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Lung-protective perioperative mechanical ventilation - Thesis (complete)


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Lung-protective perioperative mechanical ventilation

Hemmes, S.N.T.

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Hemmes, S. N. T. (2015). Lung-protective perioperative mechanical ventilation.

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Lung-protective perioperative

mechanical ventilation

Beyond the dangers of high tidals,

on the perils of PEEP

Sabrine N.T. Hemmes


voor het bijwonen van de openbare verdediging van het proefschrift LUNG-PROTECTIVE PERIOPERATIVE MECHANICAL VENTILATION van Sabrine Hemmes Op vrijdag 11 december 2015 om 13.00 uur

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Jet Heering hdheering@hotmail.com

06 - 14 77 53 37 Pieter Roel Tuinman prtuinman@hotmail.com 06 - 21 24 52 00 Sabrine Hemmes Vrolikstraat 232-1 1092TW Amsterdam s.hemmes@amc.nl


mechanical ventilation

Beyond the dangers of high tidals,

on the perils of PEEP



Lung-protective perioperative mechanical ventilation

Academic thesis, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ISBN: 978-94-6233-149-5

Author: Sabrine N.T. Hemmes Lay-out: Barbara ten Brink

Cover: Image by Heng Swee Lim - Website: http://www.ilovedoodle.com Print: Gildeprint, Enschede, The Netherlands

Copyright © 2015 Sabrine N.T Hemmes, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without written permission of the author.

Financial support for the publication of this thesis was kindly provided by: Universiteit van Amsterdam, Abbvie, Edwards Lifesciences, Chipsoft


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aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van de Rector Magnificus

prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom

ten overstaan van een door het College voor Promoties ingestelde commissie, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit

op vrijdag 11 december 2015, te 13.00 uur door Sabrine Nienke Tallechina Hemmes



Promotores: prof. dr. M.J. Schultz Universiteit van Amsterdam

prof. dr. dr. M.W. Hollmann Universiteit van Amsterdam

Overige leden: prof. dr. L.P.H.J. Aarts Universiteit van Leiden

prof. dr. C. Boer Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam prof. dr. M.A. Boermeester Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. G. Cinnella University of Foggia, Italy prof. dr. M.M. Levi Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. W.S. Schlack Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. M.B. Vroom Universiteit van Amsterdam Faculteit der Geneeskunde



Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis

Chapter 2 Intraoperative ventilatory strategies to prevent postoperative pulmonary complications – a metaanalysis

Current Opinion in Anesthesiology 2013

Chapter 3 Intraoperative protective mechanical ventilation for prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications – a comprehensive review of the role of tidal volume, positive end-expiratory pressure and lung recruitment manoeuvres

Anesthesiology 2015

Chapter 4 LAS VEGAS – Local assessment of ventilatory management during general anaesthesia for surgery and its effects on postoperative pulmonary complications: a prospective, observational, international, multicentre cohort study

European Journal of Anaesthesiology 2013

Chapter 5 Intraoperative ventilation strategies and patient outcomes following surgery: an international observational study (LAS VEGAS)

Manuscript submitted

Chapter 6 Protective ventilation with lower tidal volumes and high PEEP versus conventional ventilation with high tidal volume and low PEEP in patients under general anaesthesia for surgery: A systematic review and individual patient data metaanalysis Anesthesiology 2015

Chapter 7 Rationale and study design of PROVHILO - a worldwide multicentre randomized controlled trial on protective ventilation during general anaesthesia for open abdominal surgery

Trials 2011 9 25 39 75 81 137 159


a multicentre randomised controlled trial Lancet 2014

Chapter 9 Positive end-expiratory pressure during surgery - Authors' reply Lancet 2014

Chapter 10 Incidence of mortality and morbidity related to postoperative lung injury in patients who have undergone abdominal or thoracic surgery: a systematic review and metaanalysis

Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2014

Chapter 11 Positive end – expiratory pressure following coronary artery bypass grafting

Minerva Anestesiologica 2012

Chapter 12 Summary and general discussion


Nederlandse samenvatting

Contributing authors and affiliations Publications PhD Portfolio Curriculum Vitae Acknowledgements 215 223 251 267 284 296 302 304 308 310


General introduction and

outline of the thesis



Prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications

Mechanical ventilation is frequently considered a simple but foremost harmless intervention in patients under general anaesthesia for surgery. Recent investigations, however, suggest that intraoperative ventilation has a strong potential to cause so called ventilator-associated lung injury.1 Of all patients undergoing ventilation during general anaesthesia for surgery, 5%

will develop one or more postoperative pulmonary complications, that are associated with high morbidity and mortality.2, 3 There are several mechanisms through which intraoperative

ventilation could cause ventilator–associated lung injury, as such contributing to development of postoperative pulmonary complications (fig. 1). First, positive pressure ventilation can overstretch patent alveoli causing damage in those parts of the lung that are aerated during the whole breath cycle (fig. 1A & 1C).4, 5 Second, repeated opening and closing of alveoli that collapse

at the end of expiration is associated with increased shear stress, known to cause epithelial destruction (fig. 1B & 1D).6-8 Third, hyperoxia can result in absorption atelectasis, and cause injury

of cellular structures through increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (fig. 1E).9

