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Oral adverse effects of drugs: taste disorders


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Oral adverse effects of drugs

Rademacher, Willem Maria Hubertus; Aziz, Yalda; Hielema, Atty; Cheung, Ka-Chun; de

Lange, Jan; Vissink, Arjan; Rozema, Frederik Reinder

Published in:

Oral diseases



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Rademacher, W. M. H., Aziz, Y., Hielema, A., Cheung, K-C., de Lange, J., Vissink, A., & Rozema, F. R.

(2020). Oral adverse effects of drugs: taste disorders. Oral diseases, 26(1), 213-223.



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Oral Diseases. 2020;26:213–223. wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/odi  




The global consumption of drugs to treat acute and chronic diseases continues to increase (WHO, 2011). Inevitably, healthcare profession‐ als are frequently confronted with patients using one or more drugs on a daily basis. These drugs can cause adverse effects in the oral region such as xerostomia, hyposalivation, mucositis, and taste disorders.

Due to the large number of different drugs available and their wide range of adverse effects, it is difficult and time‐consum‐ ing for healthcare professionals to take all the potential conse‐ quences into account during their daily practice. To support oral healthcare professionals in their decision making, the journal of Oral Diseases will publish a series of articles discussing the most frequent adverse effects of drugs in the oral region. The

Received: 25 June 2019 


  Revised: 25 August 2019 


  Accepted: 4 September 2019

DOI: 10.1111/odi.13199


Oral adverse effects of drugs: Taste disorders

Willem Maria Hubertus Rademacher


 | Yalda Aziz


 | Atty Hielema



Ka‐Chun Cheung


 | Jan de Lange


 | Arjan Vissink


 | Frederik Reinder Rozema


© 2019 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Oral Diseases published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd

1Department of Oral Medicine, Academic

Center of Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2Department of Oral and Maxillofacial

Surgery, Academic UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

3Department Medicine Information

Centre, Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association (KNMP), Den Haag, The Netherlands

4Department of Oral and Maxillofacial

Surgery, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands


Willem Maria Hubertus Rademacher, Department of Oral Medicine, Academic Center of Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA); Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Academic UMC, University of Amsterdam, Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004, Amsterdam 1018, The Netherlands. Email: w.m.rademacher@amc.uva.nl


Objective: Oral healthcare professionals are frequently confronted with patients

using drugs on a daily basis. These drugs can cause taste disorders as adverse effect. The literature that discusses drug‐induced taste disorders is fragmented. This article aims to support oral healthcare professionals in their decision making whether a taste disorder can be due to use of drugs by providing a comprehensive overview of drugs with taste disorders as an adverse effect.

Materials and methods: The national drug information database for Dutch pharma‐

cists, based on scientific drug information, guidelines, and summaries of product characteristics, was analyzed for drug‐induced taste disorders. “MedDRA classifi‐ cation” and “Anatomic Therapeutical Chemical codes” were used to categorize the results.

Results: Of the 1,645 drugs registered in the database, 282 (17%) were documented

with “dysgeusia” and 61 (3.7%) with “hypogeusia.” Drug‐induced taste disorders are reported in all drug categories, but predominantly in “antineoplastic and immu‐ nomodulating agents,” “antiinfectives for systemic use,” and “nervous system.” In ~45%, “dry mouth” coincided as adverse effect with taste disorders.

Conclusion: Healthcare professionals are frequently confronted with drugs reported

to cause taste disorders. This article provides an overview of these drugs to sup‐ port clinicians in their awareness, diagnosis, and treatment of drug‐induced taste disorders.


drug‐induced taste disorders, drugs adverse effects, dysgeusia, hypogeusia, oral adverse effects

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non‐commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made.


first paper in this series discusses drug‐induced taste disorders (DITD).

