University of Groningen
Current understanding of fibrosis in genetic cardiomyopathies
Eijgenraam, Tim R; Silljé, Herman H W; de Boer, Rudolf A
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Eijgenraam, T. R., Silljé, H. H. W., & de Boer, R. A. (2020). Current understanding of fibrosis in genetic
cardiomyopathies. TRENDS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, 30(6), 353-361.
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Herman H.W.
Rudolf A.
∗Department of Cardiology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Antonius Deusinglaan 1, 9713 AV Groningen, the Netherlands
Keywords: Fibrosis Remodeling Heart failure Cardiomyopathy Genetics Imaginga
Myocardialfibrosisistheexcessivedepositionofextracellularmatrixproteins,includingcollagens,inthe heart.Incardiomyopathies,theformationofinterstitialfibrosisand/orreplacementfibrosisisalmost al-wayspartofthepathologicalcardiacremodelingprocess.Differentformsofcardiomyopathiesshow par-ticularpatternsofmyocardialfibrosisthatcanbeconsideredasdistinctivehallmarks.Althoughformation offibrosisisinitiallyaimedtobeareparativemechanism,inthelongterm,on-goingandexcessive my-ocardialfibrosismayleadtoarrhythmiasandstiffeningoftheheartwallandsubsequentlytodiastolic dysfunction.Ultimately,adverseremodelingwithprogressivemyocardialfibrosiscanleadtoheart fail-ure.Notsurprisingly, thepresenceoffibrosis incardiomyopathies,even whensubtle,hasconsistently beenassociatedwithcomplicationsandadverseoutcomes.Inthelastdecade,non-invasiveinvivo tech-niquesforvisualizationofmyocardialfibrosishaveemerged,andhavebeenincreasinglyusedinresearch andintheclinic.Inthisreview,wewilldescribetheepidemiology,distribution,androleofmyocardial fi-brosisingeneticcardiomyopathies,includinghypertrophic,dilated,arrhythmogenic,andnon-compaction cardiomyopathy,andafewspecificformsofgeneticcardiomyopathies.
© 2019TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierInc. ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense.( )
Heart failure (HF) is a major cause of morbidity and mortal-ity worldwideandis expected to increase in the next years due to the aging population [1]. HF is defined by an inadequate cir-culation,due to lossof cardiac pumpfunction, andconsequently the inability to provide other tissues with an adequate amount of blood andoxygen [1].Cardiomyopathies are a group of struc-tural and functional disorders that affect the heart muscle and often lead to HF [2]. A diagnosisof cardiomyopathy impliesthat nounderlyingpathophysiologysuchas(untreated)coronaryartery disease, hypertension, valvular disease or congenital heart de-fect canexplainthemyocardialremodelingandabnormalities[2]. ✩ Declaration of Competing Interest: The UMCG, which employs the authors, has
received research grants and/or fees from AstraZeneca , Abbott, Bristol-Myers Squibb ,
Novartis , Novo Nordisk , and Roche. Dr. de Boer received personal fees from Abbott, AstraZeneca, MandalMed Inc., and Novartis.
✩✩ Funding: This work was supported by the Netherlands Heart Foundation (CVON
DOSIS, grant 2014–40) and by a grant from the Leducq Foundation (Cure Phospho- LambaN induced cardiomyopathy (Cure-PLaN)). Dr. de Boer receives further sup- port from the Netherlands Heart Foundation (CVON SHE-PREDICTS-HF (2017–21), CVON RED-CVD (2017–11) and CVON PREDICT2 (grant 2018–30)), the Innovational Research Incentives Scheme program of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO VIDI, grant 917.13.350), and the European Research Council ( ERC CoG 818715 , SECRETE-HF ).
∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.A. de Boer).
Cardiomyopathies are categorized based on morphological and pathological characteristics of the heart [2]. The most common typesofgeneticcardiomyopathiesincludehypertrophic,dilated, ar-rhythmogenic,restrictive,andnon-compactioncardiomyopathy[2]. Ingeneticcardiomyopathies,generallychangesoccur inthe struc-tureandfunction of cardiomyocytes, andthisis often associated withformationoffibrosis.Indeed,ahallmarkofcardiomyopathies andHF iscardiacfibrosis.In thisreview,we willdiscussthe epi-demiology, distribution, and role of myocardial fibrosis in hyper-trophic, dilated, arrhythmogenic, and non-compaction cardiomy-opathy, and forms of cardiomyopathy with a unique pattern of myocardialfibrosis.
In the healthy heart, the cardiomyocytes are tightly arranged andcoupledforsynchronizationofelectrical conductionand con-traction.Thearchitecture ofthecardiac muscleisheavily defined byanetworkofextracellularmatrix(ECM)proteins,anon-cellular networkthatfunctionsasascaffold,andcontainsnumerouscells, includingcardiacfibroblasts(CFs)[3].Themaincomponentofthe cardiacECMiscollagen,consistingofapproximately85%typeI col-lagen, whichis importantfor strength,and 11%type III collagen, whichisimportantforelasticity[3].TheECMhasahighturnover of proteins, mainly mediated by the CFs [4]. CFs synthesize the
354 T.R. Eijgenraam, H.H.W. Silljé and R.A. de Boer / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 353–361
Fig. 1. Myocardial fibrosis can be present as replacement/scarring, reactive interstitial, and perivascular fibrosis, or as a combination. The different cell types that are involved are shown in the panels on the left: fibroblasts (green), inflammatory cells (blue), and cardiomyocytes (red), with fibrillar debris interpositioned. (From: de Boer RA et al.
