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Growing up with hemophilia: Health related quality of life and psychosocial functioning - Front matter


Academic year: 2021

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Growing up with hemophilia

Health related quality of life and psychosocial functioning

Limperg, P.F.

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Citation for published version (APA):

Limperg, P. F. (2017). Growing up with hemophilia: Health related quality of life and

psychosocial functioning.

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owing up with hemophilia:

health r

elated quality o

f life and psychosocial functioning

Perrine Limper


Growing up with hemophilia:

health related quality of life and

psychosocial functioning


Growing up with hemophilia:

health related quality of life and

psychosocial functioning


This work was supported by an unrestricted research grant by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals.

The printing of this thesis was financially supported by: AbbVie

Academic Medical Center Bayer

Biomedia CSL Behring Sobi

Stichting Artsen voor Kinderen Stichting Haemophilia

Pfizer bv

Cover: Lydia Limperg-Verhagen Lay-out: MyStro

Printed by: Gildeprint - Enschede ISBN/EAN: 978-94-6233-620-9

© 2017 Perrine Limperg, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

All rights reserved. No part of this thesis may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing from the author.


Growing up with hemophilia:

health related quality of life and psychosocial functioning


ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor

aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam

op gezag van de Rector Magnificus

prof. dr. ir. K.I.J. Maex

ten overstaan van een door het College voor Promoties ingestelde


in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Agnietenkapel

op vrijdag 30 juni 2017, te 12:00 uur


Perrine Floor Limperg

geboren te ‘s-Gravenhage



Promotor: prof. dr. M.A. Grootenhuis Universiteit van Amsterdam Copromotores: dr. M. Peters Universiteit van Amsterdam dr. L. Haverman Universiteit van Amsterdam Overige leden: prof. dr. A.L. van Baar Universiteit Utrecht

dr. M.H. Cnossen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam prof. dr. C.J. Fijnvandraat Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. J.B. van Goudoever Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. S. Middeldorp Universiteit van Amsterdam prof. dr. M.A.G. Sprangers Universiteit van Amsterdam


Table of contents

Chapter 1 General introduction 9

Part I: Development and evaluation of instruments Chapter 2 Paediatric health-related quality of life: what is it and why

should we measure it?

Archives of Disease in Childhood (2016) [epub ahead of print] 33

Chapter 3 Health-related quality of life questionnaires in individuals with haemophilia: a systematic review of their

measurement properties

Haemophilia (2017), in press 55

Chapter 4 Reliability, validity and evaluation of the Haemophilia Coping and Perception Test

Haemophilia (2015), 21 (3), e243-246 85

Chapter 5 Health related quality of life in Dutch young adults: psychometric properties of the PedsQL generic core scales young adult version

Health and Quality of Life Outcomes (2014), 12(9) 97

Part II: HRQOL and psychosocial outcomes

Chapter 6 Generic and disease-specific health related quality of life in children and adolescents with bleeding disorders

In preparation 119

Chapter 7 Themes in daily life of adolescents and young adults with congenital bleeding disorders: a qualitative study

Haemophilia (2016), 22(4), e330-333 141

Chapter 8 Health related quality of life, developmental milestones and self-esteem in young adults with bleeding disorders

Submitted 151

Chapter 9 Psychosocial functioning of mothers of boys with haemophilia


Part III: Psychosocial care

Chapter 10 Psychosocial care for children with haemophilia and their parents in the Netherlands

Haemophilia (2017), in press 185

Chapter 11 Summary and general discussion

Appendices Nederlandse samenvatting 233

List of publications and submitted manuscripts 242

Financial support 247

Authors’ contribution per chapter 247

Authors and affiliations 252

PhD Portfolio 257

Dankwoord 261



Thee specific-heat measurements for the superconducting samples were performed in Physikalischess Institut, Universitat Karlsruhe, by means of a semi-adiabatic method in

As a result of including this additional core term, the dimensionless reversiblee magnetization for the isotropic case (neglecting the possible thermal fluctuationn effects)

Thee fluctuating behavior in HTSC's in the vicinity of the superconducting critical temperature,, TC (H), or of the upper critical field curve, H c2 (T), has been a subject of

In the superconducting state of the Sr-doped compounds, thee solid-vortex state is described on the basis of a H - T phase diagram, constructed fromm the isothermal

Deze magnetisatie gegevens laten een vissenstaart effect zien voor de xx = 0.1 en 0.125 preparaten, een effect dat kennelijk afwezig in het x = 0.2 preparaat. Dee afwezigheid van

Franse, IntrinsicIntrinsic parameters of T - phase SmLaanSny^CuO^s single crystal and thethe fluctuation effects deduced from magnetization data, Phys. Menovsky

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