Fark, Hummel, Hahner, Nin, and Hummel (2013) divided taste disorders into quantitative taste disorders and qualitative taste disor‐ ders. Quantitative taste disorders include hypergeusia (an abnormally heightened sense of taste), normogeusia (a normal sense of taste), hypogeusia (an abnormally lowered sense of taste), and ageusia (a lacking sense of taste). Qualitative taste disorders are dysgeusia (a distortion in sense taste) and phantogeusia (a taste perception with‐ out a stimulus) (Fark et al., 2013). Although disturbances in taste seem harmless, they can interfere with a patients’ social behavior by avoid‐ ing dinners or lead to a change in diet which can, among others, cause weight loss, nutrient deficiencies, or overweight due to excessive use of salt and sugar to compensate bad flavors (Noel, Sugrue, & Dando, 2017). As such, taste disorders can lead to a significant reduction in the quality of life (Ponticelli et al., 2017). Therefore, it is important that oral healthcare professionals are aware of the possible causes and treatment modalities of taste disorders. Adverse effects of drugs account for 9%–22% of the taste disorders (Fark et al., 2013; Hamada, Endo, & Tomita, 2002). This article aims to support oral healthcare professionals in their decision making whether a taste disorder can be due to use of drugs by providing a comprehensive overview of drugs documented with taste disorders as an adverse effect.


2.1 | Data source

The Informatorium Medicamentorum (IM) of the Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association (KNMP) is the leading national drug informa‐ tion database and reference work for pharmacists in the Netherlands. This database is based on scientific drug information, guidelines, and summaries of product characteristics (SmPCs) (KNMP, 2019). The IM is updated every 2 weeks with the latest available information

from scientific publications, warnings of authorities, and SmPCs of the European Medicines Agency and Medicines Evaluation Board in the Netherlands.

The IM was last searched on August 1, 2018, and all data regard‐ ing adverse effects available that time were included in this study. Of each drug, the category “side effects” from the IM was searched for taste disorders and synonyms (e.g., dysgeusia).

The following characteristics of drugs causing DITD were regis‐ tered: generic name of the drug, term of the adverse effect, incidence of the adverse effect, and Anatomic Therapeutical Chemical (ATC) codes of the drug. The ATC classification was developed by the World Health Organization and categorizes all active substances in drugs ac‐ cording to a hierarchy with five levels. It serves as a tool for exchanging data on drug use on a national and international level (WHO, 2003). It is worth noting that one active substance can be used in different drugs with different treatment goals. Therefore, it is possible that one active substance (e.g., miconazole) has several ATC codes (Figure 1).

Originally, the terms used to describe one adverse effect (e.g., taste disorders) in the SmPCs varied between drugs and through‐ out the years. In order to create a standardized structured data‐ base, the MedDRA classification was manually applied after the selection of drugs causing DITD. The MedDRA classification is developed by the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human and en‐ deavors to standardize all international medical terminology, in‐ cluding terms for adverse effects (Meddra, 2019). The MedDRA classification is a hierarchical system that distinguishes five levels in the categorization of medical terminology. The most specific level is the “Lowest Level Term (LLT)” and the next level is called the “Preferred Term (PT).” Each LLT is directly linked to only one PT. Each PT is linked to at least one LLT (itself) and sometimes several synonyms of the LLT. In Figure 2, the PT “Hypogeusia” is presented with its LLTs. After the selection of drugs related to DITD from the IM, the adverse effect terms were first matched

F I G U R E 1   Hierarchy of ATC levels for

miconazole [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]


in accordance with the support document (Meddra, 2018), with the most applicable LLT in Dutch. Terms were then translated into English by using the LLT codes and the English version of MedDRA. The English LLT was automatically matched with the English PT level according to the MedDRA hierarchy.

Microsoft® Excel (version 16.16.1) was used to create the data‐ base with the acquired information on DITD and to perform descrip‐ tive statistics.