Eur J Heart Fail 2019;21(3):272–85 [6] ). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
ECMproteins,includingcollagen,whilematrixmetalloproteinases (MMPs)breakdownECMproteins.MMPsare,inturn,regulatedby tissueinhibitorsofmetalloproteinases(TIMPs)[4].Indeed,theECM isnotstatic,butratheraverydynamicstructure,withcontinuous synthesisanddegradationatalltimes.
Fibrosis is a characteristicof manychronic diseases, including cardiac disease and HF. In case of myocardial fibrosis, the bal-ance between synthesis and degradation of ECM proteins is dis-turbed,leadingtoexcessfibrousconnectivetissueformation[3].A maineventthatoccursisCFactivationanddifferentiationinto my-ofibroblasts,which is primarily triggered by transforming growth factor(TGF-)
[5].MyofibroblastssecretehigheramountsofECM proteins,therebyplayingakeyroleinfibrosisformation[4].Based onthe cause andappearance, fibrosis can be divided into differ-ent subtypes: reactive interstitial fibrosis, infiltrativeperivascular fibrosis,andreplacementfibrosis(Fig.1) [6].Interstitialfibrosisis characterizedbyanincreaseinECMandcollagendepositsbetween thecells without loss ofcardiomyocytes. The fibrosis is diffusely presentthroughoutthemyocardium.Thistypeoffibrosisismostly caused by chronic triggers, such aspressure overload (hyperten-sion),inflammation,andaging [6]. Perivascular fibrosisis charac-terizedbyaccumulationofcollagenfibresinthearea surrounding thecoronaryarteries,andismainlyobservedinthesettingof hy-pertension[6].Replacement fibrosis presentsfollowing cardiomy-ocytedeath, andoccurs for instance after acute ischemic injury, suchasmyocardialinfarction(MI)(Fig.2)[6].Inmultifactorial forms ofHF, generallyinolder patientsorin patientswithhypertension, diabetes mellitus (DM), andcoronary artery disease(CAD) withMI, thetriggers forcardiac remodeling andfibrosis are well known.For instance,chronic pressure over-load, such ashypertensionandvalvular disease,causes activation ofTGF-
witha subsequentprocess ofinterstitial fibrosis[7].MI ischaracterized by substantialcell loss,which necessitates repar-ative fibrosis [8]. However, the triggers in cardiomyopathies are lesswellstudied,andthuslessclear.Inhypertrophic cardiomyopa-thy,weknowthatthecellularchanges andgrowthatthesitesof hypertrophy areuncontrolled,witha typical patterndisarrayand cellloss,andpatchyreplacementfibrosiscanbediscerned[9].On theotherhand,indilatedcardiomyopathy,stretchoftheventricle duetodilatationcausescardiacremodeling,paracrinesignalingof thecardiomyocytestotheCFs,andactivationofpro-fibrotic neuro-hormonalsystems,mostnotablytherenin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, withmyocardialinterstitial fibrosisasaresult[10].Other formsofcardiomyopathiesarecharacterizedbyother triggers,but theexactculpritsandsequelaeofeventsareunknown.Ascardiomyocyteshavenegligibleregenerativecapacity,severe cardiomyocyte loss cannot be compensated by the generation of newcardiomyocytes. The subsequentloss of tissuewill therefore havetoberepairedbygenerationoffibroticscartissue[3].In oth-ers words, initially, fibrosis formation often is a reparative reac-tiontomaintaincardiacstructuralintegrityandstrength,andmay prevent dramaticevents suchascardiac rupture.The presenceof
Normal network of extracellular matrix Healthy
Most prominently patches of replacement fibrosis, mainly in the septum, and/or RV and LV insertion points HCM
Replacement fibrosis, present throughout the LV midwall
In addition to fibrofatty replacement, myocardial fibrosis in the RV free wall and RV wall of the septum ARVC
Myocardial fibrosis, commonly in the compacted but also in the non-compacted wall, mainly in the septum LVNC
Extensive interstitial myocardial fibrosis, predominantly in the epicardial layer of the posterolateral LV wall PLN-R14del
Replacement fibrosis in the infarcted area of the LV wall, often endocardial or epicardial, or even transmural, depending on the infarct size MI LV RV LV RV LV RV LV RV (66) (82) (38) (83) (84) (66) (81) LV RV
Fig. 2. Overview of the different types of cardiomyopathies that were discussed in this review and their distinct types and patterns of myocardial fibrosis. Healthy my- ocardium is visualized as dark areas without fibrosis, while fibrotic patches are observed as bright areas of LGE. (CMR images from: Posch et al. Heart Rhythm 2009;6(4):480– 486 [66] , Doltra et al. Biomed Res Int 2013;2013:676,489 [81] , Ismail et al. Heart 2014;100(23):1851–1858 [82] , Lehrke et al. Heart 2011;97(9):727–732 [38] , Waterhouse et al.
