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Modeling and prediction of monetary and non-monetary business values


Academic year: 2021

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Modeling and prediction of monetary and non-monetary business values

Margus Välja


, Magnus Österlind


, Maria-Eugenia Iacob


, Marten van Sinderen


, Pontus Johnson


1University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands 2Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden

{m.e.iacob, m.j.vansinderen}@utwente.nl, {pontusj, magnuso, margusv}@ics.kth.se

Abstract— In existing business model frameworks little

attention is paid to a thorough understanding of the perceived customer value of a business’ offering as compared to competing offers. In this paper, we propose to use utility theory in combination with e3value models to address this issue. An

actor's joint utility function specifies how much value the actor attaches to a given product or service's different qualities. Competing value offerings map to different points on the customer utility function, since they provide certain quantities of each quality. Since the customer can be expected to exhibit a utility maximizing behavior, his/her choices between offerings can be predicted. Thus, given the proposed utility extension, it becomes possible to quantitatively reason about the relative customer value of an offering compared to those of the competition. This, in turn, allows the optimization of price, the key ingredient in any business model.

Keywords: e3value; busines models; business value, utility, profitability analysis.


A business model is critical for any business venture, and especially for those that involve complex inter-organizational relationships. Several authors have proposed frameworks aimed at identifying the main ingredients of a business model (e.g., [7], [19], for an overview see [1], [32]). An important motivation behind business modeling comes from the need to assess the inter-organizational relationships in a business collaboration and to ensure that all business actors benefit from the collaboration, financially or otherwise.

During design, it is desirable to be able to predict the benefits associated with the “collaboration-to-be”. Therefore some of the existing business modeling approaches not only model the business, but also propose some techniques to assess qualities such as costs and revenues [19], and profitability [7]. These approaches generally assume that realistic quantitative input data (such as cost of resources, distribution of service requests, revenues generated by delivered services, etc.) is available. However, in real life situations this type of input may be challenging to obtain. In addition, when predicting future benefits, the above-mentioned approaches do not take into account the fact that actors may not only be motivated by profit. Examples of other (hard to quantify) types of value that may drive actors to participate in collaborations are strategic partnerships, branding, trust, loyalty, etc. In this paper we propose an e3value model-based approach which uses utility theory [4], [12], [13], to quantify and analyze the business value that an

actor may obtain from a collaboration. Central to the proposed approach is the calculation of a utility function for each actor. The actor’s utility function can be further used as a basis for decision making under the assumption that actors exhibit a utility maximizing behavior. Thus, our approach relates business value to a utility function, which allows us not only to quantify hard-to-quantify business value types, but also provides a mathematical apparatus to deal with value maximization and decision making.

This paper adopts design science [11], [20] as research methodology. Design science is about solving problems by introducing artifacts in a context. In this study the problem is ‘the difficulty of being able to predict the benefits (utility) for an actor in a “collaboration-to-be”’. The artifact that we propose is ‘a utility assessment method that can be used in combination with e3value models’. Typical design science research phases are: (1) problem investigation, (2) artifact design, (3) artifact validation, (4) artifact implementation in practice. This paper is mainly about the first 3 phases.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section II introduces case examples in the scope of the Stockholm Royal Seaport Smart City project [3], which have been studied in order to gain insights in the proposed combination of e3value and utility theory. Section III provides a short description of related theory and work. The proposed approach for utility-based analysis with e3value models is explained in Section IV. This section also includes results from the case examples that have been studied. The paper ends with a conclusion.


The two example case studies we consider in this paper concern electric heating of 10 000 apartments during 1 year. The apartments are located in Stockholm, Sweden. The electricity consumption for heating is taken from [29], which states the ambition to spend no more than 55 kWh per square meter of an apartment per year.

The first example explores different options for electricity production and how these options fulfill the objectives of the participants. Here the apartments, called from now on households, get electricity from an electricity retailer that offers two choices. The first choice is a mix of electricity from different sources. The second choice is electricity mainly produced from wind energy. While the electricity price for the first choice is 0.1€, there is an addition of 0.01€ to it for wind.