In total, 1,645 drugs (active substances) were registered in the IM. Each drug can cause multiple adverse effects resulting in approxi‐ mately 65,000 unique combinations between a drug and an adverse effect in the IM. Of these 65,000 combinations, 2,335 (3.5%) were defined by the authors as relevant for the oral healthcare provider and 343 (0.5%) concerned taste disorders. Of the 1,645 drugs, 314 (19%) could cause DITD. As IM discriminates different administration forms per drug, the number of drugs (314) and number of combina‐ tions (343) causing taste disorders differ. For example, “Budesonide,” which can be administered rectally, nasally, and by inhalation, is reg‐ istered three times with dysgeusia as a potential adverse effect with three different incidences. Table 1 presents the different LLTs and PTs used in the IM for taste disorders and the number drugs which can potentially cause them. Taste disturbance as an adverse effect was reported in all level 1 categories of the ATC classification (Table 2).

“Normogeusia,” “hypergeusia,” “ageusia,” and “phantogeusia” were not reported in the IM.

3.1 | Dysgeusia

Dysgeusia (PT) as an adverse effect was reported 282 times (17.1% of 1,645 drugs) (Table 1). The drug categories “antineoplastic and

immunomodulating agents” (18.8%), “antiinfectives for systemic use” (15.6%), and “nervous system” (13.8%) account for almost half of the drug‐induced dysgeusia (Table 2). Hypergeusia, ageusia, and phanto‐ geusia were not reported.

Table 3 presents a selection of the drugs that could cause dysgeu‐ sia (PT) and comprises only the category “Alimentary tract and me‐ tabolism.” The frequencies of the adverse effect and whether a drug also causes the adverse effects “parosmia,” “anosmia,” “dry mouth,” or “hyposalivation” are presented as well, since these adverse effects are closely related to taste disorders. In some drugs, dysgeusia is only caused when the drug is administered through a specific route or under certain circumstances. The full table of all the 282 drugs caus‐ ing dysgeusia is presented online as supplementary data (Table S1).

In these 282 drugs, the frequency of dysgeusia was “very com‐ mon” in 7.1%, “common” in 31.2%, “uncommon” in 32.7%, and “rare or very rare” in 9.9% of the drugs. In 19.1% of the drugs, the “fre‐ quency was not known,” which means that in the IM, the frequency could not be estimated based on the available data.

Dysgeusia coincided in 114/282 drugs (40.4%) with “dry mouth” as an adverse effect, in 5/282 drugs (1.7%) with “anosmia,” in 2/282 F I G U R E 2   Hierarchy of “Hypogeusia” in MedDRA [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com] TA B L E 1   LLTs and PT for taste disorders in IM analysis

Adverse effect term No. of drugs

Dysgeusia (PT) 282 Dysgeusia (LLT) 15 Taste bitter (LLT) 9 Taste disturbance (LLT) 245 Taste garlic (LLT) 1 Taste metallic (LLT) 12 Hypogeusia (PT) 61 Hypogeusia (LLT) 61 Total 343


drugs (0.7%) with “parosmia,” in 6/282 drugs (2.1%) with “dry mouth and anosmia,” and in 3/282 drugs (1.0%) with “dry mouth and paros‐ mia.” None of these drugs were reported to cause “hyposalivation.”

Supplementary online Tables S2 and S3 present drugs that cause a bitter taste (LLT) or metallic taste (LLT), respectively. Disulfiram (N07BB01), a drug used to treat patients with alcohol abuses, was the only drug reported to cause a garlic taste (LLT).

3.2 | Hypogeusia

Drug‐induced hypogeusia was reported in 61 drugs (3.7% of 1,645). Hypogeusia was predominantly reported in the drug catego‐ ries “Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents” (39.0%) and “Nervous system” (19%). Hypogeusia did not occur in the drug cate‐ gories “Respiratory system” and “Antiparasitic products, insecticides and repellents” (Table 2). Table 4 presents all drugs in the IM that are reported to cause hypogeusia. In these 61 drugs, the frequency of hypogeusia was “very common” in 9.5%, “common” in 31.7%, “un‐ common” in 25.4%, and “rare or very rare” in 15.9% of the drugs. In 17.5% of the drugs, the “frequency was not known.” Hypogeusia co‐ incided in 28/61 drugs (45.9%) with “dry mouth,” in 1/61 drugs (1.6%) with “anosmia,” and in 2/61 drugs (3.2%) with “dry mouth/anosmia.” None of these drugs were reported to cause “hyposalivation.”