Br J Sports Med 2012;46(Suppl 1):69–77 [83] , and Szemraj-Rogucka & Majos OMICS J Radiol 2017;6:246 [84] ).
fibrosis has consistently beenassociated with worse clinical out-comes. Clearly,this willbe confoundedby thefact that most se-vere cardiomyopathywill be accompanied by the mostextensive fibrosis. However, the sheer presence offibrosis, especially when disproportionate totheseverityofthedisease,maycausespecific clinicalpresentationthatisdisadvantageous.Forinstance, myocar-dial tissuebecomesstiff andlesscompliantwhenexcessive fibro-sis forms, resultingin diastolic dysfunction[11]. Further, intersti-tial or patchy fibrosis is accompanied with electrical events that maycausearrhythmias,such asre-entry circuitsandareasof au-tomatedautomaticity[12].
The gold standard for the investigation of myocardial fibrosis consistsofhistologicalanalysisof endocardialbiopsies (EMB),for exampleusingMasson’strichromeorSiriusredstaining[6]. How-ever, since the collection of tissue samples requires an invasive procedure, andexplantedtissues are not commonly available for scientific purposes, the data from histological studies are scarce. Furthermore,obtainingEMBissubjecttosamplingerror,asit usu-ally is taken via right-sided heart catheterization from the right ventricular(RV)septalarea.Inother words,absenceoffibrosisin
356 T.R. Eijgenraam, H.H.W. Silljé and R.A. de Boer / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 353–361
EMB doesnot at all rule out the presence of(extensive, patchy) fibrosis elsewhere in the heart. Alternatively, non-invasive tech-niques have emerged to investigate cardiac fibrosis in vivo, most commonly using cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging. An example is the use of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) [13]. Gadolinium(Gd) isachemicalelementthat createsavisible con-trast on CMR. By intravenously injecting a bolus of Gd, bound toa carriermolecule thatis relativelylarge andthereforecannot pass the cell membrane, the Gd will rapidly diffuse out of the blood vessels into the tissues, including the heart. In the heart, it cannot invade into intact cardiomyocytes, and will therefore distributeacrosstheextracellularspace.PassivelyaccumulatedGd willslowly diffuseout of thetissue and iseventually cleared by thekidneys.Incaseofdamagedcellsorfibrosis,thereismore ex-tracellular spaceand thereforea greater amount ofGd, resulting ina delayed wash in andwash out, which can be visualized on CMR[13].Normalmyocardiumisvisualizedasa“dark” area with-outGd,anddamagedmyocardiumwillbeseenas“bright” areasof Gdaccumulation.TheextentofLGEcanbequantified andthe ac-curacyofLGE-CMRtovisualizefocalmyocardialfibrosis hasbeen validatedbya closecorrelation tohistologicallyprovencardiac fi-brosis[14].
The major disadvantage ofLGE isits limited resolutioninthe detectionofmyocardialfibrosis.LGEisanall-or-nothingapproach, whichisverysensitivetoregionalGdaccumulation,andis there-foreabletovisualizefocalregionsof(replacement)fibrosisbutnot diffuseinterstitial fibrosis [13]. In order to overcome this limita-tion,newCMRtechniquesusingT1mappinghavebeendeveloped. T1mappingconsistsofthegenerationofapixelatedmapbasedon thelongitudinal orspin-lattice relaxationof protonsthat recover towardsthermodynamicequilibriumfollowingexcitationwiththe radiofrequencybeam [15]. The value ofT1 relaxationtime varies accordingtothestateofthemolecularenvironment.ThenativeT1 value is a tissue-specific time constant inthe absence ofan ex-ogenouscontrastagent.Tissuesgenerallycontainwaterbut patho-logical processes, including fibrosis, alter the water composition andthereby altertheT1values.Incaseofmyocardialfibrosis,an increase in native T1 relaxation time will be observed. T1 map-ping can alsobe combined withadministrationof Gd, which in-creases protonrelaxation, and thus decreases T1 relaxation time [15].Therefore,incontrasttothenativeT1relaxationtime,incase ofmyocardial fibrosis, the post-contrast T1 valueswill be lower. Nativeandpost-contrastT1mappingcandetermineanincreasein ECMvolumethatisnotdetectablebyLGE.
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is characterized by left ventricularhypertrophy (LVH), whichcannot be explained by ab-normal loading conditions (e.g. hypertension) [16]. In the early stages,HCMcanpresentwithanon-dilatedleftventricle(LV),and anormalLV ejectionfraction(EF)or evenhypercontractility[16]. Inthe late phase ofthe disease, often a dilated LV anddiastolic dysfunctionareobserved[16].Mostcommonly,thehypertrophyis asymmetrical and is predominantly located in the interventricu-larseptal(IVS)wall at thebasal level,but hypertrophymay also presentapicalorelsewhereintheheart[16].DiagnosisofHCMis basedon the presenceof a diastolic LVwall greaterthan 15mm duringcardiacimaging[16].However,inchildrenaZ-scoreisused toreflectdeviationfromanage-andsex-matchedpopulation[16]. Myocardial fibrosishasbeenextensivelyresearchedinHCM.In astudy by Galati etal.[17],30 hearts that were explantedfrom end-stageHCM patientsduetosevereHFwerehistologically ana-lyzedtoquantitativelydeterminetheextent,typeanddistribution ofmyocardialfibrosis.Allheartshadmassiveamountsof myocar-dialfibrosis,rangingfrom23%to56%,withanaverageamountof
37%[17].Thetypeofmyocardialfibrosiswasdeterminedand clas-sified as interstitial or replacement fibrosis, or as a combination [17].Themostprominenttypeofmyocardialfibrosiswas replace-ment fibrosis,which waspresentinmore than halfof thecases, followed by a combination of replacement and interstitial fibro-sis inathird ofthecases[17].Interstitialfibrosis alonewasonly seeninoneintencases[17].Thedistributionofmyocardialfibrosis wasassessedalongthethreeaxes,longitudinal(base-to-apex), cir-cumferential(anterior, posterior,lateralandseptal),and transmu-ral(epicardial-to-endocardial)[17].Alongthelongitudinalaxis,the amountof fibrosiswas progressivelyincreasing whengoing from basetoapex[17].Consideringthecircumferentialaxis,theLVfree wallandtheIVS,especiallyattheLVandRVinsertionpoints,were mostlyaffected[17].Incontrast,theposterolateralLVwallandRV wereleastinvolved[17].Finally,theepicardial-to-endocardial dis-tribution showed that myocardial fibrosis wasmostly present in themid-ventricularlayer[17].
