion cham ber design focuses on enhancing the intake (swirl) turbulence and the

tu rb u len c e produced by the piston motion. The motivation for enhancing th e level of am bient turbulence Is to speed u p the com bustion process, especially for lean air*fuel mixtures.

Instead o f a com prehensive review of work Investigating the effects of a m u ltitu d e of engine param eters on the com bustion process, we will now review som e selected work to Illustrate the transition from com bustion bom b experim ents to experiments Involving real engines. Observations and conclusions draw n from quiescent bomb experim ents m ust be mitigated by th e Im portant influences of turbulent flows o f various scales inside real engine com bustion cham bers.


2 .3 .1

Plasm a J e t Ign ition in an Internal C om bustion

E ngine

In Section 2.2.1. we discussed th e dram atic effects observed when a

q uiescent m ixture, especially a lean mixture. Is Ignited by a plasm a Jet. In a series of experim ents motivated by the Interest In .nethane as an alternative fuel, th e effect of a plasm a Jet Igniter on a simple, single cylinder engine was exam ined (Pitt and Clements 1983). The engine was run at a c o n stan t

speed, with a wide open throttle. The alr:fuel ratio was varied by altering th e air flow b u t keeping the m ethane flow constant a t all times. F u rth er details can be found In the Appendix I. A comparison between brake horse power (BHP) produced using a plasm a Jet and a standard auto Industry capacitive discharge Ignition system(CDI) Is shown in Figure 1 of Pitt an d C lem ents (1983) (see Appendix I).

The m ost Interesting result obtained was from an analysis of the

com bustion cham ber pressure time histories. An example, shown In Figure 2.7, Illustrates the change In th e product where p Is the cylinder p ressu re, V is th e cylinder volume, and y Is the ratio the m ixture's specific h eats. This product Is constant for isentroplc processes (compression or expansion), b u t changes dram atically during the combustion process. The log P V curves for the plasm a Jet and the capacitive discharge ignition system are alm ost Identical, except th a t the latter was tired more th a n 2 ms before the plasm a Jet in the example shown. It therefore appears th a t th e prim ary effect of the plasm a Jet is to reduce the Ignition delay. However,


dram atic reduction of th e combustion time Is not observed, unlike In com bustion bom b experiments.

1.10 1.00 PJI for 30* BTOC Timing .9 0 »> S


.6 0 .70 .6 0 COI for 50* BTOC Timing _ a* o .9 0 .40 .3 0 90 4 0 30 20 10 0 10 20 30 40


Crank Angle (degrees)

Figure 2.7 Log p V y vs crank angjie for A = 1.0 and optimal time range for both Ignition sources. Engine speed Is 2000 rpm.

2 .3 .2

P u ff J e t Ign ition in Internal C om bustion Engines

The ap p licatio n of the puff Jet ignition to IC engines was first reported by Pitt e t ai. (1984). An example of combustion cham ber pressure from a test engine u sin g p u ff Jet, plasm a Jet. and conventional Ignition systems Is show n in Figure 2.8. These results Indicate th a t puff Jet Ignition

c h a ra cte ristic s are com parable with those created by plasm a Jet ignition, as seen In th e previous com bustion bomb experiments. Continuous running engine te s ts (Fisher e t al. 1986) further dem onstrate the similarity of puff Jet an d p la sm a Jet Ignition.


SQ > CL PF P J s o 1 h p r C

Figure 2.8 Variation of average pressure waveforms as a function of normalized alr:fuel ratio. Ignition timing fixed at 50° BTDC. Vertical scale; 440 kPa/dtv: horizontal scale; 36° CA/dtv. TDC is located at the centre line of die grid. Ignition sources denoted fay; PJ, plasma jet; PF, puff Jet: SO. extended electrode spark gap. (a) A a 1.0; (fa) A s i . 3; (c)

A a 1.5. Note In (a), the puff Jet and spark gap sources produced averaged pressure waveforms that are Identical


2 .3 .3

Fast-D ischarge Ignition

Maly e t at. (1983) reported experiments on test engines using fast-dlscharge tech n iq u es. Reduction of ignition delay for lean m ixtures and extension of th e le a n misfire limit were observed. These effects are Identical to those observed u n d e r sim ilar conditions using the plasm a je t and puff Jet techniques.