In total, 20% (343/1,645) of the drugs used in the Netherlands has been reported to potentially cause DITD (dysgeusia and hypogeusia).

DITD was reported in all ATC level 1 categories, suggesting that all healthcare professionals may frequently encounter the adverse ef‐ fects of these drugs. Healthcare professionals that treat patients using antineoplastic drugs are most likely to be confronted with DITD. Despite the recorded percentage of our search, the exact inci‐ dence of DITD is unclear due to a lack of systematic well controlled clinical trials (Schiffman, 2018).

To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first compre‐ hensive overview of DITD based on the analysis of a national drug information database which includes adverse effects. The available literature that discusses DITD is fragmented, since previous articles usually report on a specific type of patients with DITD (e.g., cancer) (de Coo & Haan, 2016; Okada et al., 2016; Tuccori et al., 2011), spe‐ cific drug categories causing DITD (e.g., cardiovascular drugs) (Che, Li, Fang, Reis, & Wang, 2018; van der Werf, Rovithi, Langius, de van der Schueren, & Verheul, 2017) or summarize the literature instead of providing an overall analysis of what registered drugs are linked to DITD (Mortazavi, Shafiei, Sadr, & Safiaghdam, 2018; Schiffman, 2018; Wang, Glendinning, Grushka, Hummel, & Mansfield, 2017). In addition, the ATC classification is not always applied, making it diffi‐ cult to compare the results of the various studies.

Our data source contains predominantly PT level terms. Although this is in accordance with the MedDRA guidelines, it is likely that spe‐ cific LLT terms like “bitter taste” and “metallic taste” might therefore be underreported compared to previous studies which do not use the MedDRA. It also has to be mentioned that the terms and incidences used in the database (e.g., "dysgeusia", "hypoguesia") are based on patient‐reported adverse effects during pharmacological developing studies or postmarketing studies. This subjective reporting by patients

ATC level 1 category Dysgeusia (%) Hypogeusia (%) Total

Alimentary tract and metabolism 24 (8.5) 2 (3.1) 26 Antiinfectives for systemic use 44(15.6) 7 (11.0) 51 Antineoplastic and immunomod‐ ulating agents 53 (18.8) 22 (39.0) 75 Antiparasitic products, insecti‐ cides, and repellents

5 (1.7) ‐ 5

Blood and blood forming organs 13 (4.6) 1 (1.4) 14

Cardiovascular system 23 (8.1) 5 (7.8) 28

Dermatologicals 13 (4.6) 2 (3.2) 15

Genitourinary system and sex hormones 5 (1.7) 3 (4.7) 8 Musculoskeletal system 12 (4.3) 2 (3.1) 14 Nervous system 39 (13.8) 12 (19.0) 51 Respiratory system 16 (5.7) ‐ 16 Sensory organs 10 (3.5) 1 (1.5) 10 Systemic hormonal prepara‐ tions, excl. 7 (2.5) 2 (3.1) 9 Various 18 (6.3) 2 (3.1) 20 Total 282 61 343 TA B L E 2   Number of drugs causing dysgeusia or hypogeusia per ATC level 1 category