Since the tissuesthat are available for histological evaluation ofmyocardial fibrosisare usually derived fromend-stagedisease, when the amount of fibrosis may have accumulated to extreme amounts,thesestudiesdonotprovideinsightinthedevelopment of myocardialfibrosis during diseaseprogression. For thisreason and the fact that explanted tissues are scarce, most studies use LGE-CMR. Thesestudies havereported that the majority (42% to 92%)ofHCMpatientshaveLGEonCMR,indicatingthepresenceof densefocal scarring [18–23].Similarto theabovementioned his-tologicalfindings,thereportedamountofmyocardialfibrosiswas extensiveastheextentofLGEwentupto65%oftotalLVmass,and wasmostlypresentattheIVSandtheinsertionpointsoftheRVto theLV.Interestingly,thepresenceandextentofLGEwereofgreat prognosticvalue sincetheyhavebeenassociatedwithseveral ad-verse clinical outcomes, including contractiledysfunction [20,23], cardiacarrhythmias[18–20],andcardiovascularandall-cause mor-tality[19–22].SinceLGE isonlycapable ofvisualizingdense scar tissue, newer studies have used T1-weighted imaging [24–27]. Non-contrast, native T1 relaxation times were increased in HCM patients, indicating the presence of interstitial fibrosis [24–26]. T1 values were higher in segments with LGE than in segments withoutLGEbutwerealsohigherthannormalinregionswithout LGE,meaningthat,besidespatchesoffibrosis,alsodiffuse intersti-tialfibrosiswaspresentthatwasnot detectedby LGE[24]. Simi-larly,presenceofinterstitial fibrosiswasdemonstratedbyshorter post-contrast T1relaxation timesin HCM patientsafter adminis-tration of Gd [25,27]. In line withthe findings usingLGE, it has beenreportedthat themyocardialT1timescorrelated with dias-tolicfunction [27].Together, thesestudiesshow that bothdiffuse interstitial fibrosis anddense focal replacement fibrosisare com-monlypresentinHCMpatientsandcanbevisualizedbyCMR.
In additionto the use ofimaging techniquesto visualize my-ocardial fibrosis, a few studies have investigated the utility of serum biomarkers in the assessment of cardiac remodeling in HCM.High sensitivitycardiactroponinT(hs-cTnT) isamarkerof cardiomyocyte death as troponin isreleased from permeabilized, deadcardiomyocytes.Indirectly,hs-cTnTcouldindicatemyocardial fibrosis as cardiomyocyte loss is replaced by fibrosis [28,29]. It has been reported that hs-cTnT serum levels are higher in HCM patients compared to healthy controls, and that increasing lev-elsof hs-cTnTare associatedwithincreasing amountsof myocar-dialfibrosis[28,30].Astudyby Roncaratietal.[31]demonstrated thatcirculatingmiRNA-29a,whichisproduced byfibroblasts,and plays a role in fibrosis by regulating collagen gene expression, waspositivelycorrelatedwithmyocardialfibrosisinHCMpatients. Also, plasmalevels of MMP-9 have been shown to be increased in HCM patients[32]. Interestingresults havebeen found in pa-tientsthatcarryapathogenicsarcomeremutationbutdonothave LVH.Thesegenotypepositive-phenotypenegative(G+P-)patients
were also shown to havemyocardial fibrosis, evidenced by pres-enceofLGEandincreasedT1relaxationtimes[33,34].Inaddition, Hoetal.[23] demonstrated thatserumlevels ofprocollagen I C-terminal propeptide(PICP), a marker of collagensynthesis, were elevatedinG+P-HCMpatients,andevenhigherinpatientswith an established phenotype.Moreover, theratioofPICP tocollagen typeIC-terminaltelopeptide(CITP),whichreflectsthebalance be-tweencollagensynthesisanddegradation,wasunchangedin phe-notype negative patients but was higher in patients with overt HCM, suggesting that at first collagen synthesis and degradation arebalancedbutlatercollagensynthesisexceedsdegradation[23]. Together,thesefindingssuggestthatmyocardialfibrosismaybean early diseasemanifestation,independentofLVHandother abnor-malities.
