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Organisation of the National Museum


Academic year: 2021

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Die N asionale M u s e u m * is een van 2 2 V erklaa rd e K ulturele

Instellings w a t onder die D ep artem en t N asionale O pvoeding ressorteer en w o rd deur 'n Raad beheer. Die M u s e u m is ’n natuu rh istoriese, ku ltu urhistoriese , en ku n sm u s eu m , w a t op sistem atiese en selektiew e w yse voorbeelde so w el as inligting versam el m et betrekking tot hierdie vakrigtings oor die hele spektrum van die voorgeskiedenis tot die Plede. Die ta a k van die M u seu m is om sodanige voorbeelde, versam elings en in ligting te dokum enteer, beveilig, b e w aar, konserveer, restoureer, on tslu it, bestudeer e n bekend te stel.

The N a tio n a l M u s e u m * is one of 2 2 D eclared C u ltu ral In stitu tio n s w h ic h resorts under the D ep artm e n t of N atio n a l Education an d is governed by a C ou ncil. The M u s e u m is a n a tu ra l history, c u ltu ra l history and a rt m useum w h ic h system atically and selectively collects exam p les, an d in fo rm a tio n relevant to these fields over the w h o le spectrum of preh isto ry up to th e present. It is its task to docu m en t, preserve, conserve, restore, m ake availab le, study a n d to prom ote such item s, specim ens, exam ples, collections and in form atio n.

W a a rb y ingelyf is die s atellie te /ln co rp o ra tin g the satellites:

Eerste R a a d s a a lm u s e u m /F irs t Raadsaal M u s e u m ; F lo risbad-N avorsingstasie/R esearch Station; F re sh fo rd -H u is m u se u m /H o u s e M u s e u m ; O lie w en h u is ; W a e n h u is m u s e u m /W a g o n M u s e u m

D irekteur/D irector

A ssistent-D irekteur/A ssistant Director

Admin istrasie/A d ministration

Kantoordienste/Office Services

Opsigtersdienste/Caretaker Services

V oorrade/Stores

Opvoedkundige D epartem ent/

Educational Department





Uitstallings en Tegniese D epartem ente/

Display and Technical Departments



K u n s /A rt

Taksiderm ie/Taxiderm y

W erkw inkel/W o rkshop

Navorsingsdepartem ente/

Research Departments

N atuurw etenskappe/N atural Sciences



Entom ologie/Entom ology


O rnitologie/O rnithology



S oogdierkunde/M am m alogy

Geesteswetenskappe/Hum an Sciences




A ntropologie/Anthropology

Kultuurgeskiedenis/Cultural History


Florisbad Research Station



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