T A B LE 3  D ru g‐ in du ce d dy sg eu si a (P T) in le ve l 1 A TC c at eg or y: a lim en ta ry tr ac t a nd m et ab ol is m AT C l ev el 1 AT C l ev el 3 G en er ic na m e AT C C od e LL T Med D R A Fr eq uen cy Sp ec ifi c t yp e o f ad minis tr at io n Co in cidin g adv er se e ff ec ts A LI M EN TA RY T R A C T A N D ME TA B O LIS M A nt ieme tic s an d an tina us ea nt s A pre pit an t A 04 A D 12 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn – D Ro la pi ta nt A 04 A D 14 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e U nc omm on (0 .1 % –1 % ) – – A nt ip ro pu ls iv es Lo pe ra m id e A0 7D A0 3 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn – D B lo od gl uc os e‐ lo w er in g dr ug s E xc l. i nsu lins Ex en at ide A 10 B J0 1 A 10 B J0 1 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e U nc omm on (0 .1 % –1 % ) – – G lim epir id e A 10 B B1 2 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn – – Lir agl ut id e A 10 B J0 2 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D M et fo rmin A 10 BA 02 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – D ru gs f or p ep tic u lc er and g as tr oe so ph ag ea l re flu x d ise ase (G O RD ) Es omep ra zo le A 02 BC0 5 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn A ft er in tr av en ou s ad min is tr at io n D Fa m ot idin e A0 2B A0 3 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e U nc omm on (0 .1 % –1 % ) – D Lan sop ra zole A 02 BC0 3 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn – D Rab ep ra zole A 02 BC0 4 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn – D In te st in al a nt iin fe ct iv es Fi da xo mic in A 07A A 12 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e U nc omm on (0 .1 % –1 % ) – D Mic onaz ol e A 07 A C 01 D 01 A C 02 G 01 A F0 4 S0 2A A 13 D ys ge us ia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) A ft er o ra l ad min is tr at io n D Mic onaz ol e A 07 A C 01 D 01 A C 02 G 01 A F0 4 S0 2A A 13 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e U nc omm on (0 .1 % –1 % ) A ft er o ra l ad min is tr at io n D In te st ina l a nt i‐in fla m ‐ m at or y a ge nt s B ude so ni de A 07 EA 06 R 01 A D 05 R 03 B A 02 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e U nc omm on (0 .1 % –1 % ) A ft er re ct al ad min is tr at io n D, P B ude so ni de A 07 EA 06 R 01 A D 05 R 03 B A 02 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) A ft er in ha la tio n D, P B ude so ni de A 07 EA 06 R 01 A D 05 R 03 B A 02 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn A ft er n as al ad min is tr at io n D, P C ro m ogl ic ic a ci d A 07 EB 01 R 01 A C 01 R 03 B C 01 S01 G X 01 D ys ge us ia U nc omm on (0 .1 % –1 % ) – Sul fa sa laz in e A 07 EC 01 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – A O th er a limen ta ry tr ac t a nd m et ab ol is m pro du ct s A ga ls id as e al fa A 16 A B 03 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – A So di um ph en yl bu ty rate A 16 A X 03 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – Sto m ato lo gi ca l pr epa ra tio ns C hlo rhe xi di ne A 01 A B 03 B 05 C A 02 D 08 A C 02 D 09 A A 12 S 01 A X 09 Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) – – Tr ia m ci no lo ne A 01 A C 01 D 07 A B 09 H 02 A B 08 R0 1A D 11 S 01 B A 05 S 02 B A Ta st e d is tu rba nc e Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) A ft er n as al ad min is tr at io n – H yd rog en per ox ide A 01 A B 02 D ys ge us ia Fr eq uenc y no t k no wn – – N ote : A bb re vi at io ns : A , a no sm ia ; A TC , A na to m ic T he ra pe ut ic al C he m ic al ; D , d ry m ou th ; L LT , l ow es t l ev el te rm ; P , p ar os m ia


