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Nonlinear dynamic behavior of the human knee joint Part I: Postmortem frequency domain analyses


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Nonlinear dynamic behavior of the human knee joint Part I:

Postmortem frequency domain analyses

Citation for published version (APA):

Dortmans, L. J. M. G., Jans, H., Sauren, A. A. H. J., & Huson, A. (1991). Nonlinear dynamic behavior of the

human knee joint Part I: Postmortem frequency domain analyses. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering :

Transactions of the ASME, 113(4), 387-391. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.2895416



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L. Dortmans

Eindhoven University of Technology,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; Presently, Centre for Technical Ceramics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

H. Jans

A. Sauren

A. Huson

Eindhoven University of Technology,

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of the

Human Knee Joint—Part I:

Postmortem Frequency Domain


Characteristic results of postmortem experiments on five knee-joint specimens are

reported. The experiments were performed to investigate the applicability of a local

linearization technique that would make it possible to describe the dynamic behavior

of the joint in terms of transfer functions. The results indicate that the stiffness of

the bracing wires, attached to muscle tendons to create a static equilibrium position,

can be accounted for when determining the stiffness of the joint. Besides the static

equilibrium configuration, the magnitude of the dynamic load and the type of

dynamic load applied to the joint can be shown to have their influence. As the

influence of the dynamic load is significant, it has to be concluded that in essence

the knee joint has to be regarded as a nonlinear system, making application of a

Local Linearization Technique questionable. However, when the magnitude of the

dynamic load is included as an additional measurement parameter, an indication

can be obtained about the behavior of the joint and the degree of nonlinearity.

1 Introduction

Although in many human activities the loading of the human

knee joint is of a dynamic nature, little fundamental research

has been done on the dynamic behavior of this joint (Hefzy

and Grood, 1988). The presence of highly incongruent load

bearing joint surfaces together with menisci, ligaments,

cap-sule, and muscles make the knee one of the most complex

joints in the musculoskeletal system. Apart from their

impor-tance for maintenance of joint stability, the different joint

elements may also influence the transmission of dynamic loads.

The work reported in this paper is part of a long-term research

project aiming at the development of an experimentally

vali-dated model of the dynamic behavior of the human knee joint,

with parameters that can be interpreted in terms of the

prop-erties and functions of the joint elements and interactions

between the elements.

After reviewing literature on this subject one cannot but

endorse the statement made by Hefzy and Grood (1988) that

" . . . the lack of experimental data needed in the determination

of model system parameters and in the validation of the model,

is the main reason why mathematical knee joint modelling has

not progressed further."

Because of the limited amount of experimental data and

validated models for the dynamic behavior of the human knee

joint an attempt has been made to gain more insight into the

behavior of the joint by means of experiments. It was decided

Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENOINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division March 1, 1990; revised manuscript received January 15, 1991.

to start an explorative experimental investigation into the

me-chanical characeristics of the human knee joint under dynamic

loading. It should be recognized that in general the dynamic

behavior of the joint must be described by means of 1)

rela-tionships between loads exerted on the joint (loads due to

muscular activity, and loads due to inertial and gravitational

effects), 2) the 3-dimensional position and orientation of the

tibia relative to the femur and 3) deformations of and stress

distributions in the joint elements, which are related by their

individual constitutive behavior. All these relationships will in

general be time-dependent and nonlinearly coupled, where it

can be assumed that the knee joint behaves as a nonlinear

system with nonlinear and time-dependent stiffness and

damp-ing characteristics. The nonlinearities can be of a geometrical

as well as of a physical nature due to the large movements of

the femur with respect to the tibia and the nonlinear material

characteristics of the joint elements.

In an explorative experimental investigation the dynamic

behavior described above is much too complicated to deal with,

due to a lack of experimental techniques to quantify all

pa-rameters and quantities governing the relationships mentioned.

Therefore some restrictions had to be made. For a start it was

assumed that a Local Linearization Technique (LLT) might

yield an appropriate experimental procedure. First results

ob-tained from this procedure have been reported in an earlier

paper (Jans et al., 1988). The LLT basically consists of two

steps. The first step involves the creation of a stable, static

equilibrium configuration of the joint by means of a static

load. To include one important effect of muscular activity this

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering NOVEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 387

Copyright © 1991 by ASME



Nonlinear Dynamic Behavior of the

Human Knee Joint-Part I:

Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands; Presently, Centre for Technical Ceramics, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Postmortem Frequency Domain


H. Jans

A. Samen

A. Huson

Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Characteristic results of postmortem experiments on five knee-joint specimens are reported. The experiments were performed to investigate the applicability of a local linearization technique that would make it possible to describe the dynamic behavior of the joint in terms of transfer functions. The results indicate that the stiffness of the bracing wires, attached to muscle tendons to create a static equilibrium position, can be accounted for when determining the stiffness of the joint. Besides the static equilibrium configuration, the magnitude of the dynamic load and the type of dynamic load applied to the joint can be shown to have their influence. As the

influence of the dynamic load is significant, it has to be concluded that in essence

the knee joint has to be regarded as a nonlinear system, making application of a Local Linearization Technique questionable. However, when the magnitude of the

dynamic load is included as an additional measurement parameter, an indication

can be obtained about the behavior of the joint and the degree of nonlinearity.

