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Self-propelled supramolecular nanomotors with temperature-responsive speed regulation


Academic year: 2021

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Self-propelled supramolecular nanomotors with

temperature-responsive speed regulation

Citation for published version (APA):

Tu, Y., Peng, F., Sui, X., Men, Y., White, P. B., van Hest, J. C. M., & Wilson, D. A. (2017). Self-propelled

supramolecular nanomotors with temperature-responsive speed regulation. Nature Chemistry, 9(5), 480-486.


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Self-propelled supramolecular nanomotors with

temperature-responsive speed regulation

Yingfeng Tu

, Fei Peng

, Xiaofeng Sui, Yongjun Men, Paul B. White, Jan C. M. van Hest

and Daniela A. Wilson


Self-propelled catalytic micro- and nanomotors have been the subject of intense study over the past few years, but it remains a continuing challenge to build in an effective speed-regulation mechanism. Movement of these motors is generally fully dependent on the concentration of accessible fuel, with propulsive movement only ceasing when the fuel consumption is complete. Here we report a demonstration of control over the movement of self-assembled stomatocyte nanomotors via a molecularly built, stimulus-responsive regulatory mechanism. A temperature-sensitive polymer brush is chemically grown onto the nanomotor, whereby the opening of the stomatocytes is enlarged or narrowed on temperature change, which thus controls the access of hydrogen peroxide fuel and, in turn, regulates movement. To the best of our knowledge, this represents thefirst nanosized chemically driven motor for which motion can be reversibly controlled by a thermally responsive valve/brake. We envision that such artificial responsive nanosystems could have potential applications in controllable cargo transportation.


ecent advances in artificial micro- and nanomotors1–3 have

brought their potential applications in the biomedical sciences closer4–9. Starting from the first centimetre-scale motors10,

micro- and nanotubular engines11–14, wires15,16, helices17,18, rods19–21,

Janus motors22–24and self-assembled polymeric motors8,25–27, scientists used both top-down and bottom-up approaches to design motors with high speeds and improved efficiency. These classes of motors can convert chemical fuel (such as hydrogen peroxide21,28–30, hydrazine31,

acid32,33, water34, glucose27,35and urea24) or external energy (such as

magneticfields17,36,37, ultrasound19,38, electricity39,40, light41–43or even

organisms44) into mechanical motion45. Recently, new avenues to

control the directionality of the nanomotors by mimicking taxis behav-iour inspired by nature were shown. These types of systems are, however, still based on external factors for the directional control of motion, such as the presence of a gradient8. One of the limitations of

current micro- and nanomotor systems is, therefore, still the limited control over their speed46–49. Some level of manipulation of the move-ment of micrometre-sized motors was achieved previously either by disassembling the whole micromotor under a thermal stimuli47or by

chemically inhibiting the catalytic enzymatic system49. The latter

required sequential steps of inhibition and reactivation via the addition of chemicals followed by multiple washings, which is not very practical for biomedical applications. Motor systems would be more versatile if equipped with a molecularly built stimuli-responsive valve or brake50to

control and regulate the motion under the stimuli without changing the shape or assembly of the motor itself or affecting its catalytic activity. Such a property is particularly desirable for applications in biomedical fields and nanorobotics.

In our previous work, we demonstrated the formation of self-assembled nanomotors based on bowl-shaped polymeric vesicles, known as stomatocytes, in which catalytic platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) were entrapped25. The narrow opening of the bowl-shaped

structures serves as an outlet for the oxygen generated during the cata-lytic decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide fuel. Hydrogen peroxide is found naturally in the human body, especially in diseased sites, such as tumour tissue, and inflammation sites. According to the literature51,

human tumour cell lines can produce hydrogen peroxide at rates of up

to 0.5 nmol per 104cells per hour, which is significant when related to the size of the tumour. Therefore, nanomotor systems that run on low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide with a further ability to sense changes in the environment and regulate their speed and behaviour under the stimuli via a stimuli-responsive valve or brake would be very attractive for biomedical applications.

