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Organizing professional communities of practice

Ropes, D.C.

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Ropes, D. C. (2010). Organizing professional communities of practice. University of

Amsterdam, Department of Child Development and Education.

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Concluding this chapter shall be a brief summary of what information has been gleamed from the data collected on the social convention regarding the deposition of dirks and rapiers

Therefore, uPAR expression on neutrophils from lung cell suspensions of mice exposed to hyperoxia were compared with that of healthy mice (exposed to room air) by flow

We here did not find effects of MCP-1 deficiency on sRAGE levels in the bronchoalveolar space, suggesting that the pro-inflammatory role of MCP-1 during LPS-induced lung

These data show that hyperoxia induced lung injury is associated with enhanced sRAGE in the lungs and that uPAR deficiency is associated with a diminished neutrophil influx into

Hoofdstuk 12 rapporteert over de mate van expressie van S100A12 en zijn high-affinity receptor (oplosbaar) RAGE bij patiёnten met ernstige sepsis ingedeeld naar de drie

Mijn ouders, Liset & Milan (zus: Van Zoelen en Van Zoelen advocaten is er niet meer van gekomen) en Maarten & Linda (wat leuk dat mijn grote broer onlangs vader is

Department of Pediatrics and Interdisciplinary Center of Clinical Research University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany.

Het risico dat de gekochte, maar nog niet geleverde zaak door overmacht teniet- ging, rustte naar Romeins recht op de koper.. De Oost-Romeinse keizer Justi- nianus (keizer tussen