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Information measures and their applications to identification : a bibliography


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Information measures and their applications to identification :

a bibliography

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Ponomarenko, M. F. (1981). Information measures and their applications to identification : a bibliography. (EUT report. E, Fac. of Electrical Engineering; Vol. 81-E-123). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

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Electrical Engineering

Information Measures and their Applications to Identification (a oibliography)

compiled by M.F. Ponomarenko

EUT Report 81-E-123 ISBN 90-6144-123-4 November 1981


Department of Electrical Engineering Eindhoven The Netherlands


(a bibliography)

compiled by

M.F. Ponomarenko

EUT Report 81-E-123 ISBN 90-6144-123-4

Eindhoven November 1981



The present bibliography list covers publications (up to 1981) on two related topics: information theoretic measures and information approach to identification. For user's convenience, the first

section is divided into three parts, listing separately publications on probabilistic syntactic information measures, non-probabilistic syntactic measures and on semantic and pragmatic information measures. This work was done during the author's stay in the

Measurement and Control Group of the Eindhoven University of Technology. Thanks are due to Professor P. Eykhoff for his interest and support, the library assistance by Mrs. Henriette de Brouwer, Mr. Peter van de Ven and Mr. P.S.A. Groot for their help, and to Mrs. Barbara Cornelissen and to Miss Marjolein Verbeek for their patient and skilful typing.

Ir. I.V. Bra!a has contributed greatly to the bibliographic quality of the references.

Address of the author:

Dr. M.F. Ponomarenko,

Kiev (Order of Lenin) Polytechnic Institute, Brest-Litovsky prospekt 39,





I • I . Probabilistic Syntactic Information Measures

1.2. Non-probabilistic Syntactic Information

Measures 8

I .3. Semantic and Pragmatic Information

Measures 10



Ponomarenko, M.F.


Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 1981.

Eindhoven University of Technology Research Reports, lUT Report 81 E 123



1.1. Probabilistic Syntactic Information Measures

Aczel, J. (1964)

Zur gemeinsamen Charakterisierung der Entropien a-ter Ordnung und der Shannonschen Entropie bei nicht unbedingt vollstandigen Verteilungen. Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichtkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, Vol.3, p.I77-183.

AcziH, J. (1968)

PrObability and information theory.

In: On different characterizations of entropies. Proc. 1st Int. Symp., Hamilton, 4-5 April 1968. Ed. by M. Behara et al.

Berlin: Springer, 1969.

Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol.89, p.I-II. Aczel, J. (1977)

Some recent results on characterization of measures of information related to coding.

In: Abstracts 1977 IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory; Ithaca, N.Y. 10-14 October 1977. New York: IEEE, p.77.

Aczel, J. (1978)

some-recent results on characterization of measures of information related to coding.

IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol.IT-24, p.592-595.

~, J. and Z. Daroczy (1963)

Charakterisierung der Entropien positiver Ordnung und der Shannonschen Entropie. Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungary, Vol.14, p.95-121.

Aczel, J. and Z. Daroczy (1975)

on-measures of information and their characterizations. New York: Academic Press.

Mathematics in Science and Engineering, Vol.1IS.

~, J. and J. Pfanzagl (1966)

Remarks on the measurement of subjective probability and information. Metrika, Vol.II, p.91-105.

Aggarwal, N.L. (1973)

Sur l'information de Fisher.

In: Theories de l'information. Actes des Rencontres de Marseille-Luminy, 5 au 7 juin 1973. Ed. by J. Kampe de Feriet and C.F. Picard.

Berlin: Springer, 1974.

Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol.398, p.III-117. Aggarwal, N.L. and C.F. Picard (1978)

Functional equations and information measures with preference.

Kybernetika, Vol.14, p.174-181. Arimoto, S. (1975)

Information measures and capacity of order a for discrete memoryless channels. In: Topics in information theory. Proc. 2nd Colloquium on Information Theory; Keszthely, Hungary, 25-28 August 1975.