T A B LE 4  D ru g‐ in du ce d hy po ge us ia (P T) in a ll AT C le ve l 1 c at eg or ie s AT C l ev el 1 AT C l ev el 3 G en er ic na m e AT C C od e LL T Med D R A Fr eq uen cy Sp ec ifi c t yp e o f a dm in is tr at io n C oin cidin g ad ve rs e e ff ec ts A LI M EN TA RY T R A C T A N D ME TA B O LIS M B el la do nn a an d der iv a‐ tiv es , pl ai n A tr opi ne A 03 B A 01 S 01 FA 01 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – D In te st in al a nt iin fe ct iv es C ol is tin A 07 A A 10 J 01 X B 01 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) A ft er in ha la tio n – A NTIIN FE C TI V ES F O R SY ST EM IC U SE A nt im yc ot ic s fo r s ys ‐ te mic us e M ic af un gi n J0 2A X0 5 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – – Di re ct ‐ac tin g a nt iv ira ls D ar una vir J0 5A E10 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – D D ru gs f or t re at m en t o f tu be rc ul os is Ri fa bu tin J04 A B 04 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) – – M acr ol id es , l in co sa mi de s, an d s tre pt og ra m in s Cl ar itr om yc ine J0 1F A 09 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) – D O th er a nt ib ac ter ia ls M et he na min e J01 X X 05 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) – – Q ui no lo ne a nt iba ct er ia ls Le vo flox ac in J0 1M A 12 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) A ft er o ra l a nd in tr av en ou s ad min is tr at io n – O flo xa ci n J01 M A 01 S 01 A E01 S0 2A A 16 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) A ft er o ra l a dm in is tr at io n D, A A NTIN EO PL A STI C A N D IM MU N O M O DU LA TI N G AG EN TS A nt im et ab ol ite s C ap ec ita bi ne L0 1BC0 6 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D Te ga fu r L0 1BC0 3 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D H or m one a nt ag on is ts an d r el ate d a ge nt s A na st ro zole L0 2B G 03 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – Im m un os tim ula nt s A lde sl eu ki n L0 3AC 01 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – O the r a nt ine op la st ic age nt s A fa tin ib L0 1X E1 3 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – A xit ini b L0 1X E1 7 H yp og eu sia Ve ry c omm on (>1 0% ) – – B os ut ini b L0 1X E14 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – C ab oz an tin ib L0 1X E26 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – C is pla tin L01 X A 01 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – – (Co nt in ue s)


AT C l ev el 1 AT C l ev el 3 G en er ic na m e AT C C od e LL T Med D R A Fr eq uen cy Sp ec ifi c t yp e o f a dm in is tr at io n C oin cidin g ad ve rs e e ff ec ts C riz ot in ib L0 1X E16 H yp og eu sia Ve ry c omm on (>1 0% ) – – D as at in ib L01 X E0 6 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – Ev er ol im us L0 1X E1 0 L0 4A A 18 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) In c as e o f o nc ol og ic t re at m en t D N ec itu m uma b L0 1XC 22 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – Ni lo tin ib L01 X E0 8 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – Pa lb oc ic lib L01 X E3 3 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – Pa no bi no st at L0 1X X42 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D So raf en ib L01 X E0 5 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D Te m sir ol im us L01 X E0 9 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – Tr as tuz um ab L0 1XC 03 H yp og eu sia Ve ry c omm on (>1 0% ) – D Tr as tuz um ab em ta ns ine L0 1X C14 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D V an det ani b L0 1X E1 2 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D V is m od eg ib L0 1X X4 3 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – B LO O D A N D B LO O D FO RMIN G O RG A N S Ir on , pa re nt er al pr epa ra tio ns Fe rr ic ca rb ox ymal to se B 03 AC H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – – C ARD IO VA SC U LAR SYS TE M A ce in hibi to rs , p la in C ap to pr il C 09A A 01 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – D Ena la pr il C 09A A 02 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – D Ra mip ril C 09A A 05 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D, A B et a‐ bl oc ki ng a ge nt s Es m ol ol C 07A B 09 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D Lipi d‐ m odi fy in g ag en ts , pla in At or va st at in C1 0A A0 5 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – – T A B LE 4  (Co nti nue d) (Co nt in ue s)