2 .4

C onclusion

Practical m eans to Ignite lean mixtures do exist. The techniques discussed all p ro d u ce sim ilar results. Nevertheless, we m u st conclude from the

preceding resu lts th a t moving from the quiescent combustion bomb to the m ore tu rb u le n t com bustion cham ber environment of an engine reduces the im p act o f th ese ignition techniques. The predom inant effect of the

tech n iq u e s over conventional ignition system s is the reduction of ignition delay. C om bustion duration Is not affected. The bulk turbulence of the engine com bustion cham ber determines the overall flame propagation speed, an d heiice th e com bustion duration. The ignition device can, however, affect th e early (1-2 ms) evolution of the com bustion event in a real engine. It is for th is reason th a t we shift the focus of th is thesis to th a t early phase of ignition.



The Thermal Approach to Spark


The focus of the the sis will now move from a discussion of Ignition device examples and the practical problems associated with lean b u m or

alternative fueled IC engines to the more specific problem of the early phase of sp ark ignition. There aie two reasons for doing so: th e need to examine the divergent electrical discharge Ignition theories In the

literature; and the need to understand, from basic principles, the Ignition devices discussed In Chapter 2.

We begin by examining the sim plest electrical discharge Ignition device— the axial electrode gap. The basic Ignition problem can then be stated: How does the spark energy deposited in the gap become distributed from the narrow breakdown channel into the spark kernel stru ctu re observed, and what processes govern the evolution of the structure In a

combustible m ixture? To begin to answer these questions, we review a physical model th a t is basic to most models of spark Ignition.

3 .1

Baalc Therm al Model

A recent edition of a well-known monograph on com bustion (Glassm an 1987) Includes a theoretical description of spark Ignition based on the therm al approach of Zeldovlch et al. (1940). The thermal model assu m es th a t the energy of a capacitive spark discharge Is delivered to th e


will lead to a n exponential tem perature distribution throughout a

spherically symmetric spark kernel. The model, though simple, represents c u rren t common understanding of th e spark Ignition process and it is therefore im portant to review. We will show in C hapters 4 and 5. however, th a t this viewpoint m isrepresents the basic physical process involved.

For ignition to happen, the spark kernel should achieve or exceed a certain ra d iu s in a time faster than the cooling (due to conduction) can reduce its tem perature below the lam inar flame tem perature. It is

instructive to review the basic assum ptions and equations of this theory.

First, it is assu m ed th at the energy E= l /2 CCV^ - V22), where V, is the initial voltage and V2 is the voltage after the discharge, is deposited in the sp ark g a p as a point source. This energy then spreads according to th e spherically symmetric heat equation:

where Q - k / c p an d the boundary conditions are T=T0 at r=oo and t)T/dr=0 a t r=0,oo.

The solution of (3.1) with these boundary conditions is:


cpp{ 4nQt)5 4Ql - r


The criterion for Ignition Is th a t the time required for th e on-axls tem perature (T(r°0)! to drop by an am ount <p m ust be greater th a n the reaction time In the com bustion zone of a laminar flame. The

tem perature difference 0 is taken to be the difference between th e lam inar flame tem perature Tf and an estimated ignition tem perature T,.

The cooling tim e t,. can be estim ated from

Before evaluating (3.3). the energy Q In (3.2) m ust be defined. This energy Is taken to be the energy required to heat a spherical volume of rad iu s rf from T0 to Tf. Thus:


Q m^n r3/cPp(r / - To) (3.4)

Evaluation of (3.3) using (3.4) yields:


An estim ate for the reaction time t,. can be obtained from knowledge of the lam inar flame speed S L and thickness A. The reaction tim e Is related to th o se quantities through:


A = S Lt r (6)

The lam inar flame speed, can be determined through the calculation first presented by Mallard a n d Le Chatlellcr (1881). It Is based on the assu m p tio n th a t th e heat conducted from zone I (see Figure 3.1) would equal th a t am ount necessary to raise the tem perature of the unburnt gases to th e Ignition tem perature T,.