Ed. by I. Csiszar and P. Elias. Amsterdam: North-HoI land


Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai, Vol.16, p.41-52. Barret, T.W. (1976 a)

Information measurement. I. On maximum entropy conditions applied to elementary signals.


Barret, T.W. (1976b)

Information measurement. II. On minimum conditions of energy order applied to elementary signals.

Acustica, Vol.36, p.282-286. Bhattacharyya, A. (1946-47)

On some analogues of the amount of information and their use in statistical estimation.

Sankh ya, Vol.8, p.I-14, 201-218. Behara, M. and P. Nath (1973)

Additive and non-additive entropies of finite measurable part1t10ns.

In: Probability and information theory II. Ed. by M. Behara et al. Berlin: Springer.

Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol.296, p.102-138. Boekee, D.E. (1975)

An extension of the Fisher information measure.

In: Topics in information theory. Proc. 2nd Colloquium on Information Theory; Keszthely, Hungary, 25-29 August 1975.

Ed. by I. Csiszar and P. Elias. Amsterdam: North-Holland,~.

Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai, Vol.16, p.113-123. Boekee, D.E. (1976)

On the notion of entropy metrics.

In: Abstracts 1976 Int. Symp. on Information Theory; Ronneby, Sweden, 21-24 June 1976.

New York: IEEE, p.36. Boekee, D.E. (1977)

A generalization of the Fisher information measure.

Ph.D. Thesis. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Delft University Press.

Boekee, D.E. and J.C.A. van der Lubbe (1980) The R-norm information measure.

Ini. & Control, Vol. 45, p. 136-155. Bozic, S.M. (1980)

A simple approach to decision and information theory.

Electron, Eng., Vol.52, No.643, October 1980, p.91,93,95,99,101. Brillouin, L. (1962)

Science and information theory. 2nd ed. New York: Academic Press.

Csiszar, 1. (1974)

Information measures: a critical survey.

In: Trans. 7th Prague Conf. on Information Theory, Statistical Decisions Functions, Random Processes Bnd the European Meeting of Statisticians; Prague, 18-23 August 1974. Vol.B.

Dordrecht: Reidel, 1978, p.73-86. Dar6czy, Z. (1970)

Generalized information functions. Ini. & Control, Vol.16, p.36-51. Dar6cz¥, Z. (1963)

Uber d,e gemeinsame Charakterisierung der zu den nicht vollstandigen Verteilungen gehorigen Entropien von Shannon und von Renyi.

Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete,


DeGroot, M.H. (1962)

Uncertainty, information and sequential experiments. Ann. Math. Stat., Vol.33, p.404-419.

El-Sayed, A.-B. (1977)

The independence inequality and its application to information theory. Inf. & Control, Vol.35, p.229-245.

Fintushal, S.M. (1975)

Representation of Fisher information in terms of distribution moments. Probl. Inf. Transm., Vol.II, p.253-255.

(Transl. of "Probl. Peredachi Inf. ") Forte, B. and C.T. ~ (1975)

Derivation of a class of entropies including those of degree


Inf. & Control, Vol.28, p.335-351.

Forte, B. and C. Sempi (1978)

Pruning and measures of uncertainty. RAIRO Inf. Theor., Vol.12, p.157-168. Fraser, D.A.S. (1965)

On information in statistics.

Ann. Math. Stat., Vol.36, p.890-896. Georgescu-Roegen, N. (1975)

The measure of information: a critique.

In: Modern trends in cybernetics and systems. Proc. 3rd Int. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems; Bucharest, 25-28 August 1975. Vol.3. Ed. by J. Rose and C. Bilciu.

Berlin: SprInger, p.187 217. Giustini, P. (1973)

The information and energy concepts (French).

7th Int. Congress on Cybernetics, Namur, 10-15 September 1973. Abstract only: Comput. & Control Abstr. 74-1616.

Gupta, H.C. and B.D. Sharma (1976) On non-additive measures of inaccuracy. Czech. Math. J., Vol.26 (101), p.584-595. Gyorfi, L. and T. Nemetz (1975)

f dissimularity: a general class of separation measures of several

probability measures.