1 Introduction

Although in many human activities the loading of the human knee joint is of a dynamic nature, little fundamental research has been done on the dynamic behavior of this joint (Hefzy and Grood, 1988). The presence of highly incongruent load bearing joint surfaces together with menisci, ligaments, cap-sule, and muscles make the knee one of the most complex joints in the musculoskeletal system. Apart from their impor-tance for maintenance of joint stability, the different joint elements may also influence the transmission of dynamic loads. The work reported in this paper is part of a long-term research project aiming at the development of an experimentally vali-dated model of the dynamic behavior of the human knee joint, with parameters that can be interpreted in terms of the prop-erties and functions of the joint elements and interactions between the elements.

After reviewing literature on this subject one cannot but endorse the statement made by Hefzy and Grood (1988) that " ... the lack of experimental data needed in the determination of model system parameters and in the validation of the model, is the main reason why mathematical knee joint modelling has not progressed further."

Because of the limited amount of experimental data and validated models for the dynamic behavior of the human knee joint an attempt has been made to gain more insight into the behavior of the joint by means of experiments. It was decided

Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BJOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division March 1, 1990; revised manuscript received January 15, 1991.

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

to start an explorative experimental investigation into the me-chanical characeristics of the human knee joint under dynamic loading. It should be recognized that in general the dynamic behavior of the joint must be described by means of 1) rela-tionships between loads exerted on the joint (loads due to muscular activity, and loads due to inertial and gravitational effects), 2) the 3-dimensional position and orientation of the tibia relative to the femur and 3) deformations of and stress distributions in the joint elements, which are related by their individual constitutive behavior. All these relationships will in general be time-dependent and nonlinearly coupled, where it can be assumed that the knee joint behaves as a nonlinear system with nonlinear and time-dependent stiffness and damp-ing characteristics. The nonlinearities can be of a geometrical as well as of a physical nature due to the large movements of the femur with respect to the tibia and the nonlinear material characteristics of the joint elements.

In an explorative experimental investigation the dynamic behavior described above is much too complicated to deal with, due to a lack of experimental techniques to quantify all pa-rameters and quantities governing the relationships mentioned. Therefore some restrictions had to be made. For a start it was assumed that a Local Linearization Technique (LL T) might yield an appropriate experimental procedure. First results ob-tained from this procedure have been reported in an earlier paper (Jans et aI., 1988). The LLT basically consists of two steps. The first step involves the creation of a stable, static equilibrium configuration of the joint by means of a static load. To include one important effect of muscular activity this


static load can also be used to.generate a compressive preload, which may have considerable effect on the transmission of dynamic forces through the joint. The second step in the LLT is the application of dynamic loads such that onlyrelatively small changes in the joint configuration will occur. It is as-sumed that these changes are small enough to obtain a dynamic behavior that corresponds to the behavior of a linear system with constant mass, damping and stiffness characteristics. These characteristics may depend on the static equilibrium configuration and the static load exerted, but it is essential that they are constant for'a certain range of the magnitude of the applied dynamic loads. This range must be determined experimentally.

This approach is attractive because an experimental tool, the so-called Transfer Function Analysis (TFA) , is available for the analysis of linear systems, yielding a full description of their dynamic behavior (Bendat and Piersol, 1980).

It must be realized that this approach may fail for two reasons. First it is possible that the behavior of the joint is essentially nonlinear such that nonlinearities arising from non-linear damping or nonnon-linear static load-displacement charac-teristics cannot be linearized. Beforehand this is not expected to occur as the friction in the knee joint is found to be very small (Radin and Paul, 1972) and because a LLT has been applied by Crowninshield et al. (1976), Moffat et al. (1969) and Pope et al. (1976), to describe joint behavior without giving indications for possible failure.

Second, generally available measurement techniques provide a threshold for the minimal magnitude of dynamic loads to be applied as below this threshold the signal-to-noise ratio considerably decreases. This finite measurement accuracy may makeitimpossible to apply the small dynamic loads required to allow for the local linearization. Because of the lack of knowledge of the dynamic behavior of the joint, at this juncture

itwas not possible to judge whether these factors would play a disturbing role. Consequently it was decided to start with the experimental procedure described above bearing in mind the possible reasons for failure mentioned.


Experimental Procedure

An extensive description of the experimental setup, used in the experiments and shown in Fig. 1, has been given already (J ans et aI., 1988). Figure 1 shows the specimen mounted in this setup.

An electro-mechanical shaker(1)was used to apply a small dynamic load to the tibia. The accelerations of the tibia were measured by means of accelerometers mounted on a cylinder in which the tibia is cast. The dynamic load was chosen to be a zero-mean random signal generated by means of a comput-erized data-acquisition system (Jans et aI., 1988). Its variance

Utcould not be set lower than approximately 1 N2because of a poor signal-to-noise ratio in the measured accelerations. Un-der the small dynamic load the displacements of the tibia were small too: they were hardly observable by eye and therefore were not likely to result in geometrical nonlinearities (which are to be avoided when using the LLT).