All these harmful effects are suggested to be preventable through the use of lung–protective ventilator settings, using low tidal volumes for prevention of overdistension,10,11 use of positive

end–expiratory pressure (PEEP)12, 13 with or without so–called recruitment manoeuvres to prevent

repeated opening and closing,14, 15 and low oxygen fractions (FiO

2) preventing atelectasis and

ROS production.16 These insights have led to a paradigm shift from supranormal intraoperative

ventilation, with large tidal volumes to prevent atelectasis and high levels of FiO2 to maximize

oxygenation, to safer ventilation, using lower levels of tidal volumes, higher levels of PEEP and lower arterial oxygen thresholds.

Tidal volumes

Low tidal volumes in animal studies

The harmful effects of high tidal volumes were first recognized in animal studies of ventilation.17

In these preclinical studies lungs of animals were either challenged with injurious ventilation strategies using different tidal volumes alone, or in combination with other challenges such as intratracheal instillation of lipopolysaccharide or live bacteria.18 More or less they all showed

that the extent of alveolar damage and pulmonary oedema depends on the size of tidal volumes used.17, 18

Low tidal volumes in patients with ARDS

Traditionally patients were ventilated with large tidal volumes of 10 to 15 mL/kg predicted body weight (PBW). These volumes far exceeded the range of normal tidal volumes in healthy subjects in rest (7 to 8 mL/kg PBW). The rationale was to prevent atelectasis, as such optimizing oxygenation and ventilation.19 Randomized controlled clinical trials in critically ill patients with

the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), however, showed large tidal volumes to be harmful.20-24 Two metaanalyses convincingly confirmed that ventilation with low tidal volumes in

patients with ARDS is associated with improved survival.25, 26 Consequently, nowadays ventilation







Low tidal volumes in critically ill patients without ARDS

The finding that ventilation with low tidal volumes benefits patients with ARDS evoked interest in lung–protective ventilation in critically ill patients who need ventilation for other reasons than ARDS, for example comatose patients with neurologic damage and patients after major cardiac surgery. One randomized controlled trial comparing ventilation with low tidal volumes (6 mL/kg PBW) to ventilation with high tidal volumes (10 mL/kg PBW) indeed suggested benefit from low tidal volumes, as it seemed to reduce the incidence of ARDS.29 These findings were confirmed in a series of metaanalyses.18, 30, 31 In addition, these analyses revealed that ventilation with low tidal volumes was associated with earlier liberation from the ventilator. Even though a substantial reduction in tidal volume size is seen in recent years,27, 28 lung–protective ventilation using low tidal volumes is not yet considered standard of care for critically ill patients who need ventilatory support for reasons other than ARDS.

Low tidal volumes during intraoperative ventilation

Several small clinical trials of intraoperative ventilation suggested that tidal volume reduction could reduce local production of inflammatory mediators and possibly improve pulmonary mechanics.32-34 A large retrospective trial showed that pressure- and volume–limited ventilation

during general surgery decreases the development of postoperative respiratory complications.35

Recently, three randomized controlled trials provided more robust evidence for benefit from this ventilation strategy.36-38 An Italian single–centre trial showed that a ventilation strategy using tidal

volumes of 7 mL/kg PBW compared to ventilation with tidal volumes of 9 mL/kg PBW during abdominal surgery was associated with superior postoperative pulmonary function.36 A French

multicentre trial found that in patients undergoing abdominal surgery a ventilation strategy with reduced tidal volumes of 6 mL/kg PBW compared to tidal volumes of 12 mL/kg PBW was associated with a decreased incidence of postoperative complications by almost 65%.37 One

Chinese trial in patients undergoing spinal fusion reported an even more impressive benefit of tidal volume reduction from 12 to 6 mL/kg PBW on postoperative pulmonary complications.38

Contrasting to these results, one retrospective study showed that use of low tidal volume ventilation (6 to 8 mL/kg PBW) is associated with increased postoperative mortality, though the authors claim this to be caused by insufficient levels of PEEP.39 Despite the suggestion that

low tidal volume ventilation in surgery patients is increasingly accepted,40, 41 recent studies show

imperfect implementation of this strategy in the operation room.42-45

Positive end–expiratory pressure

Positive end–expiratory pressure in animal studies

Several studies in animals with lung injury have shown that ventilation with PEEP compared to ventilation without PEEP improves oxygenation and lung mechanics, and prevents formation of lung edema.5, 17, 46 Similar results came from studies in animals without lung injury. Ventilation

with PEEP in combination with low tidal volumes attenuated local production of inflammatory mediators,47-52 lung edema,48, 51 and cell injury.47-52 One important shortcoming of PEEP, however,

is that it could cause overdistension of the lung parts that remain aerated during the complete breath cycle.53 In addition, use of higher levels of PEEP could compromise the circulation.54