AT C l ev el 1 AT C l ev el 3 G en er ic na m e AT C C od e LL T Med D R A Fr eq uen cy Sp ec ifi c t yp e o f a dm in is tr at io n C oin cidin g ad ve rs e e ff ec ts D ERM AT O L O G IC AL S A nt ifu ng al s fo r t op ic al us e Te rbina fin e D 01 A E1 5 D 01 B A 02 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – – O th er der m at ol og ic al pr epa ra tio ns Ta cr ol im us D 11 A H 01 L 04 A D 02 S01 X A H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn A ft er in tr av en ou s ad min is tr at io n – G EN IT O U RI N A RY S YS TE M A N D S EX H O RM O N ES Ho rm on al c on tr ac ep tiv es fo r s ys te mic us e Ul ip ris tal G 03 A D 02 G 03 X B 02 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn W hen u se d a s emer genc y an tic onc ep tiv e D O th er u ro lo gi ca ls , I nc l. an tis pa sm odic s So lif en ac in G 04 B D 08 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D Ti op ro ni ne G 04 BX 16 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – – M U SC U LO S K EL ET A L SYS TE M M us cl e r el ax an ts , c en ‐ tr al ly a ct ing ag en ts B ac lo fen M 03 BX 01 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D Sp ec ifi c an tir he um at ic age nt s Pe nic illa min e M 01 C C 01 H yp og eu sia C omm on (1 % –1 0% ) – – N ER V O U S SY ST EM A ne st he tic s, lo ca l A rt ic ain e N0 1B B08 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – – C oc ai ne N 01 B C 01 S 01 H A 01 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – A Mep iv ac ai ne N 01B B 03 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – – A nt idep re ss an ts D ul oxe tin e N 06 A X 21 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D M ap ro tili ne N 06 A A 21 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – D A nt iep ilep tic s Pr eg ab al in N 03 A X16 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D A nt imi gr ain e pr epa ra tio ns Ri za tr ip ta n N 02 CC 04 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D A nt ips ych ot ic s Pa lip er id on e N 05A X1 3 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D D opa m ine rg ic a ge nt s O pi ca po ne N 04 BX 04 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) – D D ru gs u se d i n a dd ic tiv e di so rder s V ar en ic lin e N 07 B A 03 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – D O pi oi ds H yd ro m or ph one N 02 A A0 3 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) A ft er o ra l a dm in is tr at io n D T A B LE 4  (Co nti nue d) (Co nt in ue s)


might lead to a reporting bias or inaccuracy in terminology. The differ‐ ence between objective and subjective adverse effects measuring is a common point of discussion when reporting on adverse effects and one without a clear solution. When considering taste disorders, there is no commonly used test available for objectifying taste disorders, which makes it impossible to report solely objective data. In order to make future studies on oral adverse effects more comparable, it is recommended that the MedDRA terminology and hierarchy and, if available, objective tests are used during data collection and describ‐ ing the results. Homogenous reporting of results, on for instance inci‐ dences, will lead to clinically more applicable data.

Due to differences in local and regional laws and regulations on drug admission, registered drugs differ per country. Thus, there will be drugs that are reported in the current study that are not avail‐ able in some countries and reverse. However, with regard to the European countries, most of the reported drugs will be available in all countries. By applying the ATC and MedDRA classification, the data are internationally applicable and could serve as a guidance for future reports on DITD.

The exact mechanisms underlying DITD are still unclear and may vary between individuals. Individual variations may be caused by poly‐ pharmacy (drug interactions), dosage differences, and patient‐spe‐ cific variables (e.g., genetics, age, and medical conditions) (Schiffman, 2018). Schiffman (2018) describes several presumed mechanisms be‐ hind DITD. Some drugs have sensory properties that cause a bitter or metallic taste. These drugs interact with the taste buds: (a) after oral application, (b) by diffusion into the saliva after absorption in the gut or intravenous administration, or (c) by accumulation in the taste buds when used chronically. The latter might explain why DITD can occur months or years after the initial usage (e.g., lithium carbonate). Other drugs distort taste and smell signals for sweet or salt, causing a bitter or sour taste perception of food and beverages. The garlic‐like taste caused by disulfiram is due to exhalation of carbon disulfide. Drug– drug interactions can lead to elevated blood plasma levels beyond therapeutic concentrations and therefore cause DITD, which particu‐ larly could occur in polypharmacy patients.

Saliva could also play a role in the underlying mechanism of DITD. Saliva protects the external environment of the taste receptor cells and acts as a solvent and transportation medium for taste substances (Matsuo, 2000). Many drugs are known to cause quantitative or qualitative changes in saliva (Wolff et al., 2017). Almost 45% of the drugs known to potentially cause DITD coincided with dry mouth as an adverse effect, suggesting that there is at least some correla‐ tion. However, the exact correlation is difficult to assess since both MedDRA and the data that underlie the IM do not clearly discriminate between subjective “xerostomia” and objective “hyposalivation.” The term “dry mouth” is presumably used for both.