In this report, we demonstrate thefirst nanomotor system with complete control over its speed by chemically attaching a stimulus-responsive valve system (polymer brushes) to our engine that allows control of the motion of the nanovesicles without changing the catalyst activity or the shape of the motor (Fig. 1). This does not require the addition of chemicals into the system, but instead the nanomotor is able to probe the environment and change its behaviour by sensing the change in the outside temperature. Stimulus-responsive polymer brushes52 made of surface-tethered

macromolecules are commonly known and have been applied widely in many areas, including the biomedicalfield53–55. Changes in the external environment (for example, temperature, pH, light or redox states) can generally trigger a sharp and large response in the structures and properties of these grafted polymer layers56. Various

polymer brushes have been synthesized via a surface-initiated atom-transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP) approach on differ-ent substrates using surface-attached initiators57, which allows

accu-rate control of the structures and properties of the polymer brushes. By functionalizing the surface of the stomatocytes with poly(N-iso-propyl acrylamide) (PNIPAM) polymer brushes via SI-ATRP, a temperature-responsive polymer layer is introduced. The PNIPAM’s well-known lower critical solution temperature (LCST) be-haviour58means that an increase in the temperature above its transition

temperature leads to the collapse of the brushes, which produces a hydrophobic layer on top of the small opening of the stomatocytes (less than 5 nm); this closes the aperture and prevents easy access of the fuel (hydrogen peroxide) inside the nanomotor (Fig. 1c,d). Owing to the lack of fuel, the propelling movement of the motor will cease.

The long molecularly built brushes function as a reversible brake system on the nanomotors by temperature to control and regulate the access of the fuel inside the catalytic bowl-shape structures. As the

Radboud University, Institute for Molecules and Materials, Heyendaalseweg 135, 6525 AJ Nijmegen, the Netherlands.†These authors contributed equally to

this work.*e-mail:d.wilson@science.ru.nl



LCST behaviour is reversible, by adjusting the temperature the collapse of the PNIPAM brushes can be switched on and off, which thus function as a regulatory mechanism to control the speed of the nanomotor (Fig. 1). This is, in our view, an elegant example of a brake system that does not affect the catalytic activity or the shape of the motor, but only its motion. It is also the closest mimic of a brake found in automated cars from the macroscopic world.

Results and discussion

Assembly of the motor and chemical attachment of the valve. Polymeric stomatocytes with ATRP initiator moieties on the surface were prepared by mixing poly(ethylene glycol)-b-polystyrene (PEG44

-b-PS212, polydispersity index (PDI) = 1.07), prepared via standard

ATRP procedures, with the α-bromo ester functional poly(ethylene glycol)-b-polystyrene (Br-PEG44-b-PS238, PDI = 1.20). After confirming

the successful attachment of the ATRP initiator onto the polymer by two-dimensional nuclear magnetic resonance heteronuclear multiple bond correlation spectroscopy (Supplementary Fig. 9), the block copolymers were dissolved in an organic solvent mixture (THF: dioxane = 4: 1, v/v). MilliQ water was subsequently slowly added into the solution, which resulted in self-assembly into flexible polymersomes. PtNPs (Supplementary Fig. 10) were then entrapped during the shape transformation by dialysis from thermodynamically stable spherical morphologies to the kinetically bowl-shaped stomatocyte. After vigorous dialysis for at least 48 hours to remove the organic solvent and vitrify the membrane, PtNP-loaded stomatocytes (PtNP–stoma) and PtNP-loaded stomatocytes with ATRP initiators (PtNP–stoma–Br) on the surface were obtained. From dynamic light scattering (DLS), no significant difference in the size of the structures was observed after introducing

Br PEG-b-PS Br-PEG-b-PS b c d X X Fuel X X SI-ATRP NIPAM Valve off Valve on Fuel O2 Fuel Fuel Collapse Fuel: H2O2 Swell Move Stop H2O2 Br Br Br Br Br Br Br O2 O2 O2 = Water = PtNPs

= Organic solvent (THF:dioxane) = Br

a N H O O H N O O O Br m 44 O O O O O m 44 Temperature valve closes Temperature valve opens Temperature Temperature