In: Topics in information theory. Proc. 2nd Colloquium on Information Theory; Keszthely, Hungary, 25-29 August 1975.

Ed. by I. Csiszar and P. Elias. Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1977.

Colloquia Mathematica Societatis JAnos Bolyai, Vol.16, p.309-321. Hartley, R.V. (1928)

Transmission of information.

Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol.7, p.535-563. Havrda, J. and F. Charvat (1967)

Quantification method of classification process. Concept of structural a-entropy.

Kybernetika, Vol.3, p.30-35. Jaynes, E.T. (1977)

Information theory in physics.

In: Abstracts 1977 IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory; Ithaca, N.Y., 10-14 October 1977.


Kagan, A.M. (1963)

On the theory of Fisher's amount of information. Sov. Math.-Doklady, Vol.4, p.991-993.

(Transl. of "Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, Vol.151, 1963, No.I-6.) Kampe de Feriet, J. (1970)

Measure of information by a set of observers: a functional equation. In: Functional equations and inequalities. Corso tenuto a la Mendola, Trento, dal 20 al 28 agosto 1970. III CicIo.

Coordinatore: B. Forte.

Roma: Edizioni Cremonese, 1971.

Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo - C.I.M.E. - International Mathema-tical Summer Center. p.163-193.

Kannappan, Pl. (1972)

On Shannon's entropy, directed divergence and inaccuracy.

Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, Vol.22, p.95-IOO.

Kannappan, Pl. (1972)

On directed divergence and inaccuracy.

Zeitschrift fur Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und verwandte Gebiete, Vol.25, p.49-55.

Kannappan, Pl. and C.T. ~ (1973)

Measurable solutions of functional equations related to information theory. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol.38, p.303-310.

Kannappan, Pl. and P.N. Rathie (1973)

On a characterization of directed divergence. Inf. & Control, Vol.22, p.163-171.

Kerridge, D.F. (1961) Inaccuracy and inference.

J. Royal Stat. Soc. Ser. B, Vol.23, p.184-194. Kullback, S. (1953)

A note on information theory.

J. Appl. Phys., Vol.24, p.106-I07. Kullback, S. (1954)

Certain inequalities in information theory and the Cramer-Rao inequality. Ann. Math. Stat., Vol.25, p.745-751.

Kullback, S. (1959)

Information theory and statistics. New York: Wiley,

Wiley Publications in Statistics. Kullback, S. and R.A. Leibler (1951) On information and sufficiency. Ann. Math. Stat., Vol.22, p.79-86. Liboff, R.L. (1974)

Gibbs vs. Shannon entropies.

J. Stat. Phys., Vol.II, p.343-357. Mallows, C.L. (1959)

The information in an experiment.

J. Royal Stat. Soc. Ser. B, Vol.2l, p.67-72. Mathai, A.M. (1967)

Dispersion and information. Metron, Vol.26, p.314-325.


Mathai, A.M. and P.N. Rathie (1975)

Basic concepts in information theory and statistics: Axiomatic foundations and applications.

New Delhi: Wiley Eastern. Nath, P. (1968)

Entropy, inaccuracy and information. Metrika, Vol.13, p.136-148.

Otten, K.W. (1972)

Basis for a science of information.

In: Information Science, Search for Identity. Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute; Champion, 12-20 August 1972.

Ed. by A. Debons.

New York: Marcel Dekker, 1974.

Books in Library and Information Science. p.91-106. Papaioannou, P.C. (1970)

On statistical information theory and related measures of information. Ph.D. Thesis. Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames. Available from: University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Mich., USA.

Order No. 70-25815.

Patni, G.C. and K.C. Jain (1976)


information measures.

Int. & Control, Vol.31, p.185-192.

Picard, C.-F. and T. van der Pyl (1977)

Information d'ordre a et de type


pour des produits d'experiences. C.R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. Ser. A (Paris), Vol.284, p.417-420. Rathie, P.N. (1971)

On some new measures of uncertainty, inaccuracy and information and their characterizations.