Flame thickness

Zone n Zone 1

Figure 3.1 Mallard - LeChateller description of a laminar flame temperature profile.


where A Is th e cross-sectional area perpendicular to the flame front. The m ass rate d m /d t Is the rate at which the combustion wave consum es the u n b u m t gas. The com bustion wave Is propagating a t the lam inar flame speed SL a n d this Is related to the m ass rate by:

The tem perature derivative can be approximated by assum ing the tem perature profile to be linear:

Using (3.10) In (3.6). we obtain an expression for the reaction time t r in term s of th e tem peratures difference <p:


S u b stitu tin g (3.8) and (3.9) into (3.7) yields:



where 0 / - T0) « 1 h as been used.

This reaction tim e Is a factor of two faster than th a t calculated by Zeldovlch e t al. (1940). b u t It Illustrates the basic assum ptions Involved.


» “

Now, with a n expression for tc and tr—eq u atlo rs (3.5) and (3.11)—th e Ignition criterion, tc a tr, can be calculated explicitly as:

r ; a Q , /(0.14S*) (3.12)

The ratio f l / SL h as the dim ension of length and can be Interpreted a s being related to the flame thickness because equation (3.10) can be p u t in to the form:

- r o)A/0 (3.13)



The physical implication of (3.14) is th a t the equivalent heat radius rr m u s t be significantly greater th an the lam inar flame thickness 21.

Furtherm ore, the concept of m inim um ignition energy can be introduced. The value rmln, as defined by the right-hand side of the inequality (3.12), is:





C^ T /

' r°*


The m ain resu lt of th e therm al approach to Ignition is the estim ate of Qmin given by (3.16) and its apparent dependence on physical parameters. (such a s th e therm al dlffuslvity). and chemical param eters, (such as flame speed). Much effort h as gone into m easuring Qmln for various fuel-oxldlzer m ixtures, b u t it w as recognized early on th a t the experimental values of Qmln were strongly affected by spark gap length. There existed a sp a rk gap length dq, beiow which ignition of th e m ixture was not

possible, a n d this length was termed the "quenching distance". The in terp retatio n was th a t excessive cooling by the electrodes caused

quenching o f the ignition kernel at spark gap lengths less th a n dq. It i* Interesting to associate the quenching distance dq with r ^ given by (3.15). w hich would imply th a t Qmln is proportional to dq3.

3 .2

T heory o f Lewis and von Elbe

A nother therm al theory, th a t of Lewis and von Elbe (1961), was widely quoted for m any years. It is based on an "excess enthalpy" assum ption which presum es th a t in a thin shell ahead of a spherically symmetric flame front, the enthalpy is greater than in the surrounding burned or u n b u rn e d gases. Again, as in the theory of Zeldovich et cl. (1940), a critical diam eter for the ignition kernel m ust be attained su c h th a t the excess enthalpy is supplied by the heat content of the burned gases in


the kernel, allowing the com bustion wave to propagate. The ignition source m u st provide the m inim um Ignition energy to achieve this critical kernel size. Lewis and von Elbe (1961) calculate it to be:


where Tb Is th e burned g as tem perature. This relationship was tested by Lewis and von Elbe and by Calcote e t al. (1952) who found Qinln to be proportional to dq2. They m easured minimum Ignition energies for quiescent, room -tem perature hydrocarbon mixtures at atmospheric pressure. Typical U -shaped Ignition curves were obtained. Indicating m inim um Ignition energies in the range of 0.1-1 m J, and these occurred a t equivalence ratios of 1.2-1.5. The excess enthalpy assumption

necessary for flame propagation in their model has been criticized by Linnett (1952) and others, a s experimental efforts to confirm the existence of the excess enthalpy "bump" preceding a flame front have failed to detect su c h an effect.

3 .3

Ign ition in Flow ing Gases: Theory o f Sw ett

Sw ett (1957) examined th e situation of Ignition In flowing gases and calculated Q mln based on th e assum ption that, unlike in the previous models, th e ignition kernel would suffer heat loss primarily through eddy diffusion. Swett derived a complex expression for Q mln which was

su b sta n tia te d by limited experimental data. His results indicated a n increase in 9mm w***1 increase in mixture flow velocity or turbulence


Intensity, b u t showed th a t the scale of the turbulence had little effect on Qmin* DeSote (1971) confirmed these results.