Figure 1. Mechanisms through which intraoperative ventilation could cause ventilator– associated lung injury

A) Ventilation at high lung volumes result in overdistention of the lung and hyperinflation may cause gross barotrauma (air leaks), but can also cause an increase in pulmonary oedema; B) ventilation at low lung volumes causes repeated opening and closing of alveoli that collapse at the end of expiration, resulting in increased shear stress and lung injury (atelectrauma). Collapse of large regions of the lung during ventilation at low lung volumes cause lung inhomogeneity; C) ventilation at too high levels of PEEP can aggravate overdistention of lung tissue at end-expiration; D) ventilation at low levels of PEEP increases formation of atelectasis and lung inhomogeneity; E) high levels of fractional inspired oxygen (FiO2) can increase

the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which have a direct toxic effect on lung cells. Too high levels of FiO2 also

increases the risk of resorption atelectasis; F) these mechanical and chemical stressors cause structural and biological changes in the alveoli. Inflammatory mediators are released in the lung and recruit neutrophils. They also cause changes that promote pulmonary fibrosis. The increase in alveolar-capillary permeability causes an increase in pulmonary oedema, but also facilitate translocation of mediators and bacteria to the systemic circulation; G) these structural and biological changes result in lung injury, which can cause an increase in postoperative pulmonary complications and worse clinical outcome with increased length of hospital stay and higher incidence of mortality (H)

Positive end–expiratory pressure in patients with ARDS

Three randomized controlled trials in patients with ARDS failed to show an effect of higher levels of PEEP on survival.55-57 One metaanalysis using the individual patient data of these three trials,

however, showed survival benefit in patients with more severe ARDS.58 Consequently, nowadays

most clinicians use higher levels of PEEP (10 cm H2O and higher) in patients with moderate or







Positive end–expiratory pressure in critically ill patients without ARDS

In critical care patients without ARDS, there is limited evidence for benefit of PEEP.59, 60 One

randomized controlled trial in patients at risk for ARDS showed no difference between a strategy using PEEP (5 to 8 cm H2O) and a strategy using a minimal levels of PEEP for adequate oxygenation

with regard to later development of ARDS or mortality.59 This was confirmed in another trial in

patients without ARDS, but in this trial use of higher levels of PEEP was associated with a lower incidence of ventilator–associated pneumonia.60 In the randomized controlled trial comparing low

and high tidal volumes (6 ml/kg PBW versus 10 ml/kg PBW) in patients without ARDS mentioned above,29 an independent association between higher levels of PEEP and development of ARDS

was found. In the postoperative phase there is also no clear evidence for benefit from PEEP. Indeed, while PEEP improves pulmonary compliance and arterial oxygenation, these effects only last in the first hours after surgery.61 This is also true for the prevention of atelectasis.62 In one

trial in patients after cardiac surgery in which PEEP was titrated on the best achievable PaO2

level no sustained benefit was found.63 In general, intensive care unit clinicians now use PEEP

levels between 4 and 7 cm H2O in critically ill patients who need ventilation for other reasons

than ARDS,28 though the best level of PEEP for these patients remains unclear.

Positive end–expiratory pressure during intraoperative ventilation

Induction of anaesthesia induces atelectasis,64 increasing ventilation–perfusion mismatch and

suboptimal oxygenation.65 Intraoperative use of PEEP, with or without recruitment manoeuvres,

is suggested to prevent atelectasis and repeated opening and closing of lung tissue.6514 Indeed,

use of higher levels of PEEP seems to improve oxygenation and respiratory mechanics in a wide range of patient populations and surgical settings.15, 66-74 However, in most trials of intraoperative

PEEP, recruitment of lung tissue was not maintained in the postoperative period at the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU).72, 73

Benefit of higher levels of PEEP on postoperative outcome was suggested in the three randomized controlled trials of lung–protective intraoperative ventilation mentioned above, where use of low tidal volumes was actually combined with higher levels of PEEP with recruitment maneuvers.36-38

It is difficult, if not impossible to conclude what prevented postoperative complications: the use of low tidal volumes or the high levels of PEEP, or recruitment manoeuvres, or altogether. Despite this, both low tidal volumes and high levels of PEEP with recruitment manoeuvres are suggested to be beneficial.75 A recent large retrospective study confirms this suggestion, showing

that both low tidal volumes (< 10 mL/kg) and higher PEEP levels (≥ 5 cmH2O) are independently

associated with a decreased risk of postoperative respiratory complications.35

The lack of sufficient evidence for benefit of higher levels of PEEP during surgery is mirrored in the remarkable variation in use of intraoperative PEEP varying from 17% to as high as 82% of recently reported series.40-42, 44, 45