In summary,in the majorityof HCM patients, oftenextensive amounts of fibrosis are observed. Typical to HCM, this is most commonlyseen aspatchyreplacement fibrosis,eitheraloneorin combination with interstitial fibrosis, and mostly present at the (basal)IVSandtheattachmentoftheRVandLV(Fig.2). Thiscan be assessed usingLGE and T1mapping on CMR,but alsoserum biomarkershavebeenshowntobeuseful.Thepresenceandextent offibrosishaveconsequencesfordiseasepenetration and progno-sis.
Ontheoppositesiteofthespectrumofcardiomyopathiesis di-latedcardiomyopathy(DCM),whichischaracterizedbyventricular dilatation and often progressive contractiledysfunction, resulting ingreatrisk ofdevelopingHF[10].DiagnosisofDCMisbasedon a LVEF below45% andan end-diastolicLV diametergreater than 117%duringcardiacimagingintheabsenceofotherknowncauses ofmyocardialdisease[10].
SeveralstudiesusingLGE-CMRhavereportedthatonethirdto two thirds(30–66%)ofDCMpatientshavefocalmyocardial fibro-sis [35–38]. Although less extensive than in HCM patients, gen-erally substantial myocardial fibrosis can be determined, up to 36% of total LV mass. LGE distribution is typically indicated as midwall fibrosis, which sets it apart from LGE distribution ob-servedinischemicheartdisease[35–37].DCMpatientswith mid-wall fibrosishavebeenreportedtohavegreaterLVdilatation and worse LVEF than DCM patients without midwall fibrosis [36,38]. Furthermore, the presence and extent of LGE have been associ-atedwithadverseclinicaloutcomes,includingcardiacarrhythmias, HF severity, higher rates of cardiac transplantation, implantable cardioverter/defibrillator(ICD)implantationandcardiac resynchro-nization therapy (CRT), and cardiovascular and all-cause mortal-ity [36–38]. Presence of interstitial fibrosis was also observed, evidenced by increasedmean nativeT1 relaxationtimes and de-creasedpost-contrastT1relaxationtimesinDCMpatients,evenin theabsenceofLGE[24,25].
Aunique study,performedbyGulati etal.[36],hadexplanted hearts of16DCMpatientsafterhearttransplantationordeath for histological assessment of myocardialfibrosis together withCMR data. Staining of the explanted hearts validated the findings on CMRstudiesperformedinthesamepatientspriortotheirdeathor transplant, confirmingpresenceofextensivemidwallreplacement fibrosisinDCMpatients[36].
Twostudiesreportedthatserumlevelsofseveralfibrosis mark-ers,includingprocollagentypeIII(PCIII),connectivetissuegrowth factor(CTGF),MMP-2,MMP-9andTIMP-1,wereincreasedinDCM patients compared to healthy controls[39,40]. Interestingly, only PCIIIwasevenhigherinDCMpatientswithdetectablefibrosisthan inDCMpatientswithoutdetectablefibrosis[39].
To summarize, many DCM patients present with substantial amounts of myocardial fibrosis. In these patients, myocardial
fi-brosisismostly observedasreplacement fibrosis witha midwall distributionthroughouttheLV(Fig.2).SimilartoHCM,myocardial fibrosisisrelatedtodiseaseseverityinDCM.
Arrhythmogenicrightventricularcardiomyopathy (ARVC)isan inheritedform ofheart disease andis characterized by ventricu-lararrhythmias(VAs)andcontractiledysfunctionwithahighrisk forsuddencardiacdeath(SCD),particularlyinyoungpatientsand athletes[41].Initially,thistypeofcardiomyopathywasthoughtto predominantlyaffecttherightsideoftheheartbutnowadaysitis increasinglyrecognizedtoinvolvebothventricles,resultinginthe broaderterm ofarrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ACM)[41].The hallmark characteristicof ARVCis the replacementof myocardial tissue,mainlyofthe RV,byfibrofatty tissue[41].Inaddition, de-generationofthemyocardium andfibrosisarepresent[41].There is nogold standard in the diagnosisof ARVC [41]. Instead, diag-nosisisbased ona scoringsystemcomprisedofmultipleaspects suchasgeneticfactors,electrocardiographicandhistological abnor-malities,arrhythmias, and structuralor functional alterations, di-videdintomajorandminorcriteriabasedontheirassociationwith ARVC[41].DiagnosisofARVCis fulfilledwhen2majorcriteria, 1 major plus 2minor, or4 minorcriteriafrom differentcategories arepresent[41].
Since the key hallmark of ARVC is cardiac fibrofatty replace-ment, the use of LGE is not included in the current Task Force criteria for diagnosis of ARVC [42]. Only a few studies have in-vestigated LGE on CMR in ARVC [43–46]. These studies reported the presence of RV LGE in 39%−88%of ARVC patients. The high variabilitybetween studies mightbe explained by the low num-berof patients(n=8–23) that werestudied. LGEwasmost com-monlyfoundintheRVoutflowtract,RVfree wallandRVwallof the IVS (Fig. 2). Regions of LGE were describedto show motion abnormalities[43,44].IntwostudiesEMBs orexplantedheart tis-sues were available from a small number of patients and histo-logicalexamination confirmed the presence ofextensive myocar-dial fibrosis in the RV wall [43,44]. In a study by Tandri et al., [43]presenceofLGEpredictedinducibilityofventricular tachycar-dia(VT) duringelectrophysiologicaltesting. Moreover,therewasa strongassociationbetweenthe extentofLGEandRV dysfunction [43,45]. In addition to RV LGE, two studies reported presence of LGE inthe LV in 50% and33% of ARVC patients, consistent with theincreasingly recognized paradigmthatARVC hasbiventricular involvement[44,46].