Figure 1 | Design of polymeric stomatocyte nanomotors with thermosensitive brakes. a, Chemical structures of block copolymer PEG-b-PS and functionalized polymer Br-PEG-b-PS used for the stomatocyte assembly. The polymers were synthesized via ATRP of styrene starting from a PEG

macroinitiator.b, Schematic representation of the formation of a PtNP-loaded stomatocyte with ATRP initiator (PtNP–stoma–Br) and the subsequent growth of PNIPAM brushes by SI-ATRP on the surface of the stomatocyte. Polymersomes are formed by the self-assembly of both PEG-b-PS and Br-PEG-b-PS in organic solvent. PtNPs were added subsequently and then entrapped during the shape transformation to form PtNP–stoma-Br. PtNP-loaded stomatocytes with grown brushes (PtNP–stoma–brush) were obtained after polymerization of NIPAM into PNIPAM in 10% methanol for 30 min. c,d, Schematic representation of the reversible control over the speed of PNIPAM-modified stomatocyte motors by changing the temperature (c). The collapse of PNIPAM brushes takes place and so the opening of the stomatocytes is covered when the temperature is increased above the LCST of PNIPAM (d).


the ATRP initiator (Supplementary Table 1). Cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) measurements at different angles (Fig. 2a) showed that PtNPs were, indeed, encapsulated in the cavity of the stomatocyte. TEM analysis confirmed the formation of stomatocytes with similar small openings for both stomatocytes (Fig. 2b) and the encapsulation of PtNPs (Fig. 2c).

To switch the motors on and off in a controllable fashion, thermo-sensitive PNIPAM brushes were grown onto the surface of the PtNP– stoma–Br by SI-ATRP using 10% of the initiator functional PEG-b-PS (PEG-b-PS:Br-PEG-b-PS, 9:1, m/m). The polymerization of the PNIPAM brushes took place in 10% methanol solution (v/v) with CuBr/pentamethyldiethylenetriamine (PMDETA) as the catalyst/ ligand under argon pressure for 30 minutes. After dialysis for two days, PtNP–stoma with PNIPAM brushes (PtNP–stoma–brush) were obtained. To confirm the successful growth of the polymer brushes, the structures were characterized by using several imaging techniques. TEM images showed the presence of stomatocyte

motors with rough surfaces, most probably because of the growth of the PNIPAM brushes (Fig. 2d). After the SI-ATRP, the size of the stomatocyte nanomotors, measured by DLS at room temperature (Supplementary Table 1), also increased from 341 to 689 nm, which indicates again the presence of PNIPAM brushes. Furthermore, the average length of the PNIPAM brushes was calculated using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Stomatocytes with PNIPAM brushes (stoma– brush) were freeze-dried after dialysis and the resulting stomatocyte powder was dissolved and measured by 1H NMR spectroscopy. After SI-ATRP for 30 minutes, the degree of polymerization of the PNIPAM brushes was determined to be 769, and the molecular weight was approximately 85 kDa. (The molecular weight of PNIPAM was calculated according to the ratio between PS and PNIPAM (Supplementary Fig. 11).)

To obtain further confirmation of the presence of the PNIPAM brushes, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) was used to map the presence of certain elements on the stomatocytes. Significant Br enrichment was found for the mixed stomatocytes (stoma–Br) (Fig. 2f) compared with normal stomatocytes without an ATRP initiator present (stoma) (Fig. 2e). After the growth of PNIPAM brushes on the stomatocytes, N enrichment was also observed because of the amide moieties in the NIPAM monomers (Fig. 2g).