3 .4

T heory

o f

Ballal and Lefebvre

Probably th e m ost extensive Investigation Into sp ark Ignition In recent years h a s been performed by Ballal and Lefebvre. Although their Interest was Investigating conditions more typical of gas turbine system s (I.e., tu rb u le n t flow a t sub-atm ospheric pressure), their approach an d results have h ad m uch Influence.

Their theory, based on observation of flame propagation in flowing m ixtures, revealed th a t the heat release m echanism In the flame zone was very dependent on the level of turbulence (Ballal and Lefebvre 1975). The Interpretation of this observation was that, under conditions of low turbulence, burning rates are enhanced by the effects of Increased flame surface a re a caused by the wrinkling of the flame due to turbulence. Ballal a n d Lefebvre (1975) claim that under conditions of high

tu rb u len ce, th e Intersection of the turbulent eddies, which have fine scale stru c tu re , creates a very' large total flame surface. These model calculations are relatively simple and yet the physical basis h as had a lasting im pact on m any other Investigators.

The m inim um Ignition energy Is obtained by assum ing, as the criterion for Ignition, th a t the principal dimensions of the kernel should


diam eter dq heated to the adiabatic flame temperature is the m inim um volume for a spark kernel, and th is can be used to compute an estim ate


Qmln 8 ff/6 CpAT dq® (3.18)

Using the expressions derived for dq for the two cases discussed, we obtain:

Qmln s Cj^T[ A ft (SL - 0.16 u'l’* tow turbulence (3.19)

Qmln s C^kT( B ft (St - 0.63 U ') * M 3 high turbulence (3.20)

Experim ents testing these relationships were conducted by Ballal and Lefevbre (1977) and excellent agreem ent was obtained. However, all their d a ta were a t sub-atm ospheric pressures. Unlike Lewis and von Elbe (1961), Ballal and Lefevbre (perhaps gleefully) pointed out th at th eir resu lts predicted Qmln proportional to dq3 as in the approach by

Zeldovlch e t al. (1940). Clearly then, a basic difference between theories exists, b u t experiments supporting both have been reported.

3 .5

Thermal D iffusion Model o f Ko, Arapaci and


Recent work by Ko et al. (1991 b) c o r ln u e s the Investigation of sp a rk Ignition from the point of view of a therm al diffusion process. The model


a ssu m es th a t a spherically symmetric flame kernel evolves by heat diffusion alone. Solutions to the convection-free energy conservation equations are presented, based on the asymptotic solution method of C ham pion e t al. (1986) and Deshaies and Joulin (1983). The solutions are notew orthy because of the existence of an unstable equilibrium flame ra d iu s which is a function of the physlochemlcal properties of the

m ixture. An Ignition criterion Is developed th a t requires successfully propagating flames to exceed this critical radius. Supporting

experim ental work (Ko e ta l. 1991 a) showing m easurem ents of flame kernel radii In quiescent mixtures dem onstrates th e model behaviour well.

3 .0

D iscu ssion

The th erm al model discussed in this chapter has features common to m ost therm al theories. For example, the dom inant process in the early developm ent of a flame Is a balance between the h eat released by the exotherm ic reactions and the heat lost by conduction to the u n b u rn t m ixture. The spark energy Is used only to raise a sm all volume to the flame tem perature; the heat balance is left to do th e rest. Temporal ch aracteristics of the discharge largely ignored in th is approach and. if Included in some approaches, they appear through Initial conditions.

The concept of minimum Ignition energy is a central them e in most th erm al models and It Is based largely on the lam inar flame speed and th e previously mentioned balance between heat release an d conduction.


The lam inar flame speed Is a number associated with a fully developed flame, and Its use in the veiy early phase of spark kernel development m ay be inappropriate. Furthermore, data published In the literature are conflicting ab o u t su c h quantities as Qmin and the optim al discharge tim es th a t fail to differentiate between therm al models.

In th e next chapter, the effect of the spark discharge's tem poral ch aracteristic on kernel growth Is examined. We also review Imaging d a ta of real sp ark kernels in order to clearly establish their structure.