Kybernetika, Vol.7, p.394-403. Rathie, P.N. (1973)

Some characterization theorems for generalized measures of uncertainty and informations.

Metrika, Vol.20, p.122-130.

Rathie, P.N. and Pl. Kannappan (1972) A directed-divergence function of type


Int. & Control, Vol.20, p.38-45. Renyi, A. (1960)

On measures of entropy and information.

In: Proc. 4th Berkeley Symp. on Mathematical Statistics and Probability. Vol.l: Contributions to the Theory of Statistics.

Berkeley, 20 June-30 July 1960. Ed. by J. Neyman.

Berkeley-Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1961. p.547-561. Renyi, A. (1966)

On the amount of missing information and the Neyman-Pearson lemma. In: Research papers in statistics. Festschrift for J. Neyman. Ed. by F.N. David.

London: Wiley:-p728 1-288. Mnyi, A. (1970)

Probability theory.

Amsterdam: North-Holland.


Sears, S.B., R.G. Parr and U. Dinur (1980)

Quantum-mechanical kinetic energy as a measure of the information in a


Israel J. Chern., Vol.19, p.165-173. Shannon, C.E. (1948)

A mathematical theory of communication.

Bell Syst. Tech. J., Vol.27, p.379-423; 623-656. Shannon, C.E. and W. Weaver (1949)

The mathematical theory of communication. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. Sharma, B.D. (1972)

On the amount of information of type-S and other measures. Metrika, Vol.19, p.I-IO.

Sharma, B.D. and R. Autar (1973 a)

Relative-information-rullCtions and their type (a,S) generalizations. Metrika, Vol.2l, p.41-50.

Sharma, B.D. and R. Autar (1973 b)

On characterization ~generalized inaccuracy measure in information


J. Appl. Probab., Vol.IO, p.464-468. Sharma, B.D. and D.P. Mittal (1975)

New non-additive measures of entropy for discrete probability distributions.

J. Math. Sci., Vol.IO, p.28-40. Sharma, B.D. and D.P. Mittal (1977)

New non-additive measures of relative information. J. Combin. Inform. System Sci., Vol.2, p.122-132. Sharma, B.D. and I.J. Taneja (1974)

On axiomatic characterization of information-theoretic measures. J. Stat. Phys., Vol.IO, p.337-346.

Sheng, C.L. and S.G.S. Shiva (1966) On measure of information.

In: Proc. National Electronics Conference, Chicago, 3-5 Oct. 1966. Vol.22. Chicago: National Electronics Conference, p.798-803.

Shimizu, R. (1974)

On F~sher's amount of information for location family.

ln~ A Modern Course on Statistical Distributions in Scientific Work. Vol.3: Characterizations and Applications.

Proc. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Calgary, 29 July- 10 August 1974. Ed. by G.P. Patil et al.

Dordrecht: Reidel, 1975.

NATO Advanced Study Institutes Series C: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol.17, p.30S 312.

Shiva, S.G.S:-, N.D. Ahmed and N.D. Georganas (1973) Order preserving measures of information.

J. Appl.. Probab., Vol. 10, p.666-670.

Tane~a, I.J. (1974)

A jo~nt characterization of directed divergence, inaccuracy, and their generalizations.


Taneja, LJ. (1976)

On measure of information and inaccuracy. J. Stat. Phys., Vol.14, p.263-270.

Vaganov, A.M. and G.G. Kosenko (1972)

A general approach to radar information measures of Kotel'nikov, Shannon and Kul 'baka.

Radio Eng. & Electron. Phys., Vol.17, p.1200-1202. (Transl. of "Radiotekh.

& Elektron.")

Van der Lubbe, J.C.A. and D.E. Boekee (1977) R-norm information.

Proc. 10th European Meeting of Statisticians; Leuven, Belgium, 22-26 August 1977, p.173.

Van der Lubbe, J.C.A. and D.E. Boekee (1979)

On measures of certainty and information in sequential and nonsequential hypothesis testing.