Following a standard procedure the experiments started with the preparation of the joint specimen the day before the actual measurements were done. This preparation took about 4 hours. The description given below is valid for all specimen used in' the experiments described. All knee joint specimens were ex-cised from macroscopically intact human cadavera, freshly frozen at - 80


Each specimen had an overall length of 0.4 m in extension, with an equal length of the tibia and the femur of 0.2 m. The day prior to the experiments the specimen was thawed in approximately 4 hours in water of 20°C. The prep-aration started with removal of the skin and subcutis. Sub-sequently the heads of the muscles were removed, such that the relevant muscle tendons were mobilised but left intact (the

388 IVol. 113, NOVEMBER 1991

Fig. 1 The upper picture shows the electro·mechanical shaker (1), sus· pended In the hook (2) of a travelling crane, connected to the tibia by means of a flexible connection. This connection Is shown in detail in the lower picture: a


force transducer, b


flexible string, c


flexible hose, d


magnet, e = head of the electro·mechanical shaker, R =

stainless steel cylinder Into which the distal part of the tibia is fixed, g



tendon of the rectus femoris, biceps femoris, gracilis, sartorius, and semitendinosus muscles). During preparation care was taken to keep the joint capsule and extra-capsular ligaments intact. To be able to exert the static load on the muscle tendons by means of bracing wires a minimum length of approximately

0.1m of the tendons was required. After preparation the spec-imen was stored overnight at SoC in Ringer's solution and used in the experiments the day after.


Experimental Results

Measurements were carried out on five knee joint specimens (denoted KNEEl through KNEES), varying the static equilib-rium position (controlled by means of the static preload), the magnitude of the static preload, the magnitude of the dynamic load and the direction in which the dynamic load was applied. Because of autolysis the total measurement time was limited to two days. Therefore not each of the influencing parameters mentioned above could be analyzed for each knee joint spec-imen. In the sequel a number of results are presented which are considered of prime importance regarding I) the question whether the LLT is a valid procedure and 2) to find essential characteristics of the knee joint. Results for experiments on KNEEl, KNEE3, KNEE4, and KNEES are described in the subsequent sections, focusing on these two key topics. There-fore a discussion on variability between different knee joint specimens is omitted as this was not the prime objective of the experiments carried out. KNEE2 was used for experiments in which selected joint elements were damaged. An extensive dis-cussion on the influence of these operations on the dynamic behavior of the joint is omitted here because this is described in more detail in a separate paper (Dortmans et aI., 1991).

The static forces acting on the muscle tendons are denoted by Fro Fb , and Fa representing the force on the rectus femoris

muscle, biceps femoris muscle, and the pes anserinus, respec-tively. The flexion angle of the joint is denoted by<jJ (Jans et aI., 1988). The results are given in terms of transfer-functions

H llfbetween the applied loadfe and the displacement of the tibiau (u = X, Y, orZ)in a specific direction relative to the static equilibrium configuration:Hllf{f) = u (f)Ife(f),where


is the frequency in Hz (J ans et aI., 1988). As shown in a previous paper (Jans et aI., 1988) the frequency interval of

Transactions of the ASME

Downloaded 20 Nov 2008 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm static load can also be used to.generate a compressive preload,

which may have considerable effect on the transmission of dynamic forces through the joint. The second step in the LL T is the application of dynamic loads such that only relatively small changes in the joint configuration will occur. It is

as-sumed that these changes are small enough to obtain a dynamic behavior that corresponds to the behavior of a linear system with constant mass, damping and stiffness characteristics. These characteristics may depend on the static equilibrium

configuration and the static load exerted, but it is essential that they are constant for'a certain range of the magnitude of the applied dynamic loads, This range must be determined experimentally.

This approach is attractive because an experimental tool, the so-called Transfer Function Analysis (TFA), is available

for the analysis of linear systems, yielding a full description of their dynamic behavior (Bendat and Piersol, 1980).

It must be realized that this approach may fail for two reasons. First it is possible that the behavior of the joint is essentially nonlinear such that nonlinearities arising from non-linear damping or nonnon-linear static load-displacement charac-teristics cannot be linearized. Beforehand this is not expected

to occur as the friction in the knee joint is found to be very

small (Radin and Paul, 1972) and because a LL T has been applied by Crowninshield et al. (1976), Moffat et al. (1969) and Pope et al. (1976), to describe joint behavior without giving

indications for possible failure.

Second, generally available measurement techniques provide

a threshold for the minimal magnitude of dynamic loads to be applied as below this threshold the signal-to-noise ratio considerably decreases. This finite measurement accuracy may make it impossible to apply the small dynamic loads required to allow for the local linearization. Because of the lack of knowledge of the dynamic behavior of the joint, at this juncture

it was not possible to judge whether these factors would play

a disturbing role. Consequently it was decided to start with the experimental procedure described above bearing in mind the possible reasons for failure mentioned.

2 Experimental Procedure

An extensive description of the experimental setup, used in

the experiments and shown in Fig. 1, has been given already (lans et aI., 1988). Figure 1 shows the specimen mounted in this setup.

An electro-mechanical shaker (1) was used to apply a small dynamic load to the tibia. The accelerations of the tibia were measured by means of accelerometers mounted on a cylinder in which the tibia is cast. The dynamic load was chosen to be a zero-mean random signal generated by means of a

comput-erized data-acquisition system (Jans et aI., 1988). Its variance

uJ could not be set lower than approximately 1 N2 because of

a poor signal-to-noise ratio in the measured accelerations. Un-der the small dynamic load the displacements of the tibia were

small too: they were hardly observable by eye and therefore were not likely to result in geometrical nonlinearities (which

are to be avoided when using the LL T).

Following a standard procedure the experiments started with the preparation of the joint specimen the day before the actual

measurements were done. This preparation took about 4 hours. The description given below is valid for all specimen used in'

the experiments described. All knee joint specimens were

ex-cised from macroscopically intact human cadavera, freshly frozen at - 80


Each specimen had an overall length of 0.4 m in extension, with an equal length of the tibia and the femur

of 0.2 m. The day prior to the experiments the specimen was thawed in approximately 4 hours in water of 20°C. The prep-aration started with removal of the skin and subcutis.