Oxygen fractions

Oxygen fractions in animal studies

The potentially toxic effects of high fractions of inspired oxygen (FiO2) have long been known

from animal studies. Mice exposed to hyperoxia develop a condition similar to ARDS, which is at least in part dependent on an increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by mitochondria.76, 77 Hyperoxia could further cause atelectasis, tracheobronchitis, interstitial fibrosis,

protein leakage and neutrophil infiltration.78-80 In spontaneous breathing rodents with pneumonia,

hyperoxia has been shown to contribute to bacterial spread beyond the lungs,81 lung injury and

even lethality.82 More cytokine production and increased lung injury was found in experiments

in ventilated rodents with hyperoxia during injurious ventilation (tidal volume > 20 mL/kg).83-85

Oxygen fractions in patients with ARDS

In human lungs high FiO2 can also accelerate the production of ROS, which overwhelms natural

anti–oxidant defences and injures cellular structures in the lung.9,16,86,87 Furthermore, hyperoxia

can cause derecruitment of lung tissue by resorption atelectasis.88 Critically ill patients with lung

injury are possibly more prone to the harmful pulmonary effects of oxygen toxicity, which can coincide with the primary pulmonary injury (e.g., ARDS, pneumonia) and ventilator–associated lung injury.77,89,90 One small trial found that 100% compared to 60% FiO

2 increased development of

atelectasis in patients with ARDS, which was prevented by application of higher levels of PEEP.91

However, clinical trials examining the effect of hyperoxia on the development of lung injury in patients with ARDS are lacking.

Oxygen fractions in critically ill patients without ARDS

In critical care patients who need ventilatory support for reasons other than ARDS, an association between hyperoxia and mortality was found in ventilated patients,89 patients after cardiac arrest,92

and patients with traumatic brain injury,93 or stroke.94 However, other studies did not reveal such

associations.90, 95-97 For example, two recent metaanalyses investigating the effect of high FiO


in critical care patients on survival showed mixed results.98, 99 One metaanalysis did not find a

significant association in the general ICU,98 while another metaanalysis of pooled data from all

critically ill patients suggested arterial hyperoxia to increase the risk of mortality.99 In subset

analyses, hyperoxia was associated with decreased survival in patients after cardiac arrest, traumatic brain injury, and stroke.98 In patients after cardiac arrest a dose–dependent association

between hyperoxia and patient outcome was found.99,100 Notably, arterial hyperoxia decreases

coronary blood flow and cardiac output, increases systemic vascular resistance, and contributes to reperfusion injury in patients with myocardial infarction.101-104 A recent randomized controlled

trial in patients with myocardial infarction indeed clearly showed that supplemental oxygen increased myocardial injury.105 Research on the effect of FiO

2 on the development of lung injury

in patients ventilated for other reasons than ARDS, however, is currently unavailable. Despite the lack of evidence, current guidelines in critically ill patients aim at PaO2 levels around 55–80

mm Hg.55,106

Oxygen fractions during intraoperative ventilation

Anaesthesiologists use high FiO2 during pre–oxygenation and denitrogenation to prolong the







induced by ventilation–perfusion mismatches caused by alveolar collapse.64 High FiO

2 (> 80%)

increases the incidence of resorption atelectasis, which not only augments atelectasis formation after induction,107,108 but also directly before emergence from anaesthesia in the post–oxygenation

phase, annulling the open lung created during intraoperative ventilation.109 At the same time,

there is a risk of hyperoxia–induced injury to the lungs. The available trials and metaanalyses on perioperative hyperoxia focused on the beneficial effect of high FiO2 on postoperative nausea

and vomiting110-112 and postoperative wound infections.113-118 A large trial on postoperative

wound infections investigated the effect of 80% compared to 30% oxygen during surgery on development of postoperative pulmonary complications as secondary endpoint and found no difference in incidence of atelectasis, pneumonia, and respiratory failure.117 A clinical trial in

obese patients showed worse postoperative lung function in patients receiving FiO2 during

ventilation.119 One metaanalysis found no difference in presence or absence of atelectasis or

postoperative gas exchange during intraoperative ventilation with either high or low FiO2.120 A

large recent metaanalysis, however, suggested that hyperoxia was not associated with increased 30–day mortality.121 Sufficiently powered clinical trials on lung injury and postoperative pulmonary

complications due to high FiO2 are lacking.