Spark Kernel Dynamics and


The relevant literature shows us th a t spark kernels have been the subject of scrutiny since 1945. O ur purpose Is not to review all this work;

Instead, we will direct our attention to two m ain aspects of spark

kernels. First, what are the most Im portant characteristics of electrical discharges th a t produce the spark kernels? Second, w hat Is the observed stru ctu re of spark kernels produced by electrical discharges?

C hapter 3 addressed the above two questions In the following way: the m ain characteristic of the electrical discharge, from th e point of view of Ignition, was its energy. Secondly, the type of spark kernel structure produced was spherical. These two features lie a t the basis of most therm al Ignition models and have perm eated m uch of the thinking about ignition for the past 40 or 50 years. In th is chapter we challenge this point of view.

We begin by reviewing work which clearly shows how the temporal

characteristics of the discharge have a profound effect on Ignition. Next we present imaging data of spark kernels, both new and from the

literature, and dem onstrate th at the morphology oi spark kernels, in the early phase of development, Is distinctly non-spherical by nature.


4 .1

C haracteristics o f th e Spark D ischarge

In the therm al Ignition models of the previous chapter, the only attrib u te of the sp a rk discharge taken Into account Is the energy

deposited In the gap. This energy was assum ed to be deposited as a point source. Infinitely fast.

There have been several attem pts to determine which characteristics of the spark discharge are Important for Ignition. The results of these experim ental Investigations have been rather confusing, and contrary resu lts have been published at different times. For example, results Indicating a n optim al discharge time show a wide variation of such tim es.

As far as th e IC engine designer Is concerned, standard engineering practice h a s dictated th at the spark be a low energy (10 mJ), long duration (several ms) discharge. The trlal-and-error engineering approach reasoned th at a long discharge guaranteed Ignition at some point and th e low energy seemed to be what they could "get away with." This design approach failed when operating conditions moved away from th e norm al stoichiometric operating point, as In th e move towards lean- burning engines.

Extensive Investigations on the Influences of spark discharge


decades. Ballal and Lefebvre (1975) examined the effect of breakdown voltage, spark duration, energy deposition, gap width, electrode geometry, and electrode material In low pressure (sub-atmospheric) flowing gases.

Their results indicated that, for quiescent stoichiometric mixtures, minimum Ignition energy was obtained for a discharge of 60 //s. O ther results Indicated th a t higher minimum Ignition energies are obtained with electrodes materials having higher boiling tem peratures. Ballal and Lefebvre (1975) also obtained results th at would be expected on th e basis of arc physics, namely th a t Pachen's Law (see for example Kuffel and Zaengl, 1984) was valid. It says th a t breakdown voltage Is

proportional to the product of pressure an d gap length, and th a t the spark energy. Es . Is:

where dg Is gap length, and P Is the pressure. Thus. Es Is most sensitive to gap length.

Good progress towards understanding the physics of spark ignition h a s been contributed by Maly and his colleagues from the University of Stuttggart. They examined the complete discharge process with time- resolved interferometiy and spectroscopic techniques. Their results would warm the hearts of most plasm a physicists. The distinct n atu re of breakdown, arc and glow phases of the discharge and th e importance of


each phase to Ignition of combustible m ixtures were first recognized by these Investigators.

The voltage and current characteristics of a discharge are shown schem atically in Figure 4.1. The breakdown phase results In a rapid Ionization of the spark channel (diameter typically 10-40 /un). with peak cu rren ts of a few hundred amps for a period of 10-100 nsec. The fully Ionized channel h a s peak temperature of - 6 X 104 °K. and the resulting high peak pressure produces a shock wave.

Current I


Voltage V Time ►

Figure 4.1 Discharge current and voltage characteristics

The arc phase Is characterized by a lower sustaining voltage, 50-100 V, th e cu rren t Is typically a few amps, and the duration Is 10-100 pis. The arc continues to expand mainly due to conduction and diffusion. Heat loss, especially to the electrodes, limits the kernel to about 6 X 103 °K. In th e glow phase, the current drops to - 200 mA. with a duration of 100


• 1000 ^sec; there Is a high cathode fall of 300-500 V: and the tem perature drops to 3 X 0^ ok, resulting in a very low level of

Ionization. The bulk of the discharge time of typical igniting system s is in th e glow phase. Erosion of the electrodes takes place primarily during the arc phase, more modestly during the glow phase, and negligibly

during the breakdown phase.

