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Style characterization of machine printed texts - Contents


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Style characterization of machine printed texts

Bagdanov, A.D.

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Citation for published version (APA):

Bagdanov, A. D. (2004). Style characterization of machine printed texts.

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Contents s

00 Prelude 1 11 Introduction 3

1.11 Elements of style * - 3

1.22 Context and scope 4 1.2.11 Context 4 1.2.22 Scope 7 1.33 Organization of this thesis 11

22 Characterizing layout style using first order Gaussian graphs 13

2.11 Definitions and basic concepts 14 2.1.11 First order Gaussian graphs 14

2.1.22 Technicalities 17 2.1.33 Reflections 20 2.22 Clustering and classification 21

2.2.11 Hierarchical clustering of FOGGs 21 2.2.22 Classification using first order Gaussian graphs 23

2.33 Experiments 25 2.3.11 Test data 25 2.3.22 Classifiers 26 2.3.33 Experimental results 27 2.3.44 Computational efficiency , . . 28 2.3.55 Analysis 29 2.44 Discussion 31

33 Multi-scale visual style characterization w i t h rectangular

granulome-triess 35

3.11 Document genre 37 3.22 Granulometries 39 3.33 Document representation 41

3.3.11 Rectangular size distributions 42

3.3.22 Efficiency 43 3.3.33 Feature space reduction and interpretation 44

3.44 Experimental results 46 3.4.11 Genre classification 47 3.4.22 Document image retrieval 47



3.55 Discussion 49

44 Probing textual style w i t h local vertical granulometries 51

4.11 Another look at granulometries 52 4.1.11 The key observation 52 4.1.22 Introducing localization 54 4.22 An efficient word spotter 56 4.33 A Generative model 59

4.3.11 Glyph distributions 59 4.3.22 A generative word model , 61

4.44 Experiments and illustration 62 4.4.11 Typeface classification . , 63

4.4.22 Word spotting 65

4.55 Discussion 69

55 Autocorrelation-driven restoration of scanned color halftones 71

5.11 Halftone process color 72 5.1.11 Halftone color reproduction 72

5.1.22 Scanned color halftones 73 5.22 Diffusion of scanned color halftones , 76

5.2.11 Linear diffusion filtering 77 5.2.22 Nonlinear diffusion filtering 77

5.33 Measuring local autocorrelation 79

5.44 Experiments 82 5.55 Discussion 85

66 A functional approach t o software design in image processing research

environmentss 89

6.11 Introduction 89 6.22 A critique of pure reason 90

6.2.11 Analysis 92 6.33 Design considerations , 94 6.3.11 Goals 94 6.3.22 Choice of language 94 6.3.33 Previous work 96 6.44 Architecture 97 6.55 Primitive types and operations 97

6.5.11 Types and typing 98 6.5.22 Primitive image operations 102

6.66 Backend substitution 107

6.77 Case studies 112 6.7.11 Linear scalespace 113

6.7.22 Complete lattice morphology 117 6.7.33 An algebraic expression compiler 122



77 Summary and concluding remarks 131

7.11 Summary 131 7.22 Concluding remarks 133

Bibliographyy 135 Samenvattingg 143 Acknowledgements s 145 5




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