In: Abstracts 1979 IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory; Grignano, Italy, 25-29 June 1979.


1.2. Non-probabilistic Syntactic Information Measures Aczel, J. (1979)


measures: a new, unified theory of information.

In: Abstracts 1979 IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory; Grignano, Italy, 25-29 June 1979.

New York: IEEE, p.26. Backer, E. (1975)

A non-statistical type of uncertainty in fuzzy events.

In: Topics in Information Theory. Proc. 2nd Colloquium on Information Theory; Keszthely, Hungary, 25-29 August 1975.

Ed. by I. Csiszar and P. Elias. Amsterdam: North-Holland,-r917.

Colloquia Mathematica Societatis Janos Bolyai, Vol.16, p.53-73. Bonchev, D., D. Kamensky and V. Kamenska (1976)

Symmetry and information content of chemical structures. Bull. Math. BioI., Vol.38, p.119-133.

Boxma, Y. and E. Backer (1979)

PrObabilistic and non-probabilistic certainty measures in relation to information and distance measures.

In: Abstracts 1979 IEEE Int. Symp. on Information Theory; Grignano, Italy, 25-29 Juni 1979.

New York: IEEE, p.25. Forte, B. (1971)

Applications of functional equations and inequalities to information theory.

In: Functional equations and inequalities. Corso tenuto a La Mendola, Trento, dal 20 al 28 agosto 1970. III CicIo.

Coordinatore: B. Forte. Roma: Edizioni Cremonese.

Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo - C.I.M.E. - International Mathema-tical Summer Center. p.113-140.

Forte, B. (1969)

Measures of information: the general axiomatic theory.

Revue Fran~aise d'Informatique et de Recherche Operationelle, Vol.3, No.R-2, p.63-89.

Ingarden, R.S. (1965)

Simplified Axioms for information without probability. Prace Matematyczne, Vol.9, p.273-282.

Ingarden, R.S. and K. Urbanik (1962) Information without probability. Colloq. Math., Vol.9, p.131-150. Kolmogorov, A.N. (1965)

Three approaches to the quantitative definition of information. Probl. Inf. Transm., Vol.I, No.1, p.I-7.

(Trans!. of "Probl. Peredachi Inf. ") Lagrand, C. and N.-T. Hung (1972)

Sur les mesures interi"Ei'lIT'es de l'information et les a-precapacites.


Losfeld, J. (1973)

Information generalisee et relation d'ordre.

In: Theories de l'information. Actes des Rencontres de Marseille-Luminy, 5 au 7 juin 1973. Ed. by J. Kampe de Feriet and C.F. Picard.

Berlin: Springer, 1974.

Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol.398, p.49-61. McGuire, C. B. (1972)

Comparisons of information structures.

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Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Studies in Mathematical and Managerial Economics, Vol.12, p.101-130. Mowshowitz, A. (1968 a)

Entropy and the complexity of graphs. I: An index of the relative complexity of a graph.

Bull. Math. Biophys., Vol.30, p.175-204. Mowshowitz, A. (1968b)

Entropy and the complexity of graphs. II: The information content of diagraphs and infinite graphs.

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Mowshowi tz, A. (1968c)

Entropy and the complexity of graphs. III:

information content.

Bull. Math. Biophys., Vol. 30, p.387-414.

Mowshowitz, A. (1968d)

Entropy and the complexity of graphs. IV: structure.

Bull. Math. Biophys., Vol. 30, p.533-546. Rashevsky, N. (1955)

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Bull. Math. Biophys., Vol.18, p.129-135. Trucco, E. (1956 b)

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On the concept of information.

Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astron. & Phys., Vol.20, p.887-890. Van der Lubbe, J.C.A. (1981)

A generalized probabilistic theory of the measurement of certainty and information.

Ph.D. Thesis. Delft University of Technology, Netherlands.

Department of Electrical Engineering, Delft University of Technology. Technical Report IT-81-02.


1.3. Semantic and Pragmatic Information Measures

Bar-Hillel, Y. (1964)

Language and information: Selected essays on their theory and application. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley.