The second example investigates optimal electricity means losing wealth, so at a electricity, there is a utility loss for each decreased wealth. The decrease may be com increase in utility gained by the acquisitio The example looks at three actors an products that compete with each other not price, but also in terms of what is being offe The examples are simple, to increase rea be easily extended to cover more compl order to further validate the proposed appro


Activity system [15], e3value [7], VDML

RCOV [2], The BM concept [10], Entrepre The social BM [22], The BM guide [14], 4 BM [15], and BMO [19] are all business mo

In this paper we use e3value for business m its higher level of formality and because capturing network effects regarding val More information on e3value is available in present contribution also builds on utility presented in [4], [12] and [13]. Due to spac refer the reader to the cited works for furthe e3value and utility theory.

Related work on representing immater context of business models includes G Ceravolo et al. [23]. Related literature on th decision making processes include Tapier and Trigeorgis [26], Ortega and Escudero [2 al. [28] and Keeney and Winterfeldt [24].


This section demonstrates our approach two examples. They also serve as a proof e3value can be extended with utility th example looks into achievement of objec second one explores optimal pricing of competitive situation.

A. Example 1: Basic approach

We start with the utility analysis of our model. First we define an objective for each the group of households and the electric objective for the households in this scenar apartments in an environmentally sustainab low cost as possible. The objective for the e is to sell electricity profitably and respon these objectives we choose measurable represent them best. The chosen attribute accordance with the value objects that w e3value model, but instead of economic attribute-specific units of measurement.

The three attributes in our first exampl money and greenhouse gases (GHGs). electricity is measured in monetary unit

l pricing. Buying a given price of kWh due to the mpensated by the on of electricity. nd differentiated only in terms of ered.

adability, but can lex situations in ach. WORK [17], REA [6], eneur’s BM [16], 4C [21], Internet odel frameworks. models because of it is suitable for lue propagation. n [8] and [9]. The y theory, further ce limitations, we er information on rial value in the Gordijn [7] and he use of utility in ro [25], Kasanen 27], Hayashida et BASED ANALYSIS h by means of the f of concept that heory. Our first ctives, while the f products in a

e3value baseline h involved actor - city retailer. The

rio is to heat the ble fashion at as electricity retailer nsibly. Based on e attributes that es need to be in we have in our c value we use le are electricity, The price of ts €, GHGs are

measured in CO2 kg, and electrici The CO2 emission per 1 kWh is assu

The data for the utility analysis the decision maker responsible for a utility assessment for each attribu (and assessed scalar constants) for model. Our approach is based on assessment described in [13].

An actor’s attitude towards an utility curve. The utility curves a constants are based on the autho example, we have assumed the purposes. In real life situations, attribute are obtained by eliciting For example, one would have to ask the least preferred outcome, the mo two points in-between.

We assume that all the used at are preference and utility indepen additive independent, and use th function to get an approximate resul The first utility curve (Figure 1 electricity consumption in kWh. A household prefers to have 5000 kW ( 1 ) and is less happy for reasoning behind this is that base single household would need 3850 heating during a year. This curv assumed to be valid for the whole g The second utility curve (Figur household is willing to spend on e According to the figure, the house does not have to spend anything, spend more than 1500 €/year on ele

The third utility curve (Figure 3 acceptance of greenhouse gas produ means the production of CO2. environment conscious and, the production of GHGs. In our exam ideal situation, 1 , while

unacceptable 0).

Figure 1. Utility curve for the househo uel (kWh)

ity is measured in kWh. umed to be 100 g. [30].

should be gathered from a related actor. We need ute, and a utility function each actor in the e3value the technique of utility attribute is shown as a and estimates of scaling ors’ estimations. In our values for educational utility curves for each the actor’s preferences. k the household to assess st preferred outcome and ttributes in this example dent (mutually), but not he multiplicative utility lt [5].

1) is for the household’s According to the figure a Wh of electricity per year r a lower amount. The ed on the given data, a kWh electricity only for ve and other curves are

roup of households. re 2) shows how much a

electricity during a year. hold is the happiest if it and it is not willing to ctricity ( € 0). 3) shows the households’

uction, which in our case . Our households are erefore, averse to the mple 0 kg of CO2 is the

e 500 kg in a year is


Figure 2. Utility curve for the acceptance of u€Spent (€)

Figure 3. Utility curve for greenhouse gas prod

The household then assesses each sca The scaling constants are weights that importance of attributes in relation to ea household’s equation, and are collected fro

this example we assume 0.1

and 0.3. With the set, the scalin be calculated. For that purpose we use the f [13] and get (2).