Sub-sequently the heads of the muscles were removed, such that the relevant muscle tendons were mobilised but left intact (the

388 I Vol. 113, NOVEMBER 1991

Fig, 1 The upper picture shows the electro·mechanical shaker (1), sus·

pended In the hook (2) of a travelling crane, connected to the tibia by means of a flexible connection. This connection is shown in detail in the lower picture: a


force transducer, b


flexible string, c


flexible hose, d


magnet, e = head of the electro·mechanical shaker, R = stainless steel cylinder into which the distal part of the tibia is fixed,




tendon of the rectus femoris, biceps femoris, gracilis, sartorius, and semitendinosus muscles). During preparation care was taken to keep the joint capsule and extra-capsular ligaments intact. To be able to exert the static load on the muscle tendons by means of bracing wires a minimum length of approximately

0.1 m of the tendons was required. After preparation the spec-imen was stored overnight at SoC in Ringer's solution and used in the experiments the day after.

3 Experimental Results

Measurements were carried out on five knee joint specimens

(denoted KNEEl through KNEES), varying the static

equilib-rium position (controlled by means of the static preload), the magnitude of the static preload, the magnitude of the dynamic load and the direction in which the dynamic load was applied. Because of autolysis the total measurement time was limited to two days. Therefore not each of the influencing parameters mentioned above could be analyzed for each knee joint

spec-imen. In the sequel a number of results are presented which

are considered of prime importance regarding 1) the question whether the LL T is a valid procedure and 2) to find essential characteristics of the knee joint. Results for experiments on KNEEl, KNEE3, KNEE4, and KNEES are described in the

subsequent sections, focusing on these two key topics. There-fore a discussion on variability between different knee joint

specimens is omitted as this was not the prime objective of the experiments carried out. KNEE2 was used for experiments in which selected joint elements were damaged. An extensive dis -cussion on the influence of these operations on the dynamic behavior of the joint is omitted here because this is described in more detail in a separate paper (Dortmans et aI., 1991).

The static forces acting on the muscle tendons are denoted by Fro Fb , and Fa representing the force on the rectus femoris muscle, biceps femoris muscle, and the pes anserinus,

respec-tively. The flexion angle of the joint is denoted by ¢ (lans et aI., 1988). The results are given in terms of transfer-functions HIIJ between the applied load fe and the displacement of the tibia u (u = X, Y, or Z) in a specific direction relative to the

static equilibrium configuration: HIIJ(f) = u (f) Ife (f), where


is the frequency in Hz (Jans et aI., 1988). As shown in a

previous paper (Jans et aI., 1988) the frequency interval of


Fig. 2 Influence function Hxl(f)

0 0.75 mm I 1.00 mm

— f [Hz]

of the diameter of the bracing wires upon the transfer 60 deg; Fb = 131; F, 60 deg; Fb = 131; F, KNEE3: a, = 200; F, = KNEE3: a, = 200; Fa = = 20; 0 133 = 20; 0 133 - M [Hz]

Fig. 4 Influence of the flexion angle of the joint upon the transfer function Hxl(f) KNEE3: a, = 20; 0 = 20 deg; Fb = 131; Fr = 200; F„ = 133 KNEE3: a, = 20; <j> = 30 deg; F„ = 131; Fr = 200; Fa = 133 KNEE3: a, = 20; 0 = 60 deg; Fb = 131; Fr = 200; Fa = 133 5E-4- 1E-5-, — ~ f [Hz] Fig. 3 Influence of the diameter of the bracing wires upon the transfer function Hyi(f)

0 0.75 mm KNEE3: a, = 6; <A = 30 deg; Fb = 120; F, = 210;

Fa = 133

0 1.00 mm KNEE3: a, = 6; 4, = 30 deg; Fb = 120; Fr = 210; F, = 133

interest is from 5 to 50 Hz. In this frequency range two distinct

resonance frequencies of approximately 20 and 28 Hz could

be detected which correspond to two vibration modes of the

tibia denoted mode I and mode II, respectively.

3.1 Influence of the Bracing Wires. Figures 2 and 3 give

results for experiments on KNEE3 in which the diameter of

the bracing wires was changed from 1.0 to 0.75 mm. From

Fig. 2 follows that vibration mode II is hardly affected by the

stiffness of the bracing wires, whereas Fig. 3 indicates the

opposite for mode I. For mode I the modal stiffness K (the

combined stiffness of the joint and the bracing wires) was

determined for both cases by means of a curve-fit procedure

(Mergeay, 1980). The modal stiffness for a diameter of 0.75

and 1.0 mm, K


and K


, was calculated as 14500 N/m and

10470 N/m, respectively. Because the transversal stiffness of

the bracing wires is negligible, only their longitudinal stiffness

is relevant. If this stiffness would dominate the intrinsic

stiff-ness of the joint,


and K


would be proportional to the

square of the diameter of the wires. From the values given

above, it is concluded that this does not apply. Hence it is

concluded that the stiffness of the bracing wires cannot be

neglected, but on the other hand is such that the contribution

of the joint to the modal stiffness can be determined. In a

numerical model this influence can be incorporated and

there-fore no modifications were introduced.