Aims of this thesis

This thesis is a collection of investigations that focused on several aspects of perioperative ventilation, specifically ventilation practice and the associations between ventilator settings and the effects on postoperative pulmonary complications and outcome. The main interest was on PEEP. We hypothesized that the use of higher PEEP and recruitment manoeuvres would protect against development of postoperative pulmonary complications during intraoperative ventilation. The specific aims of this thesis were:

1. To investigate the effect of intraoperative use of PEEP and recruitment manoeuvres on occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications during low tidal volume ventilation during open abdominal surgery.

2. To determine the association between intraoperative use of high tidal volumes, PEEP and recruitment manoeuvres, and the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications. 3. To investigate the effects of development of postoperative lung injury on postoperative

clinical course and mortality.

4. To examine the effects of different levels of PEEP during postoperative ventilation after coronary artery bypass grafting on the duration to extubation.



Outline of this thesis

The following chapters in this thesis report on observational studies, clinical trials and metaanalyses that reported on several aspects of lung–protective perioperative ventilation, including effects of tidal volume size and level of PEEP.

Chapter 2 provides the results of a metaanalysis of eight clinical trials examining the effects of intraoperative ventilator settings on postoperative outcome of non–cardiac surgery patients. We hypothesized that use of low tidal volumes and/or PEEP with or without recruitment manoeuvres could prevent postoperative pulmonary complications, and as such improving postoperative outcome. In this metaanalysis we tried to separate the effects of tidal volume and PEEP manipulations.

Chapter 3 constitutes a comprehensive review of the literature on predictive models of postoperative pulmonary complications, the pathophysiology of ventilation–induced lung injury, and protective ventilation strategies, including the respective roles of tidal volume size, the level of PEEP and the use of recruitment manoeuvres. In this review we propose an algorithm for protective intraoperative mechanical ventilation.

In Chapter 4 and chapter 5 we describe the design and the results, respectively, of the ‘Local Assessment of Ventilatory Management during General Anaesthesia for Surgery’–study (LAS VEGAS), a prospective observational cohort study designed to assess intraoperative ventilation practice in Europe and the America’s, and to test the hypothesis that certain ventilator settings, especially high tidal volumes and low PEEP levels, are associated with the occurrence of postoperative pulmonary complications.

In Chapter 6 we show the results of a metaanalysis using individual patient data from 15 randomized controlled trials of intraoperative ventilation. We hypothesized that intraoperative ventilation with lower tidal volumes protects against postoperative pulmonary complications, and that use of higher levels of PEEP adds to the beneficial effects of lower tidal volumes. Chapter 7 and chapter 8 constitute the design and results of the PROVHILO trial (High versus low positive end-expiratory pressure during general anaesthesia for open abdominal surgery), a randomized controlled trial of intraoperative ventilation for open abdominal surgery. In chapter 9 entails letters with comments on PROVHILO written by peers, as well as our Author’s reply. In this trial patients were randomized to ventilation with high levels of PEEP (12 cm H2O) with recruitment manoeuvres or low levels of PEEP (0 to 2 cm H2O) without recruitment

manoeuvres. We hypothesized that a ventilation strategy with high levels of PEEP and recruitment manoeuvres would protect against development of postoperative pulmonary complications. In Chapter 10 we describe the results of another metaanalysis, using individual patient data from 12 clinical investigations of intraoperative ventilation. We hypothesized that the occurrence of postoperative lung injury was associated with a worse outcome, and that postoperative outcome would depend on intraoperative ventilation settings.







In Chapter 11 we present the results of a secondary analysis of two randomized controlled trials of postoperative ventilation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery, in which we determined the effects of PEEP manipulations on pulmonary compliance and gas exchange in the first hours of weaning from mechanical ventilation and time on the ventilator.122, 123 We hypothesized that

higher levels of PEEP would improve pulmonary function, but not to be associated with a shorter duration of postoperative ventilation.

This thesis ends with a summary of the abovementioned studies and a general discussion in chapter 12, with Dutch translation in chapter 13.




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Intraoperative Ventilatory Strategies

to Prevent Postoperative Pulmonary

Complications – a Metaanalysis

Hemmes SNT, Serpa Neto A, Schultz MJ




Purpose. It is uncertain whether patients undergoing short–lasting mechanical ventilation for surgery benefit from lung–protective intraoperative ventilatory settings including the use of lower tidal volumes, higher levels of positive end–expiratory pressure (PEEP) and/or recruitment manoeuvres (RM). We meta–analysed trials testing the effect of lung–protective intraoperative ventilatory settings on the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications.