Maly and Vogel (1978) examined the spark kernel dynamics of each of the three phases and presented striking results that indicated the breakdown phase was im portant to the development of the spark kernel. The radial extent of the kernel develops veiy rapidly as the energy in th e breakdown phase is enhanced. Experiments in a combustible mixture showed th a t the breakdown type of discharge (10-100 ns) was m ost effective, an d th a t these types of discharges created a m uch larger kernel than arc or glow discharges of equivalent energies.

Maly (1981) developed a therm al model for these ultra fast discharges. The shell-like structure suggested by the measured tem perature profiles, Indicated in Figure 4.2, Is the basis for Maly's model. He assum es a radially symmetric geometry, constant pressure, and conduction a s the only transport mechanism. The last assum ption is taken into account by having lam inar and turbulent heat fluxes lumped into a single transport coefficient k p . Maly's Ignition criterion is expressed as:


where xq Is the molar heat of combustion. AHp is the average molar enthalpy required to raise the gas to the flame tem perature, an d r j and d r j / d t are the flame front position and velocity, respectively. This

ignition criterion is m ost notable due to the appearance of th e velocity of the leading edge of the kernel, d r j / d t It presents first example of the dynamics of the spark kernel manifesting itself in the ignition process. Maly also derived expressions for the quenching distance and minimum Ignition energy, but this calculation based on the dubious excess

enthalpy assum ption of Lewis and von Elbe.


Electrode axis

Figure 4.2 Measured temperature profile of a spark kernel, after Maly and Vogel (1978).

Ziegler e ta l. (1984) continued this Investigation Into th e Ignition qualities of the arc and glow discharge phases. Their resu lts '-v ic ate th a t energv dissipated in the anode and cathode fall Is com pk * cly lost to the electrodes, whereas the energy In the positive colum n Is w hat is


effective for Ignition by predominantly arc or glow phase discharges. This observation was originally pointed out by Swett (1957), an d the results are particularly im portant because most previous investigations th a t determined the Q m i n experimentally did so by measuring th e sp ark gap

voltage and current, an d then computing Qmln by JVIdt. T hus, th e results of Ballal and Lefebvre and others overestimate Qmm* a n d it is interesting th a t any orrelatlon with dq was possible.


T im e-D ependent Ignition M odels

Other workers have attacked the problem of spark ignition with th e idea of somehow incorporating the time dependence of the spark energy input.

Aldeman (1981) calculated th t flow field behind the shock front produced by a discharge whose energy input is time dependent. The spherically symmetric model is notable because it is basically non-therm al,

neglecting conduction a s a loss mechanism. Unfortunately, his results would only compare well with data obtained by Lichfield (1961) if he chose a spark duration different from the experimental one.

The numerical calculations of Dixon-Lewis and Shepard (1975) solved the time-dependent conservation equations, incorporating m ulti-step reaction kinetics in both spherical and cylindrical coordinates, to examine the growth of H2*air flames. Blast wave effects were ignored, however. The authors' resu lts indicated that, for a constant total


ignition energy, flame initiation was enhance by increasing the

proportion of energy supplied as H atom s rath er th an a s therm al energy.

Similarly, O ran and Boris (1982) solved th e sam e equations assum ing spherical symmetxy, but they used a complex 48-step reaction

m echanism to describe the kinetics. Their results are somewhat

disappointing, given the complexity of th e ir model, as the ignition energy could not be com puted with any accuracy.

Rafeal and S her (1985) solved, numerically, the cylindrically symmetric conservation equations for methane-air m ixtures a t constant pressure. The radial profile of the time-dependent power input from the discharge w as com puted from the plasma conductivity given by Plooster (1979) and radiation losses where taken into account. The reaction kinetics were modelled by an 18-step mechanism. The breakdown energy of the discharge w as used as an initial condition. The resu lts of Rafeal and S h er's (1985) calculations show clear m anifestations of combustion in th e radial tem perature profile as early a s 10 pis after the initiation of the discharge.