To confirm fully the covalent attachment of the PNIPAM to the stomatocytes, we used diffusion NMR spectroscopy to measure the diffusion coefficients of PNIPAM on the self-assembled stoma–brush compared with free PNIPAM. The high viscosity of deuterium oxide (D2O) required the use of methanol-D4 (MeOD) for diffusion

measurements, in which the stomatocytes also proved to be stable (Supplementary Fig. 12). Resonances specific to PNIPAM in the sample of stoma–brush at around 1.20 and 4.00 ppm were observed (Fig. 3). The PEG-b-PS block copolymers were not visible because of their self-assembled state and the coverage with PNIPAM. After fitting the decay curve of the NMR intensity, the diffusion coeffi-cient of the PNIPAM brushes on the stomatocytes was determined to be 6.09 × 10−8cm2s–1(Fig. 3d). The diffusion coefficient of free

PNIPAM (molecular weight, 23 kDa) obtained in MeOD was 9.93 × 10−7cm2s–1 (Fig. 3b). When a higher molecular weight of free PNIPAM (100 kDa) was used, the diffusion coefficient of PNIPAM was lowered slightly, as expected, to 6.48 × 10−7cm2s–1

(Supplementary Fig. 13a,b). As the diffusion coefficient of PNIPAM brushes attached to the stomatocyte is more than one order of magnitude smaller compared with that of free PNIPAM, this is a clear indication that the PNIPAM brushes are, indeed, chemically linked to the stomatocyte. To make sure this observation was not caused by a physical interaction of the brushes with the surface of the self-assembled structures, we also performed diffusion NMR spectroscopy on a physical mixture of stoma and free PNIPAM (23 kDa). The diffusion coefficient obtained was around 7.77 × 10−7cm2 s–1 (Supplementary Fig. 13c,d), similar to that of free PNIPAM, which confirms that free PNIPAM does not signifi-cantly interact with the surface of the stomatocytes.

The formation of PNIPAM brushes was further confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR); specific peaks of PNIPAM at around 3,650–3,120 cm−1 (OH

str, NHstr) and 1,700–

1,400 cm−1(C=Ostr, amide) appeared in the infrared spectrum after

SI-ATRP and were comparable to literature values59(Supplementary

Fig. 14). With the chemical structure of the PtNP–stoma–brush estab-lished, the particles were heated above the LCST of PNIPAM to experience a collapse of the polymer brushes. Using DLS measure-ments, as expected the size of the stomatocytes decorated with PNIPAM brushes decreased sharply from 689 to 453 nm after heating (from 25 to 40 °C, especially at around 35 °C, which is the LCST of PNIPAM) (Fig. 4a). No obvious size change was observed for normal stomatocytes—the size only slightly decreased from 412 to 403 nm during temperature increase (Fig. 4a). The reversible temp-erature-responsive behaviour of the PNIPAM brushes was also

a b c d e f g –45º 0º 45º N N N Pt Br Br

Figure 2 | Characterization of the stoma, stoma–Br, PtNP–stoma and PtNP–stoma–brush. a, Cryo-TEM measurements of one PtNP-loaded stomatocyte without the ATRP initiator (PtNP–stoma) at different angles: −45°, 0° and 45°, which demonstrate that the PtNPs were indeed loaded in the cavity of the stomatocytes.b, TEM measurements of stomatocytes with an ATRP initiator (stoma–Br). c, A TEM image of PtNP-loaded stomatocytes with the ATRP initiator (PtNP–stoma–Br); d, A TEM image of a PtNP-loaded stomatocyte with grown brushes (PtNP–stoma–brush). e, EDX signals of stoma mapping the elements Br and N, a TEM image of stoma is shown to the right.f, EDX signals of stoma–Br mapping the elements Br and N, a TEM image of Stoma-Br is shown to the right.g, EDX signals of PtNP–stoma–brush mapping the elements Br and N, a TEM image of PtNP–stoma–brush is shown to the right. Scale bars, 200 nm.


confirmed by DLS measurements, showing three identical heating and cooling cycles (from 25 to 40 °C) for the PtNP–stoma–brush (Fig. 4b). The PtNP–stoma–brush proved to be colloidally stable as long as they were kept at a temperature below the LCST of PNIPAM. Strong aggre-gation and irreversible behaviour was observed only when the samples were kept above the LCST of PNIPAM for several days. This is most probably because of the interaction between the hydrophobic PNIPAM brushes.