There are several limitations that complicate the use of LGE inARVC. One limitationis the thinRV wall and thepronounced thinning ofthe RVwall inARVC [42]. In addition,it is challeng-ing todistinguish myocardial fibrosisfromfibrofatty replacement byLGE sequences,introducinggreatinterobservervariability[42]. Three-dimensional(3D)electroanatomicvoltagemapping(EVM)is a technique to accurately characterize presence, localization, and extent of so-called low-voltage areas (LVAs) or “electroanatomi-calscars”[47].LVAs havebeenproven tocorrespondwithRV ar-easof pathological myocardial substrates [47]. Indeed,increasing amounts ofRV LGE were associated withthe extent ofLVAs but EVMhasbeenshowntoprovideamoreaccuratemeasurementof affectedmyocardium inARVC patients, evidenced by presence of LVAs in64–91% of patients[45,46,48]. However, the main disad-vantageofEVMisthatitisaninvasiveprocedureasitrequires car-diaccatheterization,whereasLGEcanbeusednoninvasively[45].
Insummary, eventhough ARVC is mainlycharacterized by fi-brofattyreplacement, anddetermination ofmyocardialfibrosis in vivocould bechallenging, thepresenceoffocal RVmyocardial fi-brosisisrelatedtotheseverityofRVdysfunctionandthepresence
358 T.R. Eijgenraam, H.H.W. Silljé and R.A. de Boer / Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine 30 (2020) 353–361
ofVT.Additionally,myocardial fibrosis isnot limitedto the right sideoftheheartbutmayalsobeobservedintheLV.
Left ventricular non-compaction (LVNC) is a very rare form of cardiomyopathy, which is characterized by structural abnor-mality of the LV myocardium [49]. The etiology of LVNC is un-knownbut isbelievedto be genetic in nature,causing failure of the compaction process of the myocardial wall during develop-ment[49].Thekey hallmarkofLVNCisthetwo-layeredstructure of the LV myocardium at the apical and lateral sides, consisting ofa spongy(non-compacted), trabeculated endocardiallayer and a thinner compacted epicardial layer [49]. The ratio of non-compactedtocompactedmyocardium isthemaincriterionfor di-agnosisofLVNC,andismetwhentheratioisgreater than2:1at end-systoleusingechocardiography or2.3:1atend-diastoleusing CMR[49].
A limited amount of studies have investigated myocardial fi-brosis in small numbers (n=13–47) of LVNC patients [50–56]. Thesestudies reported thepresence of LGE onCMR in 33%−74% of LVNC patients. The average reported amount of LGE was rel-ativelysmall when compared to the cardiomyopathies that were previously discussed, ranging from 5% to 8% of total LV mass. LGEwaspresentin bothcompacted andnon-compacted myocar-dial segments butmostcommonly inthe compacted region, and mainlyintheIVS[50–53].LGEwasmostfrequentlyseenas mid-myocardial[51–54].Eventhoughthe amountofmyocardial fibro-sis is low, LVNC patients with LGE were demonstrated to have greater LV volume than patients without LGE, and presence and extentof LGE were independently related toLV systolic function [51,53–55].Moreover,LVNCpatientswithLGEhadahigherriskof developingarrhythmias [53,55]. Mean nativeT1 relaxation times ofthecompacted myocardiumofLVNCpatientswerehigherthan healthycontrolmyocardium[54,56].Furthermore,LGE-positive pa-tientshadhighernativeT1valuesthanpatientswithoutLGE,and nativeT1valuesshowedaninversedcorrelationwithLVEF[54,56]. Nuciforaetal.[51]observedpresenceofLGEinapproximately20% ofasymptomaticLVNCpatientsandLVNCpatientswithpreserved systolicfunction, which suggeststhat myocardial fibrosis maybe anearlydiseasemanifestation.
ThestudyofSzemraj-Roguckaetal.[53]determinedtheplasma levelsoffourmiRNAs,whicharewellestablishedinmyocardial fi-brosis, miRNA-21,miRNA-29a, miRNA-30d andmiRNA-133a. They demonstrate that plasma levels of all 4 miRNAs are elevated in LVNCpatientsascomparedtohealthycontrols.Inaddition,plasma levelswerehigherinLVNCpatientswithLGEascomparedtoLVNC patientswithoutLGE.TheonlystudyinwhichanEMBsamplewas availablewasacasereportbyKalavakuntaetal.,[57]inwhich his-tologicalexaminationshowedavastamountofreplacement fibro-sis,similartothefindingswithCMR.
To summarize, myocardial fibrosis was mostly present in the compacted myocardium, andmost commonly inthe IVS (Fig.2). The presence of patches of myocardial replacement fibrosis, al-thoughto alesserextent thanin other formsofcardiomyopathy, correlatedwiththeseverityofsystolicdysfunctionandtheriskof arrhythmiasinLVNC.Moreover,inthesepatients,theserumlevels ofmiRNAsrelatedtofibrosiswereindicativeofmyocardialfibrosis severity.
The cardiomyopathies describedabove adhereto common de-scriptions. There are, however, also additional gene mutations causingcardiomyopathiesthatcannotbeautomaticallyincludedin
oneofthesecategories,astheyexhibitaspecificclinical presenta-tion,oftenalsowithdivergentfibroticpatterns.