Akindele et al. (1982) solved the spherical symm etric conservation equations with tu rb u len t transport coefficients. Their calculations indicate ine trends observed in their experim ents, but no quantitative resu lts were obtained for Qmin*


4 .4

Experim ental Observations o f Spark K ernels

In all the therm al theories reviewed here, the basic geometrical stru ctu re for the spark kernel was spherical. The numerical models assum ed either spherical or axial symmetry. Suprlsingly. experimental observations of the kernels produced by spark discharges, dating back to Olsen e t a t (1952), have consistently shown a definite toroidal structure. This suggests th a t the m echanism Involved In determining the underlying dynamics of spark kernels is responsible for this type of structure, and th a t It may be fundam ental to the geometry of an axial arc discharge.

The schlleren photographs taken by Kono et al. (1976) of kernels are m ost striking evidence of the toroidal stru ctu re that evolves after the

discharge. Chomlak (1979) was the first to note this toroidal stru c tu re and he developed a phenomenological model of the spark kernel. He suggested th a t hydrodynamic effects are dominant in determ ining the evolution of spark kernels. His model suggested a circulation p attern th at is very sim ilar to th a t for the Ignition kernel model proposed for plasma Jets by Topham e t al. (1981). Plasma je ts as Ignition sources have been reviewed by Clem ents (1984), and the plasma jet ignition model was presented by Topham et al. (1984).

We have obtained schlleren and shadowgraph Images of axial sp ark

kernels in air for a wide range of discharge conditions, using a high speed video cam era and a laser diode light source. Figures 4.3 and 4.4 s h ' w selected Images from sequences taken of two similar discharges, viewed


along and normal to the discharge axis, respectively. A distinctly

toroidal stru ctu re with sh arp boundaries is clearly visible in both sets of images. The major and minor axes of the torus expand in time and. at ab o u t 500 - 700 fts after the beginning of the discharge, the structure becomes unstable. Figure 4.5 shows examples of single shadowgraph Images of spark kernels produced by an electrical discharge of higher energy and longer discharge time—1.0 J stored energy, discharged over

150 /is. The kernel structure is again clearly toroidal, but developed over m uch longer time scales th an the spark kernels of Figure 4.4. The

stru ctu re appears to remain well defined and lam inar out to 11 ms. the longest tim e interval imaged. O ur results support the observations of Kono et al. (1976), which show a well-defined toroidal region of hot gases with a sh a rp boundary produced by axial discharges.

More evidence of a toroidal structure with a sharp boundary is provided by th e tem perature profiles of axial discharge spark kernel obtained by Maty and Vogel (1977), Akindele et al. (1982), Borghesse et a.l (1988). and Haley and Smy (1989). These results suggest th at the toroidal structure is a n inherent characteristic of the afterm ath of a n axial spark


Experim ental efforts have shown th a t the tem poral characteristics of the sp a rk discharge are very important for ignition. In particular, the initial sp a rk gap breakdown energy is critical in spark kernel development. O ther experiments clearly show that the kernel stru c tu re is markedly



Verification To investigate the influence of the coarse-grained and finegrained transformations on the size of the state space of models, we use a model checker and a transformation

To investigate the influence of the coarse-grained and fine-grained transforma- tions on the size of the state space of models, we use a model checker and a transformation

The main goal of this paper is to acquire more insight into the relationship between wall and piston impingement of liquid fuel and UHC emissions under early direct injection

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ȱ ȱ Figureȱ 6Ȭ54ȱ NAȱ versusȱ Turbochargedȱ Results:ȱ Exhaustȱ Manifoldȱ Temperatureȱ Postȱ turbineȱ temperaturesȱ areȱ onȱ averageȱ 30°Cȱ lowerȱ thanȱ theȱ

The problem is to find the minimum number of machines needed to execute all tasks as well as a corresponding schedule of the tasks on the machines.. This problem is known as

gebruiken. 2) Gebruikersgemak en zelfredzaamheid van de patiënt. Met name bij de groep kwetsbare ouderen kunnen uiteenlopende problemen bestaan. Patiënten kunnen bijvoorbeeld niet

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