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Planhiërarchische oplossingen : een bron voor maatschappelijk verzet

van Baren, N.G.E.

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van Baren, N. G. E. (2001). Planhiërarchische oplossingen : een bron voor maatschappelijk


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Etatisation of Russian capitalism was expressed in the partial increase of the state capacity, in the shift from the liberal to conservative political elites and in the

Therefore, in our conception change is a shift in the proportion of elements of ideal types in an empirical case: liberalisation implies a decrease of statist and/or

Having violated regulations, evaded taxes or paid bribes, firms can be 'grabbed by the scruff of the neck' (interview with B15) since exposure of illicit conduct

My main argument is that patrimonial capitalism is not only a result of the top-down activity of the state sovereign, its corrupt agents or cronies in

In this context it is crucial that entrepreneurs cease seeing formal and informal costs of doing business (and solving arising problems) as comparable

Abstract: This article explores the poetics of the neuromolecular gaze in Bart Koubaa’s 2007 novel Het gebied van Nevski and James Cameron’s 2009 film Avatar.. It considers the

To this end, it undertakes a reappraisal of institutional thought in order to conceptualise institutional transformation, the establishment of a concep- tual linkage between

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