1 1

1 1 0.1 1 0.1 1


Using formula (3) from [13] and construct the utility equation for the hou characterizes the whole segment. The value utilities are obtained from the utility c attributes which are shown in Figures 1, 2, 3

1 1 1 5.7 loss of money, duction, uGHG (kg) aling constant . t determine the ach other in the om the actors. In , € 0.1 ng constant can formula (1) from (1) 0.3 (2) from (2), we usehold (4) that s for the attribute curves for those


(3) (4)

1 0.57 1 0.57


Next, we repeat the process fo Here we have also three attribut correspond to the retailer’s objectiv amount of electricity, revenue and assumptions again lead us to the mu

The utility curve for the retaile electricity is shown in Figure 4. T retailer prefers to sell as much However, because of the initial inv business, the retailer has to reach a to become profitable. Figure 5 sho electricity revenue and the straigh retailer prefers to maximize sales. F curve for CO2 production, and reve some extent environment conscious

Next, the retailer assesses each determine the weight for the u attributes. In this exam

0.7 , € 0.7 and

set, the scaling constant can be (1), shown with (5).

1 1 0.7 1 0.7


Figure 4. Utility curve for the so

Figure 5. Utility curve for earnin

€ € 1

or the electricity retailer. tes that were chosen to ve. The attributes are sold

d GHGs produced. Our ultiplicative function [5].

r for the sold amount of The curve shows that the electricity as possible. estment of setting up the a certain amount of sales ows the utility curve for ht line tells us that the Figure 6 shows the utility

eals that the retailer is to s.

h scaling constant that utility functions of the mple we assume

0.3. With the two calculated with formula

1 0.3


ld amount, uel (kWh)


Figure 6. Utility curve for the CO2 productio Now that we have for the electricity construct the utility equation, which is show

1 0.9 1 0.63 1

0.63 € €


With the utility equations (4) for the hou for the electricity retailer constructed, we ca utility values for the actors in the first base m the amount of goods exchanged, taken from description, as input to the equations, shown


Elect. (kWh) Money (€) One Household 3700 370 Electricity retailer (for 10 000) 37 000 000 3 700 000 Related utility

The utility for a single household is calc

1 5.7 1 0.57 3700 1

0.57 € 370

1.71 370


The utility for the electricity retailer is ca (6) in a similar way and we get (8).


We assume that the utility value of 0. whole group of households.

We need more scenarios for comparison have modified our baseline e3value methodology of how to come up with mod e3value baseline model is described in [7] substituted electricity mix with green win we assume does not have CO2 as a environment friendly wind electricity has for the household. The value objects ex second value model are shown in Table 2.

Note that the objectives for both actor and therefore we can use the utility graphs the baseline model. However, if we introduc

on, uGHG (kg) retailer, we can wn as (6). 1 1 (6) usehold and (6) an calculate the model. We use m our scenario n in Table 1. RST MODEL GHG (kg) 370 3 700 000 culated using (4). 1 1 (7) alculated using (8) 26 holds for the n and for that we e model. The difications for an . In our case we nd electricity that byproduct. The a different price xchanged in the rs stay the same, s we obtained for ce any new value

objects (i.e., attributes in the utility the amount of actors in any marke redo the utility analysis for those pa


Elect. (kWh) Mone One Household 3700 Electricity retailer (for 10 000) 37 000 000 4 0 Related utility €

Using (4) and (6) we get new 0.80 for the household and The comparison of the two scenari where higher value means bette objective.


Actor Scenario 1 ut

Household 0.26 Electricity retailer 0.77

Here we can see clearly that, gi we used, the households prefer electricity retailer slightly prefers sc

B. Example 2: Optimal Pricing

The second example explores o condition of market competition w electricity and wind electricity. T electricity retailer is to enter a m profit, while the mixed electric established there. The wind electric know how much extra it can charge greenhouse free electricity, so that lose interest. The household’s utili out the best price. The technique sh

n actors and m of value exchanges.