3.2 Influence of the Static Equilibrium Position. Various

experiments have been conducted to study the influence of the

static equilibrium configuration. Figures 4 and 5 show some

typical results for KNEE3. It is observed that changes in the

static equilibrium position result in measurable changes in the

transfer functions. For both mode I and mode II, increase of

IHI [m/N]


- * f [Hz]

Fig. 5 Influence of the flexion angle of the joint upon the transfer function Hz,(f)

KNEE3: u, = 20; <t> = 20 deg; Fb = 131; F, = 200; F„ = 133 KNEE3: a, = 20; <j> = 30 deg; Fb = 131; F, = 200; Fa = 133

— . — .—. KNEE3: u, = 20; <|> = 60 deg; Fb = 131; F, = 200; Fs = 133

the flexion angle leads to a decrease in the resonance frequency,

indicating a reduction in the resistance of the joint against

applied forces.

3.3 Influence of the Static Preload. Another parameter

influencing the dynamic behavior of the knee joint is the

mag-nitude of the static preload exerted by the bracing wires. Figure

6 shows the transfer function H


(f) for KNEE1 for three

levels of the static preload. Obviously an increase of the forces

acting on the muscle tendons results in an increase of the

resistance of the joint such that the resonance frequency for

mode I increases.

3.4 Influence of the Dynamic Load. A key factor to judge

the applicability of the transfer functions given in the preceding

sections is to which extent the magnitude of the dynamic load

influences the results. In a previous paper (Jans et al., 1988)

results of preliminary experiments were reported, suggesting

that the magnitude of the dynamic load had only a minor

influence. More extensive research has been devoted to this

particular point in the experiments on KNEE3 through KNEE5.

Figures 7 and 8 give the transfer functions for two experiments

on KNEE4. Although the coherence function, corresponding

to these transfer functions, always attained values between 0.95

and 1.0, these results show that the influence of the magnitude

of the dynamic load cannot always be neglected. Such findings

make use of a LLT questionable. To verify that the results are

not caused by the non-deterministic nature of the loading

pat-tern (random excitation), additional experiments were carried

out on KNEE5 with 4> = 30 deg using sinusoidal excitation

with varying amplitude (Fig. 9). The results from these

ex-periments confirm the results discussed before (both in a

qual-itative and a quantqual-itative sense). It may therefore be concluded

that the nonlinearities observed are not bound to a particular

excitation signal.

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering NOVEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 389

4E-4 IHI



Fig. 2 Influence of the diameter of the bracing wires upon the transfer function Hx/(f)


0.75 mm _ _ _ KNEE3: (I/ = 20; <I>


01.00 mm 5E-4 IHI [miN]


= 200; F. = 133 _ _ _ KNEE3: (I/ = 20; <I>

= 200; F. = 133 o

t----5 60 deg; Fb = 131; F, 60 deg; Fb = 131; F, 5'0 - f [Hz]

Fig. 3 Influence of the diameter of the bracing wires upon the transfer function Hy/(f)

00.75 mm _ _ _ ~~:E~~~/




30deg; Fb


120; F,


210; 01.00 mm _ _ _ KNEE3: (I/ = 6; <I> = 30 deg; Fb = 120; F, =

210; F.



interest is from 5 to 50 Hz. In this frequency range two distinct resonance frequencies of approximately 20 and 28 Hz could be detected which correspond to two vibration modes of the tibia denoted mode I and mode II, respectively.

3.1 Influence of the Bracing Wires. Figures 2 and 3 give results for experiments on KNEE3 in which the diameter of the bracing wires was changed from 1.0 to 0.75 mm. From Fig. 2 follows that vibration mode II is hardly affected by the stiffness of the bracing wires, whereas Fig. 3 indicates the opposite for mode 1. For mode I the modal stiffness K (the combined stiffness of the joint and the bracing wires) was determined for both cases by means of a curve-fit procedure (Mergeay, 1980). The modal stiffness for a diameter of 0.75 and 1.0 mm, KO.75 and Kl.o, was calculated as 14500 N/m and

10470 N/m, respectively. Because the transversal stiffness of the bracing wires is negligible, only their longitudinal stiffness is relevant. If this stiffness would dominate the intrinsic stiff-ness of the joint, KO.75 and Kl.o would be proportional to the

square of the diameter of the wires. From the values given above, it is concluded that this does not apply. Hence it is concluded that the stiffness of the bracing wires cannot be neglected, but on the other hand is such that the contribution of the joint to the modal stiffness can be determined. In a numerical model this influence can be incorporated and there-fore no modifications were introduced.

3.2 Influence of the Static Equilibrium Position. Various experiments have been conducted to study the influence of the static equilibrium configuration. Figures 4 and 5 show some typical results for KNEE3. It is observed that changes in the static equilibrium position result in measurable changes in the transfer functions. For both mode I and mode II, increase of

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering



IHI [miN]



l::::=: .

\",>-~"--0 5 ' 5'0 -f[Hz]

Fig. 4 Influence of the flexion angle of the joint upon the transfer function HxtU)

_ _ _ KNEE3: (I/


20; <I>


20 deg; Fb


131; F,


200; Fa


133 KNEE3: (I/ = 20; <I> - 30 deg; Fb


131; F,


200; Fa


133 :-:-. ~.-:-: KNEE3: (II


20; <I> - 60 deg; Fb = 131; Fr


200; F.



lE-5 IHI [mIN]


o+-~---,--,---~~~~~r=~==~ 5 50 - f [Hz]

Fig. 5 Influence of the flexion angle of the joint upon the transfer function Hzl(f)

_ _ _ KNEE3: (I/


20; <I>


20 deg; Fb


131; F,


200; F.


133 KNEE3: (I/ = 20; <I> - 30 deg; Fb = 131; Fr


200; F.