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Bar-Hillel, Y. and R. Carnap (1953) Semantic information.

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A quantitative-qualitative measure of information in cybernetic systems. IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, Vol.IT-14, p.593-594.

Bongard, M.M. (1963)

On the concept of "useful information". (Russian) Problemy Kibernetiki, No.9, p.72-102.

Bouchon, B. (1976)

Useful information and questionnaires. Inf. & Control, Vo1.32, p.368-378. Brauch, H. (1969)

Moglichkeiten zur Quantifizierung von Informationen fur Entscheidungs-prozesse.

Ph.D. Thesis. University of Mannheim. Carnap, R. (1950)

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Oxford: Pergamon, 1978, p.51-64. Fishburn, p.C. (1966)

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Jumarie, G. (1974)

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Int. J. Syst. Sci., Vol.5, p.953-972. Jumarie, G. (1975 a)

Further advances on the general thermodynamics of open systems via information theory: effective entropy, negative information.


Jumarie, G. (1975 b)

A relativistic information theory model for general systems. Lorentz transformation of organizability and structural entropy. Int. J. Syst. Sci., Vo1.6, p.865-886.

Jumarie, G. (1976 a)

New results in relativistic information theory: Application to deter-ministic, stochastic and biological systems.

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105) Videc, H.F.


risch-ol)tiscl1C en een goLfzonebenadering.

TH-Rep,'rt 80-E-IOS. 19HO. [SBN 90-6144-105-6 lab) Hajdasinski, A.K.

LINEAR MULTIVARIABLE SYSTEMS: Preliminary problems in mathematical

description, modelling and identification.

TH-Report 80-E-I06. 1980. ISBN 90-6144-106-4 107) Heuvel, W.M.C. van den


TH-Report SO-E-I07. 19S0. ISBN 90-6144-107-2

108) ~I w.e. van and T.M. Lammers


TH-Report SO-E-I0S. 1980. ISBN 90-6144-108-0

109) Krause, J.e.

SHORT-CURRENT LIMITERS: Literature survey 1973-1979. TH-Report SO-E-I09. 19S0. ISBN 90-6144-109-9

110) Matacz, J.S.



TH-Report SO-E-l11. 1981' ISBN 90-6144-111-0 112) Worm, S.C.J.


TH-Report 1l0-E-112. 1980. ISBN 90-6144-112-9

113) Theeuwen, J.F.M. en J.A.G. Jess


TH-Report SO-E-113. 19S0. ISBN 90-6144-113-7 114) Lammers, T.M. en J.L. Manders


TH-Report 80-E-114. 19S0. ISBN 90-6144-114-5

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EUT Reports are a continuation of TH-Heports.

116) Versnel, W.

THE CIRCULAR HALL PLATE: Approximation of the geometrical correction factor for small contacts.

TH-Report 81-E-116. 1981. ISBN 90-6144-116-1

117) Fabian, K.


TH-Report 81-E-117. 1981. ISBN 90-6144-117-X

118) Wang Yen Ping



EUT Report 81-E-119. 1981. ISBN 90-6144-119-6.

120) Piecha, J.


EUT Report 81-E-120. 1981. ISBN 90-6144-120-X

121) Plasman, J.L.C. and C.M.M. Timmers


EUT Report 81-E-121. 1981. ISBN 90-6144-121-8

122) Ponomarenko, M.F.


EUT Report 81-E-122. 1981. ISBN 90-6144-122-6 123) Ponomarenko, M.F.




The aim of this study therefore was to develop a family physician impact evaluation tool to evaluate the perceived impact of family physicians on health system performance and

As our first application of the Moyal bracket method for flow equations, we will look at a harmonic oscillator with an additional quartic interaction in one dimension.. This

De auteur heeft materiaal bekeken van enkele privé-collecties en van de museumcollecties van het Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum Naturalis, te Leiden ( rmnh), het Zoölogisch

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WF6-CVD tungsten film as an emitter for a thermionic energy converter I.. Production, texture and morphology of WF6-CVD