Recent findings. Eight articles (1669 patients) were included. Metaanalysis showed a decrease in lung injury development (risk ratio [RR] 0.40; 95% CI 0.22–0.70; I2 0%; number needed to

treat [NNT] 37), pulmonary infection (RR 0.64; 95% CI 0.43–0.97; I2 0%; NNT 27) and atelectasis

(RR 0.67; 95% CI 0.47–0.96; I2 48%; NNT 31) in patients receiving intraoperative MV with lower

tidal volumes. Metaanalysis also showed a decrease in lung injury development (RR 0.29; 95% CI 0.14–0.60; I2 0%; NNT 29), pulmonary infection (RR 0.62; 95% CI 0.40–0.96; I2 15%; NNT 33)

and atelectasis (RR 0.61; 95% CI 0.41–0.91; I2 0%; NNT 29) in patients ventilated with higher

levels of PEEP, with or without RM.

Summary. Lung–protective intraoperative ventilatory settings may have the potential to protect against postoperative pulmonary complications.

Keywords. Mechanical ventilation, Intraoperative, Postoperative complications, Tidal volume, Positive end-expiratory pressure


Ch apt er 2 27


Mechanical ventilation (MV) has the potential to cause so–called ventilator–associated lung injury (VALI). VALI results from overdistention of non–dependent lung tissue causing excessive cyclic strain of alveolar cells,1 and repetitive opening and closing of dependent lung tissue

resulting in cyclic cell stress due to the extreme forces exposed to lung cells at the interfaces between open and closed alveoli.2,3 Lung–protective MV with use of lower tidal volumes, which

is suggested to prevent alveolar overdistention, benefits critically ill patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).4 MV with higher levels of positive end–expiratory

pressure (PEEP) with or without recruitment manoeuvres (RM), which is suggested to prevent repetitive opening and closing of alveoli, also seems beneficial at least in patients with severe ARDS.4 Recent clinical studies suggest MV with lower tidal volumes even to benefit critically ill

patients without ARDS.5-7

MV is an essential supportive strategy during general anaesthesia for surgery. It is uncertain whether short–lasting MV during surgery also has the potential to cause VALI.8 However, both

animal and human studies show VALI can develop shortly after initiation of MV.7,9,10 In addition,

general anaesthesia causes large atelectasis, especially when muscle relaxants are used.11 As

a consequence, there is an increased risk of overdistention of non–atelectatic lung tissue as well as repetitive opening and closing of partly atelectatic lung tissue. Thus, patients who need MV for surgery may also be vulnerable to the harmful effects of MV. Notably, surgical patients frequently suffer from postoperative pulmonary complications, with reported incidences of up to 5.0%.12,13 It is tempting to speculate on a causal relation between these complications and

intraoperative ventilatory settings.

We hypothesize use of intraoperative lung–protective ventilatory settings to lower the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications, and consequently on the postoperative clinical course and length of hospital stay. To test this hypothesis, we meta–analysed clinical trials of MV for surgery, focusing on the use of lower tidal volumes and/or higher levels of PEEP and RM. This is a secondary metaanalysis of a previously published metaanalysis of clinical trials testing lung–protective MV in patients who received short–term MV (i.e., in the operation room for surgery) or long–term MV (i.e., in the intensive care unit because of critical illness).14 The present

metaanalysis is restricted to the clinical trials in the operation room.


We searched Medline (1966–2012), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL). All reviewed articles and cross–referenced studies from retrieved articles were screened for pertinent information. Articles were selected for inclusion in the metaanalysis if they evaluated two types of MV in patients with uninjured lungs undergoing surgery. In one arm of the trial, MV should be protective (lower tidal volumes, and/or higher levels of PEEP with or without use of RMs). Then, this protective strategy should be compared with conventional methods



(higher tidal volumes, and no or lower levels of PEEP and no use of RMs) in the other arm of the trial. We excluded trials of patients undergoing cardiac surgery. We also excluded revisions and trials that did not report the outcomes of interest (defined below). When we found duplicate articles of the same trial in preliminary abstracts and articles, we analysed data from the most complete data set.

Data were extracted from each article using a data recording form developed for the previously published metaanalysis.14 After extraction, data were reviewed and compared by the second

author. Whenever needed, we obtained additional information about a specific study by directly questioning the principal investigator of the specific trial.

The primary endpoint was the incidence of lung injury in each arm of the trial. Secondary endpoints included incidence of pulmonary infection (using the authors’ definition) or atelectasis. Statistical analysis was performed as described in the original metaanalysis.14


The initial search yielded 2.123 articles (459 from MEDLINE, 141 from CENTRAL, 885 from CINAHL, and 638 from Web of Science) (figure 1). After removing 711 duplicate articles, we evaluated the abstracts of 1.412 articles. After evaluating them, 1.364 articles were excluded because they did not meet inclusion criteria. Another five articles were excluded because MV was applied for other reasons than surgery, no data on outcome of interest was reported in 28, and same cohort previously analysed in seven. Finally, eight articles were included in the final analysis.15-22