To demonstrate the formation of a hydrophobic layer around the stomatocyte when the particles were heated above the LCST of PNIPAM and the ability to regulate the access of the fuel, hydro-phobic Nile red was used as a model dye. Nile red is almost non-fluorescent in water but undergoes fluorescence enhancement and large absorption and emission blueshifts in hydrophobic environ-ments. Small amounts of Nile red in DMF were mixed with stoma–brush (3.8 × 1011

particles ml–1, measured by Nanosight) and also with normal stoma (3.9 × 1011particles ml–1, measured by Nanosight, almost the same concentration as that of the stoma–brush), and the fluorescence intensities of both samples were measured at different temperatures. We expected that the hydrophobic Nile red would enter into the hydrophobic layer formed by PNIPAM brushes on the surface of stomatocytes at a higher temperature (above the LCST). At 40 °C, the fluorescence intensity of the stoma–brush (mixed with Nile red) increased by almost 70% because of the presence of the hydrophobic PNIPAM, whereas the intensity of normal stoma (with Nile red) showed only a 36% enhancement because of the increased solubility of Nile red at a higher temperature (Supplementary Fig. 15). When the system was cooled back to 30 °C, the intensity of the stoma– brush decreased by 30% compared with that of normal stoma (because of the release of Nile red from the PNIPAM layer). Compared with the initial intensity at 30 °C, both samples had a higher fluorescence intensity, most probably because the extra

amount of Nile red dissolved in the solution at 40 °C did not seed out when the temperature went back to 30 °C. Reversibility in hydrophilic–hydrophobic properties of the PNIPAM brushes was thus confirmed during the Nile red experiment.

Testing the functioning of the valve/brake on the nanomotor. With the temperature responsiveness of the PNIPAM brushes on the stomatocyte nanomotors confirmed, we next set out to investigate whether this behaviour could be used to introduce a temperature-sensitive regulatory mechanism for the movement of the nanomotors. Nanoparticle-tracking analysis (NTA) was used to record in real time the movement of stomatocyte motors in hydrogen peroxide solution by video recording the movement of the nanomotors for 90 seconds, with 30 frames taken each second. Furthermore, the NTA technique allows the simultaneous recording of the x and y coordinates of multiple particles, which were further used to plot the average mean square displacement (MSD) curves of 20 particles. A 166 mM hydrogen peroxide solution was used, in which PtNP–stoma (the non-functionalized, final fuel concentration was 4.98 mM) was dispersed, and the resulting solution was measured at 30 °C. Fitting of the MSD curves allows for calculation of the average speed of the nanomotors by using the self-diffusiophoretic model proposed by Golestanian and co-workers60.

The speed (Fig. 5a) and MSD (Supplementary Fig. 17c) of the nanomotors in the presence of hydrogen peroxide fuel showed a directional autonomous movement, as demonstrated in our previous studies25. When the temperature was increased to 40 °C, the velocity

and MSDs increased because of the higher catalytic efficiency of PtNPs towards hydrogen peroxide (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 17c). In addition, no visible bubbles were observed during the measurement under these conditions (Supplementary Fig. 18). When the same experiment was repeated with PtNP–stoma–brush, slightly lower speeds (Fig. 5a and Supplementary Fig. 16) were observed at

X 1×106 2×106 3×106 0 Y 600,000 400,000 200,000 0 Y Y1 Y2 b DY,Y1 = 9.93 × 10–7 cm2 s–1 DY2 = 2.22 × 10–5 cm2 s–1 Y Y1 10,000 5,000 Y X 0 1 × 107 2 × 107 3 × 107 d DY,Y1 = 6.09 × 10–8 cm2 s–1 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 f1 (ppm) 1 5 9 13 17 21 Y Y1 Y2 a MeOD PNIPAM PNIPAM 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 f1 (ppm) 1 5 9 13 17 21 Y Y1 c PNIPAM PNIPAM