133 :-:-. ~.-:-: KNEE3: (I/ = 20; <I> - 60 deg; Fb = 131; Fr = 200; F. = 133

the flexion angle leads to a decrease in the resonance frequency, indicating a reduction in the resistance of the joint against applied forces.

3.3 Influence of the Static Preload. Another parameter influencing the dynamic behavior of the knee joint is the mag-nitude of the static preload exerted by the bracing wires. Figure 6 shows the transfer function HyJ(j) for KNEEl for three levels of the static preload. Obviously an increase of the forces acting on the muscle tendons results in an increase of the resistance of the joint such that the resonance frequency for mode I increases.

3.4 Influence of the Dynamic Load. A key factor to judge the applicability of the transfer functions given in the preceding sections is to which extent the magnitude of the dynamic load influences the results. In a previous paper (Jans et aI., 1988) results of preliminary experiments were reported, suggesting that the magnitude of the dynamic load had only a minor influence. More extensive research has been devoted to this particular point in the experiments on KNEE3 through KNEES. Figures 7 and 8 give the transfer functions for two experiments on KNEE4. Although the coherence function, corresponding to these transfer functions, always attained values between 0.95 and 1.0, these results show that the influence of the magnitude of the dynamic load cannot always be neglected. Such findings make use of a LL T questionable. To verify that the results are not caused by the non-deterministic nature of the loading pat-tern (random excitation), additional experiments were carried out on KNEES with 1> = 30 deg using sinusoidal excitation with varying amplitude (Fig. 9). The results from these ex-periments confirm the results discussed before (both in a qual-itative and a quantqual-itative sense). It may therefore be concluded that the nonlinearities observed are not bound to a particular excitation signal.


7E-4 IHI -!m/N]

f [Hz 50

Fig. 6 Influence of the static preload upon the transfer function HyAI)

KNEE1: a, = 20; 0 = 20 deg; F„ = 40; Fr = 90; F. = 60 KNEE1: a, •• K N E E 1 : < T , 20 deg; F„ = 84; Fr = 210; F, 90 2; (6 2; <f = 20 deg; Fb = 224; F, = 396; F„ = 244 [m/N]

Fig. 7 Influence of the dynamic load applied to the tibia upon the transfer function H„,(f) KNEE4: a, = 7.5; <j> = 30 deg; F„ = 118; F, = 240; Fa = 97 KNEE4: a, = 15; 4> = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F, = 97 ~ KNEE4: a, = 25; 0 = 30 deg; F6 = 118; F, = 240; F„ = 97 4E-4 IHI [m/N] . 5$; A I



I ' I a F I ^ 5 ^


\i\ |i';


/ \ V

_ _ ^ ^ ^ V ^ _ u'fe * ^ **»»-_____ fi 50 - * - f [Hz

Fig. 8 Influence of the dynamic load applied to the tibia upon the

transfer function Hr,{f)

KNEE4: a, = 7.5; 0 = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F„ = 97

KNEE4: a, = 15; 0 = 30 deg; F„ = 118; Fr = 240; Fa = 97

— . — — KNEE4:a, = 25; 0 = 30 deg; Fb = 118; Fr = 240; Fa = 97

4 Discussion of the Results

In this paper a number of aspects of the dynamic behavior

of the knee joint have been discussed. Using the LLT proposed,

the dynamic behavior of the joint can be quantified, although

it turns out that linearization of the behavior of the joint is

not allowed for the range of the dynamic loads applied to the

tibia. The transfer functions for various load levels show a

marked shift, indicating a decrease of the stiffness of the joint

with increasing load level. The value of the results is that they

essentially give a good insight in the behavior of the joint.

Also an order of magnitude for stiffness and damping

param-eters can be obtained.

An important observation is that the results for various knee

4E-4-IHI [m/N]

1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0

- * ~ f [Hz]

Fig. 9 The transfer function Hy^f) obtained for experiments with

sin-usoidal loading on KNEE5 with 0 = 30 deg.

• I / , I = 1 . 8 N ; + l /0l = 2 . 4 N ; * l/„l=3.0 N

joint specimens may well be compared. Also the results for

random and sinusoidal loading agree fairly well. It must be

kept in mind however that the obtained results depend on the

magnitude of the applied dynamic load.

Due to the use of Transfer Function Analysis (which is an

averaging process) and random excitation, the transfer

func-tions must be seen as to give an "average" behavior of the

joint for the loads applied. The nonlinearities of the behavior

of the joint are translated into a kind of effective stiffness and

damping. As the coherence function for all measurements was

almost unity, the transfer functions seem to give an acceptable

description for the behavior of the joint, despite the

nonlin-earities involved. This may partly be due to the use of random

excitation which is considered as a rather "gentle" excitation

(compared to impulse- or step-like excitation). A description

of the behavior of the joint using the transfer functions

ob-tained may therefore be considered. As was done in the work

of van Heck (1984), who encountered similar difficulties

an-alysing the strongly nonlinear dynamic behavior of slideways,

in this case the stiffness and damping characteristics of the

joint can be calculated for various levels of the dynamic load

applied. Such an approach may yield valuable information on

the degree of non-linearity. It is noticed however that in this

case no direct insight is gained, as the nonlinearities may partly

be smoothed due to the use of spectral analysis and random

excitation. This disadvantage may to a certain extent be avoided

by application of a time-domain analysis technique. Using

measured time domain signals, the best fitting linear system

can be determined to obtain stiffness and damping values for

various levels of the dynamic load applied. Evidently such an

approach may result in discrepancies between the measured

and best fitting signals, which can only be resolved by use of

a non-linear dynamic model of the knee joint. Such a model

is not available, however, and must be focussed on in future

research. Therefore the use of a best fitting linear model is

considered in the end as an inevitable alternative, that

never-theless may provide valuable information for the development

of a nonlinear dynamic model of the knee joint.