Tidal volume reduction

Our search of the literature revealed eight articles (1669 patients) reporting on trials comparing lower with conventional tidal volumes during surgery (table 1 and table 2). Metaanalysis of these trials showed that 17 of 858 patients (2.0%) ventilated with lower tidal volumes and 36 of 755 patients (4.7%) ventilated with conventional tidal volumes developed lung injury during follow-up (risk ratio [RR] 0.40; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.22–0.70; number needed to treat [NNT] 37) (figure 2). The analysis displayed no signs of heterogeneity (I2 = 0%). Pulmonary infection

and atelectasis showed lower incidence in patients receiving lower tidal volume ventilation (RR 0.64; 95% CI 0.43–0.97; NNT 27 and RR 0.67; 95% CI 0.47–0.96; NNT 31, respectively). The I2 test

indicated no heterogeneity in the analysis of pulmonary infection, but moderate heterogeneity in the analysis of atelectasis (0% and 48% respectively).

Higher levels of PEEP and RMs

Our search of the literature revealed five articles (1323 patients) reporting on trials comparing no or lower levels of PEEP (up to 3 cmH2O) with higher levels of PEEP (from 3 to 12 cmH2O)

during surgery (table 1).

Metaanalysis of these trials shows that 9 of 654 patients (1.4%) ventilated with higher levels of PEEP developed postoperative lung injury compared to 31 of 629 patients (4.9%) receiving







lower levels of PEEP (RR 0.29; 95% CI 0.14–0.60; NNT 29) (figure 3), without any signs for heterogeneity within the analysis (I2 = 0%). A beneficial effect of higher levels of intraoperative

PEEP on postoperative pulmonary infection and atelectasis was also found (RR 0.62; 95% CI 0.40– 0.96; NNT 33 and RR 0.61; 95% CI 0.41–0.91; NNT 29, respectively). The I2 test indicated moderate

heterogeneity in the analysis of pulmonary infection, but not in the analysis of atelectasis (15% and 0% respectively). We did not find trials specifically investigating exclusively the effects of intraoperative RM.


30 Ta bl e 1 . Ch ar act eri stics o f t he i ncl ud ed st ud ies a nd su mma ry o f c on tin uo us v ari ab les Pr ot ectiv e Co ns er va tiv e Pr ot ectiv e Co ns er va tiv e St ud y N VT PE EP RM N VT PE EP RM N Se tti ng Des ign FU Ti me o f M V Pri ma ry Ou tc ome M ic he le t 15 52 5 5 N 26 9 0 N 26 OS RC T 18 7. 06 ± 1 .8 1 7. 76 ± 1 .8 5 Cy to ki ne s i n bl oo d Ca i 16 16 6 0 N 8 10 0 N 8 N eur o RC T 7. 15 6. 90 ± 2 .2 0 7. 4 ± 3. 10 CT A te le ct as is Lin 7 40 5 3-5 N 20 9 0 N 20 OS RC T 24 4. 33 ± 0 .9 0 4. 23 ± 0 .7 1 Cy to ki ne s i n bl oo d Lic ke r 18 10 91 6 3 Y 55 8 9 3 N 53 3 OS CO H ---2.9 3 ± 1 .2 0 2.7 6 ± 1 .0 LI W eing ar te n 19 40 6 12 Y 20 10 0 N 20 Sur gic al RC T Disc ha rg e 5.1 3 ± 1 .8 6 5.7 3 ± 1 .7 1 O xy ge na tion Bus tam an te 20 22 9 8 4 N 15 4 10 4 N 75 Sur gic al CR O ---N S N S TM V; ICU LS; M or ta lit y Ya ng 21 10 0 6 5 N 50 10 0 N 50 OS RC T 16 8 2. 00 ± 0 .6 8 2. 11 ± 0 .8 0 LI Tr esc han 22 10 1 6 5 Y 50 12 5 Y 51 Sur gic al RC T 12 0 8.7 0 ± 5 .2 0 8.7 0 ± 5 .9 0 Spir om et ry Tot al 1, 66 9 6.1 4 ± 0.8 6 4.5 0 (3 .0 -5 .0 ) ---88 6 10 .3 5 ± 1.1 5 0 (0 - 3.7 5) ---78 3 ---6.5 7 (4 .5 0 – 1 9.5 0) 6.9 0 (3 .6 3 – 8.7 0) 7.4 0 (3 .4 9 – 10 .3 5) ---Mean ± st andar d de vi ation; Medi an (in ter quartil e rang e); VT : Ti dal v ol ume (in mL/kg); FU: Fol lo w -up; OS : Onc ol ogy sur ger y; RC T: Randomi zed con tr ol led tri al; COH: Cohort; CR O: Cr oss-se ctional; C T: Com put ed t om og ra ph y; N S: N ot spe cifie d; LI : Lung injur y; TM V: Tim e of m ec ha nic al v en tila tion; ICU LS: ICU le ng th of s ta y









Table 2. Synthesis of demographic, ventilatory and laboratorial characteristics of the patients in the final follow-up