A healthcare professional confronted with a patient with DITD should assess which drug, or drug combination, is presumably re‐ sponsible for the DITD. This can be done by comparing the tem‐ poral onset of DITD with the alterations in the drug usage (e.g., dosage, new drugs). However, as stated before, it is possible that DITD occurs months or years after the initial usage, complicating

AT C l ev el 1 AT C l ev el 3 G en er ic na m e AT C C od e LL T Med D R A Fr eq uen cy Sp ec ifi c t yp e o f a dm in is tr at io n C oin cidin g ad ve rs e e ff ec ts Ps ych os tim ula nt s, a ge nt s us ed fo r A D H D a nd no ot ro pic s D ex am fe ta m ine N 06 BA 02 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) – D SE N SO RY O RG A N S A nt ig la uc om a pr epa ra ‐ tio ns a nd m io tic s B rinz ola mi de S0 1E C 04 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) A ft er s ys te mic a dmin is tr at io n D SY ST EM IC HO RMO N AL PR EP A R AT IO N S, E XC L. A nt ith yr oi d pr ep ar at io ns C ar bim az ol e H 03 B B 01 H yp og eu sia Fr eq uenc y no t kno wn – – Pr op yl th io ur acil H 03 BA 02 H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) – – VARI O U S A lle rg ens G ras s p oll en V 01 A A 02 V 01 A A H yp og eu sia Ra re o r v er y ra re (< 0. 1% ) A ft er s ub cu ta ne ou s ad min is tr at io n D M ag ne tic re so na nc e im ‐ ag in g c on tr as t m ed ia G ad ot er ic ac id V0 8C A 02 H yp og eu sia U nc omm on (0 .1% –1% ) A ft er in tr av en ou s ad min is tr at io n – N ote : A bb re vi at io ns : A , a no sm ia , A TC , A na to m ic T he ra pe ut ic al C he m ic al ; D , d ry m ou th ; L LT , l ow es t l ev el te rm . T A B LE 4  (Co nti nue d)


the assessment of a temporal relationship. Another possibility is to consult pharmaceutical databases and overviews like the approach used in the present study.

Cessation of the drug responsible for DITD will most likely result in a decrease and eventually even recovery of DITD, but this (par‐ tial) recovery could take months. If cessation and alterations are not possible, other treatment modalities could be considered to relieve the symptoms. The evidence behind these modalities is scarce and based on research on taste disorders with other causes than DITD. Proposed treatment modalities include improving oral hygiene, suppletion of zinc, stimulation food flavors, saliva substitutes, and administration of alpha lipoic acid (Briggs, 2009; Femiano, Scully, & Gombos, 2002; Kumbargere Nagraj et al., 2017; Schiffman, 2018).


Healthcare professionals are frequently confronted with drugs that are documented with DITD. The exact incidences of DITD remain unclear. This overview supports clinicians in their awareness, diag‐ nosis, and possible treatment of DITD, and could serve as a refer‐ ence for future research reporting on DITD.


The authors would like to acknowledge the Royal Dutch Pharmacists Association for providing access to IM.




All authors contributed to some extent to the current paper. WR was responisble for the study design, data collection, data analysis and drafting of the paper. YA,AH,KC all supported the data analysis and drafting the current paper. JL, AV supported the drafting of the cur‐ rent paper. FR guided the process from study desing to drafting te current paper.


Willem Maria Hubertus Rademacher https://orcid. org/0000‐0001‐6487‐1356

Arjan Vissink https://orcid.org/0000‐0003‐2581‐4361


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Additional supporting information may be found online in the Supporting Information section at the end of the article.

How to cite this article: Rademacher WMH, Aziz Y, Hielema

A, et al. Oral adverse effects of drugs: Taste disorders. Oral Dis. 2020;26:213–223. https ://doi.org/10.1111/odi.13199



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