Laminopathies arecaused bypathogenic variantsin thelamin A/C (LMNA) gene [58]. The lamin A and C proteins are pro-duced via alternative splicing of this gene, and are components of the nuclear lamina and hence essential in proper nuclear ar-chitectureandfunction.Severalautosomaldominantmutationsin the LMNA gene have been associated with cardiac disease that finally can culminate in a DCM phenotype. This cardiomyopa-thy is,however,also characterized by early-onset atrioventricular (AV)-block, (supra)ventricular arrhythmias, and SCD even before DCMdevelopment[59].Thus,incontrasttoidiopathicDCM,these laminopathieshaveahigheroccurrenceofconductionsystem de-fects and VAs. Interestingly, the unusual structural abnormalities in laminopathiesinclude fibrosis within the IVS,near the region oftheconductionsystem,ashasbeenrevealedbyautopsystudies [60].Several imaging studies using LGE have shown midmyocar-dial basal and septal fibrosis [61–63]. The basal septal scar also makescatheterablationofVAsverychallengingandthisprocedure isassociatedwithapoorprognosisinthispatientpopulation.[64]. ThelocalizedfibrosisintheIVSmaybethemechanismbehind re-duced septal function, AV-block, and VA in lamin A/C mutation-positivesubjects.Inconclusion,thefibroticpatterninlaminopathy patientsappears differentfromotherDCM patientsandevenhas someHCM(septalfibrosis)characteristics.
Another formof cardiomyopathy that is presentwith specific diseaseisthephospholamban(PLN)p.Arg14delinduced cardiomy-opathy. Ourgroup hasextensivelycharacterized thisform of car-diomyopathy,which interestingly showsa unique patternof my-ocardialfibrosis that isdifferentthanthe other cardiomyopathies that were discussed previously. PLN is a sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR)membraneproteinexpressedincardiomyocytesandinvolved in calcium handlingby negatively regulating the SRCa2+-ATPase (SERCA)protein[65].Thismutationin thePLN gene,deletingthe arginineonposition14ofthePLNprotein,resultsinasevereform ofcardiomyopathywithcharacteristicsofDCMandARVC[65]. Mu-tationcarriershaveahighriskofdevelopingarrhythmiasand end-stageHFwithhighmortalityandpoorprognosisfromlate adoles-cence [65]. Thismutation hasbeen found inabout14% ofDutch DCMandARVCpatientsandisthereforethemostidentified mu-tationincardiomyopathypatientsintheNetherlands[65].
Twostudies havedemonstrated thepresence offocal myocar-dial fibrosis in PLN-R14del mutation carriers using LGE on CMR, whichwas mainlyobserved inthe posterolateralLV wall [66,67]. InthestudyofteRijdtetal.[67],itwasreportedthatout of150 PLN-R14del mutation carriers that were enrolled in the PHORE-CAST study who underwent CMR imaging, 50 mutation carriers (9/10indexpatientsand41/140relatives)showedLGE.Themedian extentofLGEwas6%oftotalLVmassandwashigherinindex pa-tients (18%)thantheir relatives(5%).Almostall mutationcarriers (10/11)with impaired LV systolicfunction hadLGE. The RV only showedLGEin5%ofmutationcarriersbutthesemutationcarriers hadlowerRVfunctioncomparedtomutationcarrierswithout RV-LGE.LGEwasalsoobservedinmutationcarrierswithpreservedLV function, suggestingthat fibrosis isan early mutation-related re-modelingprocessthat precedesdetectableventricular dysfunction [66,67].Bothstudiesreportedanassociationbetweenthepresence andlocalizationofLGEandlow-voltageECG,atypical characteris-ticinPLN-R14delmutationcarriers,suggestingthatmyocardial fi-brosisisthesubstrateoftheseECG abnormalities[66,67].Finally, teRijdtetal.reportedthatthepresenceofLGEwasindependently associatedwiththeoccurrenceofVA,stressingtheclinical impor-tanceoffibrosisinthisdisease[67].
Severalstudies have performedhistological analysis onhearts ofpatientswiththe PLN-R14delmutation afterautopsy or trans-plantation, confirming the findings using LGE on CMR [67–70].
Similar to the observed localization of LGE, extensive interstitial myocardial fibrosis was mostly presentin the epicardial layer of the posterolateral LV wall and to a lesser extent in the septum andrightventricle[67–70].Thedistributionofmyocardialfibrosis wasnotdifferentbetweenpatientswitha predominantlyDCMor ARVC phenotype [68].Additionally, Sepehrkhouy etal. [70] com-paredthedistributionofmyocardialfibrosis inPLN-R14delhearts withhearts withdesmosomal, laminA/C, sarcomericanddesmin mutations.It wasdemonstratedthat together withdesminopathy, PLN-R14delhearts hadthehighestamountofmyocardialfibrosis. In addition, the epicardial distribution of fibrosis in the postero-lateral LV wall was found to be a distinct pattern inPLN-R14del cardiomyopathy(Fig.2).
In summary, specific mutations causing cardiomyopathy may giverisetomyocardialfibrosispatternsthataredistinctfrommost other types of cardiomyopathy, as exemplified by laminopathies and PLN-R14del cardiomyopathy. These distinct fibrotic patterns arealsoassociatedwithspecificdiseasecharacteristics,and there-forethefibroticpatternrecognitionhasclinicalimportance.