These investigations were supported by the Netherlands

Foundation of Technical Research (S.T.W.), future Technical

Science Branch/Division of the Netherlands Organization for

the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.) (Grant:


390 / Vol. 113, NOVEMBER 1991 Transactions of the ASME

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7E-4 IHI [mIN]


... -.... 50 - f [Hz)

Fig. 6 Influence of the static preload upon the transfer function Hy,(f) _ _ _ KNEE1:


= 20; '" = 20 deg; Fb = 40; F, = 90; F. = 60 KNEE1: Ut = 2; '" = 20 deg; Fb - 84; F, - 210; F. - 90 :-:-. -:-:- --:-: KNEE1:


= 2; '" = 20 deg; Fb = 224; F, = 396; F. = 244 8E-4 IHI [miN)


50 - f [Hz]

Fig. 7 Influence of the dynamic load applied to the tibia upon the transfer function Hx,(f) _ _ _ KNEE4: Ut = 7.5; '" = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F. = 97 KNEE4: Ut = 15; '" = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F. = 97 :-:-.:-:- .-:-: KNEE4: Uf = 25; t/> = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F. = 97 4E·4 IHI [mIN]


50 - f [Hz]

Fig. 8 Influence of the dynamic load applied to the tibia upon the transfer function Hyt(f)

KNEE4: Ut = 7.5; '" = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F. = 97 - - - KNEE4: Uf = 15; '" = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F. = 97 :-:-.:-:-.-:-: KNEE4: Uf = 25; '" = 30 deg; Fb = 118; F, = 240; F. = 97

4 Discussion of the Results

In this paper a number of aspects of the dynamic behavior of the knee joint have been discussed. Using the LL T proposed, the dynamic behavior of the joint can be quantified, although, it turns out that linearization of the behavior of the joint is not allowed for the range of the dynamic loads applied to the tibia. The transfer functions for various load levels show a marked shift, indicating a decrease of the stiffness of the joint with increasing load level. The value of the results is that they essentially give a good insight in the behavior of the joint. Also an order of magnitude for stiffness and damping param-eters can be obtained.

An important observation is that the results for various knee

390 I Vol. 113, NOVEMBER 1991 4E-4




+ +



10 20 30 40

- - f


Fig.9 The transfer function Hy,(f) obtained for experiments with sin· usoidal loading on KNEE5 with",


30 deg.

. If. I = 1.8 N; + 1f.1 = 2.4 N; • If. I = 3.0 N

joint specimens may well be compared. Also the results for random and sinusoidal loading agree fairly well. It must be kept in mind however that the obtained results depend on the magnitude of the applied dynamic load.

Due to the use of Transfer Function Analysis (which is an averaging process) and random excitation, the transfer func-tions must be seen as to give an "average" behavior of the joint for the loads applied. The nonlinearities of the behavior of the joint are translated into a kind of effective stiffness and damping. As the coherence function for all measurements was almost unity, the transfer functions seem to give an acceptable description for the behavior of the joint, despite the nonlin-earities involved. This may partly be due to the use of random excitation which is considered as a rather "gentle" excitation (compared to impulse- or step-like excitation). A description of the behavior of the joint using the transfer functions ob-tained may therefore be considered. As was done in the work of van Heck (1984), who encountered similar difficulties an-alysing the strongly nonlinear dynamic behavior of slideways, in this case the stiffness and damping characteristics of the joint can be calculated for various levels of the dynamic load applied. Such an approach may yield valuable information on the degree of non-linearity. It is noticed however that in this case no direct insight is gained, as the nonlinearities may partly be smoothed due to the use of spectral analysis and random excitation. This disadvantage may to a certain extent be avoided by application of a time-domain analysis technique. Using measured time domain signals, the best fitting linear system can be determined to obtain stiffness and damping values for various levels of the dynamic load applied. Evidently such an approach may result in discrepancies between the measured and best fitting signals, which can only be resolved by use of a non-linear dynamic model of the knee joint. Such a model is not available, however, and must be focussed on in future research. Therefore the use of a best fitting linear model is considered in the end as an inevitable alternative, that never-theless may provide valuable information for the development of a nonlinear dynamic model of the knee joint.


These investigations were supported by the Netherlands Foundation of Technical Research (S. T. W .), future Technical Science Branch/Division of the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.) (Grant: STW-EWT25.0259).



Jans, H., Dortmans, L., Sauren, A., and Huson, A., 1988, "An Experimental Approach to Evaluate the Dynamic Behavior of the Human Knee," ASME


Hefzy, H., and Grood, C , 1988, "Review of Knee Models," Applied Me-chanics Reviews, Vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 1—43.

Bendat, J., Piersol, A., 1980, Engineering Applications of Correlation and Spectral Analysis, Wiley-Interscience.

Crowninshield, R., Pope, M., Johnson, M., and Miller, R., 1976, "The Impedance of the Human Knee," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 9, pp. 529-535.

Moffatt, C , Harris, E., and Haslam, E., 1969, "An Experimental and An-alytic Study of the Dynamic Properties of the Leg," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 373-387.