Protective Ventilation

(n = 886) Conventional Ventilation (n = 73) p-value

Age, years 60.27 ± 8.31 60.33 ± 8.06 0.910

Weight, kg 73.04 ± 13.04 73.01 ± 12.56 0.965

Tidal volume, ml/kg IBWa 6.14 ± 0.86 10.35 ± 1.15 < 0.0001

PEEP, cmH2Oa 6.62 ± 2.65 2.74 ± 2.82 0.001

Plateau pressure, cmH2Oa 16.62 ± 2.76 20.45 ± 2.54 0.021

Respiratory rate, beats per minutea 16.62 ± 2.72 10.78 ± 2.67 0.007

Minute-ventilation, litres/minutea 7.76 ± 2.61 8.56 ± 2.58 0.917

PaO2 / FiO2a 332.86 ± 61.48 339.68 ± 67.70 0.797

PaCO2, mmHga 41.86 ± 3.32 39.05 ± 3.42 0.052

pHa 7.35 ± 0.03 7.39 ± 0.03 0.073

Mean ± standard deviation; IBW: ideal body weight; PEEP: positive end expiratory pressure; a: in the final of the follow-up


This metaanalysis suggests that intraoperative MV with lower tidal volumes may protect surgical patients from development of postoperative lung injury, pulmonary infections and atelectasis. This metaanalysis also suggests that intraoperative use of higher levels of PEEP during MV attenuates development of lung injury, pulmonary infection and atelectasis.

Implementation of lung–protective MV for surgery has the potential to significantly reduce postoperative pulmonary complications. Considering the high number of surgical procedures performed worldwide daily,23 reduction of postoperative pulmonary complications could be

of great importance. Notably, a recent international prospective trial shows the incidence of postoperative mortality to be as high as 4%, much higher than previously assumed.24 A large

international observational study is underway to address the effect of intraoperative ventilatory settings on postoperative complications.25

Prescription of MV in critically ill patients has definitely changed over the last decades. There has been progressive reduction of tidal volume size, from > 12 ml/kg in the 1970s 26,27 to < 9 ml/

kg in more recent epidemiologic studies of MV practice in Europe and the Americas.28-31 This

change was largely stimulated by results from animal studies, which clearly show injurious tidal volume settings to aggravate pre–existing pulmonary injury.9 Several clinical trials confirm the

existence of VALI by showing reduced morbidity and mortality in patients with ARDS ventilated with lower tidal volumes.4 While initially intensive care unit physicians have been reluctant to







of lower tidal volumes in patients with ARDS, e.g., in patients with sepsis.32 Critically ill patients

without ARDS also seem to benefit from ventilation with lower tidal volumes.5,6 One recent

randomized controlled trial shows a lower tidal volume strategy to protect against lung injury in patients without ARDS at onset of MV in the intensive care unit.7

Notably, a recent observational study in patients undergoing short–term postoperative MV after cardiac surgery shows MV with tidal volumes > 10 ml/kg to be associated with prolonged MV, hemodynamic instability, multiple organ failure, and prolonged stay in the ICU, compared to MV with lower tidal volumes. In this study women and obese patients are found to be particularly at risk of receiving ventilation with too large tidal volumes.33 These results confirm, at least in part

findings from another recent study that identifies female gender, overweight and underweight as independent factors for MV with too large tidal volumes.34

MV with lower tidal volumes may not come without challenges. Use of lower tidal volumes could increase cyclic alveolar collapse of dependent lung regions, raising the risk of atelectrauma. Application of PEEP is an easy intervention that may counteract this side–effect of lower tidal volume ventilation. Lower tidal volume ventilation could also lead to hypercapnia and hypercapnic acidosis. Notably, so-called permissive hypercapnia is thought to have lung–protective qualities, Figure 3. Effect of intraoperative ventilation with higher levels of PEEP



The dependent variables in this research are the learning outcomes for individuals and the CoP as a collective. Individual learning outcomes were measured in re- gards to

In the case of bacterial adhesion to silica, changes in the spectral response from interfacial water were used as an indicator of changes occurring in the microenvironment

AFM images of LB films obtained by transfer of pure 141k copolymer from the air-water interface to non-patterned hydrophilic glass (a), and to patterned OTS substrates

absorption spectrum of the quantum dots, Reds = 2.7 nrn. In this chapter, we demonstrate the feasibility of quantum dots as fluorescent tracers for LSCFM imaging

Surprisingly, other than the labial pouches and the salivary glands and ducts, the derived post-metamorphic juvenile and adult feeding structures, including the stylet and

To invent and most particularly understanding invention as an event, means here to rediscover what was there without being there, both in language and in philosophy; it is a

Yet the harder food bank operators tried to meet clients’ food needs, the more likely they were to report having to limit food selection, reduce the amount of food given out, and