Giventheimportanceofmyocardialfibrosisformanydifferent typesofcardiomyopathies,attemptshavebeenmadetoinhibitor attenuatefibrosisformation.
is thebest-knownfibrogenicfactorinmyocardial fibro-sisformation.TGF-β
expressionintheheartisincreasedwith car-diacstressandduringmyocardialfibrosis,andexertsprofibrotic ef-fectsamongst othersvia fibroblast activationanddownregulation ofTIMPs[71].TherearetwoFDA-approveddrugs,pirfenidoneand tranilast,whichhaveaneffectonfibrosisbyinhibitionoftheTGF-β
signalingpathway.Pirfenidone,initiallyusedfortreatmentof id-iopathicpulmonaryfibrosis,hasbeenreportedtoreducefibrosisin ratswithMI[72].Tranilast, originallyusedasanantihistaminein asthma,wasfoundtoreducefibrosisindiabeticrats[73].However, inhibition ofthe TGF-β
receptors 1and2 (TGFβ
R2) has been shown to reduce cardiac fibrosis in mousemodels but resultedin increasedmortality, suggestingthat TGF-β
is notonly detrimentalbutisnecessarytomaintainanormalECM[74].The renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) plays a key role in homeostasis of blood pressure and tissue perfusion [75]. Whenbloodpressureisdecreased,ahomeostaticfeedback mecha-nismisactivatedinthekidneys,inwhichangiotensin(Ang)II pro-ductionisstimulatedtorestorebloodpressureviavasoconstriction andfluid retention[75].AngIIandaldosteronecan stimulate col-lagensynthesis.Additionally,AngIIcanreduceMMP-1activityand caninduceTGF-
1expressionviatheangiotensintype-I(AT1) re-ceptor inCFs. Together, theseeffects contribute to increased my-ocardialfibrosis,andthereforehavebeenproposedastherapeutic targets.Theuseof aliskiren,arenin inhibitor,hasbeenshownto prevent myocardialcollagendeposition ina mousemodelof my-ocardial fibrosis [76]. In addition, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)inhibitors,includingcaptopril,havebeenreportedtoreduce arrhythmias andimprovecardiac function [77]. Administrationof valsartan, an AngII receptor blocker(ARB), was alsofound to re-duceperivascularfibrosisinapressureoverloadmousemodel[78]. Similarly,theAT1receptorantagonistlosartanwasshownto sup-press myocardialfibrosis inpatientswithend-stagerenal disease [79]. Finally, inhibition of aldosterone using spironolactone pre-ventedtheincreaseinmyocardialcollageninrats[80].In conclusion, targeting myocardial fibrosis as a therapeutic target in cardiomyopathies seems reasonable, and experimental data are promising. However, it needs to be taken into account that for normal structure and function, the heart depends on a well-balanced ECM, and that shifting the balance towards the otherextrememayhavedetrimentaleffectsaswell.Indeed,
fibro-sisformationhasseveralbonafidefunctions,andinterferingwith fibrogenesis could be detrimental.Clearly, generation ofsolid ex-perimentalandmechanisticdatashouldprecedeanyclinicaltrial.
Currently advocated diagnostic and treatment guidelines do notincludetherecommendationtovisualizeortarget myocardial fibrosis. Most guidelines made use of cohorts with long-term follow-up, and it has taken 10–20 years to accumulate end-points based on which prognostic models can be calculated. Sinceechocardiographyhasbeenthe imagingtoolofchoice fora long term, HCM and DCM still largely rely on echocardiography. However, in the near future, we foresee that existing databases willbeenrichedwithdatafromCMRandthuswithparametersof myocardial fibrosis. These parameters will be evaluated for their incrementalprognosticimpact– existinganalysesfrom(small) co-hortssuggestthatLGEorT1relaxationtimemayhaveincremental valueinthisrespect.Clearly,thismightchangecurrentalgorithms with regards to timing of start of pharmacological therapies or implantation ofICDs.Clearly, performing LGE-CMRis more time-consumingandcostly,andnoteveryhospitalhastherequiredMRI equipmentortechniquesattheirdisposal,soproposedalgorithms should also consider limited resources and identify patients in the gray zone whose management is most likely to change and justify using additional, more expensive techniques. Arguably, a pro-fibrotic phenotypemight prompt a physician forfast referral forICD oraggressivepharmacotherapy.Ontheother hand,inthe absenceoffibrosis,astrategyofwatchfulwaitingmaybejustified asweknowthatshortandmiddletermprognosisaregood.
Detectionof myocardialfibrosis in vivo usingLGE orT1 map-pinghasbeenshowntobehighlyaccurate,andtohavegreat prog-nostic value in the types ofcardiomyopathies that we have dis-cussed inthis review.Presence andextent of myocardial fibrosis havebeenassociatedwithseveraladverseclinicaloutcomes.In ad-dition,thedifferentformsofcardiomyopathiesthatwerediscussed exert distinct types and patterns of myocardial fibrosis (summa-rizedin Fig. 2), whichmay be usefulin the identificationof the disease.Moreover,thereareseveralindicationsthatmyocardial fi-brosiscouldbeanearlymanifestationofcardiomyopathy, suggest-ing that early recognition could help in the determination of a therapeuticstrategy.
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