Announcement and Call for Papers

International Symposium on the Three-Dimensional Scoliotic Deformities combined with the

Vllth International Symposium on Spinal Deformity and Surface Topography June 27-30, 1992, Hotel Meridien, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

The "International Symposium on the Three-Dimensional (3-D) Scoliotic Deformities" will be a scientific and technical forum allowing the opportunity for all researchers and clinicians, working in this field, to exchange knowledge, to establish contact between investigators and to generate further communication and discussion specifically on the 3-D aspect of the scoliotic spine and thorax.


The symposium will be divided in six main themes; each theme will be introduced and discussed by an invited keynote speaker who has a specific expertise. These main themes are:

1) 3-D acquisition, reconstruction and modeling techniques 2) 3-D biomechanical analysis

3) 3-D deformity measurement methods and terminology 4) 3-D etiological and prognostic aspects

5) 3-D treatment of scoliosis

6) Surface topography vs. internal 3-D spinal and/or trunk anatomy


The official languages of the symposium are English and French. No simultaneous translation will be available.


The fee for the Symposium is $420 prior to April 1st, 1992 and $460 afterwards. The registration fee includes: meeting material, one copy of the proceedings, welcoming reception, two lunches, banquet, refreshments and another special social activity. The fee is due upon acceptance of paper. All cancellations received by April 1st, 1992 will be assessed a $100 non refundable charge. After this date, there will be NO REFUNDS.


• Abstract submission: December 1, 1991 • Notification to the authors: January 15, 1992

• Complete paper submission (4 to 8 pages): March 1, 1992


Dr. Jean Dansereau, Ph.D. Biomedical Engineering Institute Ecole Polytechnique

P.O. Box 6079, Station " A " Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3C 2A7

FAX: (514) 340-4611

Pope, M., Crowninshield, R., Miller, R.,and Johnsson, R., 1976, "The Static and Dynamic Behavior of the Human Knee in Vivo," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 9, pp. 449-452.

Mergeay, M., 1980, "Theoretical Background of Curve-Fitting Methods used by Modal Analysis," Seminar on Modal Analysis, University of Leuven, Bel-gium.

Heck, J. van, 1984, "On the Dynamic Characteristics of Slideways," Thesis Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Radin, E. L., and Paul, I. L., 1977, " A Consolidated Concept of Joint Lubrication," Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol. 54-A, pp. 607-616.

Dortmans, L., Jans, H., Sauren, A., and Huson, A., 1991, "Nonlinear Dy-namic Behavior of the Human Knee Joint. Part II: Time-Domain Analyses: Effects of Structural Damage in Postmortem Experiments," published in this issue, pp. 392-396.



Journal of Biomechanical Engineering NOVEMBER 1991, Vol. 113 / 391


Jans, H., Dortmans, L., Sauren, A., and Huson, A., 1988, "An Experimental Approach to Evaluate the Dynamic Behavior of the Human Knee," ASME JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING, Vol. 110, pp. 69-73.

Hefzy, H., and Grood, C., 1988, "Review of Knee Models," Applied Me-chanicsReviews, Vol. 41, no. I, pp. 1-43.

Bendat, J., Piersol, A., 1980, Engineering Applications of Correlation and Spectral Analysis, Wiley-Interscience.

Crowninshield, R., Pope, M., Johnson, M., and Miller, R., 1976, "The Impedance of the Human Knee," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 9, pp. 529-535.

Moffatt, c., Harris, E., and Haslam, E., 1969, "An Experimental and An-alytic Study of the Dynamic Properties of the Leg," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 2, pp. 373-387.

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering

Pope, M., Crowninshield, R., Miller, R., and Johnsson, R., 1976, "The Static and Dynamic Behavior of the Human Knee in Vivo," Journal of Biomechanics, Vol. 9, pp. 449-452.

Mergeay, M., 1980, "Theoretical Background of Curve-Fitting Methods used by Modal Analysis," Seminar on Modal Analysis, University of Leuven, Bel-gium.

Heck, J. van, 1984, "On the Dynamic Characteristics of Slideways," Thesis Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

Radin, E. L., and Paul, I. L., 1977, "A Consolidated Concept of Joint Lubrication," Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Vol. 54-A, pp. 607-616.

Dortmans, L., Jans, H., Sauren, A., and Huson, A., 1991, "Nonlinear Dy-namic Behavior of the Human Knee Joint. Part II: Time-Domain Analyses: Effects of Structural Damage in Postmortem Experiments," published in this issue, pp. 392-396.



Om de ecologische effecten van bufferstroken te onderzoeken, was bij aanvang van het onderzoek een opzet beoogd, waarin vergehjkend onderzoek zou worden uitgevoerd in

Uit het onderzoek bleek dus dat een goede afstemming tussen sectoraal beleid, maar ook een goede afstemming tussen het sectorale beleid en het integrale interactieve beleid

De nieuw beschreven soort komt mogelijk ook voor in het Lutetien van Frankrijk.. Er is in ieder geval

Onlangs kreeg ik een brief van ons lid Maarten van den Bosch waarin hij de eindbestemming van de oude adres- seermachines van de WTKG meedeelde. Hieronder staat een foto van een van

Algemene ledenvergadering en lezingen over de laatste ontwikkelingen in het

instanties (Zeeland Seaport en Gedeputeerde Staten van Zeeland) duidelijk te maken dat dit strand niet mag verdwijnen kunt u de bijgevoegde protestbrieven verzenden.

Ik heb wel gezegd dat ik niet stond te springen om voorzitter te worden, maar ik wilde me niet aan de taak