We start by looking at the obje The objective for the households is spending too much money and prod of greenhouse gases. The objective retailer is to sell maximum amou highest price. We choose three electricity, greenhouse gases, and there are 10 000×70 m2 households, 55 kWh/m2/year. As this exampl utility curves for actors, we reuse th example (see Figure 1, Figure 2 , an For this analysis we are o household’s utility function, and multiplicative function is suitable. household assigned the following w chosen to be different from

0.1 , 0.1 an

terms), actors, or change et segments, we have to arts.


ey (€) GHG (kg)

407 0 70 000 0

utility values of

0.74 for the retailer. ios is shown in Table 3, er match with the set


tility Scenario 2 utility

0.80 0.74

iven the information that r scenario 2, and the cenario 1.

optimal pricing under the with two products, mixed The goal for the wind market and maximize its

city retailer is already city retailer would like to e a potential customer for the customer would not ity curve is used to find own here can be used for ectives and the attributes. to get electricity without duce a minimum amount e for the wind electricity unt of electricity at the e attributes, which are

money. We assume that , with the heating need of le is not about creating he ones from the previous

nd Figure 3).

only interested in the d we assume that the

We also assume that the weights, which have been the previous example,


multiplicative utility function. We find scalar constant using formula (1) as shown

1 1 0.1 1 0.0


The new weight and formula (3) are u the household’s utility function and we get (

1 47.24 1 4.72

4.72 € €


Next we calculate how happy the househ buy electricity at a certain price. If we household maximizes its utility at all tim households utility function for buying wind graphical representation of the function f electricity, which doesn’t produce any 0 , is shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7. Household’s utility function for buyin

The next step is to derive the purchase p product. We use (11) to find the optimal poi utility, price and GHGs of electricity, where stands for (10) where 0 .


Figure 8. Household’s electricity purchase

The results of the calculations are sho Here we can see how much wind electricit would like to purchase, given the price ran

the household’s n in (9). 01 (9) used to construct (10). 1 1 (10) hold would be to assume that the mes, we get the d electricity. The for buying wind

GHGs ng wind electricity. preferences of the ints between e (11) e preferences. own in Figure 8. ty the household nge of 0 to 0.3€.

The figure shows us that at 0€ pri happily purchase 5000 kWh, but consumption will fall.

The next step in our analysis is the retailer using function (12), w function. Here we assume the pr electricity to be 0.03€.

The results of the profit calcula 9.

Figure 9. Retailer

The optimal price is determined

The calculation shows that the o electricity is 0.26€. If the price is would buy 2943 kWh wind electri the retailer a profit of 765€.

Augmenting utility theory to e identification of preferable scenario of optimal pricing schemes for the i


According to one of the most highly sciences, Michael Porter's Competit fundamental basis of above-average run is sustainable competitive advan have a myriad of strengths and competitors, there are two basic advantage a firm can possess: low co significance of any strength or wea ultimately a function of its imp differentiation."

Another way to express this is to given business model is successful dependent on the price that consum the offering. This price, in turn, is b of the offering, i.e., the price de absolute value as perceived by the c value and price of the competition. I perceived value (i.e. no differentiati for a higher price than the compe

ice the household would as the price rises, the to calculate the profit for which we call the profit

roduction cost for wind

(12) ation are shown in Figure


by solving (13).

0 (13)

optimal price for the wind s applied, the household icity, which would bring e3value, thus allows the os as well as calculation

nvolved actors.


y cited books in business ive Advantage [31], "The e performance in the long ntage. Though a firm can weaknesses vis-à-vis its c types of competitive ost or differentiation. The kness a firm possesses is act on relative cost or o point out that whether a

or not is thus completely mers are willing to pay for ased on the relative value epends not only on the

customer, but also on the If there is no difference in ion), then there is no base etition, so the remaining


competitive advantage is low cost. But in order to reason about prices, and thus about business model viability, there is a need to understand the perceived customer value of the offering as compared to competing offers. In particular, it is important to understand the uniqueness of the value offering. If there is perfect substitutability between the offering and the competition, then the price cannot exceed that of the competition. The more unique the offering, the greater the difference in pricing can be.

In existing business model frameworks, such as e3value and Osterwalder's Business Model Canvas, there is little support for reasoning about these issues. e3value allows the modeler to specify the perceived customer value of a product in dollars and cents, but there is no way to determine the plausibility of that estimate. However, that estimate is the linchpin of the business model.

In this paper, we introduce utility theory to address this issue. An actor's joint utility function specifies how much value the actor attaches to a given product or service's different qualities. In the paper's running example, the value of electricity, the value of (not emitting) GHGs, and even the value of money are such qualities. Competing value offerings map to different points on the customer utility function, since they provide certain quantities of each quality. Since the customer can be expected to maximize her utility, her choices between offerings can be predicted. Thus, given the proposed utility extension, it is possible to quantitatively reason about the relative customer value of a business’ offering compared to the offerings of the competition. This, in turn, allows the optimization of price, that key ingredient in any business model.


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