Figure 3 | Diffusion NMR measurements of free PNIPAM and stomatocytes with grown brushes (stoma–brush) in MeOD. a, Diffusion NMR spectrum of free PNIPAM (23 kDa) in MeOD.b, Fitting curve of the diffusion coefficient (D) of free PNIPAM (23 kDa). c, Diffusion NMR spectrum of stoma–brush in MeOD. d, Fitting curve of the diffusion coefficient of stoma–brush. PNIPAM peaks at around 1.2 and 4.0 ppm were observed from the NMR spectrum. After fitting with the equation (mono-exponentialfit, B + exp(–xF)), DY(diffusion coefficient from PNIPAM at 1.2 ppm) and DY1(diffusion coefficient from PNIPAM at 4.0 ppm)

were obtained.DY,Y1is the average ofDYandDY1.DY2is the diffusion coefficient of MeOD at 3.3 ppm. The diffusion coefficient of free PNIPAM with 23 kDa was

16 times higher than that of grown PNIPAM brushes, which shows the covalent linkage of the PNIPAM layer on the surface of stomatocyte.


30 °C when compared with the non-functionalized nanomotors. We think this results from the lower access and penetration of hydrogen peroxide through the PNIPAM brushes. However, when the PtNP– stoma–brush was investigated at 40 °C a complete hindrance of the autonomous movement of the nanomotors was observed. The MSD curve showed a typical shape and size for Brownian motion, similar to the behaviour of non-functionalized nanomotors at 40 °C in the absence of fuel (Supplementary Fig. 17b). We think this is because the collapsed PNIPAM brushes on the surface of the nanomotors hinder the diffusion of hydrogen peroxide into the cavity. When the temperature was lowered to 30 °C (below the LCST), PNIPAM brushes re-swelled to be water soluble, and so hydrogen peroxide fuel could re-enter into the cavity of stomatocyte motors. PtNPs in the cavity started to decompose the hydrogen peroxide again to propel the structures. Interestingly, after one cycle of closing the valve and returning to 30 °C, the motors moved at faster speeds compared with that at the starting point (Fig. 5a). Possible reasons for this behaviour might be that during the first cycle a cleaning of the catalyst occurred and, consequently, the efficiency of the PtNPs was improved, which was confirmed further by determination of the catalytic efficiency of the PtNPs (Supplementary Fig. 19).

According to the mechanism of motion studied, we think there are two different possible mechanisms in our system, namely self-diffusiophoresis and bubble propulsion. In our previous studies8,25,27,61, we found that the motion is largely affected by the

concentration of the fuel and also depends on the type of the catalyst incorporated inside the stomatocyte structures. In addition, a recent study showed that both a high catalytic activity and a rough surface of the platinum particles/film are necessary to change the propul-sion mode from self-diffusiophoresis to bubble propulpropul-sion62. In

our case, the PtNPs are branched structures and have rough surfaces (Supplementary Fig. 10), which also indicates the preference for the bubble-propulsion mechanism at higher fuel concentrations. Extra experiments were performed to investigate the mechanism of motion for our nanomotor before and after attaching the valve system. It is well known that electrolyte diffusiophoresis based on ionic gradients generated by hydrogen peroxide decomposition can be suppressed in strong electrolyte-containing solutions7.

Therefore, the movement of a stomatocyte nanomotor with a valve in PBS was measured and the MSD was also calculated after-wards. After MSDfitting, the speed in the presence of H2O2of the

stomatocyte nanomotor with a valve in PBS showed a lower value than that of the motor in MilliQ water (Fig. 5a). However, it was still higher than the speed of the motors without H2O2, which

also indicated the higher probability for the bubble-propulsion mechanism, because visible bubbles were seen at higher concen-trations of H2O2. Based on previous evidence and the latest

studies we expected our system to form bubbles; however, they should be nanobubbles. Furthermore, the pinning and growth of the bubbles should start from the catalyst surface, which in our case is hidden inside the nanocavity of the stomatocyte. In addition, it could be that the slowing down effect observed in buffer is also due to the chance that the conformation of the brushes resulted from the interaction of the salts with the brush valve. This could result in a partial closing of the valve system by reducing the transfer of the fuel through the opening. We tested this by measuring the size of the valve motor in water and PBS with DLS. Only a small difference of around 2 nm in size was observed, which suggests a minimal change in the availability of fuel (Supplementary Table 2).

