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Organisation of the National Museum


Academic year: 2021

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Die N asionale M u s e u m * is een van 22 Verklaarde K u ltu re le

In ste llin g s w a t onder die D epartem ent N asionale O pvoeding ressorteer en w o rd de u r 'n Raad beheer. Die M use u m is 'n n a tu u rh is to rie s e -, k u ltu u rh is to rie s e -, en ku n sm u se u m , w a t op sistem atiese en selektiew e w yse voorbeelde sow el as in lig tin g versam el m et betrekking to t hierdie v a k rig tin g s oor die hele spektrum van die voorgeskiedenis to t die hede. Die ta a k van die M use u m is om sodanige voorbeelde, ve rsa m e lin g s en in lig tin g te dokum enteer, beveilig, bew aar, konserveer, restoureer, o n ts lu it, bestudeer en bekend te stel.

The N a tio n a l M u s e u m * is one of 22 Declared C u ltu ra l In s titu tio n s w h ic h resorts under the D epartm ent of N a tional Education and is governed by a C ouncil. The M use u m is a n a tu ra l h is to ry , c u ltu ra l h isto ry and a rt m useum w h ic h syste m a tica lly and selectively co lle cts exam ples, and in fo rm a tio n relevant to these fie ld s over the w h o le spectrum of p re h is to ry up to the present. It is its task to docum ent, preserve, conserve, restore, make available, stu d y and to p rom ote such item s, specim ens, exam ples, co lle ctio n s and in fo rm a tio n .

*W aarby ingelyf is die satelliete/lncorporating the satellites:

Eerste Raadsaalmuseum/First Raadsaal Museum; Florisbad-Navorsingstasie/Research Station; Freshford-Huismuseum/House Museum; Oliewenhuis; W aenhuismuseum/Wagon Museum

D ire k te u r/D ire c to r

A ssistent-D irekteur/A ssistant Director

A d m in is tra s ie /A d m in is tra tio n

K a n to ord ien ste/O ffice Services

O psigtersdienste/C aretaker Services

Opvoedkunde D eparte m en t/

Education Departm ent

B ib lio te e k/L ib ra ry

O pvoedkunde/Education

U itstallings en Tegniese D epartem ente/

Display'and Technical Departm ents

D ru kke ry/P rin tin g

Fotografie/P hotography

K u n s /A rt

Taksiderm ie/Taxiderm y

W e rkw in ke l/W o rksh o p

N avorsingsdepartem ente/

Research Departments

N atu u rw eten skap p e/N atu ral Sciences

Aka ro log ie /A ca rology

E ntom ologie/E ntom ology

Herpetolog ie/H erpetology

O rnitolog ie /O rn ith o lo g y

Pa leontologie/P alaeontology

P lantkund e/B otany

S o ogdierkunde/M am m alogy

vGeesteswetenskappe/Hum an Sciences


A n tro p o lo g ie /A n th ro p o lo g y

A rgeologie/A rchaeology

Beeldende K u nste /F ine A rts

K u ltuurgeskieden is/C ultural History

Florisbad-N avorsingstasie/



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