The directionality was also calculated to give more information about the motion of our nanomotor system by comparing Euclidean and accumulated distances27. A directionality of D = 1

indicates a straight-line migration from the start to the endpoint (Fig. 5b). The directionality of the PtNP–stoma–brush at 40 °C in the presence of H2O2 was 0.195 (final concentration was

4.98 mM, 20 particle tracking), which was much lower than that of the PtNP–stoma–brush at 30 °C. Such small values indicate the occurrence of a Brownian motion, which was also confirmed by the shape of the trajectories of the nanomotors. Owing to the reversible LCST behaviour of the PNIPAM brushes, the‘on−off’ motion-control cycle is repeatable and reproducible, as demon-strated in Fig. 5c. To figure out whether we can partially block the access of H2O2fuel to slow down the motion without completely

stopping it with the temperature, the motion of PtNP–stoma–brush at 30, 32, 34, 35, 37 and 40 °C was measured. Below the LCST of PNIPAM brushes (between 34 and 35 °C), the velocity and MSDs of motors at 34 °C increased because of the elevated efficiency of the encapsulated catalyst compared with that at 30 °C. However, PtNP–stoma–brush stopped completely when the system was heated up to 35 °C. In our case, the polymer brushes were syn-thesized via SI-ATRP, which led to a dense and high molecular weight PNIPAM. In addition, PNIPAM brushes responded very quickly to temperature changes, which also led to the inability to slow down the speed of motors partially. To gain more insight into the movement mechanism we also plotted the speed of the PtNP–stoma–brush versus time (Supplementary Fig. 20). The velocity of the motor remained similar at the beginning because the amount of surrounding H2O2 fuel was high enough,

but the speed started to decrease drastically after 16 minutes. The shape of the speed–time curve also indicates the presence of

400 500 600 700 Size (nm) PtNP–stoma–brush T (°C) Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 a b 350 450 550 650 750 22 27 32 37 42 Size (nm) T (°C) 25 40 25 40 25 40

Figure 4 | Evaluation of the functioning of PNIPAM brushes on stomatocytes. a, Temperature effect on the sizes of PtNP–stoma and PtNP–stoma–brush. The differences in sizes between the PtNP–stoma and PtNP–stoma–brush were compared during a heating programme from 25 to 40 °C. Error bars indicate the s.d. of three replicating measurements. b, Three heating cycles of the PtNP–stoma–brush from 25 to 40 °C show the reversibility of the system. The sizes of the PtNP–stoma–brush were measured by DLS during the heating cycle. Another heating cycle of the same sample was operated after cooling to room temperature. Error bars indicate the s.d. of three replicating measurements.


two possible mechanisms of motion, bubble propulsion at a high H2O2 fuel concentration and self-diffusiophoresis at a low



In summary, PtNP-loaded supramolecular stomatocyte nanomo-tors with thermosensitive valves based on PNIPAM brushes were prepared. DLS, TEM and infrared, EDX and diffusion NMR spectroscopy results confirmed that PNIPAM brushes were on the surface of the stomatocytes and that they could respond reversibly to changes in temperature. Furthermore, the autonomous movement of our PtNP–stoma–brush system could be switched reversibly on and off by crossing the LCST of PNIPAM in the presence of the hydrogen peroxide fuel. Our nanomotor system is molecularly built and this is, as far as we know, the first example of a nanomotor with a molecular valve that can control its speed. The system is, in effect, able to sense locally the environment (in this case temperature) and regulate the accessibility of the fuel and, accordingly, adjust its speed and behaviour. Our system has wide implications not only from a fundamental point of view, which is control of movement at the nanoscale, but also from the perspective of applications, for instance, as potential locomotive drug carriers for which the size and control of movement are two important aspects of a con-trollable cargo transportation. In addition, we believe that this type of brake system can be applied not only to motion regulation, but also to the controlled release of drugs from the cavity of stomato-cytes. We envision that such artificial responsive nanosystems could have potential applications in delivery applications.


Growing PNIPAM brushes.A Schlenkflask with a stirring bar was charged with CuBr (14.32 mg) and purged with Ar for 30 min to remove oxygen. NIPAM (1.152 g) was dissolved in a 10% methanol/water solution (v/v/, 4 ml in total) and 62.4 µl PMDETA was added. After 30 min of degassing, the NIPAM solution was transferred to the CuBrflask, followed by another 30 min degassing. A solution (1 ml) of the above mixture was added to 1 ml of stoma–Br solution (or PtNP–stoma–Br solution, 5 mg ml–1polymer), already degassed for 30 min, and the resulting solution was stirred for 30 min at room temperature under Ar. The solution was transferred immediately into a dialysis bag and dialysed against water with the dialysis water changed after one hour, and further frequent changes for two days to remove monomer.

Valve concept.Hydrogen peroxide (30μl, 0.5% v/v) was added to 1 ml of PtNP– stoma–brush (or PtNP–stoma) with the appropriate concentration (108particles

ml−1) for the NTA measurement. An NTA (NS 500) from Nanosight was used to record the movement of the motors for 90 s (30 frames per second) at different temperatures. The PtNP–stoma–brush was tested at 30 and 40 °C (the temperature tested was selected to be below and above, respectively, the lower critical solution temperature of PNIPAM). A theoretical calculation of the rotational diffusion of the particles via the equation Dr≈kBT/(8πηr3) gave a calculated value of 7.3 per second,

which is much smaller than the frame rate.

Received 15 March 2016; accepted 14 October 2016; published online 12 December 2016


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a c


Brownian motion Motor

D = 0 D = 0.3 D = 0.8 D = 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Velocity ( µ m s –1 ) Velocity ( µ m s –1 ) Velocity ( µ m s –1 ) d H2O PBS T 30 °C 40 °C 30 °C 40 °C back to 30 °C 30 °C 30 °C Almost Brownian 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 30 40 30 40 30 40 30 T (ºC) On On On On

Off Off Off

0 10 20 30 40 50 30 32 34 36 38 40 T (ºC) Open Closed

Brush motor + fuel, 30°C + fuel back to 30°C

+ fuel, 40°C No fuel, 40°C

Directionality 0.761 ± 0.076 0.195 ± 0.142 0.865 ± 0.056 0.166 ± 0.110

Figure 5 | Motion evaluation of PtNP–stoma–brush and PtNP–stoma. a, Velocity of PtNP–stoma–brush/PtNP–stoma in the presence of H2O2at different

temperatures and also in different media. Hydrogen peroxide (30 µl,final concentration was 4.98 mM) was added into the motor solution (ml), and the motion of the nanomotor was measured in different temperatures and media by a Nanosight NS 500. The respective velocities were calculated. Directional motion wasfitted using the equation (4D)Δt + (v2)(

Δt2), and Brownian motion was

fitted using the equation (4D)Δt. Error bars indicate the s.d. of the velocity of 20 motors.b, Directionality of PtNP–stoma–brush at different temperatures. The directionality was calculated by comparing the Euclidian distance with the accumulated distance, which represented a measurement of the directness of the trajectories. Software Chemotaxis and Migration Tool 2.0 from the Ibidi Company was used for the directionality calculations.c, Three on–off cycles of PtNP–stoma–brush illustrate the control on/off of the movement. Error bars indicate the s.d. of the velocity of 20 motors.d, The motion of a PtNP–stoma–brush in the presence of H2O2at different temperatures illustrates

the onset of the collapse of the brushes and function of the valve. Error bars indicate the s.d. of the velocity of 20 motors.


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This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-20012)/ERC-StG 307679‘StomaMotors’. We acknowledge support from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (Gravitation program 024.001.035). F.P. acknowledges funding from the China Scholarship Council. G.-J. Janssen and the General Instruments Department are acknowledged for providing support for the cryo-TEM and EDX measurements.

Author contributions

Y. T. and D.A.W. conceived and designed the experiments. Y.T., F.P., X.S., Y.M. and P.B.W. performed the experiments. Y.T. analysed the data and prepared the manuscript. All authors discussed the results and contributed to thefinal form of the manuscript.

Additional information

Supplementary information is available in theonline version of the paper. Reprints and permissions information is available online atwww.nature.com/reprints. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to D.A.W.


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